《Isekai Zombie》Awakening


As he's consciousness was fading a message flashed in his consciousness.

"Unique Skill 'Survivor' activated : reincarnating the host into random life force" Huh! What's going on ? 'thought Seth.

System alert: reincarnation complete, starting pulse of the host. Does that mean I will be able to live again 'imagined Seth.

To Seth's surprise he was revived again . A status windows opened in front of him.

Race: lowest class monster (weakest monster)

Type: skeleton zombie

Level: 1

Unique Skill : survivor, zero pain

Survivor: A skill that revives the host as a random species and provide 10 extra lives to the host

Zero Pain: unique to skeleton zombie , it will not feel any pain from any attack.

What the hell!!! 'yelled Seth.

And what's with all the stats , my strength,stamina,mana and intelligence are 1 only and my HP is only 10 . What am I a freaking training dummy'freaked Seth.

After some restless bickering Seth calmed down and thought to himself 'So I'm revived as the weakest monster which can die only by just one attack , Fu*k my life really sucks, But atleast I have a body which I can use for revenge.

I'm going to find all of you who sacrificed me for their selfish gains and I'm gonna kill that bit*h Goddess too.I'M GONNA SURVIVE AND KILL YOU ALL!!! 'pledged Seth.

Seth then checked the place where he was revived.

It was a dark cold cave. It was dungeon of the Night Storm Demon, the strongest monster of that cave.

He then checked his status list where he found evolutions , he opened the evolution window. Hmm, so I can evolve into higher monster 'wondered Seth.

In the status window following things were mentioned.

Mutant Zombie : kill 100 skeleton zombies.

Advanced zombie : kill 100 mutant zombies.

Leader zombie : kill 100 advanced zombies.


Zombie King : kill 100 leader zombies

So, I have to kill other skeleton freaks to become good enough to leave this cave 'thought Seth.

Well as a weapon I only have this rusted sword which may break anytime 'complained Seth.

Seth didn't knew that monsters who were of the lowest tier has the capability to get 10 times more exp than other living beings, and he was the exception among those monster because he had wisdom and capability to think and solve problems which other monsters lacked .

So, this was the beginning of the lowest tier monster who will become most terrifying being in this world all on his own.

So let's start surveillance of the cave maybe I can find some zombies to hunt , I have to just lay a trap for them 'planned Seth.

Although he was slow and weak in this form he was able to lay a trap which could kill a weakened monster .

He then waited for his prey to come. After waiting for 3 days someone finally fall in his trap. Seth was overwhelmed for his success, so he rushed towards the trap.

He was suprised to see the prey which fell there , it's a Shaman Goblin 'exclaimed Seth.

Although he was expecting some skeleton zombies to fall in his trap but he was happy to see a higher level monster to fall there.

Time to say goodbye stinky goblin 'taunted Seth and then pierced the head of goblin with the wooden spear he created in these 3 days.

System Notice: congratulations you have killed a upper- low tier monster .

You have gained enough exp to evolve into a Mutant zombie.

..... evolving.......

Congratulations you are a mutant zombie now .

To Seth's surprise he evolved just after killing the goblin.

Woah I evolved and my stats look at that my stamina and speed has gone up by 30 and my strength went up by 20 , and my intelligence is 7 now.


System Notice : As intelligence is above 5 you have unlocked two traits:

1. Mana reserve (lowest grade): host can now store the mana flowing through the world to use magic.

2. Earth Magic (lowest grade): host can use magic on earth element at lower level.

So, that goblin must be a Earth Magic user, that means I can get skills from killing the monsters also. 'deduced Seth.

Looks like I have to hunt higher monsters so as to upgrade quickly 'thought Seth.

Pumped after his evolution Seth started making weapons to begin his hunt.

Hmm, so slimes are the second weakest monsters here, then let's start their massacre 'plotted Seth.

He searched through every corner of the cave but no avail then atlast he found a colony of slimes.

It was a feast for a mutant zombie which was obviously stronger than the slimes. Although I'm stronger but I should keep in mind about the numbers of my opponents 'thought Seth.

He then observed that the ceiling have hanging rocks . Good I can make these rocks fall on them 'thought Seth.

He used his magic to drop the rocks on the slime colony , in moments many thousands of slimes were wiped out. Only few thousand of them remained.

Let's wipe out the remaining ones 'thought Seth in his mind while charging towards the slimes.

In few hours he was able to kill all the slimes.

Damn I'm completely exausted, these slimes were more of a challenge than I thought. Well the rocks helped me to kill them or it would have been the end of me 'thought Seth in his mind.

System Notice : you have achieved the objective : kill one million slimes.

What I killed one million of them , man that was awesome 'interrupted Seth .

Due to this achievement you have unlocked a unique skill:

Devour : host can devour anything in it's way either it's living or non-living.

Man this skill is a cheat, finally I can improve my stats, and when I improve a lot I'm gonna make all those shit heads pay 'thought Seth in his mind.

He then tested out his newly obtained skill on the cave rocks.

System Notice: Congratulations you have unlocked passive skill by absorbing 1000 black sand rocks:

Unbreakable: A passive skill that provide host 10 times the HP and 100 times the defense the host has. For a weak body of mine this is a great skill 'thought Seth.

He than started devouring of all the things in his proximity which could help him level up. It was then he started planning of his main objective , which was to hunt higher level monsters to level up quickly.

He wandered in the deeper floors of the dungeon.

When he was at certain floor of the dungeon he felt a sudden rumbling . As the rumbling stopped there was a monster standing in front of him.

It was something larger and stronger than the goblin, it was an orc, a lower-mid level monster to which low level monsters like Mutant zombies were just food.

Seth immediately knew that if he don't run away he would end up being the food of the monster.

Will I able to survive against someone who is better in all stats than me 'questioned Seth to himself.

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