《A Tale of Two Worlds》Chapter Five: Mhatt


Chapter Five: Mhatt

All I ever wanted was to be loved… Matthew thought. Now… I’m all alone.

He just stared at the ceiling of his room, thinking of what just happened earlier. Matthew doesn’t know the reason why Keiren broke up with him. Everything was fine… I tried my best to make her happy… She even told me that looks doesn’t matter. That it isn’t important. He remembered how they spent their time together. Just watching movies at Keiren’s house, talking to her parents and little brother, eating lunch together… At least I felt happy for a while.


She’s drunk... again… “Coming!!” He got up from his bed and looked at the clock. 2AM. She’s early today… He thought.

“You insolent brat. Where is it? If you could just hurry up a little! I’m starving.”

“I cooked you your favorite, mom.” He produced a serving of rice with adobo on its side. “I know that you’re tired from today’s work.” Matthew smiled.

She sat on the table. “Here. For next week.” She handed him five hundred pesos. "Go on a date with that Karen girl."

“Mom… that’s more than enough. I can manage with twenty.” He placed the plate and filled a glass of water and handed it to his mom. “And when we date, we don't use much money. I still have 360 pesos from what you gave me last week.” He faked a smile.

He observed his mom, like what he always does. She’s just twenty-nine years old. She could just remarry another guy… instead…..

Anna is Matthew’s mom. She had her long hair dyed with red. She took care of Matthew when she was just fifteen years-old. She married Mark because her family arranged her to him. And along with it comes Matthew, the son of some friend of Mark’s. Because Mark doesn’t have the ability to reproduce. Anna, on the other hand, still looks like she’s just on her early twenties. Her once a month job is still a mystery to his son. She takes home a lot of money and gets drunk on her way home.

“So you’re talking back to me now, huh?” She said as she ate the dish that her son gave to her. Even though she liked it, as always, she never told her son about it.

“I’ll be back on my room. Just call me if you need anything, okay?” He faked another smile.

His mom did not as she continued to eat.

When Matthew reached his room, he grabbed his phone. I wonder if they’re online tonight… He thought. Matthew connected to his neighbour's Wi-Fi network. It’s not that he’s friends with them. He hacked through it. He logged-in to his mobile game, ‘Dystergia’. Everyone on Brotherhood of the Crows were online. He entered the guild chat while he was farming for a pet on a high level dungeon. All of the members of the guild were on their max level which made them the strongest guild there is.

XandriA- Welcome back Mhatt!

Claire- WC ^w^

EmiLy- Yoooooo!!! Why aren’t you with us earlier??

ALzZz- WB bro. Yeah, we ate pizza earlier.

Mhatt- Sorry… Something came up.

BethLOGIC- Pizza?? I wish I had some…

Roan01- You’re such a stingy girl, Beth. Why don’t you just buy yours?

BethLOGIC- Oh, yeah? You’re a freakin’ guy! You should treat girls!! With respect!!!

XandriA- Let’s go to the PVP guys!!!!! You should beat up each other there instead having a keyboard duel here in our guild chat! o/>w>o/


Claire- Yeah, yeah!! OwO I wish that sucky guild is there!!

BethLOGIC- You mean the BloodStained Guild?

Claire- Yeah. ^w^V

ALzZz- That’s my sister’s guild for god’s sake!!

XandriA- Come with us Matthew. We’re at Woltien Town.

Mhatt- Sorry. I can’t. I’m farming.

XandriA- For what? I can just give you some gold.

Mhatt- There’s no thrill in that. Hahaha.

Mhatt- But thanks.

Mhatt- :D

zelle- I’ll help you farm.

Mhatt- You sure?

zelle- Sure.

zelle- :))

Then he received a PM from zelle.

zelle- Where you at?

He replied.

Mhatt- Erlvin Dungeon lvl 13

zelle- You lookin for that fairy pet?

Mhatt- Yeah. Why?

zelle- XandriA has lots of gold. She could just give you one.

Mhatt- It’s so rare, no one would just sell it to anybody.

zelle- Who said that Xandria is just anybody’?

Mhatt- I appreciate the offer though. And besides…

Mhatt- There’s no point in playing anymore if that’s the case.

zelle- I’ll add you up and tele there.

