《A Tale of Two Worlds》Cursed Wheel : Chapter Thirteen


A Tale of Two Worlds ii : Cursed Wheel

Chapter xiii : Eliza

The sound of a loud roar has awakened me. It was just the fifth hour of the day and the sun has yet to rise. I woke up to see what the commotion was. Flames. There were flames everywhere.

I ran outside my room and saw the whole place, burning. My home. Along with all the memories I’ve had. I went to the throne room just to see Lorice, drinking juice. Her never fading smile was still on her face.

“Your cousin has arrived along with his dragon whore.” She said elegantly.

Finally, I’m going to have a chance to save Gretzel.



I met her when I went to subdue an occult of Dark Magick practitioners. The same reason why the Forgotten World was corrupted. It was my first quest back then.

My mother was against it. But my father knows that he could not stop me. So he just let me be. “Dying on a mission is a knight’s honor. Remember that. I am not saying this as your father. But as the King that you serve.” He said. Then he stood up and hugged me. “Oh, my foolish daughter. How I wish you just liked dolls and making yourself pretty than crossing swords and archery.”

I went on my own on the Lost Forest down the town of Emigrent. It was freezing that day. Same as today. And there, on a huge tree, my enemies lie.

There were no guards. Nor locks. The door to the huge ancient tree was easily opened. I could still hear the creaking sound of it, along with the loud beating of my heart.

There was a long passageway underground. Some sort of dungeon. It was enlightened by blue flames. Probably fueled by some dark magick that I already forgot.


When I was inside, I could feel eyes, staring all around me. And voices whispering to me. That’s when I remembered that my brother Ermond told me that the lovely town of Emigrent has a secret. Behind the beautiful scenery of it during summer, hides a dark secret during winter.

The ghosts of Emigrent. So Gormund says. He told me that only a blade forged with a Witch’s Soul could slay them. Throwing salt or bashing them with pure iron would only repel them for a while. But a blade with Witch’s Soul could send them to the afterworld. It’s the easiest way, really. Unlike looking for their bones and burning it.

When I opened the door in front of me, I saw a small girl tied to a chair. Around her were men in white cloaks. Chanting. I looked on the ground and saw a spell circle. Probably summoning magick. Even though I could read and write eighteen languages, I could not comprehend what was written on the ground. Anyways, I don’t need to understand. Since all I’ll have to do is kill them all.

There were five men. One man per point of the star. I sliced the man nearest to me. And he didn’t even flinch. Nor shouted. Then the next. They’re not moving. So I cut them all. Until I reached the last one. Before I could slice him, he laughed at me. “The God will come for us all.”

I’ve cut the little girl’s restraints off the chair. She was small. I covered her naked body with my cloak. She had white hair and gray eyes.

“Kill me.” She said. “They have finished the ritual and Lorice is inside me. Kill me before it’s too late.”



There was no way that I could kill someone who’s innocent.

Then I felt something on my chest.

I looked and there, I saw an arrow.

Behind me was a puppet holding a bow in hand.

“I now have no use for you, Eliza. I’m sorry.” Lorice said, smiling. “You should’ve did what I wanted you to do before the war started. And now, it’s too late for you and your friends.”

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