《Crimson Moon》Vol. 3- Chapter 4: Valentines Dance and the Ghoul’s howling
Sun City International Highschool, Gymnasium, 2 hours before the attack
The doors are completely shut. A barrier surrounds the gymnasium incase of any attack…
“Alright everyone, now that everyone is here, we will shut the doors thank you…” Kasumi speaks through the microphone. Kasumi looks at Shion and moves her head thinking:
“Good, now we can proceed with the plan.”
Kasumi looks at the students and continues to speak; “Very well, now to begin with the traditional Waltz between the contestants.”
The students make room at the center of the dancefloor, “Now, can the contestants walk to the center of the gym thank you.”
Aleister looks at Alejandro and says; “Try not make a fool of yourself okay?”
Aleister and Marjorie walk towards the center of the gym, “Damn you…”Alejandro says as he feels very nervous, he then feels Valerie grabbing his hand:
“Come on, let’s do our best…”
Alejandro and Valerie walk to the center as well. The lights get turned off, and the reflectors only point at the two couples in the center of the dancefloor.
Carlos and Chelsea stand at one end, observing the event as Carlos thinks; “Don’t screw this up, you idiot…”
Chelsea sighs as she thinks; “I wish I could go eat all the candy in the Candybar already…”
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
The DJ begins to play the music, a traditional waltz in which the rhythm goes; 1...2...3. Aleister and Marjorie begin to dance, Alejandro who is nervous takes a deep breath, Valerie begins to move slowly with Alejandro trying to get her rhythm.
“Alejandro, try to guide me...just like we practice…” Valerie says in a low tone as both a them dance slowly, Alejandro only looks at his feet thinking:
“Come on, follow the rhythm...1,2,3...1,2,3”
“Ouch!” Alejandro accidentally steps on Valerie’s foot; “I’m sorry…” Alejandro tries to apologize, however, he gets distracted and loses the tempo. They stop dancing, Alejandro begins to breathe heavily:
“Oh no...I messed up, now we will lose...what can I do? What can I…”
“Well now, I think we got this in the bag…” Aleister says with a playful tone, mocking Alejandro. “Aleister, don’t be rude…” Marjorie says with an angry tone. Aleister looks at her eyes:
“Marjorie dear, sleep for a moment…”
Suddenly, Aleister’s eyes shine a bright red color, and Marjorie’s eyes turn hollow. They continue to dance but this time Marjoire acts without conscience. Meanwhile Alejandro is losing his mind as he is very nervous.
“Alejandro...ALEJANDRO…”Valerie raises her voice, Alejandro comes to his senses and looks at her, Valerie looks at him with a smile as she says:
“Calm down, forget about everything, forget about your surroundings, just focus on the rhythm...my brother told you that...just focus on me…”
Soon, Alejandro and Valerie begin to dance once again, “She’s right, I can’t be nervous, I must focus and guide her because it’s my responsibility...I’ve been such an idiot…” Alejandro smiles and begins to dance more fluidly, guiding Valerie and their tempo begins to move faster as they begin to enjoy their dance.
Alejandro and Valerie dance as if the world didn’t exist, Alejandro spins Valerie as he thinks:
“The only person important to me is her right now...I trust her and I know she trusts me…”
The environment surrounding them turns dark as both of them are imaging stars and the moon above them. They dance in the sky above a cloud as they feel as if they were in the sky, like angels dancing in the clouds.
“This is very fun…” Valerie smiles at him, Alejandro blushes and also smiles replying; “Yes, it is…”
The music begins to slowly end, and the couples slowly stop dancing. Alejandro and Valerie breathe heavily as Valerie says; “Wow, that was magical...Alejandro…”
The crowd makes a round of applause and cheers for them, Aleister makes Marjorie regain her consciousness; “What happened, did the music end already...I didn’t notice…”
“It’s because you were enjoying it dear, don’t worry about it…” Aleister says with a smile, Marjroie knows that something was off, as she thinks; “What happened to me, why can’t I remember…”
Kasumi feels relief thinking:
“Alejandro...Valerie...you did wonderful…”
Everyone talks among themselves; “That was a very beautiful waltz...who knew Alejandro could dance so well...maybe he can win this…”
The members of HISTOREA feel relief as the waltz went well. On the other side, Victoria stands alongside “Uriel” as she is clinging to his arm. “That was beautiful, but I bet if we had participated we could’ve easily won, right my sweet Uriel?”
“Y-Y-Yeah…” Uriel acts nervously as he sighs thinking:
“Aww man, why did I let myself get involved in this...Uriel, you will pay…”
February 7th, Sun City International Highschool
On that day...Tiwa revealed one of her techniques. She has the ability to transform into another person if she wants...this gave Uriel a great idea….
"Wait...what did you say?" Tiwa asks Uriel with a nervous expression.
“I said that you will go to Valentine's dance as me…" Uriel replies as he sighs.
