《Crimson Moon》Vol. 3 - Chapter 2: Gossip, Jealousy and Problems
Sun City International High School:
A few minutes before...Uriel’s side…. The HISTOREA Club just finished talking to Aleister. After hearing Shion's news about Valerie...Uriel decided to search for her….
As Uriel heads down the stairs, he notices that Angela is waiting for him to ask him a question:
“H-H-Hello Uriel, I was wondering if I could talk to you...”
Uriel sighs, he is in a hurry but he doesn’t want Angela to feel bad.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Well, I have a question about Algebra and I know that you are smart...so...could you..”
Angela makes puppy eyes, Uriel has no choice but to agree:
“Very well, I can help you on my way out as we walk in the hallway okay” Angela nods with joy.
Uriel and Angela walk in the hallway, Victoria walks towards them. She wears cheerleader outfit, she begins to frown and thinks to herself:
“That Angela she wants to take advantage of me, well I’m not going to lose”
Victoria runs towards Uriel and tackles him from behind. This surprises Uriel and Angela. Victoria makes a cute face and with a seductive tone:
“Uriel, I also have some doubts on the homework can you help me please”
Uriel thinks to himself; “Damn it, now of all times…”
Uriel sighs and agrees; “Of course, however I have some business to do so I’ll help you both while we walk to the exit.” Victoria nods with a smile.
Uriel answers the questions of Victoria and Angela while they approach the exit. However the two girls began to argue because they wanted Uriel’s attention. Meanwhile, Marjorie walks down the hallway as she thinks:
“Why did Uriel have that angry expression, did something happen? I asked Alesiter but he didn’t respond.”
At that moment, Marjorie sees Uriel accompanied by Victoria and Angela.
Marjorie puffs her cheeks and she begins to get jealous. She stands in front of them before Uriel reaches the exit and says with a big smile:
“What do you think you are doing girls? Aren’t you too close to him?”
Victoria and Angela begin to stare at Marjorie and Majorie returns the stare challenging them; “I won’t lose to you”
Uriel sighs with his eyes close, thinking:
“Valerie, where are you?”
At the same time… Valerie and Alejandro reach the front gate…
Wow, that was fun...thank you Alejandro…” Valerie says with a cute smile.
Alejandro’s face turns red and steam comes out from his head.
“Y-Y-You’re welcome…if you like...maybe we...”
“Wow, check out that cute chick…”
“Is she a student…”
“She’s hot…”
In a blink of an eye, Valerie is surrounded by boys.
“Where did Alejandro go?” Tiwa, Carlos and Chelsea decided to look for Alejandro.
“I don’t know, that guy sure is fast, when he runs away…” Carlos chuckles, Tiwa glares at him.
“Calm down, it was just a joke…”
“Hey guys, what’s the commotion over there…” Chelsea points at the group of boys at the front gate. At the same time, Uriel goes outside, he has the three girls fighting for him.
Kasumi, Shion and Johanna observe from the second floor. Kasumi is furious, Johanna looks at the group of boys and asks:
“What’s happening down there?”
In the group of boys outside the high school there was Valerie who was waiting for Uriel. Many of the boys were asking her out, and trying to get attention. Valerie only smiles, but in her mind she was furious at Uriel saying:
“This is annoying, where is my brother...”
“What’s happening over there?” Uriel and the girls stand next to the group of boys. Suddenly, Uriel opens his eyes wider, in the middle of the circle, Valerie notices Uriel.
“UUUUURRRRRIIIIIEEELLLL” Valerie passes all the boys and runs towards Uriel.
Valerie hugs Uriel, paralyzing everyone in the front yard.
“Uriel, I missed you so much…”
“Valerie, it’s been a long time…” Uriel hugs her back, and pats her head. He makes a sincere smile, the girls look at him with shock.
“Uhhmm...Uriel, who is she?” Marjorie asks Uriel with a worried expression.
Valerie sees the group of girls behind him and she begins to smile with a “sinister aura” behind her, thinking:
“This is going to be fun.”
“She is…”
“Shhhh…That’s a secret…” Valerie stops Uriel from revealing her identity by putting her finger on his lips, causing Marjorie to panic. Alejandro is in shock feeling jealous.
“Let’s go...They are waiting for us….” Valerie pulls Uriel from the arm and they begin to walk down the street. She hugs Uriel’s arm and begins to laugh.
“What’s so funny Valerie and why are you hugging me like this, it’s uncomfortable”
“Clueless as ever I see Uriel, don’t worry I’ll let go as soon as we turn to the next street.” Valerie chuckles to a clueless Uriel.
As soon as Valerie and Uriel disappear from their sights the whole school begins to talk because of the confusion believing that Uriel and Valerie are dating.
“This can’t be. She’s gorgeous even more than you Marjorie.” Victoria exclaims with sweat in her forehead.
“H-h-heyyy…” Marjorie exclaims.
“M-M-Maybe they are related?” Angela says with a low tone.
“Don’t be ridiculous you saw how Uriel smiled at her. DAAAAMMNNIITT” Victoria screams with the other girls talking about it as well.
“Uriel, that smile, it was so sincere…” Marjorie says feeling something in her heart.
“What just happened?” Tiwa asks Carlos and Chelsea, who look confused. Alejandro is in shock, he gets angry thinking:
“Uriel, you never mentioned you knew someone like her, Valerie never mentioned that...I see, I was being fooled…”
Alejandro decides to follow them; “I must know the truth…”
As soon as Alejandro turns to the corner, he sees that they are gone. He sees a paper that says; “Go to the Ministry…”
Alejandro destroys the paper and begins to run towards the Ministry; “ I must know the truth.”
