《A Tale of Two Worlds》Chapter Four: The Extrinsic Princess


Chapter Four: The Extrinsic Princess

“Activate, Lightning Vortex!!!” Patricia, the long brown haired girl with fiery brown eyes who is wearing her school uniform from the private school next to Polo National High, San Diego Parochial School, who also harassed Eli earlier shouted as she was playing card games with whom she calls ‘rival’. “Good?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Alexandria answered as she rolled her blue eyes.

“I’ll throw this card on my grave. You good?” She showed a Blue Eyes White Dragon card.

What’s the problem of these girls getting hyped on a card game?

Then she remembered her father who often visits a certain tavern filled with freelance men every time his father and her mother would get in a fight. His father would take her to that place and make her sit on his lap telling her that she was his lucky charm while he plays with random drunkards with a board game called ‘Knights and Archers’. She would often see her father winning and his opponent losing a big amount of money. This always get his father a challenge for a duel where he would always win, again. Although, it is in a bloody fight where someone loses a leg or arm or both. Although, that someone wasn’t her father.

I’ve seen worse, I guess… She thought.

“I think this one would make you look cute, Eli!” Milly told Eliza as she handed her a blue shirt. And somehow, Eli became Eliza’s nickname.

Alexandria pretended to think about it. “Yeah.” She frowned.

“….” Claire handed a black pair of shorts to Eli.

“Heh." Patricia smiled. "Then away with your Silent Magician Lv8!” Alexandria grinned.

Eliza almost took off her shirt off until she saw Albert's perverted gaze.

“Do you mind?” Milly said.

Alexandria placed her card on the graveyard with a pained expression.

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Albert said as he walked to the door.

“Bruh.” Patricia called Albert. “I’m about to kick her ass. At least watch.”

“You have ten seconds.” He replied.

“How many life points do you still have…?” She said in a provoking tone.

“Three hundred.” Alexandria said.

“Albert.” Milly said with an expression of someone who’s about to kill the main protagonist of a TV show. That did not make him wince as he continued to watch the fierce battle that the two girls were having.

“Activate, Monster Reborn!” Patria flipped a card from her Magic/Trap Card Zone. “Good?”



“I choose you, Blue Eyes White Dragon! Blue Eyes, attack directly!!!” Patricia shouted as she even pointed at Alexandria’s face like a ten year-old kid.

Alexandria smiled as she showed the card placed on her Magic/Trap card zone.

“Trap.” Alexandria smiled.

“M-M-Magic Cylinder….?!”

“How many life points do you still have….?” She mocked Patricia.

“Two thousand….”

“Let’s get something to drink, Albert.” Alexandria said as she grabbed Albert by the arm and walked outside the room.

“O-O-Okay….” He answered as he blushed.

“Wait!!! Let’s play another game!!” Patricia shouted and chased the two.


Silence filled the room for a few seconds.

Glad that was over. Eliza thought.

“Now it’s okay to take Eli’s shirt off.” Milly said.

I know what to do. I’m a Princess. Not some daughter of some peasant with a worthless surname. Instead of saying what’s on her mind, Eliza just smiled.

She took her shirt off along with her shorts, revealing her woman parts. She was naked all over. He skin as white as snow. Even though she plays with swords and had been cut by her opponent a lot of times, her skin was as smooth as ever it was. Not a single scratch was seen. It looked as if she was not pierced with an arrow on her stomach last night on her way to this world. Good thing that it just healed a while ago. She thought.

“Why did you dye your hair?” Milly asked.

Eliza wore the underwear that Claire handed her.

It’s because I’m an Enfolic. Enfolics have light blue hair. “It’s natural.” She answered instead.


“Why?” She then put the blue shirt on. It fit her perfectly except that it was tight on the chest area since she had a huge pair of them.

“Where are you from?” Claire stared at her with her deep blue eyes.

“From..... a far place.” She answered without any hesitation.

“EHHHHHH???” Milly shouted.

“You’re from Thear, are you not?” Claire asked.

Milly shouted again.

“H-How did you know?” Eliza was shocked.