"But that's ridiculous...I…"
"That's a great idea...if Tiwa goes disguised as Uriel, then the real Uriel will be able to fight the Sombras…" Alejandro suggests with excitement. Kasumi holds her chin thinking, she looks at Uriel and says:
"I guess we could do that...I was planning to send Jairo and Shion but having you there will also give us more advantage…"
“Thank you, Kasumi.” Kasumi blushes. "It's Ms. Miyazono…damn it, don't talk to her as if you were friends…" Carlos glares at Uriel feeling jealous.
Uriel looks at Shion and asks; "Shion, how are you going to get out without anyone noticing?"
"Simple…" Shion makes a hand sign that consists of her left hand with the index and middle fingers up. She releases a small amount of mana.
Suddenly a clone that's identical to Shion appears next to the real one. The clon Shion opens her eyes and explains:
"Simple...I can create clones of myself...I will have one of my clones at the dance and my original will be outside…"
"WWOOOOOWWW!!!THAT'S INCREDIBLE…." Alejandro looks with excitement.
"Very well...on the night of the dance, Jairo, Shion and I will defend the school…" Uriel without any expression explains to the others, Tiwa exclaims:
Uriel looks at Tiwa asking; "What's the problem? We are not excluding you...in fact, your mission is the most important…"
"It is?"
Shion walks towards Tiwa explaining; "Right now we can't have reinforcements come...we don't have time plus Olivia and Darius will notice...by impersonating Uriel, it will give us an advantage, we are an alliance, we believe in you…"
" You do?" Tiwa looks at everyone who nods in agreement, she blushes and says embarrassed;
"Well...it can't be helped...I...Tiwa de Ysleta...will do my job properly...Uriel, I will have to study you…"
And so...Tiwa followed Uriel in secret for the following days in order to know his attitude, his movement, in order to help them in the mission…
“Uriel...Uriel...come on, the dance is about to start, let´s dance…” Victoria pulls Uriel (Tiwa) from his arm, Uriel (Tiwa) thinks nervously:
“What do I do? Uriel isn't someone who dances...then again…”
Uriel (Tiwa) makes a luxurious smile and says; “Sure...why not?”
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
The DJ plays modern music, the stage is set with lights turning on and off and multiple colored lights shine at the dance floor. Students begin to have fun and go to the dance floor.
“I wonder if Uriel and the others are doing okay?” Alejandro looks at the window, Valerie puffs her cheeks and pulls his arm:
“Alejandro, let's go and have some fun…”
“Yeah I know but….”
“Hey, my Big Brother decided to sacrifice his night of fun for us...let's enjoy it while we can okay…”
Alejandro smiles and replies; “Right, let's go…”
Alejandro and Valerie head towards the dance floor and begin to dance. Meanwhile, Carlos, Chelsea, Shion and Kasumi sit at a table at the right corner of the Gymnasium.
“It appears there is no movement yet, the three of us are in position Senpai…” Shion slowly opens her eyes.
“That's some awesome ability, to look into your clone´s eyes, and see what she sees is pretty useful…” Chelsea comments as she eats all the sweets she gathered at the candybar.
-TCH- Carlos looks angry; “I should be the one outside, why is that guy out there...damnit…”
Kasumi notices Carlos’ frustration; “I understand your frustration, but we have no choice, we must remain here...and trust in our comrades…” Kasumi sighs and suggest:
“Chelsea, you and Carlos must go and dance with your friends…”
“Ehh...but we are on a mission” Carlos exclaims, Kasumi smiles with her eyes close, she appears to be releasing a “red aura” that makes Carlos nervous:
“Carlos, your mission along with Chelsea is to have fun tonight...and if you complete it, maybe I will consider dancing with you on the last song…”
“R-R-Really?” Carlos swallows saliva as he looks at Kasumi who nods in agreement. “The last dance is a slow dance, that means I will get to feel her big….” Carlos immediately stands up and says:
“I will fulfill my mission to the fullest…”
Carlos and Chelsea head towards their group of friends. Shion drinks from her cup; “Senpai, is it okay for them to have fun? We could be attacked any moment now…”
“It’s fine, they may be agents from Yggdrasil but they are still teenagers, they must have fun once in a while, besides...this might be the last time they can enjoy their youth…”
Kasumi looks worried, Shion looks at them having fun thinking:
“I hope not…”
Shion has a reaction, she closes her eyes and says; “Senpai, someone has shown up...it’s the Shadow Tamer…”
“Really?” Kasumi looks nervous and thinks; “It’s all up to you...Please protect this school…”
“Now this is boring, I can’t wait until real fun begins…” Ian stands in a corner as he yawns, he smiles and thinks; “I hope you’re ready...Charro Negro…”
Outside the Gymnasium Building
Located outside of the High School division; Jairo, Shion and Uriel observe that a girl wearing a black cape with a hood walks towards the entrance….
