《Crimson Moon》Vol. 3- Chapter 1: The Di Fiore Family
February 6th, Hills outside Sun City
After the battle against the Chupacabras, Uriel needed to heal his wounds, but in order to do so, he needed to be away from the Ministry. The reason is because Uriel is considered evil under the eyes of the church, and anything holy could harm him and prevent him from healing fast…
Alejandro offered their secret hideout, a small shack located at the outskirts of Sun City…
Laying on a couch, Uriel sleeps as he recovers from his injuries. Soon, he begins to move around as he has a dream:
“PIU,PIU, I got you Space Ranger Red.”
Alejandro plays with his toy gun, Uriel fakes his death as he says:
“Oh, I died, no…curse you….Silver Space Ranger…”
“Hahahaha” The boys smile as they begin to throw mud balls.
Uriel opens his eyes, he has his arm extended with a tear falling from his right eye. Uriel slowly lifts his body as he thinks:
“Why am I having those dreams? It’s as if...I was seeing my life before I became El Charro Negro…”
Uriel stands up, he walks towards the window and sees the setting sun. He walks around and looks at the posters of the famous show “Space Rangers”, the secret hideout has a couch bed, a fridge, and a generator.
Uriel looks at a picture where Alejandro, Marjorie, Raul, Angela, and Victoria appear. He looks at it suspiciously because between Marjorie and Alejandro, there is a space, almost as if there was someone there.
“Oh good, you’re awake, here, I brought your uniform and your backpack for tomorrow…” Alejandro enters the secret hideout.
“Thank you for helping me, sorry you had to go all the way to the Ministry…”
“Hey no sweat...besides, I wanted to tell everyone that you’re okay...they were relieved…”
“I see…” Uriel looks at Alejandro covered in bandages and a swollen eye. He sighs and says:
“Hey Alejandro, why are you helping me? I was the one who beat you up you know…”
Alejandro shakes his head with his eyes closed and with a smile he replies:
“Uriel….Uriel...it’s because we are friends...besides, I was acting stupid at that moment. You were right all along…”
“Still...I’m sorry…”
Alejandro laughs; “Are you apologizing? Man you sure are something…in fact, I am the one who is sorry for being a burden…”
Uriel extends his arm and chants:
Slowly, Alejandro’s injuries heal in a blink of an eye; “Incredible, I’m healed, hey I didn’t know you could do that.”
Uriel bleeds from his mouth; “It’s just a simple miracle technique.”
“Hey dude, you’re bleeding...why?”
“Miracles are holy and I’m a cursed soul remember, they affect me…”
“So why did you do it? I didn't want to be healed, Sister Carolina offered to help but thought it was too much of a burden.”
“You idiot…” Uriel smiles, he grabs the photo and asks; “Hey, why does this picture have someone missing?”
Alejandro looks at it and smiles; “Well, you are the one who is missing in that picture…”
“I see...hey, how come you’re the only one who remembers Uriel Vazquez...not even my family remembers him…”
“I don’t know...maybe it’s because of this…” Alejandro eats chips as he searches for the fire badge…”
“Here catch..Alejandro throws the badge, Uriel grabs it and sees that it has something written in the back:
Fire Space Ranger…Uriel Vazquez…
“This is...incredible...For something like this to exist, this might be the only proof that Uriel Vazquez existed.”
Images of “Uriel Vazquez” begin to pass on Uriel’s mind. Alejandro looks at him and asks:
“Is something wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong…”
Alejandro sits on the couch and eats chips, Uriel puts the badge down, he grabs his head.
“So Uriel, how is your family? I remember you have one but I can’t remember them at all…”
“I had a father, but he was killed 5 years ago…”
“Yeah, I know that already...what about your mother?”
“Well, my mother is really kind, she accepted me as her son, even though she doesn’t remember me…”
“Oh, that’s very kind of her…”
“But she is really strict plus she gets angry when I don’t call her…Right now, she must be spitting fire because I haven’t called her for over a year and a half…”
Alejandro imagines a woman with horns and spitting fire, similar to a dragon.
“Hehe, that must be tough…what about siblings?”
“I have a little sister, she is a year younger...she is nice to me, but she is very annoying sometimes…and my brother is three years younger, however, he doesn’t trust me at all...so we are distant to each other…”
“I see...that’s too bad…” Alejandro scratches his cheek, avoiding eye contact.
“What about you?” Uriel asks Alejandro.
