《The Guy Who Wanted To Talk To Aliens》Chapter 2: Bob


Weeks passed and I had completely forgotten about my desire of wanting to speak to a extraterrestrial being. One night I decided to sleep earlier than usual. I'm usually a late night kind of guy because I would wake up late in the morning since I worked in the afternoon until late in the evening.

As I slowly drift off to sleep, I began hearing a noise that I couldn't describe. The noise I was hearing wasn't clicking, buzzing or any noise that I've heard before and it was something only I could hear. I realized that I'm the only one that could hear it because my dog, who is usually by my side when i'm home didn't react when I heard the noise. At that time, I thought I was just hearing things because I usually use a headset to listen to the sounds from my laptop and maybe I was hearing some sort of imagined sound from over using my headset. So I decided to just ignore the sound and went on to try to sleep.

The next day when, I woke up, I opened my eyes and for a brief moment I heard the noise again. I looked at my dog and again like before, he didn't react to the noise. The reason why I'm pointing out why my dog didn't react is because when ever there's a car that's trying to park in front of the house, my dog would usually bark like crazy. Any odd noise that he hears around the house, he would raise his ears and investigate the noise while angrily growling.

The noise suddenly disappeared when my dog decided to lick the heck out of my face when he saw that I was awake. I went about my business and ignored the noise until two months had passed.

I had just gotten home and I decided to just lay on my bed. While I laid there, my dog would usually use his nose to put his head under my hand. This was his way of asking to be petted on the head.


I grabbed my dog and began petting him. As I petted him, I began talking to him like I usually do. It might seem weird but I would usually ask my dog how his day went and asked if he favored the food that I gave him before I left for work. Of course I didn't get a reply because he's a dog and dogs don't speak. But usually I would get a reaction and I would try to guess what those reactions meant.

So as I continued to converse with my dog, I suddenly heard a voice. This time the voice was clear and the voice said.


When I heard the voice I freaked out. I literally jumped out of my bed and grabbed the bar that i use to bench press with and yelled out.

"Who's there!?"

When the entire thing happened my dog went into battle mode and went in front of me while I pointed one end of the bar towards the open window of my room. At that moment, I thought that there was someone outside my window saying "Hello" in the middle of the night.

The next thing I did was close the window immediately. If there was someone outside, I didn't want who ever that person was, to come inside my house. At that moment I felt irritated and at the same time I was terrified because I thought that there was a stranger in my property.

I grabbed my flashlight and a lighter weapon since the bar from my bench press was too heavy to carry around. With a flashlight and a high grade OC ( oleoresin capsicum) spray at hand, I went outside to check the perimeter. I first made sure that the gate of the house is closed and locked. Then after making sure that there was no one in front area of the house, I opened all the lights around my house so that visibility wouldn't be a problem. I mean who would want to fight in the dark?


My dog and I ran to the backyard to see if there was anyone there. When we got there, there was no one in sight. After diligently checked every area outside and inside of the house, I exhaled in relief and in disappointment. Relief because there was actually no one there and disappointment because I couldn't use my high grade OC spray.

After all the commotions, I turned off all the lights except lights in the front yard. I went inside the house, ate some food while I watched anime and drank some some beer. (Hey, I like anime don't judge.) After finishing an episode of Overlord (My favorite), I decided to call it a night.

As I drifted to sleep, I began hearing a voice. At that moment I laughed cause I knew I was drunk and what made it funny was that I was hearing a voice in my head. (I'm a lightweight when it comes to beer but for some reason I can handle hard liquor better.)

While I laid there on my bed I decided to talk to the voice just for the hell of it. At this time I spoke to the voice while I was trying to sleep.

"Hello?" I mumbled drunkenly.

"Oh wow we actually have someone that we can talk to." The voice said.

"Uh. Good for you, I guess."

"Hello human. My name is ░░░▄▀░██."

"What? I can't even pronounce that. Let alone spell it." I laughed drunkenly when I heard the voice's name. "You know what. I'll call you Bob. It's easier that way."

"I will accept the name that you have given me. In fact, it's better that way so that if ever this communication frequency is compromised, I would be safe from any persecution."

"Oh okay. I guess. By the way. How can I hear you in my head?"

"Well were using a device that allows us to communicate with you."

"Where exactly are you?"

"I'm from another dimension. Your kind would describe us as interdimensional beings."

"Uh. What's that?" I laughed when I asked the question.

"We live in another dimension that coexist with yours."

"Oh wow. Wait so. . . wait . . I'm too drunk for this." I laughed as I try to construct the sentence that I was trying to say. "You're alien?"

"That description would describe us from your point of view. But in our point of view, you are the alien."

"Ugh wait. Wait. I'm drunk. Is this real?"

After asking that question to myself or Bob, I drifted to sleep. The next day, I woke up with a hang over and I remembered the entire brief conversation that I had with Bob very clearly. At that moment I thought about the conversation for awhile. I remember being drunk and talking to someone while I tried to sleep. But I wasn't sure if I was just talking to myself or an actual alien from another dimension.

A few days later, I decided to sleep early because I wanted to start running early in the morning before work. When I laid there in my bed to close my eyes, the same voice began talking to me again.


This is my dog. He's very territorial.

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