“That’s the Shadow tamer…” Shion looks down at the girl. Jairo stands up and orders Shion:
“Shion, get ready...Uriel…”
Uriel stands up interrupting him, “Wait...there’s something I need to check first…”
Uriel jumps towards the girl using his divine wind technique; “URIEL WAIT!” Shion tries to stop him, but Jairo extends his arm:
“No, let him go...we must first analyze the situation and then take action...the Shadow tamer may be powerful but she is still a little girl…”
Shion and Jairo only observe Uriel. “Jairo, what’s the situation?” Rosa asks Jairo as she is located at the secret hideout beneath his Cafe.
“Rosa, the Shadow tamer appeared...do you have a clear image?”
“I do...why is Uriel heading towards her?”
“He said he wanted to confirm something...let’s wait and see…”
Uriel lands in front of the girl...the girl stands still as she glares at him…
“We meet again...Shadow tamer…” Uriel says to the girl, the girl only looks at him and asks:
“I’m sorry, what is a Shadow tamer?”
“Sorry, I guess you don’t know about those terminologies…why have you come here?”
“To take revenge against those who destroyed my village…”
“Destroy your village, the people inside are just kids, like you and me...they did nothing wrong…”
“You’re wrong...they are responsible, the man in the mask told me that the people inside had participated, it was painful, I saw everyone I loved die...and yet...they are celebrating…”
“The man in the mask? Do you mean El Muerto?”
The girl nods in agreement. Uriel then asks; “Why do you relate me to the Sombras?”
“Because...you are part of us...why are you helping those sinners?”
“Because, I have the mission to destroy the Sombras...that’s all…”
“The masked man was right...you are evil…”
Uriel sighs with his eyes closed; “I see...so that guy told you to attack the school, and he brainwashed you by saying that they were responsible...girl, you have been fooled…”
“SHUT UP! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING…” The girl begins to release purple mana as she continues to exclaim:
“I guess we have no choice right? You are being manipulated by that man...I must terminate you too…” Uriel makes a fist as he looks at the girl. The girl releases more mana, she takes out her flute.
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
The girl plays her flute, a beautiful melody that expands towards the whole sector. The sky begins to cover itself with clouds, the light of the moon disappears. Suddenly behind the girl, in each corner of the nearby buildings,red eyes begin to appear.
“So, this is her ability…” Uriel sees how dozens and dozens of Sombras slowly begin to walk towards the girl and him. Sombras from all shapes and sizes, those who have wings fly towards them.The girl stops playing and says:
“Now, all of you sinners will perish…”
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
Uriel jumps back towards Jairo and Shion’s location. Jairo looks at Uriel and asks; “How did it go, did you learn anything?”
“That girl is being manipulated by El Muerto...I have no choice but to kill her…”
“100 Sombras are heading your way…”
“Right…” Shion lifts her arm and reveals her crest consisting of a golden filled circle with a large curving line, Shion chants:
“Activate: Gorudenkuren Complete” (Golden Crane)
Shion´s crest begins to spread around her body causing her to shine into a golden color revealing an esper suit. The suit consists of a black kimono with golden lines around the edges of the borders of the kimono. The kimono is adjusted into her body with the skirt being short above the knees. She has black stockings that go up to her knees with her border being golden color. She has sandals with golden colored strings.
Jairo lifts his arm revealing a pink crest that has the shape of a wing. He takes a deep breath and shouts; “Activate; Flamingo Elegante; Completo” (Elegant Flamingo; Complete)
Jairo’s crest begins to spread around his body causing him to transform into his esper suit. The suit consists of black military pants with pink stripes shining on his side. A black vest that has pink stripes in the borders and a flamingo figure on his back. Pink gauntlets and a black police hat with pink borders. Finally, a short pink cape that hangs on his right side.
Uriel extends his left arm as he chants; “Yo soy a jinete, yo soy el inicio, yo soy el final, yo soy el Charro Negro” ( I am the horseman, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am “El Charro Negro”)
He holds his right forearm with his left hand and lifts them. He squeezes his hand and makes a fist.
Suddenly a crimson flame begins to flow out of his ring and expands covering him forming a small pillar of crimson with pink flames, and the wind to blow hard.
Uriel is wearing a special charro suit, which consists of long, tight black colored pants covered with decoration on the sides. He has a long bolero coat with golden buttons white gloves, and a special pitea belt made of silk. He had a white button shirt with a black vest, a silk tie and a large round sombrero hanging from his neck.
The Sombras begin to charge towards them, “NOW! SHION!” Jairo screams, Shion nods in agreement as she puts her palm on the ground.
Suddenly, four orange pillars appear surrounding the Gymnasium, the pillars begin to connect themselves and form a cube with the Gymnasium inside it.
“The barrier formation was a success…” Shion informs Jairo, Jairo smiles and says; “Excellent...Rosa, where is my weapon?”
“It will arrive in 3 seconds…”
An object falls next to Jairo. “Just in time...it’s time for my baby to kill some Sombras…” The smoke clears revealing Jairo’s weapon, a large mini gun.