“Well, my parents died when I was only three, so I can’t remember them...I have a sister who is five years older than me but she lives in Spain and I think she doesn’t like me at all…”
Alejandro changes his expression; “My grandparents raised me, they died four years ago, and ever since then, Ms. Gutierrez has watched over me…”
“I see…well then, I will go to sleep now…”
“Yeah, tomorrow we have school…”
“Man, sometimes you're so boring…”
“Good night…” Uriel turns around and goes to sleep. Alejandro sighs and looks at the picture:
“I guess, some things never change…”
Alejandro sits on the other bed across from Uriel and begins to play video games.
Lucifugus Mansion
Located at the North east side of Sun City, a beautiful mansion that stands on top of the highest hill. The mansion has over 20 rooms and has two floors. In the biggest room of the mansion known as the living room, Aleister sits on a couch as he zips a cup of tea.
“This arm of mine sure hurts…” Aleister, who has a cast on his left arm, holds a cup of tea with his right hand.
“Master, you shouldn’t move too much…” A beautiful girl dressed as a maid tries to help him.
“Anastasia, I am doing fine...you don’t have to worry that much…”
“I understand, sorry for my rudeness…”
“By the way, how are you doing in your classes?”
“I am doing well, my grades are average as usual...I try not to get too much attention…”
“I see...well keep up the good work”
“Thank you for your kindness…”
Aleister stands up, he holds Anastasia’s chin and moves it up; “Anatasia, we’ve known each other for many years, you should at least try calling me Big Brother…”
Anastasia avoids looking at him; “No, I am not worthy of calling you that...I am just a peasant…”
Aleister chuckles and walks to the window; “Do as you wish, but for me, you are like a sister, remember that…”
“I will keep that in mind…”
“Aleister, I have returned…” Darius enters the living room, he looks at Aleister’s cast and laughs:
“What happened to your arm? Don’t tell me that you fell down the stairs?”
Darius sits down on the sofa, Anastasia gives him some tea; “Thank you my sweet daughter...I hope you’ve been doing well?”
Anastasia nods in agreement; “Yes, I have Master Darius…”
“Please, call me, papa or father…”
“I am not worthy…’
Darius sighs and chuckles. Aleister walks towards him; “Father, how was your trip?”
Darius changes his expression, he sits up straight and replies; “Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the objective...that “object” is hard to find...but don’t worry, we still have time. Anyway, how is Charro doing? Is he your ally now?”
“No...he allied himself with those from Yggdrasil…”
“Ahh, Yggdrasil huh...well that was unexpected…”
“Nonsense father, in fact, I planned that all along…”
Aleister smiles at Darius, Darius looks intrigued; “Oh, well, I will leave things to you then…”
“Thank you…”
“ALEISTER! WHERE ARE YOU?” A young man with short spiky white hair enters the room.
“Ian, it’s been a while…”
Ian Constantin is Aleister’s cousin. He has short white hair, pale skin and reddish eyes. He has a muscular body with average height. He is very straightforward and likes to hit on girls.
“Anastasia, you’re looking well…” Ian says as he kisses Anastasia’s hand. Anastasia steps back without any expression.
“Ian, you never change…”
Ian looks at Aleister and asks; “What happened to your arm? I can’t believe that you got hurt, you of all people…”
“It was just a miscalculation...don’t worry about it…”
“Ian, I brought you back because I need you to work for Aleister…”
“I accept, I was bored in Europe, thank you for the opportunity.”
“Excellent, Aleister, I have something to do, I will see you at dinner…” Darius opens a portal and disappears.
Ian sits on the couch; “Now then, what do you want me to do?”
Aleister looks at the moon and replies; “I need you to beat up someone for me…”
“Now we’re talking...who is it?’
Aleister smiles; “He’s…”
Tiwa’s Apartment:
On the South side of Sun City, there is a sector filled with apartments. The rankings go from basic to luxurious. On the luxurious apartments called “Diamond Apartments” room 329, a beautiful girl with blonde hair lives there:
“Ha..man this sucks…” Tiwa combs her hair. She has nothing but a towel on because she just took a bath.
A spirit owl appears as he says; “Hoot...Hoot...Lady Tiwa, why are you so upset?”
“Well Suma...I really wanted to hang out with Alejandro a little more but he decided to help Uriel…”
“Sss….Mistress Tiwa do you have feelings for him?” Jana, a spirit serpent appears behind her.
“EEHHHH” Tiwa falls back, she begins to look at them nervously:
“N-n-no, it’s nothing like that...I just wanted to talk a little more…”
“Don’t get nervous…..sssss…..it’s only natural a girl you’re age is interesting in the opposite sex…”
“Hoot, hoot...she’s right Lady Tiwa”
Tiwa has her face all red, she stands up and continues to comb her hair:
“Even if it was true...he only has eyes for Marjorie…”
“What’s that supposed to mean? You’re not giving up are you?” The spirit of a coyote appears out of the amulet.
