《The Guy Who Wanted To Talk To Aliens》Chapter: 5 Information War part 2


No one likes being lied to. For most people, once they have been lied to, the trust will never be the same. According to Bob the inter-dimensional alien, the Information War will cause chaos and distrust between the governments and its citizens. Bob said that the cause of these outcome, would be the fault of the influence of someone from outside our planet. The reason why he said this is because in the Bovine's Era of Information War, It began when their government decided to conceal useful information and evidence of knowledge that would change everything in their world.

Later they found out that a race of alien had infiltrated their planet. These aliens slowly rose to become part of their governments around the world. When the aliens had enough of their kind seated in power, they began to manipulate everything in order to separate the Bovines and regress their technology.

I remember that Bob mentioned that there are already aliens here on Earth. According to him it's common for highly advanced civilization to be curious about young civilizations such as ours.

One of the main knowledge that was concealed by the aliens that infiltrated the planet of the Bovines was the use of water as an energy source. For centuries, the information that would liberate their entire world from the use of toxic and the limited source of energy, was hidden from them.

After doing some research it seems that similar events have taken place in our world. If you look up engines that can run on water on the internet, it seems that some of those who have discovered this clean source of energy, have been silenced and eliminated by the government or by the aliens who are preventing us to advance our technology.

Why would something that would lessen the burden of limited resources be hidden from us?

This invention that was suppressed would have saved humanity and as well changed the world. Throughout decades many scientist have discovered a way to use water, the most abundant resource that we have in Earth, as fuel. But unfortunately for us, every single time that this discovery was revealed, the inventor would mysteriously be found dead.

There are many other inventions throughout the past that has been suppressed and after doing my research, believe it or not, we are being led into another Dark Age.

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