

I was alone in this school. That’s why I hated coming here but not anymore because I have friends now. They are the only ones who talks to me. They are brothers, Stephen Suarez and Calvin Suarez.

It’s not like that I didn’t had any friend. I had a lot before, but after that incident they all started avoiding me. I don’t blame them. I am happy now so all this thing doesn’t matters anymore.

I called Calvin because they are not coming to school for four days.

“hey, are you guys coming today?”

“why? Missing me?” he said.

“in your dreams”

“yeah, yeah, yeah.. you only miss my big brother, right?”

“where are you?”


I don’t know from where but He just pop up right in front of me. I said nothing.

"Why aren't you scared?" Calvin said.

"I have seen a lot more scarier things than this" I say.

They are here. Stephen wouldn’t waste his time to say at least a hello. He is handsome and has a cold personality but he is nice to me. I quite like him. And for certain blondie I better not say anything. He is annoying.

They are siblings but still have absolutely opposite personalities. They transferred here a few months ago.

“where have you been all these days?” I say.

“umm, that…” Calvin said.

“to see family” Stephen say.

“okay” I didn't asked much.

We went for the class. At first all this classmates avoided only me but since this two talks to me they are avoiding all three of us. We just ignore them all.

At least for the time being I forget my issues when I am with this two. But there will be always someone who will remind you the reality.


When school was over I was in the corridor with Calvin.

“What’s going on there?” he said.

There was a crowd. so we went there.

A girl from some other department was proposing Stephen.

“What the hell” Calvin said.

She was saying so many lovely things to him and when she finishes, Stephen didn’t said a thing. He ignored her and just walk away.

“Why? Just why? Because of this psycho” she shouted looking at me.

He stopped and turned back.

“Do you even know who really she is? She killed her stepfather three years back. She’s Fu*king murderer. Isn’t this is the truth sia Wesley?”

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