“No, I am not Zuni…”
Zuni is a spirit coyote that is contracted with Tiwa like Suma and Jana. He has a regular size just like a coyote, he has reddish fur and blue eyes.
“Remember, you’re the last descendant of the Ysletas, so you must be strong, you must not lose, even if it is a love problem..”
“I know that...but this is different, it’s just that I...see Alejandro and feel nervous…ever since our eyes met, I felt warm in my heart”
“That is love mistress….ssss….and it is a normal feeling…”
“Love ehh? Can someone like me have the right to carry that feeling?”
Tiwa looks at the mirror, she changes her expression to a confident one.
“Zuni, you’re right...if I do feel love, then I must fight...Valentine’s day is approaching...then I must do my best and give Alejandro the best present…”
“Huhu, that is the spirit Lady Tiwa…” Suma flies around. Tiwa chuckles as she thinks:
“Thank you guys…I know that you will always be with me…”
Tiwa changes her expression to a serious one, but I can't let that distract me, I need the Golden key...only then will I be able to return home…"
Tiwa looks at a picture where she appears as a little girl with a boy next and two adults. However, that picture is very old, as it has a yellowish color on it, and everyone has a native attire...
February 8th; Rio Grande City International Airport
The morning of the next day marks a great change on Uriel’s life…..
Passengers of flight 07261998, our destination to Rio Grande City is nearby. Please fasten your seatbelts.
An airplane arrives at the “Rio Grande Airport.” After the plane lands a certain family comes out of the airplane and goes to the line to get their luggage ready.
“It's been 5 years, I´m happy to be back, now to begin a new adventure!” A young girl stretches her arms, her long straight light purple colored hair with blue eyes catches everyone’s attention.
“How long are you going to go off, Valerie?” A teenager that is about her height says as he walks past her. He has red hair and green eyes.
“Aww, Daniel, you sure are a slave driver…” Valerie says as she walks behind him.
“It’s not my fault, mama said that we would meet her at the exit.” Daniel replies as they walk down the corridor.
“Like, France sure was nice huh...being there for 3 months was a blast but now that we are here...I can’t wait to see him again…” Valerie says with excitement.
“Yeah...see....him again…” Daniel doesn’t make any expression. Valerie begins to skip feeling excitement.
Valerie is a 15 years old girl, she has a slim figure. She wears a red short skirt, with white button shirt combined with a red tie, a pair of black long tights, and red shoes with a black French hat. She has a hyperactive activity and always smiles making her the center of attention around guys.
Daniel is a 13 years old boy, with a thin body. He wears glasses, and he always has a typical teenage face, always looking bored. He has the same height as Valerie, making people sometimes think that they are twins. He is wearing a white shirt that says “#1 Gamer”, blue jeans and white shoes.
“Valerie, you are making a scene again…” Daniel feels embarrassed. Valerie turns around and makes a cute face saying; “It’s not my fault that I'm cute”
Many boys come around to talk to her making random questions for example:
“Hey are you single?”
“Are you French?”
“Can I have your number?”
Daniel crosses his arms, close his eyes and make a huge sigh as he thinks to himself:
“Here we go again, Valerie likes the attention but she likes to play with men and I am the one who needs to control her.”
Valerie then goes behind Daniel , and says while laughing: “Sorry friends but as you can see, I have company here so please leave me alone.”
The guys feel down and leave. Daniel sighs with his eyes closed; “Come on, our mother is here…”
The two of them reach the exit where a beautiful woman with red hair and blue eyes waits for them.
“Valerie, Daniel, it’s so good to see you…” The woman hugs both of them;
“Mis niños, you don't know how much I miss you.”
“Calm down Mama, it has only been 5 days.” Daniel replies to his mother. Maria pulls his ears and Daniel quickly changes his attitude:
“I mean, I miss you too MAMA.”
Maria Di Fiore (age 40) is a beautiful woman with light brown skin, red hair and blue eyes. She has a well developed body with curves and a large breast. She is wearing a black dress with a coat and gloves.
Valerie laughs at him, the three of them get into a car, the driver asks:
“Where are we going Ms. Di Fiore?”
“Please, call me Maria, and please take us to the Ministry of San Juan.”
The taxi heads towards the ministry. In the back of the taxi, Maria looks at the window as she says
“After a year and a half, I will get to see him again…”
“I know right, I hope he didn’t change much...I can’t wait to see my big brother…” Valerie says with excitement, Daniel frowns:
“Sister, we don’t know if he wants to see us…”
“Oh he does, otherwise, I will punish him.” Valerie smiles, releasing a purple aura.