The minigun has a 6-barreled, air-cooled, electrically operated rotary machine gun. The electric motor rotates the barrel chamber and firing system inside the weapon. Multiple barrels have a higher capacity to withstand a high rate of fire, and they are recharged by mana.
Jairo grabs his weapon and jumps towards a building, -BOOM BOOM- He drops the legs of the minigun and gets into position. He smiles as he says:
“Uriel, Shion, stand back, I will make the first attack.”
Uriel and Shion jump back towards the barrier. Jairo smiles and activates his weapon; “BALAS ELEGANTES” (ELEGANT BULLETS)
Jairo charges mana, the Sombras are about to approach the school territory.
The minigun fires multiple bullets within seconds, the bullets are made of mana and take down dozens of Sombras in an instant.
Uriel and Shion stand on top of another building; “Impressive, Mr. Jairo has a great power…”
“Of course, he is a lower trunk agent afterall, he is also the second in command in the team.” Shion explains to Uriel, she looks down and continues to explain:
“His weapon is called Kawaii Flamingo, and as you can see, he is able to eliminate Sombras instantly.”
“I see...so what rank are you?” Uriel asks Shion, Shion smiles and looks at the sky.
“You see, I am…”
Winged Sombras fly down towards the school, Shion takes out two talisman paper that have the kanji word; “鎖” (Chains)
She makes a hand sign with only her index finger up as she chants:
“Kogane no Shinseina kusari” (Golden Sacred Chains)
Golden chains come out of the talisman, and immediately attack the Sombras. Shion smiles and exclaims:
“I am the Golden Shrine Maiden, a Lower Trunk, Shion Saito”
Uriel shuckles and thinks; “This Ygdrasil organization has pretty unique characters.”
For over 30 minutes, Jairo and Shion exterminated over 200 Sombras by themselves, without Uriel’s interference, demonstrating their power.
“Look out Jairo, those are Level 2 Kage…”
Two coyote-type Sombras head towards Jairo at great speed. They are smaller and faster. Uriel looks at them and asks; “Do I help him?”
Shion smiles and moves her head from left to right; “No...just watch…”
The Sombras jump towards Jairo. Jairo smiles and stops using his minigun; “So you want some close action ehh…” Jairo gathers pink mana in his gauntlets, one of the Sombras approaches.
“Beautiful Flamingo Punch”
Jairo punches the Sombras with great force that makes an explosion. He repeats it with the second Sombra destroying both of them in an instant.
“Two Level 2 Sombras in just an instant, you guys are strong…” Uriel looks at Jairo.
“Of course we are...we were hand-picked by Carter-san himself…” Shion smiles at Uriel.
“No way...my friends are being exterminated...no….” The girl with white hair takes a step back frightened.
“Do not falter, Estrella... everything will be okay...because I am here…” El Muerto descends on a green platform. This time, he has his white mask with a green stripe.
“What do we do? We are about to fail the mission…” Estrella shakes with fear, El Muerto shuckles and extends his arm:
“Don’t worry, you’re doing just fine…”
Uriel stands up and says; “Shion, I’m going to go after the girl, cover me…”
“Uriel, are you going to kill her?” Shion asks Uriel with a worried expression. Uriel looks down and replies; “I must do whatever it takes to protect those dear to me…”
“But Uriel, are you going to kill a young girl?”
Suddenly, Uriel pushes Shion away; “Look out…”
A projectile passes next to them and hits the barrier creating an explosion. Shion looks at the barrier; “Was that a missile?”
Uriel and Shion stand up, Jairo heads towards them screaming; “ARE YOU TWO ALRIGHT?”
Another missile hits the barrier once again. The three of them look at the school entrance, Uriel opens his eyes wider and gets angry:
“It 's you, El Muerto…”
“Good Evening...I see that you were acting cocky right now but your luck has run out…” El Muerto snaps his fingers and four more missiles appear, the girl plays her flute and more Sombras appear. El Muerto laughs:
“Now then...let’s continue with our party…”
Inside the Gymnasium, 15 Minutes before Midnight…
The dance is about to end, the DJ stopped the music 15 minutes after the announcement of the Queen and King. Kasumi walked to the stage….
“Okay everyone, now is the time to place your votes on the box below me and choose your king and queen,” Kasumi says with a smile. Alejandro, Valerie, Aleister and Marjorie stand on stage.
“Hey, where is Raul, I haven’t seen him…” Alejandro asks Marjorie in a low tone. “He said that dances are not his thing and he chose not to come…” Marjorie replies, Alejandro chuckles; “That’s so Raul right?”
Both of them chuckle, Aleister gets mad and pulls Marjorie away from him. Valerie looks at Uriel (Tiwa) who is next to Victoria. She makes a worried expression thinking; “Big Brother, please be safe…”
“Hey Uriel, are you feeling alright? You have been acting strange all night…” Victoria asks Uriel (Tiwa), he swallows saliva and avoids eye contact:
“Well, now that you mentioned it, I think I feel a little sick that’s all…”
“Are you sure?” Victoria tries to make eye contact, she is then interrupted by Angela; “Hey Victoria, can you go to the restroom with me?”
