《Isekai Zombie》Not So Good Isekai World


Ah! It's Monday again I have to see those nuisance of classmates again 'complained Seth.

Seth is a loner who is neither good at physical abilities and not even in studies. He don't have a single friend in his class because after his parents died he was all alone since the beginning, that's why he have amazing capability to survive in any type of condition.

Those bastards will again stick my bench with gum or some other adhesive 'thought Seth in a stressed manner.

Well you are an easy target for bullying when you have no friends 'sighed Seth in his mind.

Disappointed in his life a person usually seclude themselves in darkness and dies off of frustration and trauma. But Seth was of different kind, He had keen observation skill and an amazing desire to survive in this harsh reality as if he wants to prove to those elites of society that he will be on the top someday.

Oii Seth you going for school, I wish you a good day at school 'cheered up Miki San .

Miki San was the landlady of the apartment where Seth lived .

40 yrs old widow Miki was the only support to Seth in this lonely world. She was a mother figure for him.

You are very beautiful today also like a 24 yrs old model 'praised Seth.

Aww! Thanks my dear Seth 'answered Miki.

(Miki is actually beautiful with face and body of 24 yrs old model, She's a Milf - Author)

I'll be going then 'said Seth while waving hand to Miki who was waving her hand too.

Seth's school was an amazing and popular school of their region where most of the students were from rich families.

It's 7:30 AM I'm early today 'checked Seth on his smartphone.

Seth climbed the stairs to his class '2-D' .

He opened the door and just as he opened a bag full of Banana peels came flying to his face and drenched his face with garbage.

There was unified laughter of all of his classmates.


Seth went to the washroom and washed his face and came back to his class.

All the students were looking at him like he was some kind of joker whose purpose was to be target of their jokes.

Eww! Seth just touched me so gross 'screamed Hime.

Hime Asami was the top notch beauty of the school who was good friend with every single student their . She was their top idol, but to her Seth was a disgusting creature whom she wanted to perish.

How dare you touch her, you filthy scum 'shouted Mado

Mado Busujima ,the top bully and self proclaimed class leader, son of the school director. To improve his image in front of Hime , So Seth was his daily target .

Beat his ass Busujima 'cheered whole class in a unified voice.

Looks like it's a bad day again 'thought Seth in his mind.

Just as Mado was about to hit Seth a strange portal opened in their class and in the next moment they all were inside a strange hall with different lights in the room. It was so beautiful as if they all were inside a room made of rainbow colors.

They all thought as if they were in heaven.

Welcome my esteemed heroes 'announced Goddess Rhea.

Rhea was the Mother goddess and goddess of fertility of this world .She was an unparalleled beauty whose mere look purified the malice of her followers (she has big boobs too , Milf -Author).

I welcome all the young heroes to my world and apologize for the sudden teleportation here 'apologized Rhea.

She's so beautiful , She really is a Goddess 'stated all the class mesmerized with her beauty.

By the way why are we teleported here 'questioned the class representative Keiko Sigaru.

She was the onee-san figure of the class and cared for everyone and she was the only person who never felt any disgust for Seth. Although she also never approached Seth as a friend and neither showed any sign to help him. To her Seth was no more than a classmate.


Ah! Please be patient and let me tell you the full story 'interrupted Goddess.

This world is different from your world ,it has magic, different races than humans and also have monsters , there are 40 kingdoms that follow me as their Goddess , But an old enemy of mine The Goddess of Darkness and despair , Echidna is threatening my people with swarm of monsters and demon . In order to protect my people I have called 40 heroes of another world with their special abilities to help save my world 'explained Rhea.

So please kind heroes lend me your strength and save my people 'begged Rhea.

But Rhea was surprised to see the confused faces of the students .

What happened why are you all confused 'inquired Rhea .

Ah! We will help you but there's a problem Miss Goddess 'answered Keiko.

What is the problem 'asked Rhea.

It's that we are 41 students in total 'answered Keiko.

What but I brought 40 students 'explained Rhea.

Maybe you made a mistake 'taunted Mado.

Ah! Why don't you send one student back to our world , to be honest I'm not into this hero shit or whatever 'argued Seth.

There's a problem in doing so 'answered Rhea .

What problem 'inquired Keiko.

It's just that the portal I created can only summon heroes and cannot send them back, only Echidna's life crystal can send someone back 'explained Rhea.

Whaaaaat! 'screamed whole class.

And if there is not the 40 heroes then all of you will be trapped here forever 'confessed Rhea.

Are you kidding me ,what kind of shit is that 'argued Mado.

Ah! But I have a solution for that, but it's really dangerous one 'said Rhea.

Really, if it can help we would like to hear 'asked Hime.

Actually you have to select any one person among you to become the sacrifice in the boost flame , which can increase the stats of remaining heroes 'explained Rhea.

The class was shocked to the suggestion as they have to choose someone to sacrifice. That was the time when Seth knew it was his doomsday.

After a little whispering all of them gathered near the goddess their was a grin on their face.

As the class leader I want to suggest my best friend Seth as the sacrifice as per the class vote 'proclaimed Mado with a grin.

The Fu*k is that who gave you the right to choose me as the sacrifice 'argued Seth.

Didn't you said yourself that you don't want to be a hero 'taunted Mado.

Mado and Seth both were about to fight just when Keiko interrupted them.

Please Seth-kun think about our classmates and all of you friends 'begged Keiko.

Although she begged but Seth could see it in her eyes that she was ok for Seth being the sacrifice.

Friends you say ? When all you do was treating me like shit ' mocked Seth .

My my ! Please calm down young boy 'assured Rhea . We will see through the votes about who will be the sacrifice 'announced Rhea.

Now votes for Seth being sacrifice is 40 'announced Rhea.

Seth knew that his classmates never treated him nice but at that time he saw on their face was the desire to sacrifice him as if he was not even a human.

Seth boy as per the voting you will be chosen as sacrifice to enhance the stats of your classmates , I wish you a painless departure 'announced Rhea , as if she was mocking him.

Seth knew it was end of him but instead of begging his classmates he stood tall and announced 'Even if I die today I will be the curse to all of you and even for you you all will be facing more miserable death than me ' .

With his last words his body turned into ash in the flames.

It was end of the boy named Seth ?

"System Notice: Unique Skill 'survivor' activated , reincarnating the user into random life force " . This was the message which flashed in the fading consciousness of Seth.

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