Maria looks at the sun as she says; “Finally, I will see you, Uriel, my son…”
Ministry of San Juan
In the Ministry of San Juan, Sister Carolina sweeps outside the building, the girls are helping out with the chores. Suddenly a taxi arrives at the Ministry:
"Oh my, who will they be?" Sister Carolina says as she tries to see who it is.
"We have arrived, Ms. Maria…" The taxi says with heart shaped eyes. Maria smiles and replies:
"Thank you...how much is the fee?"
"No,this one's on the house…" The driver says nervously.
"Are you sure? I don't think it's fair…"
"Of course it’s fair…"
"Well thank you so much…" Maria leaves the taxi, the man is drooling as he sees her. Daniel chuckles:
"That was a bad move…"
Daniel presses a button on his phone. As soon as he gets down, the car drives on its own. Valerie looks at Daniel and says:
"I know what you did and that wasn't very nice…"
"I don't know what you're talking about…"
Maria and her children walk uphill. Sister Carolina looks at her and recognizes her.
"MMMMAAARRIIIAAA" Sister Carolina lets go of the broom and runs to hug her.
"It's been a while, Sister Carolina…" Maria hugs her back.
“You don’t know how much I missed you…”
“Maria, is that you?” Father Clemente looks at her and her children.
“Indeed, it’s me, father…”
Father Clemente also cries out of joy; “Hija, you haven’t changed at all...Thank God you came…”
“It’s good to see you…”
Sister Carolina and Father Clemente look at Valerie and Daniel.
“Oh my, is that your children? I can’t believe how much they’ve grown…”
“Hello...the number one idol girl of Rio Grande City has returned…” Valerie makes an idol pose. Daniel rolls his eyes, Sister Carolina hugs both of them with tears:
“You two, I missed you as well…”
“Wow, who are they? The boy sure is cute…” Abril and Mariana see Daniel and blush.
“Cut it out, you two...that woman is Maria Di Fiore...she is a member of the order as well, the two of them are her children...Valerie and Daniel…” Fabiola explains with a cocky attitude, the girls nod with surprise.
Maria looks around and asks:
“Now then, I came here to see my son...and I would like you two to tell me how he is doing…”
Clemente and Carolina laugh nervously as they say:
“Well, it’s a long story…”
In the dining room, Maria and her children eat some breakfast, Sister Carolina and Father Clemente introduce the sisters:
“Allow me to introduce three of my students: Fabiola, Mariana and Abril. They all are 13 years old.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” The three of them greet themselves to Maria.
Abril is a young girl that has brown skin, black hair and light brown eyes. She has a thin, not so developed body, and she is always hyperactive and smiling.
Mariana is a young girl that has white skin, brown hair, and also light brown eyes, unlike Abril she is very shy. She has a thin body with regular breast size.
Fabiola is a young girl that has blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has a thin well developed body and she acts more mature despite her age.
Maria has a suspicious face, drinks her tea and says: “Only three, what is going on here. Sister Carolina please tell us what happened.”
Sister Carolina and the other nuns lower their heads and then Carolina says:
“Very well, I will tell you everything.” Carolina stands up and continues to explain.
“I see, there is no doubt that Darius is behind all of this…” Maria expresses her furious tone. She looks at Sister Carolina and smiles:
“So Uriel defeated the Chupacabras...I am very proud of him.”
Valerie looks at Sister Carolina and asks:
"So, is Uriel at school right now?"
"That's right, however due to his injuries, he is staying with a friend right now…"
"A friend? Uriel has a friend?"
"That's right, his name is Alejandro…"
The three of them try to remember that name. Valerie scratches her head:
"Alejandro...I know I heard that name before.."
"Well he is super optimistic and has helped around the Ministry…I'm sure you'll meet him later on…"
Valerie stands up, and runs to the door; “You know what mom, I can’t wait, so I am going to see my brother now…”
“Now? Oh, alright, make sure to bring him here okay…”
“Alright...are you coming Daniel?”
Daniel lies back on the chair; “No thank you, I will wait for you here…”
“Alright then, I’m off…” Valerie goes out the door.
“Wait… Maria, are you letting her go alone? Someone can kidnap her or worse…”
Maria chuckles; “I wouldn’t worry too much Sister…”
Daniel takes out his phone; “My mom is right...despite her looks, Valerie is strong…”
Maria drinks from her teacup; “She might be stronger than me…”
Father Clemente and Sister Carolina look surprised. Daniel continues to explain; “One time, a man tried to steal her purse and you know what happened next?”
“What happened?” The girls ask Daniel.