On the second floor, Kasumi is “turned into stone” after seeing Uriel leaving with Valerie.
“That girl sure was pretty, do you think they are related or are they lovers?” Johanna teases Kasumi who is still a “stone”
“Senpai, get a hold of yourself, we need to finish our work…” Shion moves Kasumi’s shoulder trying to make her come to her senses.
“Uriel...is cheating on me...he is…”
Shion sighs with her eyes closed; “Senpai, you’re not dating him...please...this is embarrassing…”
“Fufufu….well then, I guess I will see you tomorrow, good luck Kasumi...Shion…” Johanna leaves the room, Kasumi screams of rage:
“Raaww...I need to learn the truth… and even if it means that I must go to war!”
“Flames” come out of Kasumi who is inspired, Shion feeling embarrassed shakes her head thinking:
“Senpai...again...this is embarrassing…”
Ministry of San Juan
Heading to the Ministry, Valerie and Uriel walked uphill….
The sun begins to set, Valerie walks alongside Uriel, Uriel carries many boxes and Valerie carries a paper bag filled with food.
“That sure was fun, right Uriel?” Valerie expresses her happiness
“Valerie, why are you here? Is Daniel here as well? I thought you two were in France...why did you come here?”
Valerie puffs her cheeks; “Sheesh, you ask too many questions, look we were in France until yesterday, Daniel is here too…you should be glad that we came here to see you”
“I see…” Uriel says without any expression, Valerie looks at Uriel’s scar and asks:
“Uriel, does your scar still hurt?”
Uriel touches his face, and makes a little smile; “Of course...but I got used to it, what about yours?
Valerie has a scar on her back, the claws of a beast in the upper part of her back. However, thanks to Maria, it is invincible on normal eyes.
“A little, but mine isn’t visible...I’m sorry…because of us...you…”
Uriel interrupts her by patting her head.
“Don’t worry about it...the most important thing is that you are alive…”
Valerie feels relieved and a tear comes out of her eye, she smiles:
“I think you look cool with that scar…”
“You think so?”
“Mmmhhmm…” Valerie nods in agreement.
“Here we are, Mama is waiting for you…” They arrive at the gates, Uriel stands still observing them.
“What’s wrong?” Valerie notices Uriel nervous. She makes a smirk and teases him:
“Oh, don’t tell me that you are scared of Mom, you took down the Chupacabras, a legendary monster and you are afraid of your own mom? Sheesh...you’re so lame…”
“It’s not that...it’s….”
"He's ashamed because he hasn't contacted mama for over a year and a half right?" Daniel walks towards them. Uriel looks at him, he makes a little smile:
"You've grown, Daniel…"
"Of course I did...and you look cooler, did you change your lotion or something…"
"Of course I did…" Uriel chuckles, both of them do a fist bump.
"Uriel let's go…" Valerie pulls from his arm, "Valerie, I can't…"
"Come on, Mama isn't mad at you…"
"Valerie, leave him alone, you’re feeling guilt...aren't you…" Daniel looks at Uriel, Uriel once again repeats:
"It's not that…"
"Then, are you just going to avoid her? You left without saying anything…"
"I know that and I am going to apologize but the reason is…" Uriel touches the forcefield:
“This holy barrier is not letting me enter”
Valerie and Daniel notice that and feel embarrased; “Oh...right…”
Uriel was able to enter thanks to Valerie’s key to the barrier that Maria gave her. As they head to the Dining room, the three sisters were waiting for him:
“UUURRRIIIEELLLL” Abril and Mariana scream as both of them hug him with tears in their eyes. Valerie, feeling jealous puffs her cheeks thinking:
“Uriel...you lolicon…”
Uriel pats their heads; “I’m home”
“We were really worried, are you sure that you are alright?” Mariana asks Uriel as she hugs him tighter.
“Don’t worry, I’m okay now…”
Uriel looks at Fabiola who is hiding in a corner, Daniel sighs and walks to her side:
“Don’t be shy...I know you want to hug him too…”
Fabiola blushes as she says; “H-H-Hey, that’s not true...I…”
Uriel passes next to her, Fabiola has a “Tsundere” act; “Hhhhmmppphhh….Just so you know, I let you beat the Chupacabras because Sister Carolina didn’t let me join you…”
“I see…” Uriel pats her head and says; “I hope your sister can rest in peace now…”
Fabiola’s eyes filled themselves with tears as she hugs Uriel saying:
“Thank you...so much…”
Valerie looks at her with jealousy as she continues to think; “Uriel...you lolicon…”
“Uriel, hijo, you’re okay...Thank God…” Father Clemente heads his way, -PPUUUMMM- “UUURRIIEELL” Sister Carolina pushes the Father away and hugs Uriel.
“I’m glad you’re alright, I prayed to God that you would recover from your injuries....”
Uriel feels her sincere feelings; “Thank you…”
Sister Carolina grabs Uriel’s hand and says; “Come with me...Maria is waiting…”
Uriel gets nervous, and they head to the kitchen where Maria is cooking. Carolina opens the door, Uriel enters the kitchen, Carolina closes the door. Everyone is eavesdropping at the door as they try to hear their conversation.
Maria cuts a potato, she is wearing a red apron along with her black dress. There is a silence in the room; “Uriel, you’ve returned…” Maria says with an angry tone.
Uriel feels nervous, he feels the tension as he asks; “Mother...why are you here? Why did you come to this dangerous pla….”
