《The Silver Sabertooth》The Pale King


Putting his life at risk, the king doesn't care anymore, he wants badly to get out and speak with Zeral so the king orders his men to open the door "Open it now" the guards trying to stop him and begging him to not get outside the gates...

But the king keep saying "It is only way to stop this monster is by me talking to him so open the gate now!" after that the guards finally accept the king orders and they open it so he quickly come out then the gate quickly get close

All his commanders warning him to not get close to Zeral who was killing slicing and killing the soldiers but he ignores them and continue walking to Zeral direction and when he reached him he start yelling repeatedly


The soldiers who were fighting, Zeral most of them doesn't listen as they were busy fighting but Zeral does, he looked to the king and then he stopped moving and screamed


Then finally the soldiers realized that their king was near them ordering them to stop so they were shocked "Huh? The king? What he doing here?" they questioning each other

Zeral putting down his sword and with a smile, he says "Well same question I got! what the mighty king is doing here? Do you want to watch it close? Mhmm, go get him a chair" as ordering one soldier who was looking at him with total shock in the face as everyone watching...

The king cuts the scene by saying "No need for a chair! and I'm not here to watch I'm here to..."

Zeral quickly interrupts him "Oh I forget you are a king and kings don't seat on chairs oh silly me! no you seat in throne so you two (ordering two soldiers) go up and bring him his throne so he can watch you getting eating so closely hahaha"

The king yells at Zeral "NOO! please stop and as I was saying..."

Zeral interrupts the king again"Oh for a fight? Want to fight me?"

The king answered him briefly "No I'm not here to fight you just want to talk"

A soldier get crazy seeing Zeral interrupting his beloved king, so strikes Zeral in his head yelling at him at the same time "HOW DARE YOU? to interrupts my king, how dare you? you monster" but the sword won't scratch Zeral skin as The soldier keep trying to cut Zeral's head

Zeral turned his face to this face and stare at him with dreadful look and asks

"Oh dare you for interrupting me? Didn't you see I was speaking to your king?" then quickly punch the soldier face with much power that takes the soldier head out from his body

Other soldiers prepared to attack Zeral again but King quickly ordering them to stop fighting "Oh god, please enough! and all of the soldiers fall back now!"

The soldiers looking to the king with confusion and concern but king again order them to fall back "Come on, you all heard me just fall back to the gate!! this is a direct order from your king now and let me handle this!"

Zeral interrupts the king by saying "Well you heard your king, you weaklings! follow his orders and get out from my way now or I will kill anyway you or wait a sec now by telling them to fall back and you will handle me? wait you mean hahaha you want to fight me man to man?"


As the terrified in their faces, the soldiers listened to their king and they are falling back but in the same time, they all worried about the king because they know that Zeral can kill their king in a matter of seconds...

Then the king stated that he is not going to fight Zeral but instead to talk to him but Zeral starts laughing directly at king face "Hahahaha talk about what? hahaha about how your soldiers are so weak and thin or how you are here alone without your protection facing your death? Well, I must say you are a brave man but you know I can kill you easily if I want to so what is it?"

The king about to start talking "Well I know that but I'm here to speak to you so..."

But Zeral again interrupts the king by saying "Or maybe you want to talk about your legacy and your victories you made through your reign? which I was a big part in it as you know and I'm looking to your pale face now it seems you are upset because I kept interrupting you right? you didn't use to get interrupts? so here I am in front of you interrupting so do something about it?"

Then he starts screaming "FIGHT ME! KILL ME! COME ON KING!"

King hardly breathing and the scare get into him but he kept himself calm then he says

"I'm not here to fight as I said and I guess I won't do anything to you if you interrupts me even that you are the first person to stand to me and interrupts more than few times but what I can do? fight someone that merely killed thousands of my soldiers without a scratch? how do you think an old man like me have a chance in killing an immortal being?"

Zeral looked to the king eyes and says "I agree how an old man can kill the thing that he which he will be? Did you want to be an immortal mhmm king huh? Am I right? That's why you sent your men to die at that mountains to get you the stupid blood"

The king looked down in a shameless way and says "That was a mistake! a big mistake! that costs me a lot and to come think about it this is all my fault at the end right? so what? you are here willing to kill my people just because of my mistake?"

Zeral steps closer to the king with anger in the face "I'm not here for that! the fact is I don't give a damn about what happened 10 years ago! or about anything from your war against those idiots who you call them monsters! fuck them and importantly fuck you, king"

All the soldiers, commanders, generals, anyone watching went angry and shock to hear that but they can't do anything to it and that make it harder for them...However the king himself who got for the first time in his life an direct insult, he doesn't react at all! he kept his temper because he knew if anything he will say get wrong, he will die instantly

So he asks Zeral quietly "Why are you doing this? tell me what you want?"

Zeral take seconds to answer as he getting near to the king face and says "Why? you know what? Do you know that I lived most of my years serving you with an honor and respect that I never showed to another human? you were my hero! you were the man that I always keep looking for as legend! as ambition man who loves to be glorious more than anyone else! that's why I kept serving until my last breath..."


The king says "Thank you Adomas but you didn't tell me why?"