“An ambulance came for that man, because Valerie broke two of his limbs and 3 ribs…:
Everyone looks in shock, meanwhile, Valerie runs with her pink coat singing:
♪ I will see my brother again….I want to see him again….I can’t wait….♫
At the dining room, Maria finishes her tea. Father Clemente looks at the sisters and says:
“Hijas, why don’t you show Daniel around and take him to his room.”
“OKKKAAYYY” Mariana and Abril reply with excitement.
“I don’t feel like it…” Fabiola says, crossing her arms. Carolina steps forward; “NOW…”
“Mother, do I have too?” Daniel asks Maria, Maria looks at him with a fake smile. Daniel immediately understands and stands up.
“Okay, okay…”
The four of them leave the dining room, Daniel leaves a beeping device on the other side of the door.
“Hurry Daniel”
“I’m coming…”
At the dining room, Father Clemente looks at Maria and asks:
“Maria, don’t tell me that you came here to kill Darius?"
"..." Maria doesn't say a word at first, she grabs her Rosary and says:
"Father, I came here with the sole purpose of applying justice to the Borderland...I know that sooner or later that justice will come…"
"But killing a man? Maria, I don't want you to ruin your soul…"
"My soul was ruined 5 years ago, when I lost my husband and son…"
-TCH- Father Clemente remains silent, Sister Carolina looks worried as she sees Maria’s determination. Maria sighs:
“Look, I only want justice...that is all…”
Carolina puts her hand on Father Clemente’s shoulder:
“I understand, Maria, I will support you...however, if you begin to move away from your sense of justice and go to the path of revenge, I will stop you…”
Maria smiles; “It’s a deal...now tell me, how is my son doing?”
Father Clemente sighs with his eyes closed; “Very well, you win Maria...as for your son…”
He stands up and continues speaking; “Your son is a very polite and gentle person. He helps with the chores and prepares dinner for us without anyone asking. He has a pure soul however…”
Clemente puts a serious expression; “I know you also felt it before, but he has a powerful darkness within him. I thought it was just a Sombra-like situation or a demon but he was different...I can’t put it in words…”
“I already know Father....I also felt it a long time ago...Uriel has a pure soul but he was corrupted when he made a pact with El Charro…”
“Maria, how can you be certain that he is your son? I mean there are no records or photos...how can you be sure…”
Maria looks at the window, the clouds cover the sun:
“A long time ago, I tried to kill him…”
Sister Carolina and Father Clemente are in shock as they hear Maria’s confession. Maria continues to explain:
“I was weak and let myself be possessed by an evil spirit. That scar that he has on his left eye was made because he protected me from the spirit who possessed me. He protected me, even though I tried to kill him...it was at that moment that Roberto appeared in a vision and told me about our son, Uriel…”
Maria cries as she finishes explaining:
“I tried to kill my son, then the evil spirit tried to kill me, but Uriel defended me. I was on the floor, Uriel stood in front of me, protecting me from the spirit. He turned around and smiled at me even when he was injured...I decided to believe in Roberto’s words and decided to defend my son for the rest of my life…”
Sister Carolina hugs Maria; “It must’ve been hard trying to be brave right?”
Maria cries hugging Sister Carolina. Father Clemente pats her head; “Hija, you are strong and brave...that’s why I never doubted that Uriel was your son. Because he is the same as you...he had no obligation to help us deal with the Chupacabras and yet, he save Fabiola and defeated the monster”
Maria smiles; “I know...Uriel is my son after all…”
“Hhhmmmpphhh...I don’t buy it, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt…” Daniel thinks to himself as he listen to all the conversation. He walks with the nuns who are giving a tour of the Ministry.
Maria walks outside to the back yard and she draws a huge circle with little crosses around it. She makes a cut in her hand and blood begins to fall to the ground. She chants:
“En el nombre del Señor, protege este hogar de humildad”
Translates: (In the name of the lord, protect this humble home.)
A huge golden barrier begins to surround the Ministry and closes the entire area. The barrier begins to turn invisible. Maria thinks to herself:
“I hope we will be alright, I know they felt our presence. Uriel, my son, I want to see you...”
Sun City International Highschool
It’s past noon and the Organization Periods are taking place. At the HISTOREA Club room, a hotblooded conversation takes place between Alejandro and Carlos.
Alejandro and Carlos glare at each other with hatred as Alejandro screams:
-TCH- Carlos pushes him back and says; “YELLOW”
“DAMN IT!” Alejandro points at the magazine; “Damn it, I’m telling you that the Pink Space Ranger is the hottest.”
“Don’t be stupid Alejandro, the Yellow Space Ranger has bigger boobs, she is hotter.”
