《The Silver Sabertooth》The Hate To Be Princess


Quitting the capital and heading to city of Kolino, Zeral been thinking to find a solution for his problem which is how he can make Hirvan read the Nolloros book and tell him the formula of the poison that made the silver sabertooth vulnerable to the sword attacks which led to killing it years ago and in the same thing he trying to forget that he is responsible for the death of Batrak's people including his family and wondering why he does it?

"Why I did it? Why I can't remember it? damn it what the hell happened to me? Am I Adomas? Am I that legendary warrior?" Question himself as he walking...

Meanwhile, at Hirvan's cave, the monsters are plotting to attack the capital of Antorya

"My God, if we follow the river behind the city of Kolino we can reach the capital in short time also avoid the combat with another city near" a monster suggest this

"Yes, but what if failed to pass the river in time? you know it hard to across it when water goes above its normal level and it dangerous to walk in that forest while we have wild animals lurking in there?" another monster asks

The monster answers "Well we got enough time to get throw trust me we can do it and for animals well if we meet one instead of fighting it we can give it simple parts of human flesh, haha you know they love it as well"

Hirvan cut them by saying "Wild animals are our allies in this war so need to conflict with them so avoid that and I allow you to feed them some of our food so they can let us pass if we meet them in that big forest, therefore, I accept your plot"

The Monster says "Oh thank god, I'm grateful that you liked it also it easy to pass the dead city of Pilan towards the capital hahaha thanks to our Zeral"

Hirvan saying as he laughing "Hahaha yeah if we get over the Kolino city and across the river in right time we will reach the capital and destroy what it left in it and take that damned book back and then only by then we will end rest of humans along with Zeral"

All monsters in same time scream "HELL YEAH!"

Then Hirvan says "I wonder does Zeral already ate the heart of the king or he left to us? hahaha that poor king he never thought that one of his best warriors turns to be the reason of the death of his great kingdom also he thought I never knew about the original book that he still holding it"

One monster asks "God, are you sure the original book of Nollo... Ahhh mhmm is it there?"

Hirvan answers furiously "Of course it is there, the original book still in the castle somewhere and even if Zeral destroy the castle there is a big chance we can find it fine because this book is important for the king so I bet he hide it somewhere safe however he lied to me years ago when I was under his stupid commands, he said the original book lost when his father killed the last mage alive but in reality his father bring that book along with other books to castle and hide it away and my preceded druid told me he still got it somewhere"

The monster asks again "But Lord, you searched for it but you never find it? how?"


Hirvan answers again furiously "Damn it I never find it due the limited search places I got back then, well I can't search entire castle without getting notice, however, the book I got was not the original and had few of spells and secrets and there are the other spells were missing and those spells are powerful than you imagine and with it I can destroy the rest of human race easily"

Another monster asks Hirvan "My God why you need this book to end human race? if you are a powerful God then you can kill them by yourself even that Zeral"

Hirvan explode on this monster yelling while other staring at him

"YOU AGAIN! How dare you to ask of disbelief to me? I am your God I am your maker and asking about my power is forbidden, do you want me to end your life right now?"

That monster quickly kneeling and ask for forgiveness "Please Lord I didn't mean to disrespect you or disbelieve your powers I was just wondering that is all"

Hirvan take moments looking at him then he says

"Alright this is last time I hear something like that from you however, every God some source of power to make him more stronger just like humans they pray for their god so he can be more powerful while for me no I only need that book so I can gain stronger and I will make all of those humans a food for you all"

All of the monsters screamed again "HELL YEAH!"

Then Hirvan says "What are you waiting for? go and deliver my order to all of units, all engage a war at Kolino city and destroy then march towards the capital then I will join you to search that book and in same time we will enjoy the beautiful ruins of the capital that what we dreamed for then the world will be ours so go now my sons and always remember I am the God with you"

So with a large number of monsters gathered all of them went to Kolino's city, to destroy it and get throw it...

But in this city, where is the princess of Antorya is training with her sword with a commander while the generals who went with her are talking with commanders but they are not aware of the hell number of monsters are coming to fight them...

"Bravo! that is good work my princess, I can't believe you are that good man! now can we take a break?" the commander who training the princess

The princess breathing heavily "Ah-Ah No, not yet I still want to fight, I need more training no time for break"

The commander begging her to stop "My Princess please, you are tired and you need to take a rest, you did well today"

The princess madly says "Listen, I'm not tired I don't need rest I want to train! if I train more I will get better and better and for god sake stop calling me princess! I got a name which is..."

