《G.O.D.S - Great Overlords Dominating Stuff》Chapter 1 Creating life?


As I came to consciousness, I saw Rua waiting patiently in front of me. Apparently she had been finished for quite some time now and was waiting for me to wake up.

Taking a quick look around, I saw that Rua had taken the liberty of arranging the planets and stars in an orderly fashion in the manner which is now commonly referred to as a solar system. The scene which lay before me was truly beautiful beyond words.

I was quite impressed, creating all the this required great power and some of the things that she created, like Time and Gravity were really creative. It was a really great way to create order to all of my creation.

[Rua, you have pleased me greatly. I am impressed by the way that you have managed everything. I now give you dominance over all of space and time. May you keep the order in this universe,]

-I am honored, my lord. I will strive to serve you as best I could-

I then went about inspecting the universe. So many worlds, so many possibilities.

Rua's act of creating time and space gave me such a surprise that I thought of creating more Gods. Having someone else take care of my stuff is great. I can have all the fun I want and someone else will clean up all the mess.

[Hey Rua, do you want some siblings to help you govern everything?] Asking her might be the best course for now. I don't want her overburdened by work. I made her as hardworking as I could, without being a workaholic, but I was not that big of a jerk to make her govern the whole universe on her own.

Rua was silent for a while before answering -I would appreciate some help with the stars, my lord. They tend to flicker out of existence at the worst of times, causing chaos by destroying everything around them.-


[Well that is easy enough.} I said as it took a few stars that were nearby and proceeded to create another god,

[You are Taiyo, The God of Suns and Stars. I am MOUSE your creator. This is your sister Rua, who governs over Space and Time. She is your elder and you would do well to follow her lead.]

-Greetings, my lord and honored sister. What is your will, oh lord?-

[Your sister has been having some trouble, so I want you to help her out. That's it.]

Taiyo gave off a sudden desire to please so powerful that even I was surprise before answering, -Of course, my Lord. I shall serve your every whim.-

As the two of them left, after I told them that I wanted to be alone, I could no help but feel a little bit happy. [Hehehe, this is really fun. I never knew creating stuff was so fulfilling.]

I like creating things. Maybe I'l even create some lesser lifeforms, just to see what would happen. With this in mind, I went over to a random world. This planet had a great amount of water and a good atmosphere around it. It was an ideal place what what I had intended.

Taking a closer look at the world, I decided to name it 'Tera'. I then went ahead to create life. As I started gathering my will, I remembered the two gods that I had created. If space, time and stars have gods to govern them, why not have create a god to govern life as well.

Thinking that since I've already created two gods, I might as well go for broke and create more. Don't want to have to create something else later. I tend to get lazy later on and I might just not care enough to create a god then.


Taking a piece of the planet's core, I then started creating the new god. Half-way through I added a piece of my very own being into it, just to add that extra juice that she'll need to create and govern life. There you go, the goddess Tia who governs life.

Looking at her I could see that adding that bit me in her made her a hell of a lot more powerful that the other two gods before her. Well, she was way more powerful than Taiyo at least. Rua might just give her a run for her money since I did add some of my power to Rua as well.

[Hello, Tia. I am MOUSE, the creator of all. I created you so that you may govern-]

-Daddy~!- Tia interrupts my speech with a big hug that surprised me, leaving me speechless.

Strangely enough I wasn't all that disturb by her actions In fact, I quickly came to like Tia the most out of all the gods that I would come to create.

>>Thanks for reading. This Story might be a bit slow but please bear with it. I'll try to speed things up but I am having too much fun writing this stuff. Oh, and again any comment would be appreciated. 1st FF and everything.

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