Alejandro and Carlos have an argument over who is the hottest Space Ranger. Uriel reads a book on a desk while Chelsea writes on the board. Carlos Valverde and Chelsea Lockhart joined the HISTOREA Club as part of the alliance agreement.
“URIEL!” Alejandro looks at Uriel and asks; “Which is hotter, pink or yellow?”
“I don’t care…” Uriel continues to read his book.
“What the hell man, when we were young, you used to say that the Pink was hotter.”
Uriel feels embarrassed and continues reading; “I don’t remember…”
Carlos grabs the magazine and says:
“Come, the yellow is way hotter, remember that…”
“Are you stupid?”
“No, you’re stupid…”
“No you…”
Carlos and Alejandro begin to push each other. Carlos grabs the magazine and throws it at Alejandro.
Tiwa opens the door; “Hey guys, sorry I’m late…”
The magazine hits Tiwa’s face. “UH-OH” Carlos and Alejandro look at Tiwa as she gets furious. Tiwa looks at both of them and makes a fist.
“We’re sorry…” Carlos and Alejandro apologize to Tiwa as they rub their cheeks. Tiwa sighs with her eyes close:
“I can’t believe that you were arguing over the hottest ranger. I mean how stupid can you be…”
Carlos and Alejandro stand in the corner with a cone that says “Donkey” on their heads. Chelsea stops writing and says:
“Okay...now that that’s settled, let’s move on to our topic, and that’s the mysterious girl that appeared before us…”
On the board there is a diagram that has the word; “Mystery Girl” on top and below her “Kage” (Shadows).
“We know that the Chupacabras attack was planned and El Muerto was behind it...however, the Kage that appeared on the bottom floor was probably her doing.”
“You’re correct...I felt her presence the night of the attack…” Uriel says as he recalls when he first encountered that girl.
“Speaking of that night...I can’t believe you took down a Level 2 Sombra all by yourself…” Chelsea expresses her excitement.
“Level 2?” Tiwa asks Chelsea.
“You don’t know about the types of Sombras?” Chelsea clears her throat and puts her glasses on with a confident face, she begins to explain:
“Now then, it’s time for Professor Chelsea to give her lecture…”
“Here we go again…” Carlos rolls his eyes. Chelsea writes on the board as she explains:
“Okay, first, we from Yggdrasil classified the Kage or Sombras in different categories; the first are the Level 1 Kage which are the giant monsters you often see. These types of Kage are not seen by the human eye, they barely have conscience and live on instinct alone. In this region, the Level 1 Kage are Alebrijes who were corrupted by human malice. These Kage can’t withstand the Sun or sometimes Full Moon”
Chelsea writes on the board Level 1 and then writes Level 2 on top and circles it; “The next are the Level 2 Kage, these types of Kage are more powerful. The Chupacabras was a Level 2 Kage that was strong enough that everyone could see it. They have conscience, they can speak and are strong enough to use manna. They can’t withstand the sun either.”
Uriel remembers when the Chupacabras attacked him by using sound waves. Alejandro takes notes, Chelsea writes Level 3 on top and continues to explain:
“Okay, now the next Level is the third. These types of Kage can be stronger, they can take human form, have human intelligence and can withstand cloudy days. They attack people in plain day, they have large amounts of mana and are able to use it to their advantage.”
Tiwa and Alejandro look speechless, Uriel stands up and asks:
“Okay, now what are the other two levels?”
“Wait, there are five?” Alejandro asks, surprised. Chelsea chuckles; “So you already knew about them?”
“Of course, but I know that there are stronger Levels”
“You are correct, Level 4 and Level 5 are the strongest and they are considered legends. You see the first two levels are dealt for agents who are Branches and Upper Trunks. Level 2 are dealt with by the Lower Trunks or Roots, that’s why Senpai was in charge of the Chupacabras. The Level 3 are dealt with by Roots. The higher levels are even more dangerous.”
“Hey, and what is Level 4?” Alejandro asks nervously. Chelsea makes a sinister smile:
“That is something we will discuss another time. For now, let’s focus on the girl, we have come to the conclusion that she is a Shadowtamer.”
" Shadow Tamer?”
“That’s right, she is able to control the Kage at will, we often call those people Shadowtamers…”
“I see...so we must find that girl and stop her right?” Tiwa asks Uriel, Uriel nods in agreement:
“Indeed, she is a problem and we will find her…”
"Hello, is anyone here?" Victoria opens the door, she and Marjorie enter the room. Marjorie looks around surprised at the changes that the room suffered.