Mhatt- Okay. :D

His phone screen showed that he received a friend request from zelle. He pressed ‘yes’

zelle- It’s a good thing I have a tele. Hehehehe. :)

Mhatt- Sorry for the trouble.

zelle- Kinishinaide!! Ore wa ketsu wo taberu.

Mhatt- Did you just say that you eat ass just now? Are you jap?

A notification showed on his screen again. “zelle wants to teleport on your spot” He pressed ‘yes’.

zelle- Hahaha. No.

Matthew saw zelle next to his character.

Mhatt- Then you’re a Filipino too?


Mhatt- Then what?

This made him curious about zelle.

zelle- I’m from Russia. :P

Another notifications showed on Matthew’s screen. ‘zelle is inviting you to a party. Accept?’ He pressed ‘yes’ again.

Mhatt- XandriA and Claire are Russians too!

zelle- I know.

zelle- Where is that Feiriz? Did you just killed it?

Mhatt- Nope. I’m still waiting for it to respawn.

Mhatt- You know them?

zelle- Of course. XandriA is the GM of our guild and Claire is her assistant. :P

Mhatt- No. I mean, IRL. LEL

zelle- Of course! Alexandria is my sis and Claire is our cousin.

zelle- Here it comes, boy!

The boss of the stage was spawned.

Feiriz is a small little girl wearing only a white t-shirt with blue transparent aura-like wings, green hair and blue eyes. Unlike any other boss, it doesn’t spawn mobs. But it creates an illusion of itself which has the same stats and same health. It is hard to kill since there is no difference in its appearance. It can summon up to five at a time. When you defeat an illusion, Feiriz would create another one. The only reason that nobody else was hunting Feiriz is that it was almost unbeatable. And the drop rate of its pet card is 0.1. Some says that you’d likely win in an argument with an angry girl than get your hands on a Feiriz pet card.

zelle summoned her Rangriz pet. It is also rare. But not as rare as a Feiriz.

They didn’t have the time to talk the moment Feiriz was spawned.

zelle is a vitality type Knight. Her character was made to tank bosses while her pet is for long-ranged attacks. Matthew is a gatling-type Ranger. Heavy attacks on long-range is its specialty. Both characters are just passive types. The only skills they have are buffs. Matthew’s range boost skill, accuracy increase and zelle’s HP up and block boost. The only strategy they had was to attack the same Feiriz. zelle would take all the damage that the five Feiriz would give while her pet and Matthew would attack on range.


The moment they killed one, Feiriz summoned another illusion.

zelle- Aren’t you getting sleepy?

zelle- :P

Mhatt- A bit. Hahahaha.

Then a party of four came. Two Knights, the first one was riding a dragon while the other was on barefoot, one Sorcerer and one Reverend. The opposing party attacked zelle. The Knight riding a dragon used its skill named “Dragon Flame”. It made the ground where zelle was standing filled with fire. It made her health drop at least one thousand HP per second. However, it didn’t matter since her HP is huge enough.

zelle- This is our Feiriz. Get lost.

The other party did not speak, but continued their attack on zelle. Their names turned ‘red’ immediately. That’s when zelle attacked them back. Somehow, her HP didn’t drop, rather, that’s what it looked like due to her high HP. Even when she is being attacked by five Feiriz’s. Mhatt helped. It was a good thing that zelle’s pet, Rangriz, is also a support type. It kept on healing Mhatt’s character.

zelle- Do you have a Reanimating Branch?

Matthew looked on his inventory.

Mhatt- I have six pieces.

zelle- That’s more than enough.

That moment, zelle’s character turned black with a hint of red in its aura. One hit after another, the other party died as zelle’s HP went from low to full. As she hit an enemy, her HP gets low. But when she kills a character, her HP reverts to full.

Reaper Mode…. Matthew thought.

Most players doesn’t use this much. To them, using this skill is just suicide. Your normal attack is enhanced more than a hundred times as normal but you’ll also get the same damage. However, if you kill a player, you’ll get your HP back. Still, you must have at least one HP left for this to happen. Nobody thought of making a Knight with pure vitality since it’d be a pain to level due to its low attack. Dystergia doesn’t have the ‘character stat reset’ item so making a Knight with strength type at first and resetting its stats is out of the question. Also, nobody wants to have someone with no use in a party, right? Some, however, tried to make a balanced type. Both strength and vitality. But it isn’t enough for Reaper Mode. zelle then successfully killed the enemy party. As they were killed, some of them dropped equipments that they wore. It was part of the system that when your name is ‘red’ and you got killed, there’s a high chance that some of your equipment will be dropped.

zelle looted the items. Since they were in a party and in ‘equal distribution’ mode, Matthew got some of the equipments. They were rare, indeed, but, his character cannot use them.

