《The Silver Sabertooth》When The Devils & Angels Cried


Zeral left the capital heading to a near mountain to stay there for a day, thinking and resting and getting away from the sorrow that surrounds the capital for the king's death and the eyes of some people did not believe Zeral's story, as he was walking away he notice the people outside the castle whispering about him and talking if he really saying the truth "could be Zeral is the killer?" this is question floating in their tongues.

So Zeral had to leave and go to the near mountain, that may restore him some power and concentration needed to think about his future as the new king and what he will do about the war and how he will revenge the death of his king after he realized that he also may die

"God damn it...I've to focus...How I shall make people believe in me again and trust me as their own new king...I'm not right for this position but why the queen think that I'm the right person? can't she see what I am? a heartless beast with no purpose in life"

Zeral talking to himself while he closing his eyes and sitting on ground at the mountain's peak then he opens his eyes and says

"Wait for Zeral, that is wrong, I got a purpose now and it is an important one which is revenge and wins this damn war...I have to do it...I promised him...I will not get to another side without finishing what I promise...Is that what you want? my beloved wife?"

Zeral looking to sky, raising his hands and start speaking loudly

"Is that what you want? huh? If I do this, you will forgive me? I love you...(start crying)...But I killed you (start smiling at the same time) Do you know now that they can kill me? they got the god damn book, Hirvan can make the poison that can kill me, I deserve to die after all I did that what I deserve but before I go I must fulfill the king's wish"

then he screams "I MUST DO IT!" then he starts clearing his tears then he lays on the ground, closing his eyes, trying to sleep and rest...

Meanwhile, inside the princess's room, the queen entered the room seeking to see how is her daughter doing throw this rough time, she found her sharpening her sword with a small blade, the queen surprised to see her doing that so she asks

"What are you doing? Sharpening a sword? for what?"

Donatella didn't answer her as she keeps sharpening her sword, she asks her again

"Hey, I'm talking to you, why are you sharpening that sword? wait, is that your father sword?" as she got near Donatella...Who gives a quick answer

"Yeah" without even looking to her mother, she keeps sharpening...Her mother put her right hand on her daughter's shoulder and leaning towards her and says "Come on, sweet heart no need for this...Your father is...(after seconds of silence) you know.... So no need for this sword to sharpen and you have to rest"

Donatella immediately respond to her by "I know my father is dead, but this war is still going on so I got to prepare myself to take the revenge using my own father sword"

The queen pretended like she was surprised to hear that so she says

"What? to revenge your father? No, you can go there and fight! you are a princess not a soldier and don't worry Zeral will aven..."


Donatella interrupts her mother screaming "NOO! I WILL" then she looks to her mother and says "I will avenge my father, he is my father, not his, Zeral didn't have to avenge my father, besides this war isn't his...So he doing it just a favor for my father and if he truly loves this kingdom, he must train me so I can get better in sword fighting"

Her mother says "But you aren't a soldier neither a male to get inside the war, you don't know the rules? have you ever saw a woman in war? we aren't up for this..."

Donatella interrupts her again "Yeah...Yeah...No woman ever entered the army because you woman is weak, so you just stay at home taking care of kids until your husband gets back from war or if you are lucky, you can work as an infirmary and heal the soldiers in the shelters but no woman can go on the battlefield because they are weak! is this what you think?'

The queen stumble to ask "What? and yeah...Uh that is what we do but..."

Donatella interrupts her by yelling "BECAUSE YOU ALL ARE WEAK" then she put down her sword and stand saying "And I'm not! I will be warrior, a female fucking warrior and I will fight those bastards and I will kill them and prove to you all that woman can fight and I will be the first legendary female warrior that the kingdom needs just like Jona the female beast or Sandra the death-bringer"

The queen so shocked to hear this...After seconds of trying to talk to her daughter "What?! a female legendary warrior? are you insane? and you still believe on those legendary warriors"

Donatella answers "Yeah I do, they were real, they fought with Sazron's army, they killed many men, there were many female soldiers in their army, they battled us, they were strong and vicious as men I heard their stories, even they died a long time ago...

The queen says "I heard about them, but nothing will change the fact that they..."

