《Crimson Moon》Vol. 3- Chapter 3: Hot-Blooded Valentines Competition
Sun City International Highschool
Kasumi and Shion head towards the HISTOREA club room:
“Senpai, are you alright?” Shion asks Kasumi, Kasumi has a worried expression as she thinks:
“Did I underestimate Olivia?”
“Shion, we need to make a plan, if Olivia’s words are true, then everyone is in danger…”
Kasumi and Shion arrive at the room, Kasumi opens the door and sees her students and Valerie in the room.
“Oh, Senpai...there you are...where were you at lunch time?” Chelsea asks as she and Valerie are eating cookies. Kasumi looks at Valerie and makes a fake smile:
“Excuse me, what are you doing here?”
Valerie points to herself acting naive, Kasumi nods in agreement as she smiles with her eyes closed. Valerie smiles and replies:
“My name is Valerie, Uriel asked me to come here…”
“Uriel asked her?” Kasumi thinks to herself in shock. Kasumi looks at Uriel and asks:
“Uriel, may I ask why did you bring her here? I am afraid I need to ask her to leave..”
“Aww, no fair, I want to be with Uriel…” Valerie runs and hugs Uriel’s arm. Kasumi to get angrier.
“Valerie, you’re too close…” Uriel says as he pushes her back. Alejandro cries out “blood” thinking:
“Oh man, I’m so jealous.”
“Uriel...I don’t know why you brought her here, but your girlfriend needs to go right now!” Kasumi has an irritated expression.
“She’s not my girlfriend, she is my…”
Valerie laughs, causing Kasumi to ask; “What’s so funny? I am giving you an order as a teacher…”
Valerie stops laughing; “I am glad you have people like Ms. Miyazono who cares about you, Big Brother…”
“BIG BROTHER!!!” Kasumi, Shion, Chelsea and Carlos say at the same time in a surprised manner.
“That’s right...I am Valerie Di Fiore...Uriel’s younger sister...nice to meet you…”
Kasumi feels as if a “rock” hits her back that says; “LOSER.”
“Oh, so that explains some things...nice to meet you Valerie…” Chelsea says with a smile. Carlos looks nervous as he thinks:
“Man, she’s so pretty…”
“Hey, back off man, I saw her first…” Alejandro clashes with Carlos as both of them stare at each other. Shion walks forward and says:
“I am Shion Saito, the secretary of this school...we met before but I wanted to introduce myself properly…”
“It’s a pleasure…” Valerie looks at Kasumi and makes a smirk thinking; “So, she definitely has a crush on my brother” Valerie looks at Kasumi who is embarrassed and smiles:
“It’s a pleasure Ms. Miyazono…”
Kasumi bows her head and apologizes; “I’m sorry for being so rude...I am Kasumi Miyazono, I am the teacher in charge of the HISTOREA club.”
Valerie gets closer and teases Kasumi; “My brother is hot right? If I were you, I would make my move quickly because the nurse also wants to seduce him…”
“Ehh?” Kasumi gets mad as she thinks; “Johanna, you witch?”
Uriel clears his throat and begins to explain; “ Now then, let’s begin...apparently, Tiwa will arrive later but we need to speak about our current situation, referring to Alejandro…”
Kasumi and Shion look at Alejandro with bandages and ask; “Alejandro, what happened to you..”
Uriel decided to explain the situation to Kasumi and Shion. He explained how Alejandro was brutally beaten by Ian, and the plan they have with Valerie.
“I see..So basically, Valerie is going to be Alejandro’s partner? But Uriel, is it okay to explain to your sister what is happening? Even involving her?”
“Of course, Valerie is someone that I trust...and I know that she is going to be useful…”
“Aww, thank you Big Brother…” Valerie gets closer to Uriel making Kasumi jealous.
"Well I don't…" Carlos stands up with a serious expression; " We from Yggdrasil are more than capable of handling this situation...Kasumi Senpai, I think letting this weak girl help us will only be more trouble…"
"Weak?" Valerie gets angry, she walks towards Carlos and with a raging smile:
"You think I'm weak huh...well then how about we settle things with a duel…"
Carlos chuckles; " I'm not going to fight a girl…"
"Carlos that's enough…" Kasumi tries to cool things off but Uriel stops her.
"We are not going to fight…" Valerie sits on the big desk and raises her arm; "We are going to arm wrestle"
"Arm wrestle?" Carlos asks with a joking tone.
"That's right...simple, we arm wrestle, if you win, I'll leave and if I win, I will join in your operation...do you agree or are you a chicken?"
"Chicken?" Carlos sits on the other side and puts his arm into position to wrestle; "I am not a chicken but don't cry when you lose…"
"I won't…Alejandro please be the referee…"
Chelsea whispers to Uriel; "Hey Uriel...is this okay. Aren't you worried?"
"Well, I am worried that she will overdo it…"
The two of them are in position, Alejandro grabs both of their hands. “Ready...Go!” Alejandro lets go. The two of them begin to compete.
Carlos has the upper hand and begins to beat Valerie; “I got this in the bag…”
“Oh, do you? I think you are strong...however…” Carlos notices that Valerie’s expression has changed into a more serious one, her eyes turned hollow and she is expressing a killing intent.
“What’s with this chick?” Carlos gets nervous, suddenly, Valerie gets the upper hand and slowly begins to move their hands in her favor.
Valerie beats Carlos with her strength , breaking the desk, and makes Carlos fall. Alejandro lifts Valerie’s arm:
“The winner is Valerie…”
“Woow, she’s strong!” Chelsea looks surprised. “When it comes to brute strength, Valerie is stronger than me…but she overdid it and broke the desk” Uriel explains to Chelsea. Carlos lies on the ground thinking:
“She beat me...I thought she was weak...but…”
“That was fun...you are strong...we should arm wrestle again...some other time…” Valerie stretches her hand with a beautiful smile.
