《G.O.D.S - Great Overlords Dominating Stuff》Chapter 2 MOUSE is done~!


>>Thanks to everyone for reading. Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. I'll try to improve.

-Daaaaddy~ Come on~. Move faster I want to start playing already.- Tia says as she dragged me forward.

[Of course, daughter. We will start soon. I just need to find the right place to start.] I said, before finding a nice patch of land near the ocean. It has a huge cliff overlooking the ocean which would be a perfect place to start creating life.

Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that where I create life did not matter because it sure does. I mean, sure I could have just look on over from space and just snap my fingers but how would you feel if you found out that you mom gave birth to you while she was cooking. It'll seem as though I didn't even care about what I was creating.

So, as I stood atop the cliff with Tia beside me, I gathered my will and began spreading my power everywhere. I send tendrils of it into the ocean and ground, across the land and sky. My will quickly enveloped the whole of Tera and with a surge of power I started life.

I could feel the planet starting to come alive, it's like jump starting a heart. I could feel the world beating in response to my will. The feeling was exhilarating, like you are holding a precious and delicate thing at the palm of your hand.

Single cell organisms was created and began spreading across the world. Now that i've created them I could move on to creating plants. Tia could take over from here.

[Tia could you help me handle these things. I need to make a something else.]

-Yay~! I'll get to play- Tia answered excitedly. I couldn't help but grin looking at her. I handed over the created lives over to her as I began creating plants and trees.


Creating plants were more challenging than creating those small single cell lifeforms. I needed the plants to be more developed so that it would be capable of supporting life as soon as possible. Looking at Tia as she was playing around with the life in her hand, I don't think they'll stay in that form for long. She'll get bored real quick and I'm sure she'll start experimenting with her powers real soon.

I send another surge of power across the net of life that I had spread over Tera. Around me plants began to sprout in abundance. There were grass, trees, and flowers of such varying species sprouting around us. Tia stared in wonder as I made a field of flowers grow around her.

Well, you can't blame me for wanting to impress my daughter. I have so much power and having an audience that appreciative is kinda rare. Rua didn't even blink when I made Taiyo for her. I'ts refreshing to see Tia being so open.

I was just finishing up with the plants when I felt like something, a force, working around me. A quick glance at Tia shows that she was not the culprit. It felt something like something a kin to the gods that I had created. This was annoying, I hate being interrupted and did not have the patience to check out what this was all about. If it had appeared at a better time, I might have acted better but I wanted to continue my work, so I forced whatever it was to appear in from of me.

That was how I accidentally created Arbores, the God of Nature. Apparently he was given consciousness when I was giving life to the world. The network of tendrils that I had thrown across Tera was given a huge dose of life energy causing it to become sentient. However at that point Arbores was still in the form of energy but in my irritation I had called him forth and forced he to appear in this form.


Arbores seemed confused with what had just happened. I might have been a bit too forceful when I created him.

and having created him without intending it might have left him a bit eccentric.

-What happened? Why am I in this form?-

[Greetings, Arbores. I am MOUSE and you are in this form because I willed it. I have created you from the tendril of life that I had thrown across this world. You, Arbores, shall be the one who governs this life-thread. You are the God of Nature.]

-O..of course, my lord. I will serve you willingly.- Arbores was clearly still addled after his rough creation process. I felt a little bad about it but what can you do? It was an accident.

[Here, let us go and meet your sister Tia. She'll be able to tell you what to do.] I said as I took him over to Tia.

-Daddy, whose that behind you?-

[This is your brother, Arbores. I made him out of the life-thread that I used. He is the God of Nature. He will be helping you govern the plants here,.]

-I have a brother?-

Tia went over to look at Arbores but he quickly hid behind me. It looks like Arbores is a bit shy? Huh, I wondered where he got his personality from.


-Hey Arbores, let's play-


-You don't want to?-

It felt wrong to intrude on them as they get to know each other so I left them to finish up the world. Looking around I could see that Tia did quite well already. She had already played around the life that I had given her. There were bugs, fishes, even some animals, birds, lizards. and a few weird looking things that I couldn't even begin to describe.

All in all things were going well. I look back at the two gods and saw them playing around. At least I saw Tia playing, Arbores was doing his hardest to get away.

With the creation of Arbores, God of Nature, it might be a good idea to create gods to represent each element. That should make everything run smoother. Plus, I don't think Tia was ready to handle this whole world by herself. She was too... I don't know the word... childish? Could anyone ever use that term to describe a god? I love her dearly but Rua is much more capable and that is why I was confident that she could handle keeping order in the universe.

So, I started with all the basic element. I started with earth water and air. I wondered whether I really needed a God Of Fire since I already have Taiyo but I didn't see anything wrong with it. I think Taiyo would be too busy to focus on one measly planet anyways.

Terram, the God of Earth

Aqua, the God of Water

Aero, the God of Air

Ignis, the God of Fire

>>Here I was having a bit of trouble. I mean, the English world for the ground is earth. but It doesn't feel right to replace earth with tera. I keep remembering the avatar intro and whenever i try to replace it with tera, It felt weird. So for now, the planet is Tera, the dirt/ground/soil will be called earth.

I made them as quadruplets. I made them out of their respective elements. They did not have a lot of power on their own but together they should be able to handle anything Tera throws at them. I felt confident then that I had made enough that Tera should be able to progress along the route that I had planned for it. Now I need to go check up on Rua and Taiyo.

>>Thanks for reading. Please comment on anything I did wrong.<<

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