“Seriously now...I am busy here…” Victoria says angry, Uriel (Tiwa) takes the opportunity and says; “Go ahead, don’t be bad to your friend, I’ll be waiting right here…”
Victoria sighs and pulls Angela; “Let’s go…”
Uriel (Tiwa) waves at them, he sighs with his eyes closed feeling tired. “Pss...Tiwa, how are you feeling?” Chelsea whispers at Uriel (Tiwa), he puffs his cheeks saying:
“Uriel owes me a big one, being him is hard…”
“Don’t worry, it will all be over soon enough...just hang in there…” Chelsea slowly walks away, Uriel (Tiwa) takes out an amulet that has the shape of a rhombus as he thinks; “You’re doing this to accomplish your goal...don’t forget…bare with me Zuni...”
Victoria and Angela are washing their hands and putting makeup on the mirrors of the restroom…
“I feel so lucky...Uriel is with me…I can’t wait to be his girlfriend” Victoria says feeling cocky. Angela looks down as she says; “Victoria, you’re so lucky, I wish I had someone special…”
“Isn’t your crush Alejandro? That weirdo?”
Angela blushes and looks at her mad; “Don’t say things like, besides I wanted to come here with Uriel too…”
“Well too bad for you, he chose me...and Alejandro is with that Valerie girl...so my friend, look for another man, because they are taken…” Victoria chuckles as she leaves the restroom. Angela is left alone, she makes a fist and her expression changes from a timid girl to a girl filled with rage.
“DAMN YOU VICTORIA….I HATE YOU...I HATE YOU...I CAN’T WAIT TO KILL YOU…” Angela releases mana breaking the mirror and tmakes the bathroom doors move around.
“Mmmm...that’s weird...where is Shion?” Kasumi asks herself, Babara walks towards her and gives her an envelope:
“These are the results, don’t worry, they are just like the students voted...don’t blame me on what the outcome is…”
Pulling the body of a young maiden, leaving a trail of blood. Ian Constantin walks down the hallway.
He breaks the wall and heads towards the barrier. “I had enough, it’s for me to have some fun at this party. I hope you are still alive….Ms. Saito…” The light of the moon shines down revealing the body of Shion being pulled from her hair.
Outside ...Uriel, Jairo and Shion continue to defend the school…
“Ha...ha...ha…I’m running out of mana….and they are still coming…” Jairo breathes heavily as he continues to use his weapon.
Uriel runs through the Sombras, cutting them with his sword; he wants to get closer to the girl and El Muerto. El Muerto continues to fire missiles towards the barrier.
The missiles are intercepted by Shion. El Muerto laughs; “I guess I’ll have to use a stronger weapon…”
“Think again...I won’t let you…” Uriel appears in front of him and tries to cut him. El Muerto dodges the attack thinking:
“This guy is fast...however…”
El Muerto creates two missiles and forces them towards Uriel. “Arte del Mariachi, Canción de la Luna, Tercera Estrofa, Media Luna” (Mariachi Art, Moon Song, Third Stanza, Half Moon)
Uriel slashes the missiles, he proceeds in punching El Muerto and sends him flying towards a house.
Uriel stands in front of the girl; "Listen, I don't want to kill you...but if you don't stop this, then you leave me with no choice."
"Go ahead and kill me...I won't stop...I have nothing left to lose...those sinners took everything I had…"
-TCH- Uriel gets furious and lifts his sword; "I'm sorry…" Uriel is about to kill Estrella. Shion and Jairo scream:
At that moment, Ian reaches the forcefield. He touches it and says; "What a weak protection…" Ian grabs the forcefield and destroys it.
Uriel stops his attack, the three of them look how the forcefield is shattering.
"The forcefield…"
Uriel sees the silhouette as the forcefield shatters like a piece of glass from the sky. Suddenly the silhouette disappears, Uriel opens his eyes wider; "Where did he…"
"Wow Uriel, you sure are heartless...you would even kill an innocent girl?"
Uriel hears the voice of Ian behind him. Uriel turns around and sees Ian holding Estrella.
