《The Silver Sabertooth》The Biggest Mistake


All soldiers are gathering in front of the capital waiting for Zeral to return to capture him as they hope while the commanders are inside trying to figure out how they will catch Zeral without getting many casualties and they were aware of dangers and the scale of this battle that they are going to make against a single person...

While the generals are discussing with the queen about this situation and they are aware of they may get a sudden attack from the monsters after dealing with Zeral which means they need to catch Zeral with fewer deaths and save for the big battle that is going to happens soon

The feeling of despair and fear in most of them, while Zeral who has no idea what is going on in the capital, after taking a break in the mountain near the capital, he finally he start walking back to the capital while saying

"Alright time to go back there and tell the queen about my answer but I hope her daughter will be fine for hearing this and she put away the idea of joining the war...Then I will order them to prepare themselves for the war, I'm sure Hirvan is going to attack soon and they need to be strong as ever to fight his army"

Meanwhile, at the throne's chamber, the queen asking her general, Mateo about the progress of their quest "Are you sure, the chains you got is good enough to hold this Zeral? you know he is so strong and especially when he is mad"

Mateo answer with uncertainty "My queen, to be honest, I'm not sure, we never capture something like this before but as I told you this is best chains that we got from best blacksmiths in this kingdom, they melt their best iron they have"

Another general interrupts him by saying "But as you know the problem is not the chains, my dear queen, how in the world we are going to get him? we are going to use our best tactics in hope of getting him down so we can chain him but as you saw in last battle with him, he is an unstoppable force that we can't handle"

General Mateo says "We will stop him this time, just trust our man, he killed our king"

The queen interrupts Mateo saying "Maybe he did, even if he killed those soldiers and his sword was in my dear husband body, maybe something else happened that is why I will give you the chance to interrogate him for the truth and if he indeed killed my husband then he needs to tell us why?"

A general stand from his chair saying "My dear queen, come on, he did it for them, he was on their side from the start and he fooled us all and believe me we will get him no matter what just trust our men outside"

The queen takes seconds then answers him "If he wants to kill him he would do it when he arrived the first time, he had a strong motivation back then, he thought my husband killed his hometown and as you saw he didn't do it so I don't think he killed him just for Hirvan's sake and after his good relation he got with my daughter"

Mateo says "Alright my queen, maybe you are right but we have to deal with him and get those answers and after that, we have to prepare for the possible invasion of Hirvan's army"

The queen look to Mateo and says "That is what I really worrying about, even if Zeral killed my husband I still can't accept the fact that we are about to jail him while we are in war with powerful force since he can a big help for us especially if he is not on their side as well"


One of the generals speaks out of the shock of hearing this "What? my queen, you think he will help us now? after he took off our king? what if he is indeed on their side and he will unleash hell on us now? what if he killed most of our soldiers then Hirvan's army approaches us in short time? this is dangerous situation my dear queen please think more about this"

Another general add to that "I totally agree with him, my dear queen, we have to reconsider all scenarios of facing him, maybe he will fight us with his full power maybe he will surrender himself but no matter what the results of the upcoming we have to think more about the fate of this kingdom, as everyone knows, the monster in our doors, they will attack us soon, so with Zeral or not, we must fight, we must protect our kingdom"

The queen says with much depression "I fully understand what is going, I just...You know, hard for me to think someone like Adomas would do this for his kingdom, anyway, we have to stop him with fewer deaths and prepare for the big one...(she took a breath) I will speak to Zeral, I will ask him to surrender without fighting, if he refuses then attack him okay?"

Most of her generals agreed with her as they hope he may listen to her and surrender without fighting and with that they will save many souls in a battle that also may it will end everyone in the capital and by that the beginning of the end of human race.

After few hours, he reaches the capital and when he noticed a number of soldiers outside the walls, he asks himself "What is going? Is the war is already started? Damn I have to go fast

then he starts riding his horse with high pace to reach the soldiers so he can join them the fight as he thinking, while the other side waiting to face him and when they saw him coming,

Quickly they get into fighting stands, bring up the chains and the queen coming out with her generals behind the large soldiers waiting for Zeral...

As get near them, the soldiers get ready for the battle and when he finally reaches them he asks

"Well, it looks like you are all ready for the war? sorry if I kept you waiting, I had to rest and prepare for this battle in my own things so tell me where did they start attacking? Kolino?"

All soldiers did not say anything to Zeral as they look to him with rage in their faces, Zeral felt that so he get down from his horse and walk towards them asking

"Alright, is there something wrong? aren't you all going to the war? Oh, there is the queen, hey I'm back my dear queen so guys are we going to do this or not?"

They didn't answer him as they march step by step towards him so Zeral start laughing then says

"Hahaha come on don't be afraid, leave the hard work for your new king, I will smash them all while you all can do little help, no problem so let's go"

Seconds later, the general Mateo approaches Zeral and rise up his sword in same time all soldiers get their swords out and he says

"Adomas Ivr Marilos aka Zeral, you are under arrest for killing our king and by this kingdom rules you are now a traitor and you must get punish for this by serving rest of your life in the prison so we ask you to surrender rather turns this to the other way"


Zeral didn't believe any word the general says, burst into total shocker, he rapidly asks "What? What the hell? Did I? what? Are you kidding me?"