Carlos blushes as he says; “Sure...why not?” He grabs her hand and stands up. Alejandro looks at him with killing intent.
“I guess the Di Fiore are really strong huh Senpai ?” Shion says to Kasumi with Kasumi nodding in agreement.
Shion walks forward and begins to say; “Now that you explained our situation, I will also say what happened during the faculty meeting…”
Kasumi begins to remember what happened during lunch…
During the lunch hour, Kasumi along with the other professors had a reunion at the faculty lounge…
“What’s going on here?” Kasumi is in shock as she enters the room. The room is dark, all of the faculty members, except for Shion, are unconscious. At the end of the desk, Olivia sits next to someone who is standing next to her:
“Ahh, Kasumi, please take a seat…”
Kasumi sits next to Shion, Olivia begins to speak; “Now then, the reason why I decided to make everyone fall asleep was because of this…”
The person who is next to Olivia walks towards Kasumi and gives her a paper.
The Person who is next to Olivia is the Vice-Principal called; Barbara Mora. She is a beautiful woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She is wearing office attire. She has a well developed body and curves. She is Olivia’s servant as well.
Kasumi and Shion look at a torn up paper in the table that is written in blood, a letter that said:
Here my warning, on Valentine's Dance, everyone will die...Sinners must be punished...
“Principal, why are you showing us this?” Kasumi asks as she and Shion look at it nervously. Olivia chuckles:
“Kasumi, you and I know that this is your fault…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Simple...if Yggdrasil hadn't failed to kill the Shadow-tamer,then my school wouldn’t be in danger...now the Shadow tamer is after my school and that makes me mad…"
"Who gave you this message?" Shion asks Olivia.
"We don't know...when Barabara arrived at the school this morning, that was on the school gates…"
"Unfortunately, I couldn't see who put it on but this is a problem…" Barbara says to Kasumi, Olivia stands up and says:
"Kasumi, I know that you don't believe me, but I do care for my school and I don’t want my students to perish...so I am going to leave this to you…”
-TCH- Kasumi and Shion look at eachother; “Very well, I…”
“I have one condition though...I don’t know how you will do it, but you, Shion and your students who are involved with your group are forbidden to leave the building…”
“You heard me...you are part of the school, therefore, you are not permitted to fight, that includes Uriel Di Fiore, Tiwa Smith and Alejandro Sanchez…”
Olivia and Barbara begin to leave the room:
“Barbara will be there, she will keep a close eye on you...if you disobey then I will personally kill you…good luck…”
Olivia leaves the room, Kasumi and Shion are left paralyzed as they know how strong Olivia is.
“Senpai, what will we do?”
Back to the present…
“I understand the situation…” Uriel says to Shion. He stands up and walks towards the window:
“So they will attack on the dance, that’s perfect...I need to know what the Shadow tamer meant that day…”
“But Big Brother, how are you going to defend the school without leaving it…” Valerie asks Uriel. The room goes silent, as everyone tries to think of a solution.
“Excuse me, is this the Historical Research Association?” A Beautiful girl with white skin and black hair enters the room, she has greenish tone eyes, Alejandro and Carlos admire her beauty.
“Y-Y-Yes this is the place... are you looking for someone specifically?” Alejandro asks the girl, the girl acts shy and says:
“Well, I am actually...looking for…”
The girl points at Alejandro, Alejandro is in shock as he asks; “Me?”
Everyone is in shock, Uriel sighs with his eyes close and says:
“How long are you going to act, Tiwa?”
“TTTTIIIWWWAAA!!!” Everyone acts confused, the girl gets mad and suddenly transforms into Tiwa:
“Ssshheessh Uriel, way to ruin my surprise…”
“Oh sorry…” Uriel apologizes as he does not understand.
“WWWOOOWWWW THAT’S SO COOL!” Alejandro says with eyes full of enthusiasm, Kasumi walks forward and asks:
“Tiwa, what technique was that?”
“That was my spirit Zuni, the coyote...with his help, I can transform into anyone I choose…”
Tiwa makes the fox appear; “Greetings, I am Zuni…”
“He’s your familiar huh...impressive…”
Tiwa nods in agreement; “ I want to help Alejandro, this is why I decided to use my spell and transform myself into another girl...genius huh?”
Alejandro looks at Tiwa; “That’s a great idea...however...I already have a date…”
Tiwa looks in shock; “WWWHHHAATTT?”
Valerie steps forward; “That’s right...I’m his partner...Valerie…”
“Ehhh? And who is this girl? Why is she here?”
Uriel sighs and answers; “She’s my sister...and she will help us in this operation…”
Tiwa looks at Kasumi; “Teacher, can you explain the situation?”
“Of course…”
Uriel walks towards Tiwa; “This is why I told you to come early...but...you just gave a great idea...and you will be vital for this operation…”
Everyone looks confused upon hearing Uriel’s words.
And so...the operation to defend the school on Valentine's dance began...with a plan that will be revealed later on…
February 10th; 4 days before Valentine's day; Sun City International Highschool
Monday, the beginning of the week. For many people, it is a boring day however, today, it is different, because it is the presentation of the candidates for the king and queen of the Valentine's Dance…
In the gymnasium, every student from the school and faculty were assembled for the presentation...the Hot Blooded Competition began…
Victoria finishes by making a pose.
“YYYEEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!” Students are cheering and whistling with excitement as the competition was about to begin.
In this school, being the King and Queen of Valentine´s is important, because for the students, it means that they are the most popular in the whole school and they get the chance to participate in the Prom competition which is later that year...but for the HISTOREA ALLIANCE, the meaning is different…
“Aww man, I can’t believe that moron got us involved in his problems with Aleister, I mean come on…” Carlos, Chelsea and Tiwa sit in the highest place looking at the action. Chelsea looks at Carlos:
“There you go again, whining, you’re just jealous that Alejandro is the one who is next to Valerie.”