I could just sell these in a high price. He thought.

zelle- Sheesh.

zelle- >n>

zelle was still being attacked by the five Feiriz’s.

Mhatt- That was cool..!! :D

zelle- Now, let’s get that pet card of yours. :)

Mhatt- Okay.

Her avatar is still in Reaper Mode. It took five hits to bring an illusion down. Then the real Feiriz would cast its illusion spell again and shuffles it places.

However, on the fourth time zelle brought down a Feiriz, it was the real one.

zelle- Wooooohoooo!!!

Mhatt- We killed it!

zelle- Did you get the pet card?

Matthew looked on the system notifications. He got a Frozen Wing and the rest were just garbage. Most of them were items needed to make legendary weapons.

Mhatt- Just a Frozen Wing. How ‘bout you?

zelle- Heeehheeeeeheeeeeee

Mhatt- No way!!!!

zelle- Yes way!!!

Mhatt- Lemme see!!

zelle- I can’t. I’m still on Reaper Mode. I can’t trade or use skills.

zelle- Let’s meet at Woltien Town.

Mhatt- Okay!

Then, zelle’s avatar glow and waved its hand. After using the Teleport Crystal, she was gone. Matthew followed suit as he used a Recall Card.

There were many players in that town since it is the main town in the game. Since they are in the same guild, his guild mates were shown in the map. Their usual spot is in the middle where the flag of their guild is raised. Since they are the ones who hold the said town since the last Guild War.

He saw familiar avatars as he arrived at their spot.

XandriA- Sup! We just killed peeps in the PvP room.

Mhatt- Yo!

Mhatt- Really? Nice.

Roan01- Got what you wanted?

zelle- Yeah. Hahaha.

BethLOGIC- Really?? Lemme see!!!

zelle- Let’s trade and you show them.

zelle- :D

Mhatt- Are you sure?

zelle- Yeah.

zelle- You got that Frozen Wing, right?

Mhatt- Yes. But are you sure it’s enough?

zelle- No. But let’s trade anyway.

zelle- I’ll tell you what I want after the trade.

zelle- :D

‘zelle is requesting a trade. Accept?’ Matthew pressed yes.

The screen showed the trade menu. There, zelle placed the Feiriz Pet Card.

“She really got one!!” Matthew said to himself as he rolled over his bed like a kid. He may be a very silent guy when it comes in real life. But when he is immersed in his gaming, he would turn into a different person.

Matthew then placed the Frozen Wing.

Zelle sent a PM. “Like I said, this isn’t enough.”

But she still pressed the ‘trade’ button.

Matthew replied. “What is it that you want?”

“Finish the trade first, then I’ll tell you. :DD”

“Okay, then.”

He pressed the ‘trade’ button.

He immediately looked for the Pet Card and used it.

Roan01- COOOOLLLLL!!!!

EmiLy- I want one too!! So cute!

XandriA- Nice one, sis..!

zelle- Tch…

ALzZz- Awesome! Now we have a Feiriz user on our guild!

BethLOGIC- So cute!!!!! You must be a lolicon Mhatt.

Mhatt- Hehehe.. no comment.

At that moment, zelle equipped the Frozen Wing since it adds vitality.

Claire- You look like Feiriz, zelle ^v^

zelle- Thanks, cuz. :D

ALzZz- Hahaha. It’s nice to see that we're all happy.

BethLOGIC- I'm not happy! HMMMMPPPHH!

Roan01- What now?

BethLOGIC- I want pizzaaaaaaa

Roan01- Let's have one when we meet IRL

BethLOGIC- Sure?

Roan01- Sure :V

ALzZz- Now everyone is happy... xD

XandriA- Although, most of our members are not here.

XandriA- Hehehe.

Roan01- If they’re here, it’s going to laaagggg….. grrrrr… >n>

Mhatt- You’re right! Hehehe.

“zelle sent a message.” His screen showed. Another PM, huh. She probably doesn’t want people to see this conversation…

“About the condition…. :P”

“What is it?” He replied.

“Let’s meet at the canteen tomorrow after school.” zelle said.

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