《Sword》Chapter 2


In a daze, Rebecca, still standing there stunned, looks down to me.

I look up with my widest smile, "Is anything wrong, Rebecca?" My voice deeper and almost violent, my smile looking like I'm about to slaughter everything.

She looks almost despisingly at my face, "W-w-who-who are you?!" Tears start to run down her face, her voice tearful, terrified. "Wh-what are you?.." She backs away, others behind her who see my face also back away, terrified.

My smile turns to solemnity, I answer deep voiced, my smile struggling to replace my frown, "I'm a sword, haven't I always been?" My smile relacing my frown immediately after I say sword.

'Why does everyone look at me so.. Should I kill them as well?..' My mind shakes off that train of thought as I realize they would give me no levels, give me no strength, nothing to feed off of.

"Nevermind, it doesn't matter. I'm bored of playing games. I've found a reason for living, you've been in love with me for years. If you don't want who I've become, that's fine, I'm going to become everything, eat all things, take what's mine, and live like a Sword, cut, slash, and pierce all my problems." My smile returns to normal, my voice now indifferent, my speach like I'm talking about the weather.

I meld into class, after the teacher comes in everyone sits, inching away from me, like they can feel my thirst. Like it touches them, in tentacles coming off of me, wanting to taste.

Rebecca looks lost in thought behind me, unable to pay attention, every once in awhile glancing at me, and quickly looking away with a slightly crimson face.

The school day ends shortly there after. On my way to my locker, she stops me and asks me to wait for her reply. I simply tell her to do whatever. Smile and put my stuff into my locker then indifferently walk away.

'I can feel it coming... I'm going to be able to go back soon... It's calling me... I need more..' My breath getting heavier as I run home, my smile getting crazier, more wild and animalistic, my hand pulsing. My mind escapes me.


I wake from my blackout to look for my phone which says 7:49.

My mind finally grasps what's around me, sword in hand, covered in blood, I find bodies around me with limbs and necks cut through in an alley somewhere in town.

A woman shaking in terror nearby.

She starts to try to speak, "Th-thank y-y-y-you, sir..."

My voice comes out gravelly, "Where is this, and why did I kill these people?" My smile disappearing slowly, clarity coming back to my bloodthristy eyes.

She shakingly answers, "Th-...They tried to hurt me, maybe worse when you came out of the shadows laughing hysterically with that sword in your hand and chopped them to pieces... Then you smiled to me gently and winked.. Then you screamed and grabbed your head and you know the rest..."


"I understand, can you get home alright?" I ask in a cold voice, my mind wandering realizing my bloodlust is making me incoherent to the point where only blood and small amounts of my moral compass remain.

"Yes.. Thanks again..." She smiles weakly, then starts to walk away, then starts to run and disappears around the corner, apparently more frightened of me than I thought.

I gather myself, start to walk back when I hear a *ding*.

I laugh a little in wonder...

Name: Gladio? Sword? Titles: Blood-covered White Knight

Class: Sword

Level: 7

Weapon: Rusty Sword (Scaling Damage) 21-26 (Level Nine)

Armor: 0

Health: 100

Mana: 0

Stamina: 240

Strength: 14

Agility: 15

Dexterity: 14

Stamina: 24

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 7 (Unable to use mana with this class Mana will be set to 0)

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 11

Luck: 2 (Unable to allocate points)

Unallocated points: 0

Skills: Summon Sword (No Level), Sword Wielding (Level MAX), Quiet Walk (Level 21), Bloodthirsty (Passive Level 19)

'Hah, I see whatever that voice is has a sense of humor...' I laugh as I run home, dodging people as much as possible, to not have to explain myself to anyone, or go on a rampant killing spree once my bloodthirst goes out of control again.

I get home and sneak in through my window, clean myself up in the bathroom, put even more blood covered clothes into the wash. 'Getting annoying to clean all this blood off. I should try to get better at killing, so I don't get blood everywhere, hehe.' Giggling slightly as I put on a pair of black jeans, a long sleeve black shirt and grab a couple energy bars and put them into my pockets along with a pack of gum to chew on to help me think.

I start to check my email and social media but decide it's a waste of time.

My calmness gets to me as I find a moment of clarity to panic and make sure I'm not going insane by quickly summoning and unsummoning my sword over and over again to calm myself once again.

I go to the kitchen to grab dinner mom cooked me and found a note that said, "Hey honey, I'm going to your aunt's house for a few hours, will be back late, don't wait up. Love you!" I smile faintly at the writing, then crumple it and throw it away.

I eat, slowly, take one more shower to calm my easily excitable nerves, so I can sleep.


I awake, excited by the burning I feel in my eyes and hand as my alarm clock says 2:30. Once again everything turns to white. My smile widens as my body becomes lighter. An eerie whispering voice enters my mind, more violent and quieter than the other.

