《Sword》Chapter 1


I find nothing on the edges of the plains.

'It's worrying that I just have to decide on a direction willy nilly. Don't even know how to tell which way's north or south, should've paid attention in class..' I laugh softly to myself as I pick the direction I ended up at, for lazy reasons.

I walk carefully into the forest, making a ridiculous amount of noise. 'How do people make no noise in the movies and novels? It's impossible, there's dry grass and small twigs all over the ground.'

Moving forward I hear noise about 200 ft ahead of me, 'Sounds like something is fighting something else, by the screams and moans.'

I move closer making doubly sure I don't step on anything, it takes several minutes to move closer because of how careful and slow I'm moving.

I come to a small clearing of about 30 ft by 40 ft, hiding behind a tree I notice what's fighting, a small humanoid creature, brown skin color, about 3'8, fighting what looks like a human, but is about the same size as the brown skinned thing.

The small brown one has nothing but claws, and has a large gash on it's face and one arm, making the arm useless, and half his face covered in blood.

The other human looking one is using a shortsword and a small shield with a set of leather armor all the way up to it's neck. Claw marks on it's shield and a few on it's body.

Both of them look tired like this fight has lasted awhile, severe hatred in their eyes.

I decide to take this chance to activate my sword mastery with a thought and notice it feels like I'm jogging slowly, without moving. I figure that's the stamina per 10 sec loss.

I move forward from the tree line slowly, until they both notice me, suprise etched on their faces, I rush in and swing my sword at the closest one, it has no time to react, it's claw comes up to it's face my sword slices across it's wrist then I pierce through it's neck as the human shorty looks at me with terrified eyes.

The brown skin falls to the ground, not moving as I look to the shorty and brandish my sword towards it, it jumps back, and screams, "_______, ______!!!!!" I smile to it with my first real smile in my whole life and laugh loudly as I rush it with my sword horizantal.

I swing across it to hit it's shield, still terrified his sword doesn't come out towards me, it's still screaming in it's language, my smile getting larger and larger.

I attack and attack until it drops the shield, it's arm broken from my strength, dangling at it's side. I slide my sword to it's grip on it's sword, the sword dropping to the ground as I laugh hysterically, my sword going into it's neck deeply.

I pull it free with a *thwick* I stop paying attention to the bodies, to check my surroundings, my heart still beating heavily as I hear a *ding* in my ears.


Name: Gladio

Class: Sword

Level: 1

Weapon: Rusty Sword (Scaling damage) 3-8 Dmg (Level Three)

Armor: None

Health: 70

Mana: 0

Stamina: 110

Strength: 6

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 6

Stamina: 11

Vitality: 7

Intelligence: 7 (Unable to use mana with this class Mana will be set to 0)

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 11

Luck: 2 (Unable to allocate points)

Unallocated points: 10

Skills: Summon Sword (No Level), Sword Wielding (Level MAX), Quiet Walk (Level 0), Bloodthirsty (Passive Level 1)

'I see, so I wasn't even Level 0.' I think, as I decide to continue the same as before 1 Agi, 1 Dex, 1 Str, 2 Stam, each level.

Name: Gladio

Class: Sword

Level: 1

Weapon: Rusty Sword (Scaling damage) 3-8 Dmg (Level Three)

Armor: None

Health: 70

Mana: 0

Stamina: 150

Strength: 8

Agility: 9

Dexterity: 8

Stamina: 15

Vitality: 7

Intelligence: 7 (Unable to use mana with this class Mana will be set to 0)

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 11

Luck: 2 (Unable to allocate points)

Unallocated points: 0

Skills: Summon Sword (No Level), Sword Wielding (Level MAX), Quiet Walk (Level 0), Bloodthirsty (Passive Level 1)

I don't collect anything from the bodies, as this is no game, 'No disappearing bodies or loot drops, which is too bad.' I think as I laugh feeling free and happy for the first time, I look to the forest to continue, my steps lighter, and my body moving quicker and more smoothly, the steps becoming easier, as my feet treck through the grass and small twigs in the forest.

I walk for hours in a direction, still have no idea where I'm going.

Hear things moving in the distance from time to time, the sky becoming darker as I walk.

In the distance I hear yelling and see smoke. I slow my steps and crouch down to move forward, my smile coming to my face as I look forward to my next prey.

Impatient to take more life I come up to a wall up above my head by a couple feet. I take a peak over said wall and see several of the small humans like the one I saw before, in what looks like a small village of 20-30 or so. My smile gets wide as the darkness of night descends.

A bon fire in the middle of town gives the village light, rows of small tents barely big enough for me to fit into circle around the fire in layers.

I come upon the outermost layer of tents and sneak into it.

'Early sleepers here, I see.' My smile turns to solemnity as I find two shorties sleep in their bunks. I resummon my sword I unsummoned to get over the wall, and quickly and quietly kill them both, moving on to other to other tents.