"Wow, this room looks incredible...I didn't recognize it…"
"Of course you didn't because I was the one who made the change…jealous?" Tiwa showa cocky expression thinking:
"That's right feel jealous, you witch"
"No, actually, I love it…"Marjorie makes a sincere smile. Carlos and Alejandro think:
"She's so cute…"
Uriel stands up and asks; "So, what does the Student Council want with us?"
Victoria locks the door; "We came here to discuss what happened the other night…"
Everyone is speechless, Victoria continues to speak:
"As much as I hate to say, I must say Thank you for saving us the other night. Alejandro, you looked cool…"
Victoria looks away, Alejandro blushes.
"Thank you for saving us…"
"You're welcome…" Alejandro replies feeling important. Uriel looks at them and asks:
"That's not all to it, right? What is your real reason?"
"We want to know what's going on...Uriel, why were you on a date with Ms. Miyazono, are you two dating?"
Carlos who was drinking water spits creating a rainbow, he gets mad and screams:
Chelsea covers his mouth; "Let him speak…"
Marjorie gets closer to Uriel.
"Well, answer us..."
Uriel sighs with his eyes closed; "No, we are not…"
Marjorie feels relieved. Victoria looks at all them acting suspicious:
"Are you guys part of a secret group or something? Because the thing we saw was a monster plus all of the creatures that were flying around looked suspicious and yet you guys handled it like if you already knew about them, and Alejandro’s hand…"
"So she could see the Kage? This is bad, if she keeps asking questions…"Chelsea begins to gather mana on her hand.
"What do we do?"Tiwa and Alejandro get nervous, both of them look at Uriel. Uriel with a calm fashion disappears from the girls' sight.
"Where did he…"
"I'm sorry, but that is information that you must forget…" Uriel says as he appears behind them, he puts his hand on both of their heads and chants:
"Memoria Perdida" (Lost Memory)
Uriel releases mana, the girls’ eyes turn hollow and slowly close. After an instant, Marjorie and Victoria open their eyes, they look confused, Uriel continues to speak:
“Now then, I would like to thank you for your visit and as you can see, we are doing well. “
“Right? Well then, I guess we are off…” Victoria says as she approaches the door. Marjorie looks at Uriel, Uriel avoids eye contact. Marjorie looks at Alejandro and thinks:
“I guess, you’re doing alright…”
The Bell rings, ending the school day. The girls leave the room.
“Pheww, now that was close…” Chelsea pretends to swipe her sweat.
Carlos, Tiwa and Alejandro look at Uriel and ask:
“What did you do?”
“I just erased their memories, the memories of what happened that night…”
“Wow, now that is super handy…can you teach it to us?” Carlos asks with excitement.
“Unfortunately no, this technique is extremely delicate...if I messed up, all of their memories could’ve been erased…”
Everyone looks at Uriel thinking; “Is this guy a genius or something?”
Everyone leaves the room, towards the hallway.
******************************************************************************The HISTOREA group calmly walks down the hallway, suddenly they see a crowd on the bulletin board…
“What’s going on?” Uriel asks Alejandro.
“It’s probably the King and Queen nominations for Valentine's week.”
“What is that?” Uriel asks Alejandro, Tiwa steps in and replies:
“Two men and two women are nominated to be king and queen. The winner will be crowned at Valentine's dance…”
“I see…”
“Don’t get your hopes up, the nominees are always the same, chosen by the student council; Aleister and some other hot guy…in fact, I don’t care at all for that thing” Alejandro says to Uriel, Uriel walks to the board to see who are nominees.
“Eww, I can’t they choose him...a loser like him? Please..”
Alejandro and Tiwa pass the crowd and see who it is:
Nominees for Queen; Marjorie Bellerose and blank
Nominees for King: Aleister Lucifugus and Alejandro Sanchez
The members of HISTOREA are in shock as they see Alejandro’s name; “Wait, I’m a nominee.”
Alejandro trembles; “IT CAN’T BE!”
Tiwa has her eyes wide open; “There has to be a mistake…”
“No, there isn’t” Aleister walks towards them. He stops and smiles:
“Historical Research Association, I need to talk to you, come to the Student Council now…”
Outside the High School, a beautiful with purple hair and blue eyes looks stands with wonder:
“WOOOW, SO THIS IS MY BROTHER’S HIGHSCHOOL!” The girl with purple hair looks at the beautiful modern building.
-TCH- “So many young women, and I can’t do a thing here...well, when I start working here, I’ll figure something out.” Alberto Gonzalez, the son of Rio Grande City mayor walks outside the building.
He bumps into the girl with purple hair.
“Ouch, sorry about that, I wasn’t looking…” The girl apologizes, Alberto looks at her and smiles:
“Not to worry, my dear, it was my fault…are you a student here?”