Donatella keep interrupting her mother by saying "They hanged Jona naked with swords in her body while they burned Sandra! because they both were brave warriors for our army it was a good victory but for me they were true legends and I respect them for that even they killed my father's soldiers but they still legends and I will be one like them I will be the first woman to enter the army in this damned kingdom"

The queen goes to hug her daughter as she starts crying "What are you saying? you can't, you are my daughter, I can't let you go to fight those monsters please, my dear child stop this nonsense, please remember that you are the princess"

Donatella step behind and look to her mother and says "Yet, what it has to do with me? being a princess? pointless thing, just stay here in this castle doing nothing and watching my little brother ruling the kingdom as he wants, I had nothing to do with this life mother, I got no purpose but now I have and which is stop being a useless baby-girl and become a warrior, a legend, something that no other woman did in this kingdom, to be the first legendary warrior and get my name with other legendaries people while my brother can be the great king as my father was..."

then she get back to her sword and start sharpening it again while saying "I don't care about the throne, after all, you must get balls to rule a kingdom, this is how life works I got that but I will never let you stopping me from achieving my dream so I will start my training with Zeral tomorrow so please mother don't get in our way"


The queen crying and can't say any words from what she have heard from her own daughter, a shocker that never had in her life, he owns lovely daughter become something else as she wondering what the hell happening to her, why she become the heartless person that ignoring her mother crying behind her...

Then the queen leaves her, the tears raining down her eyes while Donatella keeps sharpening her swords while saying this "I will be a legend...I will avenge my father...No matter what"

After few hours pass, night comes, one general come to the queen chamber and tell her there is important person she must meet, she comes out from her room, with a pale face and sadness that you can feel from her pretty voice, then they both went to her throne so she can listen to this important person that come to speak to her about important matters as the general told her

So she set on her throne while all generals gathered in the chamber as well then she asks the guards to bring in this soldier to tell her about the important thing...

The soldier enters, slowly walking, lowering his head to the ground, he gets close and bow to the queen and says "My dear queen, I'm sorry for the loss of the dear king and I shall try to avenge his death until my last breath and hope God gained him a place in heaven...Amine"

The generals say "Amine" as well then one of them says "So tell us what is this important thing you have to say in face of our queen?"

The soldier still bowing while speaking to her "My dear queen I'm sorry I've got something important to tell you but you will not go to like it at all"

The queen says "Okay, stand and tell me what is it? I've already got many things I didn't like so far so no problem just speak"

After he stands and looks to the queen with tears in eyes, trying to hold them, he says

"My dear queen, I was at Kolino city, guarding the northern side, then I got to order from sir Adrian to go with other soldiers there to investigate how the monsters attacked us and where did they come from so, I traced the route and we found an undiscovered cave near the river"

The general Adrian says "Oh yeah, you are from that troop that I personally send to check there after the late attack from monsters in that city, but as I heard no one come back from there yet, and it took so long, even some suggested you all were dead, so what happened? and where are other soldiers? are they back to the city?"

The soldier burst crying while saying "No we didn't make it, we got ambushed by..."

The queen quickly asks "By whom?" the general Adrian says "Damn it was from those monsters...And are you the lone survivor?"

The soldier keeps crying while saying "Yes...I am but...They weren't monsters who attacked us...Something else, far stronger and faster...With few blows and rest of my comrades are dead but I managed to run away and hide in a small hole inside cave"

The queen asks "What? who then attacked you? speak" the general start wondering to each other "What?...Who else can kill many soldiers in few blows?...Another beast?...Maybe a big bear?.Maybe...What?...Who?"

Then this soldier says "No it wasn't a bear or any wild animal, but it was a beast, a human shape beast, someone that you all knows, the only creature can do this..."

The queen with shock in the face as other generals then one of them says "Z-z-z-eral? No way!"

The soldier showed his right arm that got brutally cut and he replaces with a piece of wood in it and says

"see? my right arm is gone, if this was monster or beast I will not be here, it will eat me, but this wasn't for eating but for not letting me leave the cave alive, or fight him but I managed with help of other brave soldiers and I hope they are in heaven too for fighting him and made me a chance to flee so I did and hide from him then slowly I managed to return to city and here I am here talking to you"

The queen says "Are you sure? Was it him? but why? when this happened?"