Guards patrol around the outer fences at night, I've had to kill several, one who spotted me, but just looked stunned before I ended him and hid him in another tent, continuing my hunt I clear each and every tent of it's inhabitants until only those in the middle of town near the bonfire are alive.


Looks like five or six men, two women and a few elderly. I just smile to myself and crouch down to get as close as possible or as many prey as I can before I can be seen.

I move closer and closer to one of the women, no weapons on her of any kind. I simply slit her throat where she sat, not enough noise to be noticed, move on to the next who finally found me. I panic as she screams and quickly shove my sword through her neck and giggle a bit as I calm down.

The men and elderly notice me and look terrified and angry. I stand and rush them, putting down two men and an elderly man before they can react. My sword flying through their necks and limbs as the few remaining try to find a weapon or run, I take them all out with quick sword strikes, laughing now, smiling widely as they fall beneath my sword.

I took two injuries to my non-sword arm as I used it to block a few spear jabs from the last one standing before I cut the spear in half then pushing the unarmed shorty I cut halfway through it's neck before hitting bone stopped my sword.

I take heed of my surroundings once I finish, giggling to myself from the euphoria of taking life and laugh loudly as I look at my conquest, a trail of bodies.

'It seems that Bloodthirsty passive is changing me quickly.. It's too bad I love it so much that I don't care..' My thoughts and laugs and smile coming to a halt as I realize what I just thought. My mind scrambling to find a reason for what I just thought.

'What's going on?!' I start breathing much more heavily than I was before, my eyes blurrying as I vomit falling to my knees.

My body calms finally, my mind working to rebuild itself.

'I see, so I am this, I've always been this, just nowhere to release this side of me in the modern era.' My wide smile coming back as I laugh at myself for being such a fool.

'It turns out I didn't belong there, I belong here. I was right..' My smile turning solemn again, as I check the rest of the village for stragglers, something to eat, and supplies of some kind.

I find a bunch of what look like vegetables and a meat of some kind on a table in the biggest tent in the middle of town. Decide not to eat the meat as I don't know what they hunt, could be me for all I know.

I eat the vegetables after roasting them a bit on the fire, along with a few fruit around and as I rest another *ding* sounds.

Name: Gladio

Class: Sword

Level: 5

Weapon: Rusty Sword (Scaling damage) 13-18 Dmg (Level Seven)

Armor: None

Health: 90

Mana: 0

Stamina: 210

Strength: 12

Agility: 13

Dexterity: 12

Stamina: 21

Vitality: 9

Intelligence: 7 (Unable to use mana with this class Mana will be set to 0)

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 11

Luck: 2 (Unable to allocate points)

Unallocated points: 0

Skills: Summon Sword (No Level), Sword Wielding (Level MAX), Quiet Walk (Level 17), Bloodthirsty (Passive Level 11)

I decide to add my points about the same except for putting 2 more into Vitality instead of Stamina for one level.

A soothing voice flows into my mind.

Your 16 hours are up, my child.

You will return to your world in 15 seconds.

See you tomorrow, Sword.

My mind starts to blur as my eyes and hand burn once more, this time much less.


I wake up slowly, turn my head to look and my alarm clock says 4:02, my body aching from the other world's activity, so I almost decide to skip the run before standing up.

My mind wandering as I walk to my drawers to grab a loose shirt and running pants.

I slowly walk out my door to grab a water and then stop.

Looking down at my hand in the kitchens light I notice my body's covered in blood and flesh with my arms and hands having scratches and bruises. 'I should've figured that I'd need a shower after all that killing.' I laugh softly, and take off my clothes, my sheets and grab my clothes from before to be washed, luckily most of my clothes are black so the stains shouldn't be too bad.

I put them in the washing machine after removing the hair and bits of flesh from myself and the clothes, my bathroom, looking like something out of a horror movie.

Calmly taking a shower once all that is done I clean my bathroom of blood and the bits and pieces of what i'll start calling "gnomes" and put on new running clothes and leave the house a little late.

Melding into my day, with the obligatory greetings and coffee this time for my mother, a couple of lies about the bruises and cuts, and off to school.

In the back of my mind, a sword sits, bloodied and chipped, repairing and washing itself for the next bloodbath, my next "opportunity" for happiness.

A wide smile comes to my face as I walk into my last class of the day. Rebecca walks in, in a good mood she stands in front of me before I sit, a smile on her face. Before she can talk, I cut her off, run my hand through her hair, look into her eyes, smile widely. She looks insanely suprised as she looks back, a blush coming to her face, as I lean in to kiss her.

We kiss, it's not bad for a first kiss, at least as far as I know. I back away and sit down as she stands there stunned, unsure of what just happened, everyone in class staring at me as I sit there, minding my own business, taking my books from my bag.

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