《The Silver Sabertooth》The Fateful War Begins


Because love to his kingdom, Zeral surrender without killing any soldier, he tried to convince them that it wasn't him, but he failed now Zeral is in prison, they put him in lowest cell down the prison, a place so disgusting and away from the sunlight, only two candles outside his cell, but not for him, it is for guards who comes down to feed Zeral once in the day just once, and this was ordered by one of the generals so Zeral will eventually get tired and with no stamina he can't escape even if he tried, still the darkness in room and the disgusting smells also the rats moving in it made this cell worst nightmare for any prisoner...

As the general said "this is your punishment for killing our king, you will be in worst cell, alone and chained to thick walls that I'm sure you can't even break while you are starving"

Zeral before looking the general with a smile in the face while he getting tie up, the general ask Zeral with confusion expression in the face "Why are you smiling? huh? you didn't hear me?"

Zeral start laughing while saying "Oh, humans, what a pity, you foul think you can handle the monsters by yourselves, Hirvan must be happy now that I'm out this war"

The general screams at him "SHUT UP! you don't have rights to say anything about this and you know what? you don't have right to speak to anyone, you will be here alone forever, a cursed piece of shit like you deserve this and more, we don't need your help, we got God on our side, he will help us to defeat our enemy"

Zeral continues laughing "Hahaha God on your side, you say? if he is then he will tell you to release me and let me help you in this war so I can fulfill my promise to the king, then you can do whatever you want with me, but you chose the wrong option and all of the humanity will be gone for that while me, I stay here enjoying my time, those chains can't hold me so when you start begging for your mercy I will be there watching your meat getting eaten alive"

The general screams louder "SHUT UP!!" then with his sword, he strikes Zeral over and over until a guard asked him to stop and tell him this is useless...

After moments, the general walks out from the cell then he furiously start ordering this

"Shut the fucking cell and I order you all don't ever bring food for Zeral until the war is over, so if we all died no one will feed him, if we survived I will be there laughing at his stupid ass begging to me for some piece of bread, that piece of shit I will kill him myself someday"

The guards say "Yes sir" meanwhile at the Kolino city, people still in shock from the news of the king, even soldiers are still in sadness, without their general, without patrolling the near forest and without preparing themselves...

But they didn't realize yet, they about receive the most powerful attack ever by the monsters army as they surpassing the river and getting near to Kolino city with the largest army the monster ever made, all monsters are in one place, following their God to Kolino, the only city between it and capital and after they discover new way to pass the river and forest to get to Kolino without getting noticed in other cities that ahead Kolino made this attack an decisive one and the official start of the war


Moments before the attack start Hirvan told his minions this

"My kids, today is your day, today we will start to wipe out the human race, today we will kill thousands of them we will eat their delicious flesh and we will be victorious, this the fate I give to you, you see, I'm the god here, I deceive them to put away Zeral so we can win it easily so all my kids I order you to kill everyone in that city and burn it down, eat them all and save me some human babies, you know they are my favorite candies hahahaha come on my army march to victory, I shall be with you"

All monsters screams in same time "HELL YEAH" a scream with large amount of monster can be heard in walls, the guards didn't understand where did that scream come from and when they start checking the forest, they saw the most devastating thing they ever saw, an army of monster getting out of the forest running towards the gates, a number that can't be count, the largest army of monster ever saw, the guards immediately shocked to see that...

Quickly they start ringing the alarm bell then the soldiers quickly gear up to go outside, without knowing the intense army they will face so as they come out to defend the walls, they discover the reality of the situation and that they are absolutely fucked up, no one believes this happening, the commanders order them to start attacking but soldiers aren't advancing, they are all shocked and afraid from the scale of this army and especially from their terrifying song while marching towards them


The soldiers stunned, the commands scream at them "COME ON LET'S ATTACK" then soldier desperately go to fight so they can buy times so they can get help from other cities and warn them as they sent soldiers to the capital and near cities to warn them

When the soldiers get near the monsters to fight, the monsters throw some balls made from human's meats that got toxic in it to poison the soldiers who had no idea of those balls, they never faced something like that, so this tick worked and made effective on soldiers, many of them who smelled the toxic balls start to fade away, can't move or focus to fight, the pain got into them, while other collapsed and died from the power of this poison

Hirvan starts laughing at them while watching his monster get easy kills and eating the fallen soldiers then he says "Well it worked hahaha yeah this book has the most powerful spells that of course, I forget, you know Gods do forget things sometimes hahaha and speaking about gods? where is their god? why is he not helping them? hahahah I love this sight"

The poor soldiers didn't have chance in fighting back from this deadly poison that Hirvan made from the book of Nolloros, after few minutes all of the soldiers are dead and the monsters break the gates but there was one last wave of soldiers unleashed their rage on monsters but no use, they got same results as others...