“That's not it...shut up…” Carlos gets nervous as he avoids looking at her; “I am just angry because we got left out of the plan, we won’t do a thing, just go to that stupid dance, I just want to fight some Kage…”
“Put a sock in it...these are Senpai’s orders, plus we can’t interrupt the operation, the only thing we can do is support Alejandro and Valerie because we are an Alliance…”
“Yeah...yeah...Tiwa, do you have a say in this?”
Tiwa looks down as she only says; “Why do I have to do “that'', I wanted to be alongside Alejandro, I mean...why is Valerie so special? I hope Uriel knows what he's doing…”
Chelsea looks around; “Speaking of Uriel...where is he?”
Tiwa, Carlos and Chelsea look around looking for him, meanwhile, Victoria continues to speak:
The crowd cheers with excitement, Aleister and Marjorie come out to the stage, they are both holding hands and waving at the students. Everyone is enchanted upon their beauty.
“Are you nervous dear?” Aleister asks Marjorie, Marjorie shakes her head denying it; “Just a little, but I am more excited…”
“Well, I hope your friend Alejandro doesn’t quit...I didn’t see him this morning in class…” Aleister chuckles, Marjorie looks preoccupied thinking; “Alejandro...I hope you are alright…”
Everyone begins to speak between themselves; “Alejandro? Oh yeah, the idiot who loves supernatural stuff….What a dork, Aleister will beat him...And who is this Valerie? Probably another nobody…”
“Valerie, I’m kinda nervous…” Alejandro says as he and Valerie walk towards the stage. Valerie holds his hand tighter; “Don’t worry, just trust me and everything will be alright…”
“Right...thank you for doing this for me…”
“No problem...the point is to have fun and trust my brother…”
Alejandro and Valerie appear on stage, suddenly, the gym goes silent as they are bewitched for what they are seeing.
Just a reminder, Alejandro Sanchez is a 16 year old boy who has long brownish hair, his eyes are orange color, a thin body and his skin color is white. He is average in height, and an average body. He has pimples in his face, and has a little hump on his back, plus a pair of glasses making him look like a nerd.
“Is that Alejandro? Wow…” Chelsea says as she looks at Tiwa blushing.
“So that girl was right...she really changed Alejandro…” Carlos says as he laughs. Marjorie and Aleister are also surprised by his change.
Alejandro now has a comb shorter hair, his face is clean and shining, he has contact glasses and standing up straight...his appearance changes completely causing a few girls to sigh…
“WWOOOWWW WHAT A BEAUTY!” The guys begin to cheer for Valerie as she waves at them. Every guy has “heart shaped” eyes as they are bewitched by her beauty.
Valerie and Alejandro stand next to Aleister and Marjorie. Victoria is in awe for his Alejandro’s appearance and says:
The crowd cheers for them, Alejandro looks nervous, Valerie holds tighter as she whispers; “You must look calm, remember I am here with you…”
“Right...sorry…” Alejandro smiles at Valerie, Marjorie looks at him and thinks:
“Alejandro, you never smiled at me like that before…”
“YYYEEEAAHHH!!!” The crowd cheers, Victoria ends the assembly saying:
The crowd cheers, and the two couples abandon the stage. Aleister approaches Alejandro and Valerie; “Wow, you sure had changed Alejandro, I didn’t recognize you…”
“Yeah so what?”
Aleister chuckles; “I see that you are still on the defensive side…” Aleister looks at Valerie; “So, you are Valerie Di Fiore, you sure are beautiful…”
“Why thank you, I hope your girlfriend doesn’t get jealous…” Valerie looks at Marjorie thinking:
“So that is Marjorie, I can’t believe my brother and Alejandro have feelings for that fake bimbo…”
“Nonsense, Marjorie doesn’t get jealous...my name is Aleister Lucifugus…nice to meet you…” Aleister extends his hand, Valerie looks at him and shakes his hand:
“I am Valerie...I hope we can get along…”
Aleister notices Valerie’s strength as she squeezes his hand. Aleister immediately lets go:
“You are stronger than you look, that’s nice...well Alejandro and Valerie, I hope we can have a fair competition…”
Aleister begins to leave, Marjroie looks at Alejandro; “You look cooler that way...Alejandro…”
“Thank you…”
Marjorie leaves with Aleister. Alejandro takes a deep breath of relief; “So that was Aleister...I don’t like him…” Valerie says with an angry expression, Alejandro looks at Valerie and chuckles:
“Man, I am glad I chose you…you give me confidence…”
Valerie smiles; “Really? Well I always try to be strong, just like Uriel…”
Alejandro smiles too, both of them head towards the classroom as they begin the competition.
At the same time…At the rooftop, Uriel lies on his back watching the clouds when suddenly…
“You don’t like to participate in Assemblies? Uriel Di Fiore…” Uriel hears the voice of a young man who has a Romanian accent. He raises his body and turns around:
“No, I find them pointless, what about you? Ian Constantin?”
Ian walks towards him; “No, I wanted to talk to you about something…”
“What is it?”
“Uriel...I came here to the Borderland on behalf of my master Darius…” Ian mentions Darius’ name, Uriel stands up with a serious expression asks:
“Darius ehh...and what is your purpose here?”
“Not much...I was sent here from Romania to eliminate you...Charro Negro…”
“Is that so? Then, have you come here with the Shadowtamer to attack the school?”
