《The Silver Sabertooth》The Dreadful Truth


Knowing his death is near, the king keeps smiling to Zeral with little bit tears and frustration and after taking a breath, he says "Do it! I can't fight you anymore"

Zeral holding the king head and preparing to deliver the punch that will end the king life for certain as the rest of soldiers watching it with sorrow and sadness in their faces telling that they wish they can save their king...

As Zeral going for the strike something in his mind made him stop...Zeral looked to his hands and found it shaking, he can't strike for no reason, his hand trapped like someone is holding it from behind...Zeral keep staring at his hands and wondering what's going on? why he can't punch the king in the face and with that he will finish his task and leave

"What are you waiting for? come on do it!" as a king crying and looking to Zeral's face

Zeral respond "Ah, yeah, my dear king it seems you want to die so badly then I got no problem, I hope I see the other life king" As Zeral again trying to punch the king face but again the same thing he feels that something holding him something telling him in his head that what he doing is wrong...

Then all for sudden here comes a boy out from the gate running as everyone was so shocked and focused on the king and Zeral scene no one notice this boy running...

He reached Zeral and yelled "Leave my father alone you monster"

The king surprised says "What?"

As Zeral still busy trying to find out why he can't punch the king then the boy take out a wooden and yells at Zeral once more "I said leave my father alone and fight me"

The king quickly yells at his son "WHAT? Mike, what are you doing here? get back to the castle"

Everyone was shocked to see the king son, Mike is out using a wooden sword to threat Zeral then when his mom saw him from upside the walls she quickly runs downstairs to reach her son but she may never reach him as Zeral finally put his eyes on the boy

"Really? with a sword like that? and who the hell are you?" Zeral ask

"I'm the prince of Antorya Mike and as a prince, I have to protect my family and my kingdom that is what my father taught me " as the prince lift his wooden sword toward Zeral and in same time his father, the king says

"No! what are you doing here? get out now! Mike don't get close"

Zerals says "Oh I never heard that you had a son? well, it seems many things changed indeed at your palace so congrats king! well, last time I remember you got a daughter right?"

The king grab Zeral hand and beg him "Please let him go, he got nothing to do and neither my daughter Amy she is not here so please don't hurt her as well, I beg you Adomas"

Mike with tears in his eyes as well "No way! Dad, you are the mighty king you can't beg this monster for our lives...Damn you...I will kill you"


Zeral star laughing "Oh so you are here to fight me? and with a wooden sword? ahahhaha are you serious kid? just get back to you mom I had enough killing kids" as let down the king and walk forward the prince

As the entire soldiers start moving again...Zeral scream at them "COME CLOSE IF YOU WANT TO DIE" then he look the prince and says "As your father says I will not kill you! so what about you get back inside while you can"

The soldiers stop again however, Mike quickly runs towards Zeral and strike him with his wooden sword...

And of course, the wooden sword have no effect on Zeral and actually got broken...

Zeral react by saying "Oh nice try but you see there is no sword in the world can get inside my skin so now your weapon is down, can you leave? I got no business to do with you"

Then Zeral turn his back on the prince and walk toward the king again as Zeral walking, Mike his entire body was shaking, his face get red, the upset in his looks then he says this

"No! not even you think I'm a worthless kid" he drops his sword and looks down to his hand then says "I always wanted to be a king as my father! but..." the boy start crying as Zeral looks back to him

"I'm not worthy! I'm weak! my blood illness killing my dream"

The king tried to stand as saying "No! Mike don't say that son! I'm sure you will defeat your ill someday also I never doubt you and I'm sure you will be fine king as me"

Mike look to his father and says "I may never be like you" then finally his mother arrives to hold him and says "What are you doing here? it too much dangerous for you to be here"

While the king barely walking to his son, Zeral ask the king's wife, Sophia

"Oh, it is been a while, Sophia! I thought I may never see you again queen of all Antorya"

The queen look to Zeral for seconds then she remembers him as she holding her tired husband and her little sad son then she asks Zeral

"Adomas? is that you?"

Zeral says "Who knows? maybe it is me, maybe it is not but, to be honest with you, I never thought that I will meet you again in this situation, I'm sorry that it had to be like this"

Sophia asks again "Why are you doing this? You nearly killed my husband, your king, the man who gave you a state of hero! how could you do this?"

Zeral answers her "Just things out of my control and now three of you here in same time I guess it's fair enough to kill you all of you together right?"

Sophia so shocked "What? no! this is not Adomas I knew from my childhood in Batrak"

Zeral as going to grab his sword as saying "Batrak? huh? you still remember that city?"