Maria throws a potato with a powerful air pressure hitting Uriel in the stomach breaking the wall creating a giant hole. Everyone who stands in the door is in shock to see the hole that is next to them. Daniel chuckles; “That idiot…”
Uriel lies on the ground as he sees the potato in his stomach thinking; “Mother, your strength hasn’t changed at all…”
“Uriel…” Fabiola tries to head towards Uriel but she is stopped by Sister Carolina.
“Uriel...you are an idiot…” Maria bends over and grabs Uriel’s shirt and begins to cry:
“You left without saying anything a year and half ago...I didn’t know what happened to you, and the only thing I knew was that you left on a mission. You began to hunt down Sombras in South America.... I only received letters from you every two months…”
Uriel doesn’t reply, Maria hugs him tightly and continues to speak:
“I was worried sick...my son went missing and I didn’t know what to do? Why Uriel? Why did you abandon me?”
Uriel doesn’t reply, he hugs her back and the only words he lets out is; “I’m sorry…”
“Thank God you’re safe...I’m glad that you’re here...but please, promise me that you will trust me from now on...I am your mother...I will never betray you...please have faith in others...have faith in me…”
Uriel is surprised on what his mother said, a tear comes out of his eye as he says in a low tone:
“I’m sorry...Mama...thank you...for accepting me as your son…”
“You idiot, you are my son...remember that you are not alone...you have me, your siblings and the members of this Ministry…”
Uriel looks at his right and sees everyone nodding in agreement, he stands up and making Maria stand up, he makes a little smile :
“I’m back...mother…”
“Welcome back...Uriel…” Maria smiles at him. Father Clemente steps forward and clears his throat:
“Maria, I know that you are happy about seeing your son, but I must interrupt this reunion because...YOU BROKE MY WALL! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THAT!”
Maria notices the hole and laughs nervously; “Oops, I’m sorry...Uriel will fix it for you…”
“Why do you involve me...you’re the one who broke…”
Maria punches his stomach as she screams; “URIEL, YOU MUST OBEY YOUR MOTHER’S ORDERS…”
Everyone laughs, suddenly, Daniel sees his clock that is beeping. Valerie notices and asks:
“What’s wrong Daniel?”
“We have an intruder…”
Alejandro was standing outside the Ministry...he was facing a difficult situation...jealousy…
“What should I do...I just came here to pick up my stuff but I must see Uriel…” Alejandro walks side by side, he has his arms cross and his eyes close:
“Why didn’t Uriel tell me about the beautiful girl...does he want her for himself? Is she his girlfriend? I thought he loved Marjorie…”
Alejandro stops and scratches his head saying; “DAMN IT, WHAT SHOULD I DO?”
After a few minutes, Alejandro decides what to do; “Right...this is what I am going to do...walk away…”
Alejandro begins to walk away, suddenly he stops moving; “Huh...what’s going on…”
“You, intruder...why did you come here?” Alejandro hears a new voice, he slowly begins to turn around without him commanding his body. He sees a boy with red hair and glasses walking towards him. Alejandro gets nervous and asks:
“Who are you?”
“That’s something I should be asking you…” Daniel says, suddenly, Alejandro can see a red barrier surrounding his body; “What’s this, a barrier?”
Daniel takes out a sphere, he throws it to the air, the sphere stands still on the air and shines:
“Tell me who you are, or I will have to dispose of you…”
Alejandro begins to sweat; “Hey wait, my name is Alejandro….I am staying here at the ministry…”
“Oh really, are you a monk or priest?”
“Then you are a spy...you will be disposed of…”
“No, wait, I am Uriel’s friend…”
“Uriel’s friend huh...if you answer me this...what is his favorite food?”
Alejandro opens his eyes wider as he doesn’t know thinking; “Damn it, I never asked him...what should I do? Damn it, I will take the risk…”
Alejandro says with his eyes closed; “Pizza?”
“Wrong answer...goodbye…” Daniel makes the sphere shine brighter, Alejandro looks at it thinking; “I’m dead…”
“Alejandro, is that you?” Alejandro hears the voice of a young girl, he opens his eyes and sees Valerie; “Valerie, is that you?”
“Do you know him, Valerie?” Daniel asks Valerie who nods in agreement; “I met him today, he helped find Uriel…”
“I see” Daniel undoes the barrier and puts the sphere away. He begins to walk away saying; “Then, I leave him to you…”
Alejandro, feeling relieved, thinks; “Thank God...Valerie, you’re a lifesaver…”
“What are you doing here?” Valerie asks Alejandro, Alejandro scratches his cheek and avoids looking at her; “Well, I was just passing by...you know, taking a long walk…”
“Perfect, come join us for dinner…” Valerie pulls his arm as he sees her shining aura saying; “Okay…”
Valerie and Alejandro enter the Ministry….
As they entered the Ministry, Alejandro was greeted by the Sisters:
“ALLLEEJJJAAANNDDRROO” Mariana and Abril hug him, Alejandro making a pervy face says; “Hi, girls, how are you doing?”
“We were worried about you….”
“Thank you, but I am doing well...”
“Oh so you know them?” Valerie asks Alejandro, Alejandro gets nervous and tries to invent an excuse.
“Yeah, he is staying here with Uriel...he is a perv though…” Abril says with a smile.
“SSHHHH” Alejandro tries to shut her up, Fabiola appears and hits him with a broom:
“You pervert, stay away from them…”
“Not you too...Fabiola…”
“GYAHAHAH YOU’RE SO FUNNY….” Valerie laughs, Alejandro sighs with his eyes close.