“I’ve read it from a book. Light blue hair means royalty in that world. They were called ‘Burned by Ice’. I never imagined that such book tells the truth. Or perhaps, you’re just a fan of that book?”

“Is that the book that…. Uhmmm…. What’s her name again…. Emit?” Milly said.

“Emit.” Claire then shifted her eyes to Milly. “Are you sure that Emit is a woman?”


“Ah…. Uhm…. I just think... I really, really do like her.” Milly smiled.

“I am Eliza Marie Enfolic. And that book it true. I’ve read it once on our library.”

“If you are indeed for another world like you claim… or should I say, like what I think, how do you even speak our language?”

“Because of this ring.” She showed her right hand where on its middle finger, a green ring was in it.

“Let me see it.” Claire tried to remove the ring. Even though the ring was big for her finger, it could not be removed. Like it was glued.

“A witch named Gretzel cast a spell on a leaf that she picked and it turned into that ring. She told me not to cut off that finger.” It was also the first time I saw her cast a spell. She thought.

“I don’t think I could just believe that but….” Milly said as she examined the ring. “It’s too loose but it can’t be removed!” She said as she tried to pull it.

“Most of the witches in your world were killed. And some of them travelled through different worlds. And some happened to have travelled here in this world.” Claire said.

“There are witches here?” Milly asked.

“Yes. You’re a Filipino. Witches are part or your urban legends, right?”

Milly just nodded. She remembered the time when she was taken by his father to a guy who told her that she was being possessed by a God of some sort just by lighting a candle and letting its wax drip in a basin filled with water. Even though her family is rich, her father believed in such superstitions.

“So…. I could go back to my world…?” Eliza asked.

“I do know a certain witch.” Claire said as she stood up. “Let me just tie your hair with this.” She then grabbed Eliza’s light blue hair and tied it into a ponytail. “There. Don’t you know that Albert likes girls with ponytails?”

“Really?” Milly gasped.

“Yes. Just wait for his reaction when he arrives.” Claire said as she took a picture of Eliza.

“Albert said… he wants this to be a secret. Especially to Patricia.” Eliza frowned.

“By this time, his step sister already knew. She doesn’t know you. Patricia knows every relative that Albert has even though they are just step siblings. And you don’t look like someone who’ll get in a relationship with him.”

“Don’t worry.” Milly smiled. “Your secret is safe with us.”

“Even to Albert’s step sister? She just fondled my breast!” Just remembering it made her shiver. She never felt so weak in her entire life.

And then, the three of them had a girly conversation. Something that Eliza never thought she’d have again. Milly cut Eliza's hair and gave hair straight bangs and made two antennae on the side of her hair. Eliza then missed her friends back in Osniton. But most of them are dead now. The young squire of Ser Thermyle whom she cross swords with, Ser Dorhen "The Grunt" who taught her the basics of swordplay, Eswerdina the kitchen wench she talks to after her practice, Lady Ceraquin of House Altin who taught her how to held a bow. All them were dead. And she saw their bodies when they were on horseback that day when they went into the forest.

“Guys, have some Coke!” Albert said as he entered the room with two 1.5 liters of Coke.

“Yay! Coke!” Milly shouted.

“Looking good, Eliza.” Albert smiled.

“And cookies too!” Patricia produced three packs of chocolate chip cookies from a grocery bag.

“And me!!!!” Alexandria hugged Albert from behind.

Eliza didn’t hear a single word that anyone was saying. All she could see was Albert. Her heart was racing. She realized that it was faster than usual.

“Eli? Are you okay?” Albert asked.

“Yes. Uhhhmmm…” She tried to find the words that she wants to say. “Should I tell them?”

Albert smiled. “It’s up to you.”

And that was when Eliza told everything about her. About her world. Who she is. How her family was butchered.

“I want to save my Father’s people. I want to go back to my world.” Eliza said.

“I’ll help you, don’t worry.” Claire said.

“Thanks.” Eliza smiled.

“You won’t come back here?” Milly asked with her sad face.

“I will. Although…” Eliza smiled as she remembered that short girl with white hair. ”I won’t be alone.”

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sorry... I will try to draw when.,..... I have time.. xD i crie

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