Ian kicks Uriel sending him flying, Uriel lands on his feet, he breathes heavily as he thinks; " That was a powerful kick…this guy's strong…"
“What are you doing here? This wasn't part of the plan…” El Muerto exclaims to Ian as he walks to his side. Ian laughs; “Tell your boss that I will take over from here…”
“I see, well, I will get going now, after all it’s midnight already…”
Uriel, Shion and Jairo look in shock as they see the body that Ian is holding. “Wait, that is…” Shion looks horrified. Ian lifts the other Shion’s body and laughs; “So, this is you huh...lady secretary, I wonder, who is the real one…”
Ian decapitates the other Shion in front of everyone. Blood spills everywhere, Ian laughs as he takes out a piece of chocolate, he submerges the chocolate in blood and eats it; “Incredible...your blood takes so good, I can’t wait to eat you...secretary…”
Ian releases a giant amount of mana making the area shake. Rosa, who is observing the monitor looks at it as she says; “This amount of mana, it can’t be...A level 3 Kage...Jairo, Shion you have to get out of there…”
“Level 3…” Jairo and Shion look even more horrified. Ian laughs as his mana forms clouds in the sky. Uriel looks at him with rage; “This mana, it’s even more visible than before, it’s suffocating...almost like that time...two years ago…”
Shion’s clone disappears, turning into a straw doll. Shion is horrified at what she witnesses, she falls to her rear shaking. Uriel gets furious and charges straight at him, preparing to attack.
“Hey girl, summon more of your friends, it’s time for you to take your revenge…”
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
Estrella summons more Sombras, the Sombras charge towards the school. “Damn it…” Jairo looks at a frightened Shion; “SHION SNAP OUT OF IT…”
“I can count on you Shion, because you are my right hand…” Shion remembers Kasumi’s words. Shion stands up, breathing heavily, she takes out her talisman and says; “I must fulfill my duty...I must protect them…”
Inside the Gymnasium…
Kasumi stands on stage, she has the results of the voting polls.She looks nervous as she knows the situation:
"Okay guys, I am going to announce the winners of this year's Valentine’s Dance. Are you ready?"
"YYYEEAAHHH!!!" The crowd cheers with excitement, in the front, Aleister and Marjorie sit in the V.I.P table.In the back, Alejandro along with a purple haired girl sits worried for the results but he knows that something major is happening outside.
Outside the school building, a force field protecting the students is in place. In order to keep away the invading army of Sombras.Confronting the Sombras are three people; Jairo, Shion and Uriel….
"We must keep them away from the school…"Jairo says as he punches the Sombras who approach.
"I know...but they keep coming…" Shion replies as she casts spells with the help of her talisman.
Dozens of Sombras charge towards the school, Uriel in his Charro form keeps attacking them one by one.
"Shion, is your spell ready yet?"
"Just one more minute…"
Jairo continues to punch the Sombras; “I hope you’re ready, young Uriel...or otherwise we won’t hold long…”
Rain begins to fall with lightning striking down each second.
"I hope you're enjoying the party…"
"Damn you...Ian…" Uriel screams with anger, Ian has the hooded girl in his arms.
"Uriel Di Fiore...this will be your end…" Ian and Uriel charge with force clashing one more time…
Kasumi opens the envelope with the names of the victor…
“Now then, here are you winners…”
Alejandro and Valerie look at Kasumi. Alejandro closes his eyes as he thinks:
“I must win, or else, everyone will be expelled….come on…”
His heart beats faster as he wants to know the result, he feels very nervous that he only hears his heartbeat. Valerie grabs his hand tighter, he does the same as he thinks:
Kasumi looks surprised as she says; “The winner of this year’s King and Queen of Valentines are…”
Alejandro hears the names, he opens his eyes and sees the crowd cheering, he looks at Valerie with tears in her eyes and she is looking at Kasumi, “Did I hear right?” Alejandro thinks to himself, Kasumi lowers her hand with the paper.
Alejandro looks at the paper with the names of the victors. His expression changes into a surprised one, however the names of the envelope are:
Aleister Lucifugus and Marjorie Bellerose
The crowd cheers as the victors are Aleister and Marjorie. The couple goes up on stage and waves at the students.
“Thank you, thank you...we are so grateful that you chose us as your King and Queen, but let’s make a round of applause to Alejandro and Valerie who did their best to keep up with us.” Aleister says as everyone applauds the couple who lost.
-TCH- “It was obvious that they would lose...damn it…” Carlos says feeling rage, Chelsea looks worried as she replies; “Well, I guess we’ll be expelled…”
“Hahaha, serve him right...it’s great that Aleister won, right Uriel?” Victoria says to Uriel (Tiwa), he gets angry and let’s go of her arm aggressively as he says; “Shut up, you don’t know how hard Alejandro tried to win...but as I can see, you are only a selfish girl…”
“Wait, why are you saying that…”Victoria asks with tears in her eyes, Uriel (Tiwa) continues to explain; “I was right, you are an egocentric person and that’s why, Uriel will never go out with you…”
Victoria looks surprised. Uriel (Tiwa) walks away feeling angry as she thinks; “Damn it, I should’ve done more…”
Valerie cries as she says; “I’m sorry, I wasn’t good enough...and now you…” Alejandro wipes her tears away, and smiles; “Valerie, don’t feel bad, thank you for helping me...thank you for staying by my side...I swear to God that I am very happy that you chose me to be your partner…”
Valerie hugs him saying; “You dummy, I should be thanking you for choosing me…”
Alejandro takes out a piece of chocolate and says; “I wanted to give you this when we won...but tonight, I feel like I’ve won...happy Valentine’s day…”
Valerie takes it, and smiles at him; “Thank you…” Valerie kisses Alejandro’s cheek as a way of thanking him. Alejandro gets his face red, Uriel (Tiwa) sees them, his eyes fill with tears as he thinks; “Alejandro...why did you...choose her…”
Aleister looks at Marjorie; “It’s time to go, dear...the party’s over…”
“Ehh..why?” Marjorie looks at Aleister’s eyes who shine once again causing her to sleep. Aleister opens a portal and says; “This is going to get dangerous…”
A projectile hits the school destroying part of the wall, students begin to panic, “What’s happening?” Carlos and Chelsea look at the falling gruble, Victoria stands still looking at everyone running. A silhouette appears behind her and pushes her.