“Alejandro, you’re here…” Uriel says as he walks towards him. Alejandro changes his expression and sees him with anger thinking; “I must learn the truth….I will ask him now…”
“Uriel, what’s your relationship with her…” Alejandro points at Valerie. Uriel who is dense answers:
“Well, she is a very important person to me…”
“I knew it, she is his girlfriend…” Alejandro feels jealous. Valerie chuckles noticing that and teases him:
“Remember when we bathed together...it was fun right…”
Alejandro feels betrayed as he cries out “blood”; “Uriel, you traitor…”
“I don’t remember that…” Uriel answers without having a clue. Valerie puffs her cheeks as she says; “Sheesh Big Brother, get a clue, I was only teasing him…”
Alejando looks with shock; “Wait, Big Brother!”
“That’s right...this is my little sister, Valerie Di Fiore…”
“WWHHHAATTT?” Alejandro is in shock as a “donkey” appears in his mind. Alejandro bows his head and apologizes:
“I’m so sorry that I doubted you…”
Uriel not knowing what Alejandro means; “Sorry for what?” Valerie laughs as she thinks; “Uriel, you’re really clueless...”
“Hey guys, Mama says dinner is ready” Daniel says as he walks towards them, Alejandro walks back, Uriel introduces him to Alejandro:
“By the way, he is my brother Daniel Di Fiore…”
“It’s a pleasure…” Alejandro walks with them as he thinks; “So this is your family...Uriel...I’m glad…”
In the dining room...Alejandro meets with Father Clemente and Sister Carolina:
“Alejandro, are you alright?” Carolina checks on Alejandro. Alejandro smiles thinking; “Man, I’m in heaven, she’s an angel…”
“I’m alright, thank you sister…”
“Hijo, how is your hand?” Clemente asks Alejandro, Alejandro moves it to his back as he answers:
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it…”
Father Clemente looks at him suspiciously. Alejandro drinks water nervously, Maria comes out of the kitchen:
“Okay, dinner is ready…”
“Pfffff” Alejandro spills his water as he is bewitched by Maria’s beauty. Maria puts some plates in the table and notices Alejandro:
“Oh my, we have a handsome visitor.”
“This is Alejandro, he is a classmate at my High School” Uriel presents Alejandro. Alejandro nervously stands up and stretches his hand:
“Nice to meet you, I am Alejandro Sanchez…”
“Oh my, that’s a lovely name, nice to meet you, my name is Maria Di Fiore, I am Uriel’s mother…” Maria shakes his hand with a smile, Alejandro blushes thinking:
“What the hell Uriel...your sister is beautiful, your mother is gorgeous...I envy you so much…”
Maria sits down and says; “Well then everyone, time to eat…”
Everyone ate and had fun…after dinner, Alejandro decided to go to his room to pick up his stuff…
“So you are really leaving huh…” Uriel comments as he sits on his bed.
“Yeah, I’m returning to my apartment, Ms. Rosa told me that Yggdrasil will watch over me.”
“I see…”
“Hey but don’t feel bad, I mean you still have your family with you...and we will continue to see each other at school and the secret hideout.”
Alejandro says with tears in his eyes, Uriel sighs with his eyes close; “You’re the one who is crying…”
Alejandro walks down the stairs with Uriel, Maria is waiting for him to ask him something:
“Alejandro, may I see your left hand…” Alejandro is confused but he sees Maria’s gorgeous face and runs down saying:
“Of course…”
Maria looks at his hand that has a red bandage, she takes it off revealing a grotesque scene. Father Clemente and Sister Carolina are in shock, Alejandro’s hand is covered in black veins that spread to his elbow.
“I see...you have blood poison that is spreading in your body...if you don’t take care of it, you will die…”
“That I know, but Yggdrasil is helping me find a cure…”
“Yggdrasil...who is in charge of that unit?”
“A man named Allan Carter…” Uriel responds to the question, Maria looks at him:
“I see, Carter huh…Alejandro, I think I can help you with that…”
Maria puts both of her hand on his arm, Alejandro blushes, Maria begins to say:
“Alejandro, what you have here is the Golden Key right? This Golden Key is one of seven that are spread across this continent, however Gold doesn’t mean fortune but the contrary...as you can see, it means poison...now I don’t know how to remove it but…”
Maria closes her eyes and begins to pray:
“Señor Dios, reduce el veneno de tu siervo y librarlo del mal; venenum Aufero” (Dear Lord, reduced the poison from your lamb and free him from evil; venenum Aufero)
A small current of wind begins to form around Alejandro’s arm, and it begins to shine in a golden color, the veins begin to disappear and the skin begins to turn back to normal. After a minute the veins are completely gone and a scar with the shape of the key is formed on the outer part of his hand.
Maria opens her eyes, she wraps Alejandro’s hand once again and says:
“There, I reduce the poison, I’d say that it won’t spread again unless you use it’s power, try to keep it to a minimum, please.”
Alejandro smiles and says; “It doesn’t hurt anymore, thank you so much Ms. Di Fiore…”
“Please call me Maria…”
Alejandro nods in agreement.
Alejandro stands outside the Ministry, he waves his hand thanking everyone for their help, Uriel opens a portal that connects with his room and pushes him.
“Now that he's gone, I will head to my room…” Uriel begins to walk towards his room, Valerie begins to tease:
“Aww, aren’t you sad that your friend left?”
Uriel stops walking and replies; “ Sad huh...No…”
Valerie “shivers”; “So cold…”
Maria chuckles; “Valerie, don’t tease him too much, of course he is sad, I can tell from his reaction…”
“Okay mama...I promise to go easy on him…”
Uriel arrives to the door of his room, before he opens it, he turns to his right:
“Is something the matter, Daniel?”
