《A Tale of Two Worlds》C l a i r e - II


C l a i r e

II - Smile

"My tooth hurts." I said to the vampire looking girl next to me on the car.

Cezille just looked at me with her dark and blank looking eyes. She's been like this ever since her bestfriend Melissa went missing. And with that, she herself put a reward on whoever could find her bestfriend, coming from her own stash. Her sister Alexandria, used all of her connections just to find whoever took Melissa. But something is telling me that Alexandria herself has something to do with this.

"Too bad, cousin Aida is still on Russia. I'll send her a message on Facebook later." Cezille said. She had her semi-long dark hair cut into short. As in, really short, after Melissa's burial. Maybe I should get a new haircut too?

I looked at the beautiful maid who's still wearing her school uniform. I remember Cezille cutting her bangs before. The straight bangs she has now is really cute, to be honest. Realizing that I am looking at her beautiful face through the rear view mirror, her face flushed red and looked the other way.

"Yeah," Alexandria, who's sitting on my right grabbed me by my arm. "Aida has this thingymajig that cures toothaches in a jiffy!! And besides, I miss that brown haired girl."

And then, silence.

The only thing that could be heard inside the car was Pink Guy's new song, STFU playing. I really love this song. It was all fine until...

"Graaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" It was Alexandria screaming and shaking me. "Blagaragggghhhhhhhh!!!! Waaaaahhragaaaaahhhhhh!!!'"

"Spooky..." I said with my neutral voice. If I could probably feel any emotion and show them, I would be literally spooked.

"Why did you do that, blonde? My ear hurts." Cezille said. She then took the white headphones on her neck and then placed it on her ears.

"Sorry." Her blonde sister said. "So that the toothache would go away?" Alexandria pat my head. "Did it go away?" I poked my cheeks to say that it hurts. "When we get home, put a red thread made of silk dipped in the tears of a gorilla which has been shot on your forehead to make the pain go away." She smiled.


I don't feel any emotions. But I do feel my tooth, aching as fuck.

After dressing to my house clothes, which is basically a red tank top and gray shorts, I went to the room where I am keeping my favorite demon. "Spit out my soul, cunt." My left pointing finger was pressing on my tooth that is hurting like hell.

"Toothache, huh?" The nameless demon said, smirking at me. His body is fully regenerated from the torture that little Kevin did this morning. Vincent was teaching him about torture and demon conjuring stuff.

I took the knife from the table and placed it on my right hand, and on my left was the wine glass that I took from the kitchen.

"Why isn't anyone rescuing you anyways?" I said as I turned around and entered the demon trapping circle on the ground. "Aren't you supposed to be a big shot demon?"

He scoffed. "I'm just demon number 5. No one would notice if I were gone. I'm like, a fat neckbearded guy who's always on reddit or whatever site and always troll on people and masturbate to 2d little girls. A social outcast."

"Oh." Was all I could muster. I feel bad for him now. I should get him a friend tomorrow to multiply the demon blood production.

And with that, I slashed his neck with my knife and filled my glass with his blood. He gurgles his own blood. The sound of it was music to my ears.

With each glass, I feel like my powers are getting stronger. The blood that flows through my veins feel hot. And somehow, I feel less and less human. I need to do this. Maybe it could cure my toothache.

But it didn't.


Outside the door where the demon is chained on a chair, there was the kid with the mechanical right arm, bowing to me the moment he saw me. He looks good on his butler outfit. Next to him was his master, who's also bowing.


"You know what to do." I said. Then the two silently went inside the room.

And then, I saw a faint smile on Kevin's face.

Why was he smiling? Does torturing people started to be fun to him?

I don't know. And I don't care. Because all I care about is this girl...

"Ms. Claire." Keiren smiled at me. She bowed to me like the maid she is. And then I saw a bruise on her arm.

"Did Cezille did this?" I asked as I took her arm gently.

We just got home and yet....

"No..." She worriedly answered.

I gently dragged her toward Cezille's room. The moment the door was opened by Cezille herself, I slapped her.

"You promised not to hurt her again." I said.

"I didn't hurt her." Cezille who was still in her uniform took her headphones off. A mark of my hand was left on her pale cheek.

"Then, what is this?" I showed her bruise on the arm of Keiren.

"Ms. Claire, it is not Cezille's fault... I fell- "

What is this that I am feeling right now? This hot feeling on my chest. And my eyes, it's starting to be all dark and red. I feel dizzy. And my head hurts.

"S I L E N C E !" I said. But somehow, my voice became deep. As if it was coming from beneath the ground.

As I let go of her hand, she flew toward the wall and fell unconscious. I then looked at Cezille.

"C-Claire... your eyes... why did they turn black....?" Cezille said as she slowly backed down.


And then I lifted her up with my psychic powers.

"Claire.... stop...." She said as she was choking. "Claire...."

I could hear myself laughing like a madman. And then, I heard Keiren scream.


I looked behind and saw her, crying. The girl that I love...

Somehow, the feeling in my chest faded away. And then, Cezille fell down in mid air. Then I blacked out.

I lost my consciousness.

When I woke up, I felt something cold on my forehead. When I touched it, it was a wet towel.

"What happened?" I asked as I got up. I looked around, I was inside my room. And the only one inside it was Alexandria.

"You went full-on demon overlord, blew away your favorite maid and force choked my little sister." The kind Alexandria smiled.

"You should be putting me in chains or something..." I said.

"What!?!? Why should I do that to Claiwie??" She hugged me and pressed my head on her big breasts.

"I cawn't bweathe..."

"Sorry." She smiled at me. "And besides, if we chain you, you can just magic it up and break 'em like a candy."

"How is Cezille?"

"She's fine." Then, Alexandria's face went dead serious. "You should stop drinking demon blood."

The ever kind Alexandria made it sound like a warning. Her eyes were saying 'If you do that again to my little sister, you will die.'. Not that she could kill me or anything.

Then she smiled again. "How are you feeling? You should smile a little."

I poked my cheek with my pointing finger. "My tooth hurts."

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