
“Honey, you missed me? It’s been long since we met, isn’t it?” Xavier's voice whispers to me. I don’t want to hear, I don’t want his voice in my head.

“You seem to be happy after killing me”

The fear creeps back sluggishly. I can see him. He is right in front of me in my room.

“How are those two of your little friend, huh?”

How does he know about them?

Something inside me is screaming to hurry, hurry, run, go. That’s what I’m doing for all this years.

“You wouldn’t be able to run this time, honey” he is coming towards me. He has his special weapon in his hand.

My heart is racing so fast that it feels like throwing up.

He stops three steps away from me. His face looks clam and his smile looks hungry. His bloody eyes are fixed on me.

“You should have known who they really are, honey”

Honey, that word disgust me. I don’t know who he is talking about.

“Your little friends and specially that Stephen. He is different than what you think he is”

This is what he always do, talking bullshits.

He came closer playing with his knife.

I don’t know what to do. I just want to scream. I want to get out of here.

“Stay still. Don’t move, honey. This won’t hurt much”

With his knife he cut on my right arm.

I wake up screaming.

“Iain” I shouted his name.

He came to my room.

“What happened?” he said.

“He was here...he was in this room just now...he’s back, Iain. He's back” I was crying. I am scared. I couldn’t breathe.

“It’s alright. It was just a nightmare”

“No, it was real. He was real. I can feel it, Iain”

“Don’t worry, take a rest. I am here, okay” he sat beside me.

“Wait, what happened to your arm?” he says.

When I look at it, there was a cut on my right arm.

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