The general point his sword to Zeral and he says "You are the traitor, you killed our king and we will punish you even if we can't kill you we will capture and if you insist we will have to die for it, you took our beloved king so nothing will stop us"

Zeral quickly interrupts the general by yelling "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" then he turns his head to the queen and ask her

"My queen, what is this? huh? the monsters army are about to attack your kingdom, hell it is my kingdom too, and I promised you, I will protect it no matter what and this what I got? huh? you people really think I killed the king and I lied to you all?"

The general screams at Zeral "YES YOU DID also don't ever speak to our queen directly, you are fugitive now and you don't have right to talk to her so what is going to be Zeral?"

Zeral start laughing at the general saying "I'm a fugitive? hahahaha man, you think your army can get me? Do you want to kill all your soldiers before the war? is that what you want? and for what? for thinking that I'm the king killer? you think if I want to kill him I wouldn't do it when I got the chance?"

Another general says "Alright Commander Ron, bring us the witness, let him hear what this soldier what about to say" then the commander Hans bring up the soldier that told them the story about the Zeral killing the king, the soldier comes out, with many budgets in his body, nearly can move from his injuries. He stands in front of Zeral and says

"You piece of shit, you killed my mates and you killed the king, here I am! come and kill me too! you went to Kolino to get me there and you didn't think I would make it here, but here I am with the God's strength I made it and I told them the truth about you"

Zeral kept looking for this soldier until he finishes speaking then with weird stare, he asks

"Wait for what? What the hell are you talking about? Do you ever know me?"

The soldier starts speaking with much anger "Now you are pretending you don't know me? after you barely tore down most of my body and yet I survived you and I told them the truth about your attack, they know that you are the king killer so stop lying and face your punishment"

Zeral quickly gets anger more and more, yelling at this soldier "What the fuck are you talking about? I never met you before and why I tore off your half body if I can tear off your head instead? and all of you believe this shit?"

The soldier loses his control and starts running with his left hand grabbing his sword, toward Zeral yelling at him "You killed my mates! you killed the king, I'm going to kill you" Zeral with much anger with one powerful punch, he smashes the soldier head and kill him instantly then he says "You can shut up and stop poisoning their minds with your lies, I never met you or meet your mates or whatever you saying, you fucking liar"

Instantly all soldier surrender Zeral and prepare to attack him at any moment as he looking to them with a smile he says "So is this what is going to be? you want to fight me even you know all of you will die??"

A weave of soldier jump on him, attacking him from every corner but Zeral smoothly avoid them all with his pace and agility and without killing anyone he jumps far away and when he comes down he says "My queen please stop this! I don't want to kill them, you know the war is coming and you need all your men for it"

The queen quickly jumps off her horse and walk toward Zeral as generals following her she orders her soldier to step down and stop the attack then she gets near to Zeral and tells him what she thinks about this...

"You killed that soldier as his friends so nothing new to you, how about me? huh? you killed my husband why not kill me too Adomas"

Zeral didn't believe what he hears from her, desperately trying to convince her that he is innocent

"What? I didn't do it, why are you saying this? because a soldier I don't know where did he come from, he said that he saw me killed the king? you believe him instead of your childhood friend, instead of the warrior who spent most of his years serving your husband"

She start crying while saying "But I was about to make you a new king, I wanted you to be the leader of this kingdom army, a hero that they will love but it seems I was wrong, you are not the same Adomas I knew, he didn't kill him because you got no swords, so you used your arms to tear him and other soldiers who by luck were near you in that day that is why he survived and we got evidence from our healers that he got arm ripped by hands not cutting sword while the big evidence was your...(crying for seconds) your sword"

Zeral doesn't understand most of what she says, he requests her to explain what is this about

"I had no idea what are you talking about? my sword? here it is on my back and I swear I never meet those soldiers and I never killed the king"

One of the generals says "Enough lying, your other sword Zeral! where is it? don't answer because we know it is buried with our king, you killed him with your sword, the sword that no one else has it, the famously Hoca-Sword and we checked it and it was there so you got no more things to say! just give up and let us jail you for good"

The queen barely speaks "Please...Enough..." and while she speaking to him, one soldier jump on Zeral from behind attacking him alone, Zeral turns to see this soldier...

This soldier crying too, unleashing all his attacks, yelling "YOU KILLED HIM" the queen order him to stop but he won't listen and Zeral just standing letting him hitting him then the queen screams to him "I SAID STOP" so Zeral with his hands stop this soldier from attacking him then he broke the sword with his powerful fists and says with much anger "She said stop, one more attack and I will kill you straightway"

Then soldier start screaming "KILL ME! KILL ME AS YOU DID TO MY FATHER" then this soldier takes off his helmet to appear to be the princess Donatella herself inside an armor and using helmet to cover her hair

Zeral stunned immediately, her mother too, one general asks "What? is that the princess?"

Zeram ask her "What the hell?" she answers him with quite hatred voice

"Kill me, you took my father after you promised to protect me, to teach me how to fight, I even...I...I did...Damn you I hate you now, come on" then she screams loudly "KILLL MEEE!!" Zeral with tears coming down, he goes to her, the queen says "NOO" the generals getting out their swords to stop him but Zeral quickly hugs her then he whispers to her tears

"It was Kevin, not me, he is from my city too, but if this what you want then sorry I cannot"

then he gets on his knees, putting his arms above his head and says "I surrender, took me to your jail" with everyone in that second so shocked and in fear for the fact that he can kill her in any seconds and when he says that no one believes it, after seconds they finally realized that he truly gave up so two commanders quickly brought the chains and tied him then they took him away...

The end.

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