Zeral start smiling at the king and says "Yeah that was my name! you do remember it after all last time I was so close to you when you gave me that middle of honor and the award of the hero soldier! that's why everyone though that I am a hero! I'm a so great! even my kid loved me for who I was..."

Tears in Zeral eyes, the king was the first person to see it, to see the sorrow in Zeral face as Zeral remembering his son and his wife near him, smiling to him...

Moments later he says "Well I was that man but now I'm here to avenge them! you were my own hero! my true hero! the man who promised me that he will be great! also, he promised me that he will protect my family but instead you (getting much anger in the face) you order to murder them along with rest of my city"

The king can't even speak after he heard that so he tried to answer it but the shock and scare make him tremble saying "Wha-wha-wha-at? I did-did not order that!"

He start moving back as Zeral moving forward to him saying "You are responsible for their deaths so I'm here to end you and rest of human's life"

The king keep saying "No I did not order them for that? Believe me!"

Zeral stopped moving and says "Who then? huh? monsters? they weren't even there when my city died! I got someone told me that a huge army attacked the city of Batrak so who was it? if not the monsters and if a not sudden invasion of another kingdom because my city was only one got the attack so logically who had this big army to kill my family and my friends? it was you, David that's why I will end the human race"

The king start screaming "No way! that is crazy I never ordered anyone to attack your and for god sake, it's my city as well! I never harmed my people! I never knew what happened to them! I'm still sad for them! I want to solve this mystery as you! but I believed it was monsters if not them then who? me? really?"

Then he starts crying and trembling in same time then throw his crown down as he getting close to Zeral saying "Adomas!! look to me!! look to me!! man tell me!! did I ever order you to the murdered entire village? even at the war against Sarzons army I personally told you and rest of my command do not harm the innocent people no matter what! they had nothing to do in this war! and many of them were saved? remember? those Sarzonian people who came to be my people I spared their lives? do you remember that? huh? tell me"

Zeral looking to how the king exploded crying in front of him and asking him to remember the great things the king did, therefore, Zeral walked backward from the king and turn his head to look to the sky for seconds then he turns his head again to the king and says

"I lived so long! I fought many countless battles and I have many years to live and many battles to make but I never and will never see a king crying in front of me like you doing now"

The king who keep crying and cleaning out his tears and saying at the same time "I didn't I swear in name of god, my family, my people and you Adomas! I never give any order about that massacre or even had clue about it I swear"

No one ever expected their king to cry like this and to swear like this that's make them all in tears praying that Zeral will believe their king and same time they all worried about their beloved king...

Zerals says "I always respected you, I always adored you and I don't want to see the king crying like this I want to keep the image of the strong king in my mind, but you are human after all that's why I envy you for that, however, I believe you! because you always been that honest with me before but you know this won't change the fact that I'm still going to kill you"

The king looks to Zeral with a smile after all of the tears come that final smile and to say

"I'm glad that you believed me!" then he looked back to his soldiers and his generals above with a smile and back to tell Zeral

"So do it!! kill me! but please don't kill rest of my people! think about it? think about your family and tell me are they happy about what are you doing? if you want to blame their death on me so go ahead but don't blame my people for it, they had nothing to do with it"

Zeral says "Naahh I won't kill you like this, you had to fight me first! this is how warriors dies and you are truly a warrior so I will give you a death of warriors"

The king refuse it by saying "No I'm not a warrior I don't deserve it! what can a warrior sleep when his people dies elsewhere? what kind of hero to let his ambition to blind him? if I never asked you to bring me that blood this is all won't be ever happened besides I can't defeat you so go ahead kill me"

Zeral screams at the king "NOOO! I won't kill you like this" then he throws his sword and take the second one from his back and give it to the king and says "Take it and fight me with it! this is special sword no one else has touched it or died from it because it's my death sword, I want only my blood to take"

He put his sword in the king hands and says "so take it and kill me with it I can't kill you like that! I must kill you like a hero so everyone will remember you as great warrior who died for his people as I always wanted to so take it and if you defeat me I will spare your people lives"

King as taking Zeral sword, not believing his words then he looks at his soldiers again looking to them how they are so sad and crying wishing that their king will live...Then he looks to Zeral and with confidence in his voice, he says "Alright! you want it this way? you want my people to witness my heroic death? as you think? But I will fight you because you promised me you will never hurt them so they can live to remember me as their hero right? so I will fight for them then even know that I can't defeat you! But I will never give up on them"

Zeral with a smile "That is it! That is the spirit of warriors! so let's start the fight"

The king starts hitting Zeral with sword and yelling "I WILL DO IT FOR THEM" so he keep hitting and hitting in every corner in Zeral body who is not moving an inch he just watching the king hitting him with everything he got but with no effect in Zeral's body...

Zeral smiling as watching the king hitting him so hard trying to defeat him but the king gets tired and by time he get more and more so suddenly the king fall down on his knees, heavily breathing and can't even move a muscle as getting holding the sword to the ground so he can stand still and then with a smile he says "I do-ne everyth-th-thing I co-ul-ld now fini-shhh me-ahhh I can't fight any lo-o-ong-ger"

Zeral grabbed with one hand the king head and says "Is that all you got?" as he preparing his second hand to punch the king but in the same time he smiling back at him...

The end.

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