
“Mom, when is Xavier coming back?” Iain said.

“He’s coming tomorrow” mom says.

He didn’t stay home for long. Whenever we asked he told us that because of his work he has to go outside the city. We never suspected anything. He was good at hiding things.

This time he stayed with us for quite few days.

We made a barbecue in the backyard garden. After that mom and Iain went inside. I was cleaning in the backyard with Xavier.

“Can I ask you something?” I said.

He said while cleaning, “Sure, go ahead”

“Why did you married my mother? I mean she already has two grown up children. You were single so you could have married anyone else.”

He stooped cleaning and calmly said while looking at me, “I married her because I love her. It has nothing to do with her children”

That was the truth. I can see that in his eyes. He really loves her.

“I see” I say.

“Go in. I will do it here. It’s cold outside” he said


Lain was always happy whenever Xavier came home. They played games together till late at night. He was nice to me too. For a while I thought our happiness is back. The family which was broken before is together again.

A few days later he went back because of his work.

After three days mom told us that she is going to meet Xavier. She will be back after two days.

We didn’t doubt anything because she went to meet him like this many times before. But the strange thing was she didn’t called even once for these two days.

After two days, I and Iain were in the living hall and suddenly someone rang the doorbell.

“Open the door, mom must have come back” Iain says.


I opened the door. It wasn’t my mom. Its cops.

“Is Mrs Hannah Wesley your mother?” one of them said.

Seeing cops at the door Iain came towards door and said, “yes, what is it?”

“Please, come with us”

“Why? What happened?”

“You will know. Come with us please”

We went with them. In about thirty minutes they took us to the hospital. I held lain’s hand whole this time.

We followed them. They stopped in front of the door. When I saw the door I was stunned because this is the place that I fear the most.

It was mortuary… again.

We didn’t go in. After couple of minutes a cop said, “Go inside”

We went inside. A doctor and cops were standing beside one of the dead body. I didn’t move further. My hands were sweaty. I was scared. Iain held my hand more tightly. He was nervous too.

We went near them. When we saw the face of that dead body. I backed away fearfully because….

It was my mother.

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