Ian begins to laugh; “Hell no...I could care less about this school, you see I have a goal and that is to become a stronger by facing strong opponents, in Romania, I defeated several of the “Undead” and when Master Darius mentioned about a certain foe who defeated a level 2 Shadow and wanted to come and see what can you do against a level 3…”
Uriel is surprised to hear that and asks; “Level 3? So are you a Shadow as well?”
“Indeed, I am what people from Yggdrasil call Level 3...:”
“So, do you want to fight me now?” Uriel makes a fist and begins to release mana, Ian laughs once more; “If we fight here, we will destroy the whole school and kill everyone inside...I don’t think you would want that right?”
“You got a point but don’t worry, I will fight you anytime…”
Ian leaves as he says; “Very well, I look forward to that...for now let’s enjoy our happy student life…”
For the rest of the day, Valerie and Alejandro went to each classroom and club room to present themselves in order to gain the trust of the students...however…
“Aww man, even though we went to all the classes, we still didn’t get the support we wanted…” Alejandro looks down, Valerie smiles at him:
“Come on Alejandro, I mean it’s just the first day...so don’t worry...tomorrow will be another day and I have a plan ready let’s go…”
Valerie pulls Alejandro’s arm as they head towards the exit. Marjorie looks at them from the Student Council window located on the second floor.
She sighs and asks Aleister:
“Hey Aleister...shouldn’t we have gone to the classrooms to present ourselves?"
Aleister laughs and stands up; “Marjorie, you can’t possibly believe they can beat us, right?”
“....” Marjorie does not answer, Aleister gets closer to Marjorie and holds her chin:
“Marjorie...my dear Marjorie...stop thinking stupid stuff, you know I have more important things to do than worrying about a stupid competition.”
Marjorie begins to feel chills down her spine as Aleister gets close to her and whispers:
“Be a nice girlfriend and stop bothering me…”
“I’m...sorry…” Marjorie is scared at him, she stands and with a fake smile says:
“Sorry but I have to go...I’ll see you tomorrow…”
Aleister’s cell phone rings, he looks at it and sees that it’s a call from Darius:
“Father, I’m busy right now…”
“Aleister, I received an important message from “them” and the Third Hour wants to speak to you about your request...all that I can say is that you were approved…”
Aleister makes a sinister smile as he feels joy; “Excellent...things are going according to plan…”
At the competition, the popularity polls of acceptance posted on the board of the school say:
Aleister and Marjorie: 90%
Alejandro and Valerie: 10%
February 11th; 3 days until Valentines, Sun City International Highschool
The second of Valentine's week began with a surprise event that no one imagined…
The girls of the classroom where Kasumi Miyazono teaches are out of control thanks to a certain question…The girls of the classroom are excited with the boys looking jealous.
"Wait, can you repeat what you just said?" Victoria, who is in the middle of the circle, asks with her heartbeat rising. Uriel who is in front of her, repeats the questions:
"I said...will you go to the Valentine's dance with me?"
Everyone is in shock, Angela looks at him and thinks; "I never thought he would ask someone out?"
Marjorie puffs her cheeks thinking; "Well good for them...I guess…"
Kasumi has a "red aura" of jealousy coming out of her as she thinks:
"Come down...this is only part of his plan…"
"YES YES YES" Victoria jumps filled with joy. Uriel without making any expression says:
" Okay then...do you want me to go to your house?"
"No...I will be staying with a friend...let's meet in front of the school at 9 pm…"
The bell rings, Uriel turns around and says:
"Very well...have a nice day…"
Uriel leaves the classroom with Alejandro running behind him. Victoria goes down on her knees as she thinks:
"I was so nervous...but he actually chose me…."
Angela and Marjorie look at her with "auras" of jealousy coming out of them; "This is not over yet…"
“Hey Uriel, was it okay to invite Victoria to the dance? I mean, wouldn’t Angela be a better choice or some other girl...remember that Victoria has a connection with Aleister…” Alejandro asks Uriel as both of them head towards their next class.
“Victoria is perfect, the reason is...she talks a lot and she wouldn’t suspect our plan…”
“I see...well I hope you know what you’re doing…”
“Anyway, you must concentrate on winning that contest…”
“Uriel, do you think I can win? I mean, I'm going against Aleister…” Alejandro says with a worried expression, Uriel sighs with his eyes close and replies:
“Don’t be a fool, I know you can win...besides you have Valerie with you, so don’t make her cry...otherwise…”
Uriel looks at Alejandro with an angry expression, Alejandro gets nervous and laughs:
“No, no, I know we can win...don’t worry...I won’t make her cry…” Alejandro stops walking for a moment as he think:
“Despite being cold...you care for your sister a lot huh...Uriel…”
For the second day….Valerie and Alejandro put a great sign that said:
Vote for Valerie and Alejandro
They decided to hand out some chocolates to the students who were going to lunch...this action brought a better result because at the end of the day the polls were:
Aleister and Marjorie: 80%
Alejandro and Valerie: 20%
February 11th; 3 days before Valentine's day; Sun City International Highschool
The next day, Alejandro and Valerie decided to do some community service by cleaning the school and recycling...the students of the school began to see their efforts and began to change their opinion with some of them saying:
“Hey...they do love the school...maybe we should vote for them…”
Students even joined them in cleaning duty….Alejandro and Valerie were having so much fun….
Meanwhile, Aleister and Marjorie didn’t do a thing again...the results of the poll were:
Aleister and Marjorie: 70%
Alejandro and Valerie: 30%
February 12th; 2 days before Valentine's day; Sun City International Highschool
On this day…
Alejandro and Valerie once again put up a big sign that said:
Vote for Alejandro and Valerie…
This time they passed out home-made cookies made by Valerie herself...Students of all the grades began to form lines to have one, they also began to accept Alejandro more and more…
Once again, Aleister and Marjorie didn’t do anything...the polls were:
Aleister and Marjorie: 65%
Alejandro and Valerie: 35%
February 13 th; 1 day before Valentine's day; Sun City International Highschool
On this day…
Valerie and Alejandro decided to go to each classroom and present themselves, this time….their acceptance was incredible...The male students not only talked with Valerie but also with Alejandro almost as if his bad reputation ended…The female students also opened up to him and forgot about him being weird...