“Ouch, why did you…” She sees no one, and suddenly, a piece of the roof falls on top of her. “LOOK OUT” Uriel (Tiwa) pushes her away.
“Ouch, what happened here?” Victoria looks at something spinning towards her, it’s a ammulette that Tiwa had before. She grabs it and says; “What’s this...who pushed me…” Victoria soon freezes as she sees Uriel (Tiwa) below a column that fell from the ceiling.
Blood begins to come out as he is out cold. Suddenly, Victoria begins to have flashbacks of her parent’s death that night.
Alejandro sees Uriel (Tiwa), he runs towards her as he screams; “TTT III WWWAAA!” Valerie grabs his arm; “Wait…”
Valerie closes her eyes and lifts her arm, she releases purple mana as she chants; “Melodía de los Sueños” (Melody of Dreams)
Valerie releases purple waves that cover the entire gymnasium, suddenly, everyone falls asleep except for the members of HISTOREA.
Alejandro looks around thinking; “Incredible..she manages to put everyone to sleep…”
The shaking stops, Alejandro and Valerie run towards Tiwa who transforms back to normal.
Alejandro tries to lift the pillar; “COME ON, COME ONE...IT’S NO USE, I’M TOO WEAK!!”
Valerie is about to say something, however, Kasumi in her esper suit appears and stabs the pillar with her katana.
The pillar shatters into many pieces. “SENPAI, WHAT DO WE DO?” Carlos and Chelsea run towards them. Chelsea sees Tiwa unconscious and runs towards her side; “TIWA, TIWA!”
“She will be alright...give me a moment…” Valerie puts her hand on Tiwa’s stomach, she releases purple manna as she chants; “CURACION” (Healing)
In a blink of an eye, Tiwa’s wounds heal completely and the blood she loses returns to her body.
“There’s no doubt that you are Maria’s daughter and Uriel’s sister…” Kasumi puts her hand on Valerie’s shoulder. Valerie smiles and replies; “Please don’t compare me with those two, compare them, I have a lot to learn…”
“My, oh my Kasumi, it seems that you are in a situation here…” Johanna, who is still awake, walks to them. Valerie looks at her and thinks; “The nurse, how did she avoid my spell?”
“Johanna, please take care of Tiwa, if this happens then that means, they need our help outside…”
“Very well...I have nothing else to do, besides...I don’t want that sexy Uriel to die so easily…”
Kasumi looks at Valerie and Alejandro; “You two, please stay here…”
Alejandro looks angry and replies; “But why? We can…” .
“Very well…” Valerie answers to Kasumi. Alejandro has no choice but to also agree. Kasumi and her team leave towards the battlefield, Alejandro makes a fist as he looks at Tiwa thinking; “If only I was stronger…”
5 Minutes Before…
Uriel and Ian clash, they get separated with force, Ian has Estrella in his arms; “Let go of me…” Estrella says furious, Ian looks at the portal that opens below him and smiles; “Your taxi has arrived...goodbye little girl…”
“GYYYAAAHH” Ian throws Estrella to the portal, the portal closes. Ian begins to take off his tie and unbutton his shirt; “Now that the girl is gone, I can finally let loose.”
“What the hell are you?” Uriel asks Ian, Ian grabs a pebble and says; “I am the strongest one here…”
Ian throws the pebble towards the school destroying the barrier that Shion was raising and wall in an instant.
“It can’t be…” Shion looks horrified, Jairo makes a fist thinking; “I don’t think we can fight this guy…” Uriel walks forward feeling rage, “You haven’t answered me yet...What the hell are you?”
Half of Ian’s face begins to transform as if he was melting it, soon the left half has a purple colored skin with pointy ears and yellow eyes. Ian laughs insane as he presents himself:
“Allow me to introduce myself properly...I am a level 3 Shadow...the destroyer of kingdoms...and the most powerful one here...I am a Ghoul...Ian Constantin…”
Rain falls faster...lightning hits the ground between Uriel and Ian
Ian points at Uriel as he says; “Uriel Di Fiore...no...Charro Negro...I challenge you to a fight...however, it will be a fight to the death…I hope what Serena told me it’s true…”
Upon hearing the name Serena...Uriel releases a great amount of mana as he replies:
“You bastard...that name…”
“Oh did I hit a nerve?”
