《The Guy Who Wanted To Talk To Aliens》Chapter 3: Flying Saucers


The voice began talking to me. As I laid there trying to sleep.

"Hello, human."

When I heard the voice, for some reason, I was not alarmed at all. I found it odd that I was able to lay there comfortably half asleep while I spoke to the voice.

"Uh. Hello. . . Bob?"

"Yes, It is I."

"So this is real? I'm speaking to an interdimensional alien being in my head?"

"It all true."

"If this is real, is there some way that you can prove to me that you are real?"

"There are ways to prove our existence. But of course it would bring you unnecessary attention if that's what you are seeking."

"Oh. Pfttt! I don't want that. I just want to live a peaceful happy life. Attention from the world is something that I am not looking for."

"Then the only way to give you proof of our authenticity is by giving you information of our activities there on your planet."

"Wait. What? You've been to Earth?"

"Our people have been observing your specie ever since the event that you call World War II. But we are not the only ones who have been watching your planet."

"Wait, what there are others?"

"Yes. The others that you speak of are in the same plane of dimension as yours and they are much closer than you think."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you saying that there are already aliens here on Earth?"

"According from the data that we gathered, there seems to be several."

"Okay wait. This is freaking me out. But what's weird is that I am already asleep. I think."

"Ah. Yes. We've locked the frequency that allows us to communicate with you. But to prevent any damage from your mind we have limited our communication measures with you. The device that we recently invented only allows us to keep this connection during the first period of what you humans call 'R.E.M sleep'. Any connection further than the first period will cause you neural degeneration."


"Oh what the F*%$. That's scary but for some reason, I'm not afraid. I should be, but I can't seem to control my body at the moment."

"Do not worry human. We Bovines will make sure no harm will occur to you."

"That's reassuring. But didn't you say that the device that you are using to communicate with me is something you recently just invented? And why do you keep saying we?"

"You are very curious for your specie. The reason why I say we, is because there are others who are here listening to our conversation. Even though I, the one you call Bob, is the only one speaking to you, the others that are here have specific particular tasks. Many of my people that are here are tasked to monitor every calculations and data that are being used to make this conversation to be possible. The rest are just simply audiences."

"Is that so. . . .By the way Bob. I'm curious. You mentioned that your people have been observing Earth ever since World War II. How did that start?"

"The caste of people that we have, whom you would identify as Scientist discovered your dimension when several artificially forced split of an atom occurred on your planet. These occurrences opened a rift into your dimension. When we discovered the rift, we deployed our drones to investigate. These drones are what your people call 'Flying Saucers'."

"What . . . so those silver disks were your drones? But what about the aliens that were discovered inside those UFO's?"

"Those were merely our bio-synthetic drones that were created for the purpose of scouting your planet to gather and retrieve data. Traveling from one dimension to another is something that takes an enormous strain on any organic being's body. Even with proper precautions and protections, It would be almost impossible to travel from one dimension to another unless you are a being that is entirely synthetic."


"This is insane. All these information, but if I were to tell anyone about anything that I've learned here, I would be labeled as Insane."

"Are you still doubting our existence?"

"Kind of . . . Your story seems plausible Bob but that still doesn't prove your existence. For all that I know, I'm just making all this up in my head. I do have a hyper active imagination after all."

"That is a shame because our time is running out and we've yet to tell you the real reason why we have contacted you."

"Wait, I thought the reason why you contacted me is because of my Tweet?"

"Tweet? What is that?"

"It's a message sent through a social media here on Earth."

"We don't consider social medias as reliable factual data. This is because in the younger years of the Bovine civilization, we've experienced chaos and turmoil due to such deplorable use of resources. We chose you because your mind sets of a neutral frequency similar to what your people would call nature."

"I don't understand that. But I am a bit delighted that I was chosen."

"But yet you still doubt our existence."

"Kinda . . Yeah. Like I said I have a hyper active imagination."

"What would allow you to accept the fact that we are not falsifying our existence?"

"I don't know. Maybe . . just keep chatting with me and the more we converse with one another the more likely i'll start to believe. Think of this as me, gathering data until I discover a reliable fact that will solidify your existence."

"It's logical. We never thought that you would have such an advance thought pattern that is very much similar to ours. Maybe that is one of the reasons why we were able to connect with you from our dimension."

"Maybe. I really don't understand how its possible. But since your civilization is highly advanced, most of your technology would seem like magic to me."

"Human, we shall now temporarily terminate the connection between our dimension from yours in order to prevent your mind to trigger a condition that will cause severe neural degeneration. We will be eagerly looking forward to our next conversation."

And just like that, It seems that I have befriended a group of aliens from another dimension.


Bio-Synthetic Drone

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