Marjorie and Aleister once again did not do a thing to help with their popularity...the final poll was:
Aleister and Marjorie: 50%
Alejandro and Valerie: 50%
Everything was going to be settled on the Dance….
Rio Grande City
Later that day, in a prestigious middle school called Del Valle Middle School, the bell rang meaning the end of the school day. Boys and girls walk out of the school towards their home. Among them, the three sisters; Fabiola, Abril and Mariana who take classes as any student in the morning…
“Man, this sure was tiresome, right Mariana?” Abril says as she walks, swinging her back pack. Mariana nods in agreement, Fabiola gets mad; “Don’t slack off you two...come on let’s hurry…”
Mariana notices a brunette girl walking on the other side of the street. The girl has brown hair, hazel eyes, she walks alone looking at the ground.
“Naomi..hey Naomi…”
Naomi looks up and sees Mariana running her way; “H-H-Hey Mariana, do you need something?”
“I wanted to give you back the marker I borrowed from you…” Mariana gives Naomi the marker, thanking her, Naomi begins to walk away. Mariana stops her asking:
“Hey, Do you want to go eat something?”
“I’m sorry, my mom is already waiting for me...gotta go...bye…” Naomi runs towards the corner. Mariana is left confused.
“Mariana, let's go…” Abril and Fabiola wave at her, Mariana runs back to their side.
Focusing on Naomi, she runs past the school towards an area where abandoned houses are located...She runs towards a house located at the end of the road…the house is in terrible conditions, it has no door or windows and the ceiling is falling off...there Naomi meets someone everyday…
“Estrella...Estrella...where are you?” Naomi asks as she stands at the entrance door, in a room, a silhouette begins to move, a girl comes out of the room. Naomi smiles and says:
“There you are, you made me worried…”
Estrella is a girl that has the appearance of 12 or 13 years of age. She has pale skin, white messy hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a torn black dress with a hood that covers her face.
“Naomi...you came back…” Estrella says as she slowly walks closer. Naomi takes out a sandwich and some orange juice box and gives them to Estrella.
“Here, you must be hungry, I wanted to bring more, but that is all I had for the moment…”
Estrella eats very quick; “Thank you…”
“You're welcome” Naomi smiles as she watches Estrella eat, her expression changes as she looks at Estrella with a worried expression; “Estrella, please come to my house, I know my parents will welcome you...please, I don't want you staying here anymore…”
Estrella looks at Naomi crying and wipes one of her tears; “Don't worry, I am going to be fine…”
After a while, Naomi tells Estrella everything she did in school, Estrella with great enthusiasm hears Naomi´s tales. Estrella looks down thinking; “I wish I could go with you…”
“You can...if you come with me…” Naomi replies, trying to pull her arm, Estrella doesn´t stand, she shakes her head; “I can´t, at least not right now…”
“But you will be right…”
“One day…”
Naomi stands up and says; “I need to go now, but I Promise to come back tomorrow…” Naomi runs to the exit waving at Estrella who also waves at her...
The sun began to set, Naomi decided to go home….Leaving Estrella in the house alone...or that is what she thought…
Sombras slowly begins to come out of the rooms; “Hello, my friends, it's time for the hunt…”
Estrella walks out of the house, suddenly, a portal begins to open, El Muerto appears in the portal:
“Hello Estrella, are you ready for your mission?”
Estrella looks scared; “I don´t want my friends to die...how long are we supposed to keep doing this?”
“Patience, little girl, soon, everything will be over...isn't that right...old man?”
An old man with a beard, and an eyepatch in his left eye appears out of the portal, he has no hair and he is pale with a reddish right eye. He is wearing a black robe that is torn up.
He walks towards Estrella and pats her head; “You must do it...you must keep fighting in order to avenge our people...you must…”
“I will…” Estrella nods in agreement, the man and El Muerto decide to enter the portal. Estrella plays her flute. The Sombras react and scatter around. Estrella walks towards the portal and disappears.
February 14th; Valentines Day, Ministry of San Juan
The night of the dance finally arrived...the students had the day off in order to get ready for later that night...for this school...this dance is as important as Prom or Homecoming…
In the Ministry of San Juan...the sun began to set however, for the Di Fiore siblings...the day had just begun…
Uriel finishes preparing for the dance, he wears a black tuxedo with a red tie, and formal shoes.
"Hey Big Brother...you're looking handsome…So how do I look?" Valerie enters the room, she is wearing a long purple dress, she has makeup on and has curls on her hair.
"Valerie...are you ready??
Valerie puffs her cheeks and exclaims:
"Big Brother...you're supposed to say ' You look amazing' you need to be more soft with women…"
"I'm sorry...I am not good with those things…" Uriel says as he pats her head. Valerie pulls his arm and takes out his phone:
“Now then, time for a selfie, say cheese…”
Valerie takes a selfie with Uriel. Uriel appears to be surprised in the picture.
“There, now we are ready for the dance…”
“Warn me the next time Valerie…” Uriel feels embarrassed. Valerie schuckles. Valerie begins to feel worried:
"Hey Uriel...are you going to fight the Sombras?"