Yes, My child... Slaughter, eat, annihilate... Take what is your birth right...


Welcome back little one, to the world of opportunity.

Continue to cleave your path, Sword.


Good luck.

A silly giggle enters my mind after the words and I stand in the wreckage of the village I destroyed.

I look around, quickly check my pockets for the energy bars and gum that aren't there. I frown, but quickly lose interest to look for more pray.

Footsteps that aren't my own sound out behind me, I turn surprised, there I find what looks like a child of the gnomes I must have missed last night.

Something clicks in my mind as I laugh, my sword coming into my hand without a thought, my body rushing towards the child, my eyes wide, a gigantic smile on my face that threatens to rip through my cheeks as I take the child's life swiftly.

Turning, I giggle a little as my smille deepens even more, I run outside of town, hopefully in the opposite direction where I started from.


After walking for a few hours I happen upon a group of what looks like the grown version of the mini brown creature I first killed in this place.

Hiding in the shadow of a tree looking at the 10-12 "goblins" my smile disappears. These goblins are fully equipped so I have no time for my bloodthirst, or I'll die.

I sneak towards a goblin by himself, putting up a tent and put my sword through the back of his neck quickly grabbing him before he falls and gently putting him down, I move around the camp picking off one or two before they can make too much noise.

Only 5 left. I decide to let my bloodthirst out for them.

When I do they all instantly look towards me with terror in their eyes, the fire they were starting in the middle of the camp they were making gets kicked through by one of them backing up, he screams as he falls into the recently started fire.

I laugh and charge them wildly. My sword quickly meeting one of the one's who drew his sword quicker than the others, my strength overwhelms him and pushes his sword into his neck, he loses strength quickly, falling to the floor.

I ignore the body and push to the next one, sliding my sword through the wrist of the hand going for the sword in the sheath, then quickly piercing through the middle of his throat.

The third attacks my arm attached to the sword in the throat so I don't take it out, the sword disappears and reappears in my hand. The goblin put too much body weight into the slash and stumbled, I take the chance to kill him quickly with a free sword through his throat for his trouble.

The final two decided to team up, one with sword and shield, one with a spear. I slap the spear away with my left hand as my sword parries the other one's sword I grab his shield by the side and flip him around stabbing him in the back of the neck, as the other goblin backs away with his spear I give him no chance to set a stance as I leave the sword in the neck sprint towards him, the sword appearing in my hand as I take the spear he thrusted under my arm and slash his neck with the last of my strength and fall to the ground, my stamina finally running out for the first time.


Waking up an indeterminate amount of time later I check my body for injuries and find none, as I'm wondering why, I hear the telltale *Ding*.

Name: Sword? Titles: Blood-covered White Knight

Class: Sword

Level: 10

Weapon: Rusty Sword (Scaling Damage) 21-26 (Level Nine)

Armor: 0

Health: 120

Mana: 0

Stamina: 260

Strength: 16

Agility: 17

Dexterity: 16

Stamina: 26

Vitality: 12

Intelligence: 7 (Unable to use mana with this class Mana will be set to 0)

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 11

Luck: 2 (Unable to allocate points)

Unallocated points: 0

Skills: Summon Sword (No Level), Sword Wielding (Level MAX), Quiet Walk (Level 28), Bloodthirsty (Passive Level 31)

Level 10 awards one skill based on your actions.

Congratulations on your new skill!

Bloodshadow Aura (Level 0)

Information hits me like a wall as my new skill creeps into my mind.

It's a skill that allows me to wrap myself in shadow for however much blood I get on myself. 'Interesting, very interesting, indeed, looks like there's no need for me to learn not to get blood on myself.' I try it and the blood on my body starts to turn into black flames and I become harder to notice, almost transparent even while moving slowly.

'Good skill' I smile laughing, my cheeks hurting from my evildoer smile.

I move on from the camp after searching through their things and picking up a couple of fruits that the first goblin I killed had in the tent he was setting up.

I once again start my wandering and find a goblin, probably from that camp still gathering food for dinner most likely as they're gathering berries from a bush.

I try out my Bloodshadow Aura as I rush them with flame like darkness covering me. They don't notice me at all as my rush powers my swing and I send his head flying with they're blood washing over me.

I search around for others, but there's nobody there. So my wandering continues for several hours. Darkness descends, my tanned body becoming hard to see. I see what seems to be a large clearing up ahead, maybe leaving the forest.

There seems to be walls, made of stone, going for several hundred feet to my left and right, much higher than the gnome village's walls.

Before I can try anything, a voice comes to my mind.

Your time is up, little sword.

It's time to go back.

See you tomorrow.

More giggles as my hand and eyes start to burn and my fun is over.

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