Sophia yells "Of course I do! it is my birthplace and I spent my childhood there before I came here to the capital and I'm really sad about what happened to it and seeking for justice to who doomed that city"


The King says "He think it was me behind that horrible attack that is why he want to kill me"

Sophia quickly answers "No way!" then she asks Zeral "You really think my husband was behind that? that is impossible"

Zeral takes his sword and walks towards them saying "Ah I believed him but now as you see I don't care! I'm here to kill the king and that is what I'm going to do now"

The terrifies in everyone looks as Zeral slowly walking towards the king and his family as they thinking that is going to be their end...

But Zeral stops suddenly as his body start to shake itself also a pain strike in his brain...Zeral start to fading down then he holds his head with his hands trying to take off the pain looking to the sky then he turns back and barely moving as wondering what is going on to him...

As he start hearing voices in his head he looks to the right to see his son standing holding a wooden sword same as Mike did so Zeral start getting confused as he looking back at the king but can't find him neither anyone like everyone disappeared for the sudden then he says

"Where everyone did go? what is going on? where am I?"

As he wondering his son attacks him with that wooden sword but Zeral can't believe it! can't understand it either so he says "What are you doing? Johnny?" but suddenly the blood come out from his body he looks down with a shocker "Huh? is this a b-b-b-b-lood? what the hell is going on?" the blood keep coming down as it start hurting him

"Oh, this is unreal! no way! I can't bleed but damn ahhhh the pain is fucking real" Zeral fall down for seconds then he stands and starts crawling to his son who was walking away from him without saying a word! "Wait! Johnny! wait!"

Then he heard a familiar scream "Let's save our city" near to him so when he checked it out he saw Kevin, his best friend with an army of Batrak preparing to engage in battle! Zeral says "What? Kevin? is that you?" then he looks to the left to see his wife and other people he knew from his city staring at him...

"What the hell is going on? someone answer me!" Zeral stand up and walk towards his people but he moving, Kevin give the orders to his army to attack Zeral

"Ready! Go! kill this monster" and they start attacking Zeral who was in completely lost but his body start moving alone by itself without controlling it using his hands killing the Batrak army but Zeral is watching himself, his body walking by itself he can't believe what is going on to him...

He trying to stop himself but can't like his body got possessed! as he killing the soldiers who were giving their best to fight off Zeral who was with his power and amazing fighting skills, killing them one by one but Zeral yelling "NO! NO! STOP THIS! I MUST STOP!" and no matter what he does, his body move by itself

"Stop! enough! I don't want to kill them, please!...God no!! they are my people..." Zeral crying and begging to stop what he doing

Kevin come from behind and with his sword try to cut Zeral's head from there but Zeral noticed it and blocked it even that Zeral didn't want to then he punch Kevin to knock him down then Zeral with no control to himself jump at his best friend, Kevin with saying

"I don't know what's going on Kevin? my body move by itself"

Kevin struggling under Zeral arms says "Damn you monster" then Zeral start choking the life out of Kevin as he watching his best friend dying by his hands Zeral screaming loudly "NOOO! NOOO! STOP! DAMN IT NOOO" but no matter how hard he screams, nothing change the fact that he is killing his friend and after that he stand and start running towards others to kill them as well

"Get the hell out of my way please I don't want to kill you too" Zeral running while warning the others but as like they were duff they ignored Zeral and with that Zeral start tearing them one by one as they standing staring at him...

Zeral can't believe what is going on to him then after killed all the people his body finally stopped moving then he start hearing a voice says "That is your fault" he looked behind to see his wife and son bodies torn apart while their souls getting out and flying to the sky...

Zeral stand watching them flying above as keep hearing "it is your fault" repeatedly...

After that the pain back at him as he closed his eyes for few seconds to try hold over the pain and when he open his eyes he find himself laying down on the ground so as he getting up and see the King and others then he realizes that was just hallucination then he start looking to the king again who was asking him "What's wrong with you? are you okay? you start screaming by yourself then you fall down"

Zeral answers "I don't know what's wrong with me but it seems I got my answer now"

The king asks "What an answer you got? what do you mean?"

Zeral with tears in the face "It seems I was searching for myself this entire time so I'm done here, sorry about what I did here...Time for me to go"

As everyone can't understand the meaning of anything he says but with his apology, it seems the face of terror is done...

"Sophia I'm really sorry for what I did to them"

Sophia quickly asks "What? to whom?"

Zeral looking to the sky and with no more words he continues walking away...

The end.

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