Uriel smiles with anger as he replies; “No...you did me a favor, reminding me about my purpose...Ian Constantin...I accept your challenge….”
A death match is about to begin; Uriel vs. Ian…
- In Serial127 Chapters
Peculiar Soul
Not everyone gets a soul. The rise of industry and mechanization has sent the world's population booming upward, striving relentlessly for the fixed handful of souls that level armies and steer the fate of nations. The remnants of a crumbled empire fight in a grinding, bloody war against their ancient enemy. Not everyone gets a soul, but Michael must - for he is the scion of a lord, and the soulless cannot hold such a title. For five years he has tried to tempt one of the souls freed by its vessel's death. Five years of pain and failure, earning only his father's contempt. At last, one more opportunity to earn his soul has come. But not everyone gets a soul quite like his. Updates weekly on Wednesdays. Cover art by Harry Rowland.
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Fragments from the Wildlands
“Your first death is always the hardest.” Miguela was the third-born child of a well-off merchant family and knew from around the time she could speak that her life’s path was already decided. She was to become an Orator, as was Xandran tradition. However, Miguela had an affinity with the magikal arts and somehow found herself studying at the Academy. She did just enough to keep up with her studies but never found the motivation to apply herself and “reach her potential,” as her instructors often said. It was not that Miguela was uninterested in the arts. Rather, she knew her time at the Academy ultimately did not matter. Whenever Miguela returned home, she would become an Orator, and that would be that. Or so she believed until, one day, an opportunity appeared that would change her life. Miguela was offered the chance to join a research team tasked with a mission of the utmost importance to the future of the Five Kingdoms. She could not turn down the prospect of regaining control of her life and finally finding a purpose for herself. Of course, Miguela might soon discover that offers that appear too good to be true are usually fraught with lies. Welcome to Five Kingdoms of Cordizal! Question: What is the Five Kingdoms of Cordizal? I often get asked this type of question about my stories by friends, bloggers, and potential readers. The Five Kingdoms of Cordizal is a high-fantasy epic universe that is the setting for most of my stories. The foundation of the universe is its multicultural, multiracial setting with several sentient races attempting to carve their legacy and survive. The world is fully fleshed out and vibrant with a rich and mysterious history not based on Tolkien mythology. This brings me to magic. To me, magic is an essential part of the fantasy genre, so, of course, there is magic in the Five Kingdoms universe. However, one critical part of the Five Kingdoms universe is that magic is an abundant commodity that is a part of everyday life and not some plot device used to drive the story. In short, the Five Kingdoms universe is the setting of epic fantasy stories with deep characters and world-building. I try to tell as many different types of stories as possible in the universe, and hopefully, you can find something for you in it.
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Seed of Void
Zion Zeal von Aarth a noble who embarked on a journey to become strong meet some friends and betrayed by people who he taught will help him in his goals. Engulfed by his rage, he created his own guild and meet new comrades that will help him get revenge and continue his goal. But after stumbling accidentally with a black ball and knowing his true identity his life changed.
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Acheron, keeping you, and your family, safe, by keeping them…where they belong! Support the United Systems Alliance penal system, for a safer tomorrow. Great commercial. But that place is a total hellhole worse than death for many, and everybody knows it. The convicts are even having children. They’re supposed to be sterilized, but that costs too much, if the scandals are to be believed. Either way, Dan doesn’t care. He has a job to do—and that’s to get that lizard-ambassador out of there. How her ship crashed on that rock in the first place is an interesting mystery. Something big is at play here...
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The legend of Aila (dropped fiction)
The source of mana dwells atop the world of Tower. Each day, thousands of powerful creatures battle for a chance to stand closer to the source of all life, for the one that possess it shall be granted immortality and power beyond measure. Among those creature, humans are of the weakest. Unable to even fend for themselves, they have no choice but to crawl on the lower floor in a desparate attempt to survive. Yet, For the sake of exacting revenge over the human empire, Aila, a young human girl, set off in a quest for power beyond human grasp. But as she started her ascension, she would make an encounter that changed her very destiny, giving birth to a new legend.And so begins the legend of Aila, the monster tamer.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's note :Feel free to skip Interlude chapters as they won't be needed to understand the general story line. They are only there for the purposes of making the story world more vivid by providing additionnal information.If reading an interlude becomes mandatory to follow the story at any point, I will notify it on the first concerned chapter, adding a link to the interlude in question.
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War of the Sexes
When Ellie and her friends pull a prank that goes horribly wrong, Ellie finds herself in a position to which no one had imagined. She had been frozen in time for nearly 500 years, finally thawed it in a world of split sexes. Desperate for any way back to her old world, she meets two boys who agree to take her to the "Nerd" as he's known on the Boy's World. Hatred and chemistry start to tango as the journey begins to see if Ellie can ever return home.
8 100