Daniel turns the corner and walks towards him; “The rhythm sense of your still sharp as always Uriel…”
“Did you need something?”
Daniel leans towards the wall with his arms crossed; “Well, I came here to give you a heads up, I don’t want to call it a warning, but it’s something similar”
“Is that so…”
“Mama and Valerie may be fond of you and trust but I’m not…”
Uriel doesn’t say a word and only looks at him, Daniel continues to speak:
“Don’t get me wrong, Mother described my brother Uriel and you're just like him. I don’t know if you are “that” Uriel but I don’t fully trust you and I must warn you...don’t ever try to do something to Mama or Valerie...I know that you care about them but despite all that, you are still El Charro Negro, meaning that you are evil…”
“I understand..”
“If you ever try to do something to them...I will personally eliminate you...are we clear?”
“Mmpphh...you don’t have to worry about that Daniel...my mission is clear here, I don’t plan on staying long okay...besides they are the ones who are clingy to me...but let’s make a deal…”
“A deal?”
“That’s right...I swore that I would protect you three with my life, but, if I ever try to harm you...I will take my own life...what do you say?”
“Very well, I hope you can keep that promise or else I will kill you…”
“I understand...good night…” Uriel enters his room, Daniel continues walking towards his room. Standing in next to the wall, Fabiola trembles on what she just heard, she has her hands covering her mouth as she thinks:
Sun City
Located in the Northern part of the city, in an empty alley. Blood overflows in a corner as a young maiden gets devoured by a mysterious figure. The figure is not a Sombra, because it has human form.
“Man, this is delicious, I can’t believe how tasty the girls in this city are…” The monster with the appearance of a young man says as he licks his hand covered in blood.
He stands up and begins to walk towards the light, his yellow eyes shine with the full moon. Suddenly, El Muerto comes out of the portal:
“Are you done, Ian?”
The moon shines and reveals the monster to be Ian Constantin, his yellow eyes turn reddish once more.
“Yeah...I’m done here...Muerto…” Ian says as he looks at the moon, El Muerto looks at the puddle of blood and says:
“Don’t you think you overdid it?”
“Not at all, I mean I only ate part of her flesh, I left her limbs in tact...don’t worry about it…”
“You disgust me…”
“Yeah, I don’t care…anyway, why are you here?”
“I came here to tell you that tomorrow, I want you to bully a certain person…”
Ian smiles and says; “Oh...the plan is about to begin huh...I can’t wait to fight him…”
“You will...just be patient…”
Ian laughs as he increases his manna causing a small crater below his feet; “I can’t wait to face you...Charro Negro…”
February 7th, Sun City International Highschool
The next morning, things went smoothly, Uriel and Valerie arrived at school. Obviously everyone was looking at them. Valerie went to her classes and Uriel went to his, at that moment things got awkward:
Uriel reads a book during the first period, at that moment Victoria walk towards him:
“Hey Uriel...how are you?”
“I’m fine…” Uriel answers as he continues reading, -TCH- Victoria gets angry and puts the book down:
“Hey, I want to talk to you...why are you ignoring me?”
“I am not ignoring you...I just happened to study for my next test that is all...I didn’t mean to be rude…”
Victoria puffs her cheeks; “Well you are”
“In that case...sorry…”
Alejandro looks at them thinking; “Here we go again...give up already Victoria...Uriel is not interested in you...speaking of that...will Valerie be interested in me?” A
lejandro looks at the window as he begins to think about Valerie.
Angela and Marjorie look at Victoria.
“Come on...ask him already?” Both of them think at the same time.
Victoria gets nervous as she makes a question; “Hey...Uriel...can I ask you something?”
“....” Uriel does not answer, Victoria continues to ask:
“That girl that was with you yesterday...is she someone important to you?”
“Pfff…” Alejandro wants to laugh thinking; “Uriel is very dense...this will be fun…”
Since Kasumi is not in the class right now, Marjorie, Angela and the other girls get closer to hear Uriel’s answer. Meanwhile, standing outside the door, Kasumi is eavesdropping on the conversation as she thinks:
“I wonder what he will answer…”
Uriel looks at her and with a serious expression he answers; “Yes, she is…”
“Ehhh?” The girl says at the same time. Angela steps forward and with a worried expression asks; “Is she that important to you?”
“Indeed she is...I would give my life for her” Uriel answers, recalling his conversation with Daniel.
“Pfff” Alejandro is chuckling; “This is very funny…oh no...Marjorie is going to ask him something…”
Marjorie touches his shoulder; “Uriel...do you love her?”
Everyone leans forwards, Kasumi who is at the door also wants to hear the answer.
“I guess...I do love her...and that is because she is my…”
Kasumi opens the door very angry, interrupting the class. She a “red aura” of anger as she walks to her desk:
“Very well students...class will end in minutes so I decided that I will give a pop quiz…”
Marjorie looks down; “Uriel, you do love her...huh…”
Kasumi looks at Uriel and says; “Mr Di Fiore, I want to talk to you after school…”
Uriel nods in agreement not understanding the situation, Alejandro looks at the window as he sighs; “Uriel, you are so stuppid when it comes to love.”
On the rooftop, Aleister stands with Ian as he says; “ El Muerto told you who to attack...feel free to do it at lunch time..”
“What about the teachers, will they interfere?”
“No...they will be busy during lunch...mother is on it as well…”
“Perfect...this will be fun…”
Lunch time arrived, Uriel as always disappears during lunch. Nobody knows where he goes.