"Donatella! Enough! listen to the commander's order, and stop being stubborn" a man enter the training ground yelling

"Oh yeah? how about the princess order you to continue training me one more time and you sir Marcus keep this out of your business"

The commander starts laughing "Now you are a princess? not just a little Dona hahaha"

Marcus add to that by saying "Dona enough is enough look at yourself, you barely talking, you've been training for nearly three hours"


The princess wonders "little Dona? what? the hell? I'm not little you foul"

Marcus interrupts her "Hey a little respect for you mentor and the high ranked commander of this city who was requested to train with you by me, the general Marcus"

Donatella says "So what? are you going to tell my father about it? and I want to train more I need to get better and better"

Marcus asked her "For what? huh? you are not a soldier, you are the princess of the greatest kingdom in the world and this is not what normal princess does! so stop this and go get some rest otherwise I will have to report your father"

The commander add to that "Yeah! listen, my sweet Dona, you are my princess I can't refuse your offers but at the same time I can't let you hurt yourself and as he said you are not a soldier to need this training"

Then throw her sword and look to them with tears in her blue sky eyes and she says "I told you I'm not a little girl anymore! I refuse to take me as a useless girl because I'm a daughter of your king! I don't care about being princess I want to be a warrior" then she left running outside

After that The commander says "Oh man! is she really the princess?"

Marcus laughing "Hahaha she is a stubborn girl I'm not sure why she wants to be a warrior this bad? but I respect how she really train and love to fight but you know this is a war not made for her people like her"

The commander says after a gasp "Ahh I totally agree with you, sir! so is there any news?"

Marcus says "Well we sent a group of soldiers to guard the front route towards the city as you heard earlier while we sent few soldier to the city of Pilan to check them why they didn't send us yet few more swords! and we didn't hear a word from them for days so I wonder what is going there?"

The commander says "Man! I don't know, maybe they got some problems in delivering"

Marcus says "Maybe! however now I had to back to the court and you may take some rest, haha she hold you that long training with her and for the looks of your sweating I guess she made you do a lot of work"

The commander with a smile in the face says "Yeah man she is damn good! to be honest she is better than many men I trained but I wonder how she is good like that is she training in the capital? under her father eyes?"

Marcus says as he leaving "Well yeah but she is taking it so far even I heard she refuse her father orders to stop training"

The commander says "Alright I will go check her and speak to her and try to calm her down"

The commander went to search for the princess and after minutes of searching he finds her sitting under a tree nearby sharpening her blades

"Hey princess what are you doing here? sitting alone under this beautiful tree" the commander asking her as he sitting near her

"I told you to stop calling me that! and leave me alone" Donatella answers

Then he asks her again "Come on Dona, you still mad at me? believe me, I really enjoyed training you but as a mentor, I must give you some time to rest and later I will train once more okay? just don't get sad"

Dona answers him while she looking at him "Okay Mr...Whatever your name is, I just hate when people think I'm useless girl because I'm Princess"

The commander says "I'm Fernando and I believe being a princess doesn't mean you are useless and believe me there is no princess in this world is training as you do so I wonder why you want to train like a soldier while you can't be one?"

Dona says "Oh really? I can't be a soldier because I'm a princess? Exactly that is why I hate you, people! you think I'm not worthy to be a soldier huh? you think I can't fight? and kill those ugly monsters outside this walls? huh?"

Fernando says "Mhm well" then he looks to sky and says

"Man! I know you are a really good fighter but you are not aware of the strength of those monsters, you still young to face them sweet Dona also you are the princess so start thinking as one! the future of this kingdom needs a strong princess inside not outside in the field so you can leave the field to us your brave men we will protect you"

Dona interrupts him "Oh no thanks! I don't need your protection I can fight by myself as you see and the kingdom is not mine it is for my little brother he will be the next king and I will just be there with him watching him doing the same thing as my father! yeah, then what?"

Fernando says "But Dona, you need to be with him to help him that is your duty as his old sister, I know he is the next king but you still got a word in this kingdom"

Dona yells at him "Just a word? that is all! I don't want a word or be in the castle anymore I want to be an adventurer and a warrior and live the life of a legend like the heroes I loved to heard when I was young!"

Fernando says "You mean the old great warriors who fought on the Sarzonian war? Mhmm but you know it hard to live like that!"

Dona says "Yeah and I will also I hate those monster because..." suddenly a loud voice come from outside the walls

"We are under attack!!!" seconds later some soldiers coming back riding their horses quickly entering the gates "Close the gate!... They are coming!...A large monster army coming to this way!..." commanders start screaming "Everyone back to your position"

Fernando so shocked he quickly stands up and says "Go inside now and don't leave the generals and please sweet Dona don't do anything reckless" then he runs towards the other commanders

Dona quickly stand and says to herself "What? an attack? damn, are they already here? so I need to grab my sword and prepare myself"

then she goes to find her sword and meanwhile the army of monsters are reaching the city so can they stop them? or we will see the start of the end of a human race?

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