“Yes...I will”
Valerie doesn´t say a word, she proceeds on hugging Uriel; “Please, don't over do it...I know that want us to believe that you are doing it for your own benefit...but I know that you are sometimes lying…”
Uriel slowly moves Valerie away and holds her shoulders with both of his arms replying:
“Valerie...tonight, I want you to have fun, you´ve also been through a lot and I am sorry to say this but the future isn't going to be bright. I promise you that tonight I am going to protect you...so please enjoy yourself at the dance and I want you to smile...because, you're prettier when you smile…”
Valerie wipes her tears off and smiles; “Thank you, Big brother…”
Uriel and Valerie head downstairs, “WOW, SHE IS REALLY PRETTY…” Mariana and Abril looks at Valerie with enthusiasm.
“Valerie, have fun...and try not to over do it...you know what I mean…” Maria winks at Valerie, she puffs her cheeks nodding in agreement. Maria looks at Uriel and says:
“Hijo...Please stay safe...I wish I could help you…”
“I´m sorry mother, but you can´t...I don´t want Darius or El Muerto to know that you're here...besides, the Church is not welcome in Sun City…”
“I know, I know…” Maria says as she puffs her cheeks as well, Father Clemente and Sister Carolina walk towards them; “I can't believe you´re so grown up, I remember when Valerie was just a small child...waaa”
Father Clemente cries, Sister Carolina looks embarrassed as she says; “Father, please control yourself…”
Fabiola looks at Uriel and blushes; “He's so handsome in that suit…”
“Hey brother…” Daniel walks towards Uriel and comments in a low tone; “Protect Valerie, if something happens to her, you will pay the consequences…”
“Don´t worry, I will not let anything happen to her…” Uriel opens a portal, Valerie grabs his arm:
“Well, we´re off...bye bye…”
Uriel and Valerie cross the portal. Daniel looks at Maria:
“I´ll be going out for a while...and Fabiola is coming with me…”
Maria sighs as she nods in agreement. Fabiola gets mad:
“Because Uriel will need you…”
Fabiola changes her attitude and says with a shy tone; “O-O-Okay…”
“Maria, are you sure about this?” Father Clemente asks with a worried expression, Maria smiles and replies:
“I am...my son is the strongest one here, and I am not referring to Uriel…”
Sun City, a few blocks away from the High School
Walking down the street, Kasumi and the members of Yggdrasil head to the dance….
“This is going to be fun...I can't wait to eat chocolates, right Carlos?” Chelsea expresses her enthusiasm. She is wearing a long pink dress, she has the same hairstyle with bangs covering her left eye.
“Mmpphh...I could care less, I didn't even want to come here, I am not part of this mission” Carlosm who is wearing a tuxedo and a blue tie, replies with a face full of disappointment.
“Enough Carlos, you know about the situation we are in right now, besides having you here is also essential…” Shion scolds Carlos, Shion is wearing a beautiful short yellow dress with high heels. She has bangs covering her forehead and a ponytail grabbing the rest of her hair and she is wearing makeup.
“Right...I´m sorry…” Carlos apologizes as he thinks; “This sucks, but there is another reason I wanted to come…” Carlos looks at Kasumi and makes a perverted face thinking; “Seeing Senpai in a dress is worth it…”
Kasumi looks at Carlos asking; “Is something wrong?”
“No, everything is fine...I was just looking at that lamp” Carlos replies nervously looking away. “Pervert…” Chelsea teases Carlos, causing him to get angry.
“I know that this is difficult, even for me...I am not used to wearing this...I am a warrior…” Kasumi makes an uncomfortable face. Kasumi is wearing a long black dress, high heels, she has a ponytail on her left shoulder and she is wearing makeup.
“Hey guys, I´m here…” Alejandro says as he approaches them, Alejandro is wearing a black tuxedo with an orange tie.
Carlos looks at Alejandro and says; “Alejandro, glad you could make it, now we are only missing…”
A red portal opens next to them, Valerie and Uriel come out of the portal. Stunned by her beauty, Carlos is frozen as he thinks; “She's gorgeous…”
Alejandro swallows his saliva nervously saying; “Hey...Valerie, Uriel, you are looking good…”
Valerie runs to his side and holds his arm saying; “Why, thank you...you're looking handsome, yourself…”
Alejandro blushes. Carlos looks at them with envy with the word; “Loner” appearing behind him.
“Good, Kasumi Senpai we are all here, it's time to begin the operation…” Shion looks at Kasumi who is drooling over Uriel's appearance. “Senpai, snap out of it…”
Kasumi gains her senses and walks towards Uriel; “Hi, Uriel...you look handsome tonight…”
“Thank you…”
“Does this dress look good on me?” Kasumi asks nervously, Urie who is dense when it comes to this kind of stuff replies; “I don’t know…”
Valerie with her elbow hits Uriel and whispers in his ears; “Big Brother you must complement her, try to be more of a gentleman.”
“I see…” Uriel looks at Kasumi; “You look beautiful…” Kasumi faints out of joy, Shion grabs her saying:
“Now then, where is Tiwa?” Uriel asks as he looks around. “Here I am…” The voice of a young man answers from a dark alley.
“I see, why are you hiding over there…” Uriel asks, “It's because this is embarrassing…” Tiwa answers as she cries. Kasumi comes to her senses, she clears her throat and says:
“Okay, now to begin with the operation…”
Everyone nods and says; “Right…”
Sun City International Highschool
For Valentine's dance, the gym of the school, which is a large building, was transformed into a dancing hall. The walls were decorated with a Valentine's theme, with heart shaped balloons, roses everywhere and drawings of cupid on each table.
Marjorie, Victoria and Angela are already inside the gym…
“Where could Uriel be? We were supposed to meet 10 minutes ago…” Victoria says as she has an impatient expression. She is dressed with a long red dress, and high heels, she has loose hair and she is wearing makeup.
“Stop bragging about your date, some of us don't have one…” Angela says as she looks upset. Angela is wearing a dark blue dress, high heels, she has tied her hair with a red rose on her right side, with makeup.