Meanwhile, Alejandro heads towards the cafeteria because someone is waiting for him:
“I need to hurry...she is waiting for me…” Alejandro runs with enthusiasm through the hallway. The reason is because he received a message on his cellphone that said:
Alejandro, I will be waiting for you at the entrance of the cafeteria...Valerie…
“Valerie wants to eat with me...I can’t believe it…”
“Hey, Alejandro…” Tiwa stands in front of him. Alejandro stops, Tiwa gets nervous and asks:
“Hey...do you want...to…”
“Sorry Tiwa, I’m in a hurry...Someone is waiting for me...we’ll talk later…”
“Ehh?” Alejandro passes by her, Tiwa is in shock; “Damn you...I didn’t even finish asking…” Tiwa decides to follow him.
In the cafeteria, there is a group of boys who are surrounding a beautiful girl with purple hair. She is wearing a school uniform with long black socks. The boys begin to ask her out:
“Hey beautiful...come with us...we’ll buy you lunch…”
“Mmpphh...he’s late....”
“VALERIE!” Valerie hears a familiar voice. She sees Alejandro running towards her. She smiles and waves; “Alejandro, what took you so long?”
“Sorry...something came up…”
“Well then...let’s go…” Valerie grabs Alejandro’s arm and both of them enter the cafeteria. The boys are in shock as they whisper:
“She was waiting for that creeper? What the hell, what’s with that loser? She must be blind…”
“WOW THE CAFETERIA IS HUGE!” Valerie says as she looks around. Alejandro is also surprised as he thinks; “Whoa, I forgot about here, it’s been ages, usually I am at the roof, eating alone…”
“Alejandro...why are you with her?” Tiwa thinks with tears in her eyes as she runs in the opposite direction.
Alejandro notices that everyone is watching them. He gets nervous as both of them walk to buy some food.
“Mmm...everything looks delicious, what are you going to get?” Valerie asks Alejandro. Alejandro doesn't pay attention at first.
“Alejandro, are you okay?” Valerie touches his arm, Alejandro comes to his senses and replies:
“Eh, I’m sorry, I will pick the steak...I love meat…”
“Really? Well, I will pick that too…”
“No way...isn’t that the new chick...she’s hot…” One of the guys who hangs out with Carlos says, Carlos looks at her and spills the milk he is drinking as he thinks; “No way...that loser is with her?”
Chelsea, who is with her own friends looks at them thinking; “Who is that girl, and why is she hanging with Alejandro? I thought she was with Uriel…”
“No way is that Uriel’s girlfriend, and why is she with Alejandro?” Angela says as she, Victoria and Marjorie are looking at them. Victoria makes a sinister smile:
“Is she cheating on Uriel? Maybe I can make my move…”
Marjorie looks at her as she only thinks of Uriel.
“Look there is an empty table over there at the corner.” Valerie and Alejandro walk towards the table, Alejandro notices how everyone is watching them as if they were celebrities.
“Hey, Valerie, is it okay if I’m with you...I mean everyone is watching us?”
“So? Who cares, I want you to be with me...besides let them watch me all they want, one day, I’m going to be a famous superstar…”
Alejandro blushes as he thinks; “Man, this girl is something else…” Alejandro and Valerie sit on the table to eat.
In the entrance of the cafeteria, Ian along with two big guys look at Alejandro as he says; “Time for the fun to begin…”
******************************************************************************At the ceiling, Uriel looks at the clouds as he meditates over his next move...suddenly...
“What do you want?” Uriel says with a serious tone. A young man with black hair, pale skin and reddish eyes walks towards him:
“Is that how you greet people,Uriel?”
“Aleister...what do you want?”
“Now, now, no need to be so aggressive, I just came here to talk…” Aleister stands next to him as he looks at the clouds as well, he continues to speak:
“Uriel...do you consider Alejandro and the guys of Yggdrasil your friends?”
“That’s none of you business…:
“Oh come on, try to be more nice...I am the Student Council President after all…”
Uriel sighs with his eyes closed and answers; “I don’t consider them as friends, but allies who share the same goal…”
“I see..well then, how about joining me and my group?”
Uriel is surprised at what he is hearing; “Joining you?”
“That’s right...we share the same goal here...I know you're after my father…”
Uriel looks at Aleister speechless. Aleister smiles:
I don’t particularly like him either...let’s be honest here, the only way for you to reach him is passing me. I am making it easier for you…”
“...” Uriel doesn't say anything, after a few seconds he asks; “Are you El Muerto?”
“What is that? I don’t know what you are talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb...I know that you are connected…”
Aleister chuckles; “I’m sorry...but I don’t know him…anyway, about my proposal…”
“No thank you...I don’t like you at all…”
“Is it because I am with Marjorie?”
Uriel gets angry, Aleister teases him; “If you want her, you can have her, I don’t mind sharing her with you…”
“You bastard…” Uriel makes a fist, Aleister chuckles and begins to walk away; “I am just joking that’s all...oh and before I go, if Alejandro isn’t your friend, I hope you don’t mind him getting killed, right?”
Uriel senses Alejandro’s aura agitated as he notices people running towards the cafeteria.
Meanwhile...a few minutes before…
“So you like supernatural stuff huh..you know you have quite a reputation here…” Valerie finishes eating her meat. Alejandro with an embarrassed expression asks:
“Do you think that’s weird?”
“Not at all, I feel that it’s really interesting…”
“Seriously?” Alejandro asks with enthusiasm, Valerie nods in agreement making him happy.
