
I run away from there. Not because she called me murderer, she said sia Wesley. I always run away from that last name because it relates me to that monster and I hate it.

I am going to lose Stephen and Calvin too. No one likes to be with a murderer.

It’s true, I killed him. I stabbed him in the heart twice and he deserved it.


I turned back. It’s Stephen.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you coming home?” he said.

I was stunned because he is talking to me like everything is normal.

“Why?” I said.

“What? You want me to ignore you like others do?” he says.

“But why would you stay with me when you know who really I am?”

“I already knew it. On the very first day they told us everything”

I don’t know what to say. He continues, “If you had done something you wouldn’t be standing here. Even law didn’t find you guilty then who we are to judge you. No one knows what you have gone through. At that time you did what you thought was right.”

My eyes are filled with tears. I don’t want to cry in front of him but couldn’t stop myself from crying.

He wraps his arms around me and said “don’t worry. I understand”

It’s the first time someone has understood me this much.

“I just came to know that my brother can also speak this much” it’s Calvin.

“Where were you?” Stephen says.

“I settled the mess you left there and you, don’t be sad okay. We will be with you together forever” Calvin said.

“Thanks” I say.

I went home. Iain was in living room.

“You are back. How was your school?” he said.

“As usual” I say. I didn’t tell him anything because I don’t want him to worry. We already have enough on our plate.

We had dinner then I done my studies. I went to bed at eleven.

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