《Isekai Zombie》This World Is My Enemy


Seth's instincts were just telling him one thing that ,the orc is something that he cannot defeat at his level.

He heightened his senses and put all his might to run away from the orc.

But before he could run away a mighty blow was delivered to his chest that shattered his ribs on the spot.

He was blown several metres away by the orc. Damn, fighting that monster is like asking Hulk to smash you up 'groaned Seth over his pathetic condition.

My HP has gone below half with only just one punch 'complained Seth.

Quickly after being blown away Seth regained his senses and started using his earth Magic to make a hole in the wall before the orc came.

Phew! Atleast I can hide here for a little time before the orc find me 'clebrated Seth after successfully hiding in the hole he dug.

Now that he was safe for the time being, he has to think of a plan to defeat that monster before he eats him as a snack.

Although I have quite useful skills but all of them are helpful for survival and not suited for offence 'thought Seth revaluating his skills.

After a while of thinking he thought of a plan.

I will lure him to the dug hole which that orc can sense easily , and to cross that hole he will obviously jump and that's when I'll use my earth Magic to launch a barrage of these black sand rocks from above, how much agile he is he cannot escape the barrage in this narrow cave 'planned Seth.

Just as he planned he lured the orc to the pit fall by making loud noise. As thought the orc found the hole and jumped over it this was the time when he launched the barrage of the rocks.


The plan went all according to Seth. Just as when he was about to celebrate , he was shocked to the sight before his eyes, the orc was alive and was regenerating at fast speed after getting heavily injured by him.

Seth could see the rage in the eyes of the orc as if a hound has marked his prey.

Just as when the orc was about hit Seth, he opened another dug hole under the orc in which the orc fell down, it was the only chance for Seth to run and save his life.

Seth ran with all the energy left in him as if he was on fire. He then hid in the secret hideout he made when he was still a normal zombie.

I thought I was gonna see afterlife today 'thought Seth in a relieved manner.

Damn, that pig have high regenerating powers too, this is gonna be difficult. Let's start preparing for the pighead then 'thought Seth while readying himself for the hunt.

Seth prepared for his upcoming battle with the orc, because sooner or later he will found out by that monster.

Just as he feared the monster found out him on the 10th day.

Well you came all the way for me pigso 'taunted Seth.

The Orc was furious to see Seth but he was cautious too against Seth's trap.

So just as the orc was approaching him, a small vibration started on the ceiling, the orc jumped backwards to avoid the trap. But it was only a small shower of pebbles that was not enough to hurt him. That was the time when the orc thought a mutant Zombie, which is just his pray played and prank on him. After this humiliation the orcs rage was out of bounds he lost all his sense of thinking and charged towards Seth with full speed.


Looks like the aggro worked perfectly 'thought Seth wit a smirk on his face.

As the orc was charging towards Seth, a barrage of thousands of sharpened rocks onto the orc which was unable to dodge the attack.

So, how it feels to be stabbed by thousands of lance's, well I know that it won't be enought alone to kill you, so have a good taste of my next attack 'taunted Seth.

Before the orc could recover a larged boulder hurled onto the orc and smashed him into the walls.

You know it's not all I have a special gift for you which I made from the slimes fluid 'announced Seth to the injured orc.

After spraying the liquid over the orc, Seth set the liquid ablaze.

There was a large blast even the boulder was destroyed into pieces.

The orc was on the brink of death now, Seth then approached him.

You were always the prey here and I was the predator, it was your hunt from the beginning 'revealed Seth to the dying monster.

Why are you doing this 'groaned the orc in a dying voice.

Why you ask, then let me tell you , all the monsters are my prey here so that I will grow so much strong that I can devour this whole world because THIS WORLD IS MY ENEMY and it has to face my wrath until I turn it into dust 'proclaimed Seth justifying himself.

This world is far too big for weakling like you 'commented the orc while laughing on Seth.

We will see about that, but for now be my exp .... DEVOUR 'exclaimed Seth.

Finally Seth was able to absorb the orc.

System Notice: congratulations on defeating The Leader Class orc.

You can now evolve into Advanced zombie.

..... evolving.....

You are an advanced zombie now.

You can now use passive skill : Authority on beings weaker than you.

Authority: A skill that make the weaker living beings bow before the host.

You have gained two unique Skill after defeating Leader Class orc :

1. Regeneration: heals the host after taking damage, amount and speed increases with the level of host.

2. Super strength: the attack stat of host will be 20 times the original stats.

Your mana and magic has now increased to intermediate level , you can now use craft magic (low level).

After leveling up Seth could feel that he has improved drastically and that he is no longer a weak monster.

Now I can confront both the goblin and orc colonies and if I kill them all I can become the peak forrm The Zombie King 'thought Seth while planning something.

Then Seth started crafting some bomb shells with slime fluid ( have properties of nitroglycerine- author) in it, he also crafted some sturdy weapons from the black sand rocks.

I'm now all set to wipe out all the trash monster 'confirmed Seth with a smug face.

And now it the time for Monster Hunt.

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