The soldier says "I don't know the exact reason, but this happened this morning, as you see my arm is gone and I didn't even bother to heal it, I said to myself I got to tell the king about this before anything else but when I arrived I heard the bad news, that king is dead and I'm truly sad"

A general quickly asks the queen "But didn't Zeral says that he was with the king this morning and he was trapped in a cave while Hirvan killed the king"

The queen asks the soldier again "Tell me, did he said anything? and have you saw the king?"

The soldier trying to raise his wooden right arm "I swear to god, in my lord name I must the truth and I shall be punished in hell if I lied to you...Amine...I swear I never saw the king with him but Zeral was so surprised when we found him near the cave so he attacked us, he didn't want us to leave, he used his insane speed to kill us with his bare hands, not his sword, which I wondered why he didn't get his sword on him"

One of the general quickly start stumbling and cracking down "No way, He killed him, my queen, Zeral killed the king, the sword that killed the king, I saw it when he brings back the king, he gave it to me and said burry it with him as resemble for his heroism but when I look to that sword it was the same sword as he got before, the famous Hoca-Sword"

Another general says "What? Was it a Hoca-sword? why didn't you say this before? that sword is rare and no one in our army today has one of it because it only made on Batrack city from the famous blacksmith Mr.Franc Hocanous, he gave it the name Hoca-sword but he died in the fall of Batrack as much as all his swords destroyed, there is no one else have that sword expect Zeral who used it for many years"

Another general add to that "Yes, that is right, only Zeral the survival of Batrack or let us say the killer of Batrack, he got the only two swords from survived from there and last time I saw him he just got one of them which means the second one is..."

The soldier interrupts crying "No way...Did he kill our king? but why?"

The queen totally shocked waving no with her head and can't believe what she listening to

the general Adrian says "He killed him there with his own sword and when he saw my men, he felt afraid so he killed them and return to us with this fake news and in same time I assume he thought that the survivor from his attack will never come this shortly"

Another general add to that "Yeah, he even left the capital, he told me he is going to take some rest in a mountain near Kolino city so I think he is there trying to find this soldier to finish him off and bury the truth after he made us believe that Hirvan himself, the devilish monster, went from his lair to kill the king after his friend betrayed him"

Most of the generals start yelling "THAT WAS A LIE...HE KILLED OUR KING...TRAITOR..."

the queen start yelling as well "ENOUGH! Zeral he can't kill the king? why has he done that huh? if he wanted to kill him, he may do it with all of us watching and yet we can do anything to him...this is nonsense I can't believe it"

A general ask the Queen "My dear queen, can you explain why he killed his own people? he said I don't know so maybe he killed the king in that why and he doesn't know or he knows and he was fooling all of us and he never was on our side in the first place..."

Another one says "My queen, I totally agree with him, he probably killed our king in secret and come up with this lie so he can continue his evil doing inside our doors, so I believe he is with them not with us, and he wants to weaken us with this so the monsters army clearly defeat us and he will join them, you will see my queen"

The queen starts crying while saying "Oh my god, this can't be true, even if it is we can't do anything to him"

The general Adrian says "All evidence says that he is the killer...And we can, we will capture him and if we can't kill him then fine we can put him in prison forever with many chains, he will be there until we got a solution how to kill him also I will never forgive him for all what he was done"

All of the generals telling the queen "Me too... Me too...Me too...He must punish my queen...We will get him"

Then after a deep thought, she finally says "Alright I order you all apprehend Zeral and put him in jail when he comes back from the mountain and for now prepare the chains and prepare yourself to take him down is it clear?"

"Yes our queen, we will avenge our king" all generals in one voice meanwhile the soldier start smiling but in reality, it wasn't the soldier who smiling, it was Hirvan who is mind controlling him from his cave and really loved the solution that humans were done...

So he praised Kevin about the sword idea, that Hirvan used Kevin sword and let it there so Zeral pick it up and without noticing it he will bring it back to the castle so he can bury it with the king as the traditional says in Antorya kingdom...

And because of Kevin the second survivor from Batrack so he got that Hoca-sword so that was his sword, not Zeral and for that, their plot has been successfully worked so by that it means no more Zeral in the way of their victory over humans...As ordering his monsters to gather and prepare for one big assault to take down the humans once for all...

The end

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