Some already ran away from the city, while others stayed there to defend their homes until last breath...Just less an hour, the city falls, destroyed and burned, everyone died while dozens of monsters died in progress while some soldiers finally arrived the capital to warn them without knowing that the city actually is destroyed, the generals estimate that the army will be at the capital doors the next day...


So they putting last preparation, without knowing that the monsters are coming to their way after they brutally destroyed the city, the queen order their people to start leaving their homes and go out the capital for safety...

While Donatella training with her friend, the commander, Fernando after she ordered him to train her with one condition made by Fernando that she will not be in frontline...Away from the castle and the news of the war, she finishes her lesson with him so they got a break time, so they start a conversation about Zeral situation

"Listen we have to train one more time before I let you go, I have few moves need to get them better from you okay?" Donatella asking Fernando

"Alright, to be honest, you are such good fighter, you learn so fast and this time you did better job than before, what? Are you this much can't wait for this war? don't forget our promise please"

Donatella says "Alright, alright, don't worry I won't be in front line, I will stay behind and I won't dive in alone, okay I understand but thanks for letting me training with you and allowing me to be in your squash for this war, I will do my best I promise"

Fernando with a smile says "Well I hope I won't regret this, so be careful and don't let them notice you that you are the princess or they will target you and with that will be hard for us to protect you, so please don't remove your helmet or screams hey I'm the princess come let me kick your ass hahaha"

Donatella with a smile says "Okay I won't do that but I will say come here bitches let me kill you like bugs, you shitty creatures"

Fernando goes and take a chair and set then he asks "Come let's sit here and rest, can I ask you something?"

Donatella sets then respond "What is it? tell me"

Fernando take seconds looking to her before he asks this

"Do you believe Zeral is the killer of our king? sorry about this harsh question, but I got a point of view about it and want to share it with you but lately you've been in rough time so if you don't want to answer me neither hear my point, will be no problem"

Donatella looks with Fernando with a feint smile she says "Well it is fine, I'm fine, haha, I actually in good mood to speak about it, even it hurts but it doesn't matter now isn't?"

Fernando asks her again "Alright but you didn't answer me yet, inside your heart do you believe that Zeral was the killer?"

Donatella answer him with low voice "I'm not sure, he said he didn't do it and I can't believe it why he killed my father like that instead of killing us all if he wanted to, it still makes no sense why he did that, how to someone with such power to be afraid of us? if he was on their side why he didn't kill us already...damn it but the evidence says it is so I can't figure this out, I'm really confused and hate to think about it"

Fernando grabs Donatella's eyes and he slowly whisper "He didn't, I'm sure, even evidence that was built against him wasn't true, Zeral didn't bring his second sword here, the other one still at his room at Kolino's city, he gave it to me and told me to put his sword in his room before he goes to your room to speak to you then he left with you to come here...So how he used another Hoca-Sword to kill the king if the other one was there? he got the third sword hiding somewhere? or he quickly goes to Kolino and get back his sword then did what he did?"

Donatella says "I know, his sword there, when we left he had one sword with him but I'm not sure if that sword was Hoca-Sword or another sword...Wait a sec, he told me that Kevin the monster that comes to us before Zeral and I left the city...He was from Batrack so he probably had the same sword if he is from the same generation as Adomas"

Fernando immediately stand and says "WHAT? Is he from Batrack? then I'm sure he got it because most of the soldiers in that city had their swords from their famous blacksmith then that means...Oh no...He said it was his friend who killed the king not him so he was saying the truth damn it...But what about that soldier who witnesses Zeral killing his mates?"

Donatella also stand to answer him "For some reason he was lying, or maybe confused or mind controlled or whatever, it make no sense why Zeral lied to us while he can kill us all and he promised me that he will kill his friend as revenge for my father and since his second Hoca-Sword in Kolino then we have to go and bring it here so we can approve his innocence and so he can help us in this war..."

Fernando says "Yes, that is my point, his second sword there in his room so we have to get it here so your mother will reconsider again jailing Zeral for a crime that he didn't commit and then I'm sure he will help us again to fight in this war so listen I will go there by myself to bring the sword while you stay here and try to speak to your mom about this also you can continue your training with another commander"

Donatella says "But..."

Fernando interrupts her "Listen you need to tell your mom about this...Also, Kolino may get another powerful attack soon from monsters, you know the war about to start and that city probably first one to get ambushed by them so I have to go there without you to bring the second sword from his room okay? please Dona"

Donatella finally she accepts his request and says "Alright go fast, we have no time, and I will try to speak to Zeral again, I need the full truth about what happened with my father..."

Then Donatella left the training ground to speak to her mother while Fernando goes by horse with two soldiers with him to Kolino city without knowing what is waiting for him there, Fernando hoping to get the sword and with it make Zeral innocent and he will back to help them in this war but is he too late?

The end.

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