《A Tale of Two Worlds》Cursed Wheel : Chapter Twelve


A Tale of Two Worlds ii – Cursed Wheel

Chapter XII – Hundred Thousand Enemies

And there I was, lying on the ground. My two purple light sabers turned back to being a katana and the other, a wakizashi.

There’s just too many of them…

No matter where you stab or cut these…. I’m sure they’re not humans. Because even after beheading them, they would still continue to move and run after you. The only way to stop them is to amputate their limbs. But such a task is so hard to do.

I looked above me and saw the red snow falling. Was it me that was red? Or was it the snow? I could no longer tell. I looked around me and saw dead bodies. Was it my enemies? Or was it my comrades? I don’t know anymore. All I know is that it is cold and I am about to die.

How did it even turn like this? We couldn’t even break inside the Inner City due to the thousands… hundreds of thousands of these monsters.

Speaking of these monsters, a horde of it was walking slowly to me. I could no longer stand due to fatigue and my wounds wouldn’t let me. A few broken ribs and a broken shoulder. Looking at my precious swords near my hand but not having the strength to pick them up is just sad. Am I going to die in here?

I guess.

Then off to hell I am. For being a stupid little kid, selling her soul to some demon. I looked at the emblem of stupidity in my right hand. The cursed wheel. An old friend of mine told me that those who has it will go to a special place in hell. The deepest and the most burning part of hell.

I guess this is where like, before you die, you’d see your life flash before your eyes, like everyone says.




My father was the greatest sword smith who ever lived the land. Well, next to his father and his father’s fathers before him.

He’s the only one, or should I say, our family were the only ones who can forge a witch’s soul into a blade.

He’s also the best when it comes to forging dragon crystals. He has served the royal family and made all of their weapons. Specially the late King. He said that the King was the one who introduced him to my mother. The King’s own sister, Ezriel.

They got married and then, to their disappointment, I was born.

They tried to conceived another because the want to have a boy as a child. But in the end, they failed. Because my mother is very sickly. The first one came out dead. Then the second. Then the third.

My father never said it, but I know deep down, he hates me for not being a boy. Not being able to pass the legacy of his blood. A successor to his craftsmanship.

Everything was fine until a man with three horns came to our house, holding a bottle filled with black smoke. What they talked about, I never knew. But the man was asking to forge it to a sword. My father refused. And his refusal came with a price. His life and my mothers. They were murdered right in front of me. This man with dark red eyes and three horns.

He then came to me. I was only 9 years old back then, so I was scared. I still remember the fear that I had. How my knees shook and how my cold sweat trickled down my face.

“Forge me a sword. A sword made of Dragon Crystals and a soul.” His smile was scary. Those dark red eyes were looking through my soul. As if it wants to eat me whole. “A soul made of a cocky demon soul.”


Even though my father never taught me how to forge, I was always watching him whenever he does. So I told the three horned man what to do and how the binding spell goes.

I remember how my father told me to be professional and to keep on smiling on customers. His words whenever he gives his precious art to his customers echoed into my brain.

“What should you call this blade?” I smiled as I am about to hand him the sword.

“Azazel’s Smile.” He smiled.

That was when I unsheathed the katana and sliced him into half.

Little does he know, I also recited a demon slaying magic unto the blade when I was binding the demon soul unto the sword.

I buried the three bodies at the back of our old house. And then, another demon came. He said he could bring back my parents. Only if I sold my soul to her.

So I did.

But what came back weren’t my parents. But ghouls. So did a man in black coat said. They were normal, like my parents. But the hunter said that I never knew what they do when I’m on my back. They were eating humans. So they had to go…

My parents were telling me to not do it. My mother was crying. Her blue hair and green eyes were really beautiful… but it was not her. So I beheaded her with the sword I made.

My father was about to jump right at me and eat me like what he did to other people. But the hunter took him down with his dagger.

The hunter asked me about the details on how and why I sold my soul. And then he slapped me. He said that there’s no way I could escape the deal except that finding that demon and telling her to cancel it out.

I don’t even know her name. But I do remember her eyes. A dark green filled with lust and cravings for human souls.

And that’s how I became a hunter. To hunt that stupid bitch together with the man who helped me kill my own parents. Again.

No matter what I do, I could not erase their faces that day inside my head. Even though I know that they were no longer my parents. I just….



I scoffed. Not a good memory to remember before dying, huh?

But hell, this last fight wasn’t so bad.

I killed more than a hundred of these fuckers. I guess it’ll be nice to go.

Those men who died at the gate when we sieged it. Who became arrow fodders just so we could break past it. I wasted their sacrifices.

I wonder what Albert and that witch bitch is doing? Are they still alive? I knew it. Being separated from each other was a bad idea.

Am I going to die? I thought as I stared at the sky. The Forgotten World was staring back at me.

I was ready to accept my fate until a blue haired girl with a sword forged with Dragon Crystals fell from the sky. When she landed, the ground froze. All the monsters were frozen solid. The girl then slashed into the air and the iced monsters broke into pieces.

“Are you alright?” The girl said. Somehow, she looks like my mom. Except that she has blue eyes. And she has the same emblem embedded on her forehead just like on my right hand. A comrade who sold her soul, huh?

“Yes. I’m alright. Except that I am about to die from blood loss.” I laughed at my own joke and then coughed blood.

“Gretzel, do your stuff.” She said. And then a small girl with white hair came with a worried face.

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