《G.O.D.S - Great Overlords Dominating Stuff》Prologue - How MOUSE created everything.


>>I've been making a few changes , just to get a feel of how this works. So please be patient with me. For now this is how the dialog works.**Most of the time, MOUSE is telling the story in 1st person perspective so no marking there, sometimes I'll just put these in if it seemed like he is really talking to the readers.

[] MOUSE talking.

"" Common dialogue.

-- This is mind-speak

Okay. It has occurred to me that some of you might be wondering how I created all of everything. I think the gods had given humanity a book or something where they told their version of creation. Well, it would serve the purpose, it goes something like this..

The Book of Creation

Page 1 - Chapter 1 - Creation

In the beginning there was nothing, Emptiness, and from this void came an explosion of power that created all things. So strong was this explosion that even the gods, mighty though they maybe, were unable to fathom its power. Thus, the universe was created.

Well, my friends, you might wonder, what was that explosion of power? That was just me clapping.

The explosion, which we now call the Big Clap, threw sparks across all of space that become the millions of stars. Some of these stars soon fade leaving a void so powerful, that it ate everything around it. Larger pieces of matter.....

Blah Blah Blah, here they go on on about stuff that I am sure you guys would not even care so lets skip to the good part, How the gods came to be. Hell, I'll even tell you their version of it.

Book Of Creation

Page 35 - Chapter 3 - The Awakening of Rua, The Goddess of Space and Time.

The first god to awaken was Rua and she awoke angry and confused at the chaos that surrounds her. This was because she had awoken from the explosion of energy that was the Big Clap and what had followed it was a wake of chaos. Knowing that this must be stopped, Rua then gathered her powers and created order throughout the universe. She created gravity, space and time so that all the stars, planets and moons would forever be in her control. Thus was the chaos that was the birth of the universe kept under control.


{Evil laugh} Look at that, they made Rua look like benevolent and powerful being that restored order to the world. Well she did do it, so I'll let her keep the credit but where was my name in this 'Oh-so-accurate Book of Creation'.Rua is just a glorified maid if you think about it. Okay so here's what really happened.

After the clap that created everything,(Don't ask me how I did it, this is like breathing for me. I don't have to think about how. I just do) I looked at the mess I made and wasn't all that inclined to clean it up.

Thinking that this might as well be a great time to create someone, a god (a maid really), to clean up my mess, I grabbed a few bits of stuff here and there. A pinch of darkness, a few planets, a couple of stars and some of my own brand of power before mixing it all to create a goddess.

And that was how I created Rua the first of the gods.. Now, I know that this might just be me tooting my own flute here, but I must say that I think I did quite a good job. She was pretty, powerful and very organised, which is exactly what I wanted from her.

I know some of you guys might be thinking of a beautiful black-haired girl in a maid outfit but that is not the case here. I mean come on I just created the universe here. Mankind hasn't even been created yet. Rua is a being of pure energy, think of her as something like IO from DOTA2.

[Your name shall be Rua. I am Mouse, your creator. Now I need you to serve me by providing order to my creation.]

-Of course, my Lord.-

As Rua got to work cleaning up the mess that I made, I went ahead and took a nap. I could tell that this was going to take a while.

>> I am trying to get use to using tables and some of other features available. Oh, and comments are appreciated.<<

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