Alejandro and Valerie eat lunch together, suddenly, someone approaches their table:
“Hey there...Alejandro...you sure are getting popular here….” Alejandro hears the voice of someone he knows. He turns around frightened and opens his eyes wider; “Ian, when did you return?”
“This morning actually, and I wanted to say hi to my buddy…” Ian Constantin smiles, Alejandro begins to shake as he sees Claudius and Marius behind him.
Claudius and Marius Lucifugus are Aleister’s cousins. They have pale skin, with short black hair, they are almost 7 feet tall and have muscular bodies. They often beat Alejandro under Aleister’s orders.
Ian and Alejandro have a history, Ian has bullied Alejandro for over a year and often makes fun of him. Alejandro gets scared every time he sees him.
“Alejandro, who is this guy?” Valerie asks with a worried expression as she sees Alejandro trembling. Ian notices Valerie and walks towards her:
“Wow, you sure are a beauty, hello I am Alejandro’s friend, my name is Ian Constatin and these are Claudius and Marius. Mind if I join you?”
“No thank you...Alejandro and I are enjoying lunch”
Tension grows as everyone watches them. Victoria, Angela, and Marjorie get nervous as they know what’s going to happen next.
“Oh come on, babe, don’t be like that...Alejandro doesn’t mind right?”
Alejandro only trembles; “What should I do?”
His anxiety grows and his heart beat rises. Ian notices that and begins to make fun of him:
“Aww come on buddy, I know that she is a gorgeous girl but you don’t have to get nervous like that, he's always been like that...everyone makes fun of him for being a loser who likes supernatural stuff…”
Valerie notices Alejandro looking down; “Alejandro…” Ian continues to speak; “I heard that the S.I.S club that you worked so hard on was disbanded, I mean talk about being a loser huh…” Ian sits next to Valerie; “Get away from me..”
Ian ignores Valerie and continues to speak; “Alejandro, I don’t know what you did to this girl but you must tell her the truth, you are a loser and that will never change buddy…”
Alejandro only thinks; “What am I doing, this guy is making fun of me in front of Valerie and the whole school...maybe I am a loser...maybe I should run away…why am I such a coward...”
You idiot...being brave is something anyone can do...you don’t have to be strong, just have courage...
Alejandro remembers Uriel’s words as he slowly stops trembling; “ That’s right, I am not afraid…”
“Now babe, what do you say if we ditch this loser and go eat somewhere else…” Ian tries to hug Valerie; “I said, leave me alone…” Valerie looks at Ian with anger as her eyes turn hollow. Ian notices that and smiles; “Ooh spicy…”
“LEAVE HER ALONE...SHUT UP, YOU IDIOT...NOBODY THINKS YOU’RE FUNNY...STOP IT…” Alejandro stands up screaming at Ian. Everyone in the cafeteria remains silent.
“I did it..I said it…” Alejandro thinks to himself as everyone is in shock because he acted brave.
“Oh yeah…” Ian also stands up, Alejandro steps back thinking; “Oh crap, what have I done..”
“Valerie, stand back…” Alejandro screams, Ian flips the table and charges at Alejandro.
Ian punches Alejandro’s stomach. “So you want to be a man huh...well be a man and fight.”
Ian begins to punch Alejandro multiple times.
“AAALLLEEJJAANNDDRROO” Valerie screams as she tries to walk forward but Claudius stops her.
“This is bad...he’s going to get killed…” Carlos says as he watches the beat down. Everyone is in paralyzed. Ian continues to punch him. Alejandro can only think; “I’m so weak...I can't believe I am being humiliated by him…”
“Damn it...I need to help him…” Carlos says as he walks forward but Marius stands in his way too.
“So mr. brave guy, are you finished being brave? Or do you need another lesson on why you should never answer back..”
Alejandro who can barely move spits at Ian; “You think that you are better than me? No, you are just a fool who likes to pick on the weak...I will never lower my head in front of you ever again...I prefer to die…”
Ian smiles with fury; “Very well…have it your way...”
Valerie looks at Alejandro, and gets angrier; “Move aside now…”
“No way...Master Ian said that nobody passes…” Claudius says to Valerie. Valerie begins to release mana as she says; “This is your final warning...move...now…”
Valerie is about to lift her arm, suddenly, Uriel grabs her shoulder; “Uriel…”
“Valerie, don’t do anything rash…”
Uriel walks forward, Claudius tries to stop him. Uriel sees Ian berating Alejandro up.
“Hey, nobody moves…” Claudius tries to punch Uriel, Uriel with great speed grabs his arm with force, lifts him and throws him to a table.
“Huhh...who are you?” Ian looks at Uriel. Uriel with great speed rescues Alejandro from Ian without him noticing.
Ian smiles; “When did he do it? I couldn’t see him…”
“Uriel...I’m sorry...I tried to be brave but failed…” Alejandro apologizes before he passes out. Uriel with no expression says:
“Don’t worry...you were brave enough…”
Marius charges at Uriel, he punches him.-PPPPU UMMM- Uriel stops the punch with his hand, lifts Marius and slams him into the floor with a judo move.
At that moment, Ian charges to punch Uriel’s face. Uriel manages to block the punch; however, he begins bleeding from his forehead due to the impact.
“Not bad...you are quick…” Uriel says to Ian. Suddenly, Ian spits blood as he feels pain in his right ribs.