“Well, it’s not my fault that you rejected everyone who invited you…” Victoria says as she teases Angela, Angela looks away as she replies:
“It’s not my fault, I wanted “him” to invite me but he already…”
“Now, now, girls, we need to have fun tonight, let’s not fight okay…” Marjorie tries to calm the girls down. Marjorie is wearing a long sleeveless dress, she is wearing makeup and combed her hair straight.
“Speaking of which, where is your date?” Victoria asks Marjorie, Marjorie lowers her head and says:
“I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to Aleister in 3 days…”
“Seriously, what kind of boyfriend do you have?” Victoria says with an angry expression. Angela looks at Marjorie worried, “Marjorie…”
Suddenly, everyone begins to look at the door. The girls begin to blush as they see Alejandro coming in with Valerie and the guys are left jaw-open. Alejandro and Valerie walk towards the center of the dance floor.
“I’m so nervous...I’m not used to being looked at by everyone this way…” Alejandro walks very nervous, Valerie holds him tighter, Alejandro looks tighter and says:
“Stay calm, remember that I am with you…”
Alejandro smiles at Valerie. They approach the three girls who are standing near the center. Angela looks at them and puffs her cheeks feeling envious:
“I wanted to be Alejandro’s partner, but he said he already had one...who is this girl anyway?”
“I don’t know, but she was very clingy with Uriel…” Marjorie stares at them feeling mad.
“Hey Marjorie, Victoria, Angela, you look great on those dresses…” Alejandro comments in a pervy tone, Valerie gets mad and pinches his back. “Sorry…” Alejandro apologizes, laughing nervously.
“Alejandro, I see getting a date really changing you huh...but despite that, you are still a nerd…” Victoria says acting smug.
“Aww, what’s that...are you jealous that he has a date and you do not?” Valerie replies with a fake smile.
“Who do you think you are? For your info, I have a date…” Victoria and Valerie stare at each other with killing intent.
“Marjorie, where is Aleister?” Alejandro asks Marjorie. “Here I am...sorry I was late..” Aleister says as he walks besides Marjorie. Valerie and Alejandro are confused as Valerie thinks:
“When did he get here...I didn’t feel his presence…”
“So, you actually have a formal suit huh...not bad, for a loser…” Aleister jokes at Alejandro. Alejandro gets mad, but tries to ignore that.
Aleister stretches his hand towards Alejandro; “Let’s have fun...shall we?”
Alejandro stretches his hand replying; “Yeah…”
“UUURRRIIIEEELLLL!!!” Victoria screams as she looks at Uriel, Chelsea and Carlos entering the gym. Uriel waves at her with a smile.
Chelsea hits Uriel on his stomach with her elbow as she whispers; “Hey...Uriel doesn’t act happy, remember his attitude…”
“Right, I’m sorry…” Uriel replies, acting a little feminine. Victoria runs and hugs his arm; “You came…”
“Yeah so…” Uriel acts more aggressive now. Chelsea once again whispers; “Don’t exaggerate...he’s not that aggressive.”
“You look beautiful in that dress…” Uriel complements Victoria, who looks at him with heart-shaped eyes.
Uriel sighs with his eyes closed thinking; “I never thought being a guy was complicated…”
Meanwhile on the stage, Kasumi and Shion arrive, as they climb the steps, they see Barbara who is wearing a beautiful golden dress and Johanna who has a sexy red dress standing at the stage.
“You two came, I am glad you followed the mistress' orders.”
Kasumi and Shion don’t say a word. “You two look pretty…” Johanna says to both of them. Kasumi sighs and looks at Barbara:
“Look, we came, but I cannot guarantee the safety of everyone…”
Barbara chuckles; “Oh...you will guarantee it, because if you don’t, Olivia will punish you…”
The stage lights point at Kasumi, Kasumi feeling rage inside smiles at everyone and says; “GOOD EVENING EVERYONE, WELCOME TO THIS YEAR’S VALENTINE’S DANCE…”
The students cheer and applaud at Kasumi as she continues to speak; “NOW THEN, FOR SECURITY REASONS, NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO GO OUTSIDE DURING THE DANCE, PLEASE STAY INSIDE…”
Everyone begins to speak to themselves, -TCH- Carlos looks angry as he thinks; “Damn it…”
At the same time, located on the rooftop of the main building...three figures are observing the last pair of students enter…
“That should be the last of them…” Shion, who is observing with a pair of advanced binoculars, says to the other two.
“I see...that clone technique you have is pretty handy...” Uriel, who is sitting on the air conditioner, compliments Shion.
“My dear Uriel, Shion has the ability to clone herself, and no one will ever notice, she is an expert in spying...right?” Jairo says with excitement.
Jairo is a tall and muscular man with a black mustache. Even though he looks manly, he is very feminine, he likes to wear tight jeans with sleeveless shirts and a captain's hat.
“Are you sure she can pull it off as your double?” Shion asks Uriel with a worried expression. Uriel looks at the sky and replies:
“She will, Tiwa is very skilled, plus it doesn’t matter anymore...I am here ready to destroy the Sombras…”
“You could just leave this to us...you should have fun like a normal teenager…” Jairo says as he observes Uriel, Uriel chuckles:
“I am El Charro Negro...I am not normal, besides I find the Love theme disturbing…”
“Ahh, Valentine’s day...I can’t wait for this mission to be over and go to my hobby in Spain and have a romantic dinner…” Jairo says with excitement, Shion puffs her cheeks feeling jealous, Jairo laughs:
“What’s the matter, are you perhaps jealous?”
Shion gets red and replies; “I am not jealous, besides it’s not my fault that my boyfriend cheated on me…”
“Fufufu, if you say so…how about you Uriel-dear, don’t you have anyone special, or someone you loved?”
