《Sword》Chapter 3


4:36.... 'I hate waking up here... Nothing interests me... Nothing to slaughter...' An image flashes through my mind.. 'Rebecca, is it?.. That could be interesting..' I start to snicker coldly, my mind picking up less details around me as I stand.

I take a shower to clean what's left of the blood off me after using Bloodshadow Aura. 'It's quite useful to clean, when it becomes dark I should use it to clean my self.' I smile widely at the thought of blood pouring over my skin, the dark flames of my aura cleansing me.

I go for a run I extend to 10 miles there and back. my stamina becoming impossible to wear out through simple running. I get back around 6:19, my mother waiting with a smile and pleasantries I can't see or hear. I leave the donuts with her, passing a few words I don't remember to her I head to my room to grab school clothes and shower.


I arrive at school and see nothing, my vision and thoughts turning the crimson black of blood. My thoughts slowing. My thirst rising.


I'm woken from my stupor by a red faced Rebecca trying to get my attention, "Gladio, what're you doing spacing out, class has been over for half an hour, I was on my way home from soccer practice and saw you sitting in here staring at the wall with a creepy smile on your face, are you okay?"

I stare at her and smile gently, "I'm fine, foo-Rebecca, how are you doing today?" She starts to speak about her day as she sits with me, but I hear nothing my vision going red again, I try to lesson my bloodlust by moving forward and kissing her. It works for a second, then nothing again.


Welcome back, little sword.

You've already been here for hours but your mind has finally enough clarity for us to speak.

I can't say I'm not impressed with what you've done.

You have 3 hours until your time is up.

A soft sigh rings in my mind as I look around.


'What happened here?' I'm standing inside of what I assume was the town I was in front of before, only.. all that's here is blood and pieces of bodies.. 'These are humans, they've been gnawed on, like.. did I actually eat these people?..' Memories rush my mind like a wave of gore.

All I see are bits and pieces of me slashing people, people running, people struggling to survive, I take all their lives.. I feed on them, both literally and metaphorically.

'What's happening to me? Rebecca!.. No.. What have I done..' A memory less hazy than the others comes through.


I wake up to a whisper.

Do you want control, Little Sword?

"Yes, please, anything.. Let me have control again.." I say with tears in my eyes, my voice trembling. "I can't take not having control.." My voice trembling less.

"Give me back my control!" I shout violently, my aura starts automatically. "I am the Sword! I will have control!"


Name: Sword

Level: 14

Weapon: Rusty Sword (Scaling Damage) 34-40 (Level Fifteen)

Armor: 0

Health: 120

Mana: 0

Stamina: 260

Strength: 16

Agility: 17

Dexterity: 16

Stamina: 26

Vitality: 12

Intelligence: 7 (Unable to use mana with this class Mana will be set to 0)

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 11

Luck: 2 (Unable to allocate points)

Willpower: 20

Unallocated points: 0

Skills: Summon Sword (No Level), Sword Wielding (Level MAX), Quiet Walk (Level 46), Bloodthirsty (Passive Level MAX), Bloodshadow Aura (Level 13)

Congratulations on your new stat Willpower! (All unallocated points will be put into willpower, until your willpower is 45 you will not have full control of yourself)

'....I see.' I start to laugh hysterically. 'Well..' My smile widens again. 'I sort of like not being fully in control, but aas long as I no longer black out that's for the best.'

I calm myself down and search through the town I slaughtered and find what seems to be an armory inside the guard station next to the gate leading into town.

I try on the sets of leather armor then find the best fitting one and throw it on over my clothes. I run out of town, back to the forest in case there are any others in the nearby areas who come to this town to trade or visit.


Once I reach the forest I smile and meld into the shadows once more as the dark skies above me look over me. A soothing voice breaks me from my reverie.

It's that time again Little one.

See you tomorrow.


I wake up not knowing where I am. I look around to find I'm in a different bed than usual, with someone next to me. I stare at her lovely sleeping face with a hint of pain in it.

She rouses from sleep to stare into my eyes and smiles wryly, punches me and says, "You fucking idiot! I told you I wanted to wait 'til marriage to give myself to you. Fucking piece of shit Asshole......" as her tirade continues I smile to myself and breathe a sigh of relief, happy she's alright and I didn't do what I thought I had.

"You're right." I say with a gentle loving smile. "It's all my fault, hate me if you want, but I'd never take you for granted, so just shut up and love me, or don't and I can go. Your choice." I flip over and grab my phone from my pants on the ground to check my phone for the time, it's 4:58.

I decide to run home after she screamed at me for another 30 minutes, and I kissed her goodbye when I was tired of hearing her shit.

I made it home did my usual morning rituals, aka shower, run, shower, then off to school after giving my mother her morning donuts as she starts to complain that I give her too many fattening foods.

I hear her this morning, and chat with her for quite awhile, then head to school.

I meld into school once more, still thinking it's useless and pointless to pay attention.

In my last class for the day I see her but she decides she wants nothing to do with me and gives me the cold shoulder until I walk up and kiss her in front of everyone in class. Cute red face, my wide smile, more nagging and yelling.

Then it hits again, I know where I'm going. I know what I'm going to do.

My sword wakes up like from a long nap, letting off happy keens, the anticipation starts to fill me until I feel my mind start to warp again, trying hard to keep myself, well, myself.

My breathe gets heavy, my eyes start to burn, my hand catches on fire while I'm walking home and I'm greeted by those same words as I am every morning, my eyes turning bloodshot and my thoughts getting less and less. I start to run through the forest feeling the wind wrapping around my inhibitions falling away.

My leather armor apparently does not leave this world, nothing leaves this world with me, my black clothes no longer appearing either. The two worlds seperate but I'm free in both, I'm alive in both. I'm a sword in both. 'It's time to eat' As I spot a small group of goblins, I smile carefreely at the carnage in front of me.

Then for the first time I hear something else besides screams, "Woah, what the hell is going on here?" Says a feminine voice beyond the tree-line as what looks like a 14 year old girl with long ears comes out of the forest to witness my sword eating it's meal.


The whisper from before now becomes a roar, hearing nothing but eat my eyes go red as I rush at the girl, terrified she tries to aim her bow, but she's not quick enough, I cut it in half, cut into her neck unsummon the sword and sink my teeth into the open wound, the whisper now laughing loudly into my ears as I lose control over my body.

'Delicious''Delicious', The two voices come out as one in my mind as I fall to the ground and lose conciousness.

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