“When did he…”
“That’s enough...Ian back off, unless you want to be expelled…” Aleister appears clapping, Ian cleans the blood of his mouth and looks at Uriel. He walks straight at him and says in a low tone:
“I can’t wait to face you again...Charro Negro…”
Ian, Claudius and Marius leave the cafeteria. Aleister looks at Alejandro unconsciousness thinking:
“You are a fool…Uriel, please take him to the nurse’s office...”
Uriel carries Alejandro in his arms, everyone is in shock at what they saw. Uriel and Valerie head to the nurse’s office with Alejandro. They pass by everyone including the three girls who look at him worried.
“Damn it...I didn’t do anything, I only saw him getting beaten…” Carlos says as he makes a fist. Chelsea only looks at him with a calm expression thinking:
“Damn it, where are my Senpais, when we need them?”
Valerie with tears in her eyes says; “Uriel...I wanted to help him but…”
“No Valerie, you did well...don’t worry…”
Tiwa heads to the cafeteria thinking; “I need to see what Alejandro is up to...I mean I am not worried or anything I just…” Tiwa looks at Uriel carrying a bloodied Alejandro to the nurse. She is in shock as she only says:
On the first floor, at the end of the hallway...the nurse's office is located...Uriel and Valerie wait as the nurse treats Alejandro:
"All done...I finished treating him…" The nurse says as she winks at Uriel. The nurse has black hair and purple eyes with a well-developed body.
"Thank you for treating him, Nurse Gomez."
"Please, call me Johanna…" Johanna replies with a luxurious tone. Valerie puffs her cheeks thinking:
"Another one? Uriel you gigolo…"
Johanna notices Valerie and says; " Don't worry dear, I don't plan on stealing your boyfriend…"
"Mmmpphh" Valerie stands up and heads towards Alejandro closing the curtains.
"Valerie is my sister…" Uriel clarifies. "Is that so… that makes it easier…" Johanna says, licking her lips. She sits in front of Uriel, crossing her legs trying to seduce him.
“So, tell me, how is that a hot guy like you working here in this region with Kasumi and the others?”
“Judging from your rhythm, I’d say you know about my identity right?”
“Of course, and I am delighted to see El Charro Negro in person…so Charro...what do you want in this region? I doubt that killing Darius is your only target right?”
Uriel looks at Johanna with suspicion; “Kasumi has told a lot huh...tell me, what organization do you belong to?”
Johanna leans forward, she grabs Uriel’s chin and gets closer to him; “I think it’s better for both of us, if I didn’t tell you...all I can say for now is that I am after “CIBOLA”, does that sound familiar?”
Uriel opens his eyes wider as he knows what she is talking about. “Johanna, how much do you know about that?”
Johanna chuckles and gets closer; “Well, I’ll tell you if you cooperate with me…”
“URIEL, ALEJANDRO IS WAKING UP!” Valerie opens the curtain seeing both of them close, she frowns saying; “Sorry...am I interrupting you?”
“No…” Uriel stands up and looks at Alejandro, Alejandro opens his eyes and looks at him; “Uriel, where am I?”
“At the Nurse’s office...you received quite the beating…”
Alejandro remembers and begins to cry; “I’m sorry...I was so weak that I let him trouble you, Valerie…”
Valerie grabs his hand; “Not at all...you did great, thank you for defending me…”
“Alejandro, don’t feel bad...that guy is different, he is a monster...you had no chance…”
Alejandro looks at Uriel, he tries to stand up, Johanna walks forward; “Don’t move around too much, you still need to recover…”
“Uriel...I promise I will do a better job protecting someone...no...I swear…”
Uriel smiles a little; “I see...very well…”
Valerie puts her hand in Alejandro’s chest causing him to blush; “Valerie, what are you doing?”
“I will cure you...stay still…”
Valerie closes her eyes and begins to chant; “O Dios...cura a tu siervo que ha sido tocado por el mal y devuélvele su pureza” (Oh Lord...cure your land that has been touched by evil and return his purity)
Suddenly, Alejandro begins to shine in a golden color, and slowly his bruises begin to disappear, the swollen eye turns back to normal and his ribs repair themselves once again.
“Valerie...what did you do?”
“I simply cured you...now you won't have any pain…”
Alejandro stands up thinking; “She’s right...I don’t feel pain at all…” Alejandro looks at Valerie; “Thank you…”
“No, thank you…”
“Now that is convenient, are you part of the Order of the Holy Maiden?” Johanna asks Valerie, Valerie looks at her and replies; “I won’t tell you…”
“She’s not, but our mother is…”
“Uriel...don’t go telling her that...that’s a secret…”
“She already knew, am I right?” Uriel asks Johanna, Johanna only chuckles.
“Whatever…” Valerie looks at Alejandro; “Hey, Alejandro...I know that you are participating in the contest about King and Queen on the dance right?”
“Yeah, but I don’t have a partner yet…”
“Well look no more…” Valerie points at her self and with a confident expression says:
“I, Valerie Di Fiore, will be your Queen…”
“Really?” Alejandro asks with enthusiasm, Valerie smiles at him and nods in agreement. Uriel sighs with his eyes close thinking:
“This is going to be a pain…”
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||Winter Poetry Contest 2022||
OPEN( ✅)|Weekly Poetry Contest|Welcome!This is a poetry contest,2022For all those who wish to challange themselves to write a poem on any given topic, you have entered the right zone.We cherish and support poets, encouraging them to take all writing challenges. "We are snowflakes. We stand out with beauty and grace for a while and disappear, giving a smile."If you see that the contest has begun, no issues, you may still apply as a participant and join us in next week's challenge!- This gorgeous cover is made by @-DeeIsDead-Do check out their graphic shop and other works, they're amazing
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