”Oh please, he doesn’t seem like a lover type…” Shion thinks to herself. “Love ehh? I did had someone I loved…”
“WWWHHHAAATT??” Shion and Jairo scream, “Who?” Jairo asks with curiosity.
“I haven’t thought about that feeling in years...I used to love someone, a girl who had pale skin and reddish eyes with black hair. She was a beautiful princess who I fell for...however…”
Uriel looks at the moon and continues to speak; “She chose someone else, she betrayed me, and I decided to shut those feelings away…”
“I’m sorry…” Shion apologizes, Jairo also apologizes and asks; “So, what is her name, if she is still alive…”
“She is alive, her name is Serena Von Draculus…”
“D-D-DRACULUS!” Both Jairo and Shion scream, surprised, “Draculus, that last name...Uriel...don’t tell me that you actually…”
Uriel stands up and looks down with a serious face; “Prepare yourselves, she has arrived…”
Walking down the empty street, a girl with a dark cloak head towards the school with an army of Sombras walking behind her… Uriel, Jairo and Shion prepare for their next battle….
g behind her… Uriel, Jairo and Shion prepare for their next battle….
- In Serial26 Chapters
L'Empire de Cendres
Devenez un chevalier du troisième millénaire! READ IN ENGLISH Au temps jadis, l’humanité régnait sur Terre et rêvait des étoiles. Mais cette époque est désormais révolue. La civilisation telle que nous la connaissons n’existe plus. Irrémédiablement balayée à la suite d’une mystérieuse catastrophe, elle est aujourd’hui à l’agonie ; oscillant entre un passé brisé et un avenir sans espoir.Erol, archéologue et aventurier du IIIe millénaire, parcourt dans le secret les ruines souterraines de l’Ancien Monde. Bravant la maléfique Inquisition et son obscurantisme, il réalise un jour une remarquable découverte. Dans un sarcophage de verre au plus profond des dangereux labyrinthes, repose une jeune femme ultime témoin du cataclysme.En quête de réponses, Erol va provoquer des évènements en suspens depuis mille ans et libérer des forces qui auraient dû rester ensevelies à jamais. L'Empire De Cendres est le tout premier roman de Quentin Raffoux et Aliénor Rossi, auteurs de l’irrévérencieux KITTY KITTY - Le futur qui ne fut jamais. L'histoire, qui se veut plus sombre, vous maintiendra en haleine jusqu’au dernier acte de son antihéros, Erol Fueurhammer. Pour plus d'informations, visitez notre site internet: raffourossi.com Le livre est disponible en kindle et broché sur amazon Les chapitres seront téléversés sur Royal Royal tous les Jeudi, 15:00 - heure de Paris
8 153 - In Serial158 Chapters
The seven worlds have been a place of war and carnage for hundreds of years. The strong enslave the weak and take over their world just to have some extra space. A race of demi-humans takes over the priceless first world for years. The humans grow tired of living in the lower worlds and challenge the demi-humans to war. Armad is an innocent bystander from the third world whose village is engulfed by the war. He doesn't care about ambitious humans or greedy demi-humans. All he wants is to save his dying mother. Will he be left alone to cater to his mother, or will the universe be cruel enough to stand against him? *** Rpg system has no stats or leveling up (not in the traditional way), but there are numbers. MC is strong from the word go and he has a specific goal. He's also learned many skills before the beginning of the novel, so don't expect a murderhobo for levels. That being said, the mc will grow stronger and will have become so strong (not overpowered) by the end of the first book. There are many races besides humans but they are not the main focus of the story, so they will only appear when the plot involves them. This novel is dedicated to the late William Wilberforce. *** I made the cover picture from picart. Original images don't belong to me. If you are the owner and you want it removed just pm me.
8 71 - In Serial8 Chapters
Plains and Hills under the SUN
In the Great plain of Faeilan. There resides the monsters of incredible heritages and humanoids who are monsters as well. In one of the Great Meadows there resides the Great Pride of Tituan who occupies it. A cub who is seemingly weak desire to lead the change on a tribe whose leaders are corrupted by greed and malice. Is he the sign that the sun will shine again in the vast and bountiful plains? Is his ambition enough to overpower the existing powers? Will he rule the plains and hills under the sun? /-----/ This story heavily emphasizes kingdom building and War&Strategies. There will be also romance and adventure as the story progresses. Photo not mine.
8 141 - In Serial11 Chapters
Study Tips ✓
I will be giving you guys some study tips to help you revice or help you with anything when it comes to school. Also, I will give tips how to control anxiety and panic attack since I have had them before.
8 151 - In Serial35 Chapters
The Star-Crossed Lovers from District 12 (Wattys Finalist 2013)
This story takes place between the last page in Mockingjay and the Epilogue. The Capitol has FINALLY left Katniss and Peeta alone, or have they? The two years her and Peeta have truly been together has made her show her true colors, being soft. After Peeta pops the question, does the Capitol threaten their relationship? Since Katniss and Peeta have been spending almost everyday together, what happens to Gale? What happens to their friendship? Is there another Hunger Games in the future? Does Katniss figure out that family is more important than friends? Than love? Or does she become apart of the Capitol while Peeta is being tortured once again not only by the Capitol, but by himself? Will new relationships blossom? Figure it out in my version of the 4th book in the Hunger Games Series!~Trailer in first chapter~**I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE HUNGER GAMES CHARACTERS. THE BASIS OF THE STORY LINE AND ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO SUZANNE COLLINS**
8 134 - In Serial127 Chapters
In Review
What is "Life In Review"?Saga, song, sonnet, story, satire, summary, sorry situations, silly sort of stupid stuff, sense and non, poems, prose, anecdotes and dozy doats, and a possible personal blow or two.This book is a collection of writings, opinions, and experiences from my time on Earth.
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