《The Guy Who Wanted To Talk To Aliens》Chapter 4: Information War


Several days had passed and almost every night whenever I would go to sleep, for at least ten minutes, I would have a chat with the inter-dimensional alien that I named Bob. The things that I've learned from Bob made me question the things that I knew. It also made me want to do some research if what he was telling me was actually plausible. I mean of course I'm not going to believe everything some stranger is going to tell me. I mean for all I know, Bob could just be a troll from another dimension.

The thing about me is, it's very hard for me to completely trust anyone and I am not just going to blindly believe a voice in my head. I don't even trust myself sometimes with certain decisions. At the same time i'm not ever sure if I'm making all this up in my head or If I am actually talking to an alien from another dimension.

After a week of having a conversation with Bob, I looked online for all the things that he's been telling me. I looked up if Atomic bombs can affect other dimensions. When I looked this up, scientist aren't even sure if other dimensions even exist!

At moment the thought of other dimensions or realities or universes are simply just a theory. Since there are no actual physical way to prove that there actually are other dimensions or universes other than ours, the idea is still just an idea.

Knowing this gave me a roadblock. It doesn't prove or disprove what Bob had told me about how they found our universe. Then again maybe our civilization are just not advanced enough to have that sort of instrument that can detect certain anomalies.

After looking up bits of the things that we discussed about, my head started hurting. It was hurting because I was spending hours online looking for all the things that Bob had told me. After awhile of researching, I told myself to take a break.


While taking a break from all the research that I wanted to do in order for me to know if what I'm being told was actual fact or not, I began thinking about this whole situation. At first, I only wanted to chat with an alien. I got what I wanted but it made me think, do others want to actually know if we're not alone in the universe?

How would people react when they learn that aliens exist and they've been watching us ever since we started to create fire for ourselves. Bob's civilization had begun watching us when they detected the faint signal that the two atomic bombs that was dropped during World War II. But from what Bob had told me several other race of alien beings are already around us.

Bob said that the reason why most of the other aliens hide themselves is because of how violent the humans are. As a precaution and for their own safety, the aliens that live on Earth live a secluded life. Although there are some that prefer the limelight.

Bob told me that our civilization, the human race are in the stage of exiting from our adolescent stage. He said that at the moment, we humans are in what their historians called "Information War".

According to Bob, the Information War is where people from different groups would use their resources to divert attention and distort the reality of other groups. At this moment, It is well know that the Russians bought out the entirety of America's media. With America's media in their pocket, they can divert information and cause chaos among the citizens.

It's a good thing that I don't watch television. I prefer to read my news rather than someone telling me a version of it.

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