《A Tale of Two Worlds》C l a i r e - III


C l a i r e

III - Eye See

It was dark.

Is it late at night? I tried to get up of my bed, but then, I found myself standing infront of an elegant door. I opened it. And there, I saw the dining hall. It's chandelier and other tapestries were still there. Ms. Alexandria's European armor which is standing next to Ms. Cezille's cactus was there. And on the other side were some of their father's weapons. There were guns, spears, axes and some unique looking blades.

And on the middle of it all was Ms. Claire, sitting at the far end of the dining table.

All the lights went off. And then, candles were enlighten, one by one.

"Come, Keiren." Ms. Claire said with her soft voice. I walked slowly towards her and smiled.

"Yes, Claire?" I said.

"This spaghetti of yours..." Ms. Claire said, her face were emotionless as usual. But her eyes... oh... instead of her crystal blue eyes, they were crimson red. Like a dark ball of fire were burning her eyeballs. "MADE MY TOOTH ACHE!!!"

And with that, I woke up from that nightmare.

It has been two days ever since I saw the side effects of Claire's Demon Blood Drinking Project. She said, she is starting to feel human emotions now, unlike before. But Ms. Alexandria said that she should stop it.

Claire did apologize to me and asked me to forget what happened. So did Cezille and Alexandria. But... after seeing what happened.... I don't think...

I stopped halfway when I was undressing my uniform when I saw an unfamiliar face inside my room.

I screamed.

Then a small girl who's wearing a maid uniform with a yellow eyepatch entered the room, with an AK-47 in hand. "Hands up, cunt!" She said as she fired on the floor, a few inches away from my feet.


"WHHHAAAAT!?" I screamed. I was only on my bra and skirt at the time.

"Lyn, stop! I am perfectly fine." The girl with brown hair and eyes with different color from another said. Her right eye was brown. And the other, black. "Now, continue." She smiled gently at me.

"C-Continue what?" I asked her?

"Stripping." She clasped her hands. "Hurry. I want to see your perfect body, like my cousin Alexandria has said."

"Strip!" The small girl with the rifle said as she cocked the gun at me.

"Keiren is my maid." Claire, who came out of my closet said. Her face and tone of voice were as emotionless as ever. Wait!? What is she doing in my closet? "She belongs to me, and so is her body."

Claire then took her phone from her skirt pocket and then, with a click, she took a photo of me.

"Uhmmm.... Claire?" I said.

"Yes, Keiren?"

"What are you doing inside my closet?"

"I was in the library, reading books. And then, I went out to find the rest room. And since Alexandria's mansion is really big, I got lost. And before I knew it, I was inside your closet..."

I frowned.

"I never thought that you'd actually visit us here, Aida." Claire said to the brown haired girl.

The girl stood up. And she was really tall. About 5'9? She's even taller than Alexandria!!

"Alex messaged me, telling that you have a toothache. I can't say no to you." She walked towards Claire. Seeing the two of them, they could form a comedic duo. "My fav little cutie Clairie!!" She pat the small yellow ball of a head that Claire has. "Oh, and that one is Lyn. She's my new maid."


"Nice to meet you, Ms. Claire." She bowed.

"What happened to your eyes?" Claire asked as she squeezed Ms. Aida's hand off her head.

"It's kind of a long story. You see, I was kidnapped by one of my dad's rivals. They sent one of my eyes inside a box, telling them that if they don't disband the gang, they would send my other eye. Or maybe some of my parts. And then, that's where Lyn comes in. Dad recruited her here on one of the underground assassin groups. I believe Lyn and Vincent are cousins?" Aida looked at Lyn. The little maid with the huge rifle nodded in agreement. "Lyn alone killed everyone at the store house where I was in. Even dad's rival. And yeah, she also agreed to donate her left eye for me." Aida smiled.

"Anything for you, Milady." Lyn gently smiled.

So that's what the eyepatch was for. I thought she was going for the mysterious maid character or something.

"Your head must hurt a lot." Claire said.

"Yes." The little maid frowned.

"I can build you a new eye. And I'll even add a mini computer with it, increasing your accuracy. And you can also login to Facebook 24/7. You can play online games while sleeping or while at work." Claire said. Although her face doesn't show it, I know that she is excited and looking forward to it.

"But.." The little maid hesitantly looked at her Master. "I want to keep this as is. It is my bond with Ms. Aida...."

"It is..." Aida said. She then placed her hands on the shoulder of Lyn, who's still holding her rifle. "But if you are getting headaches because of it, which you didn't tell me, I want you to accept Claire's offer."

Lyn looked at Claire.

"Just look at her. She's wearing glasses. She's really smart!"

I don't think her glasses has anything to do with her being smart...

"Just accept it. It's an order." Aida smiled.

"Okay." Lyn answered with her small voice.

"Anyways..." I suddenly felt fury running inside my veins. "Get out of my room!!!" I said, pushing the three of them outside my room.

Geez, at least let me dress into my uniform in peace.

After changing, I went outside my room. And Claire was there. Also, the huge Aida and her small maid, Lyn.

"What took you so long?" Aida said.

"We're going to hunt. I need you to get my guns and stuff." Claire said.

"Hunt? For?" I had to ask.

"Ingredients!!!" Aida smiled.


"My special toothache remedy!!" The huge brown haired girl laughed.

Claire cutely poked her cheek with her pointing finger. "My tooth hurts."

"Oh..." I let out a sigh. "I see."

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