“No, but I will be…” The girl says with a smile, Alberto gives a luxurious look, the girl waves as she says:
“Well then, gotta go, bye…”
Alberto stares at the girl as she runs towards the inside of the building.
“Oh, I really need to come here...I found my woman…”
The girl looks at the hallway as she thinks; “Now, where could my big brother be…”
******************************************************************************At the student council, the HISTOREA Alliance faces its next challenge:
“Aleister, why was I nominated to be King? Was this your doing?” Alejandro asks Aleister, Aleister chuckles and replies:
“Of course, you see this is a way for you to gain popularity, I am only doing this as a friend…”
“Don’t play dumb, Alejandro is not very popular, which means he will be humiliated…” Tiwa “defends” Alejandro. Alejandro feels like a “rock” with the word “Unpopular” on his back.
Carlos, Chelsea and Uriel only look at Aleister without saying a word. Aleister continues to speak:
“Now then, Alejandro was nominated by me and Marjorie as a way for you to be pardoned by the students of this school, remember that you punched me.”
“Yeah, I know, and I would gladly do it again you know…”
“Whoa there, let’s try to be civilized. Alejandro, you will need to find a partner to support you as your queen.”
Alejandro turns to look at Tiwa. Aleister continues to speak; “Just so you know, Tiwa, you are suspended from any class activity. Chelsea you are forbidden on helping Alejandro”
Tiwa looks surprised; “Ehh, but why?”
“Mmhh...You think I didn’t notice you two on the night that the monster attacked, you were disguised by wearing wigs.”
Everyone is in shock, Aleister chuckles; “I understand that Uriel was there as a guest for Kasumi but you two had no need to be there and working. According to our school law, students are forbidden to work on jobs that involve alcohol and you two were servers, right?”
“Wait, you got it all wrong…”
Aleister shows a picture of Alejandro and Tiwa in the kitchen. “Now listen, I convinced the Principal not to expel you. As a result, Alejandro, you will participate as a candidate to be a King and Tiwa you’re suspended from any class activity.”
Everyone is speechless, Alejandro trembles and asks; “Aleister, you set us up, didn’t you?”
“But of course, and to make it more interesting, let’s make a wager.”
“What kind of wager?”
“If I win, the HISTOREA Club will be terminated and all of you will be expelled. If you win then, I will forget about the incidents of that night...what do you say?”
Aleister gets closer and says; “You will be humiliated in front of everyone and demonstrate the loser you have always been.”
Alejandro runs outside the classroom. “Alejandro, Wait…” Tiwa says as she tries to leave. Aleister closes the door with mana. Uriel stands up and walks towards Aleister; “So, that’s how you’re going to play?”
Aleister nods in agreement, Carlos and Chelsea glare at Aleister. Uriel chuckles, making Aleister angry:
“What's so funny, I am telling you that you will be expelled.”
“So, I don’t care about that,” Uriel stands face to face; “What I care about is the girl that is controlling the Sombras, you know who she is right?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about…”
Aleister and Uriel begin to increase their mana, Carlos and Chelsea take a battle stance.
“You never change Uriel, that’s why I hate you...but for now I would concentrate on your friend, the loser…”
“How about if I take you down here and now…” Uriel gathers mana in his hand.
“You’re welcome to try…”
Suddenly, Marjorie enters the room; “Aleister, I need to…”
She looks confused; “What’s going on here?”
Uriel and the others begin to the exit:
“Nothing is happening, we are just leaving...Thank you President for your advice…”
Carlos, Chelsea and Tiwa leave the room, Uriel is the last one to leave, as he passes next to Marjorie their eyes meet, Marjorie notices Uriel face and blushes. Uriel closes the door, he looks at Carlos, Chelsea and Tiwa who look angry. Uriel sighs thinking:
“This got complicated.”
Shion walks towards them; “Uriel, there is someone looking for you…”
“Really, and who that might be…” Uriel asks, thinking who it is.
“A girl named Valerie…”
Uriel opens his eyes wider and looks surprised:
“Valerie...it can’t be…”
At the same time that Uriel and Aleister were discussing, sitting outside the clubroom, Alejandro was mourning for what happened:
“Now what will I do? If I don’t participate, we will be expelled and if I lose we will be expelled.” Alejandro sighs and continues to speak:
“What’s worse, my friends can’t help me and I don’t have anyone else...damn it…”
Alejandro mourns with his eyes closed and bows his head feeling like a loser. Suddenly someone walks towards him:
“Excuse me, is this the Historical Research Association?”
Alejandro sighs, and responds; “Yes it is, how can I help…”Alejandro opens his eyes and he is left speechless. He is in shock as a beautiful girl with purple hair stands in front of him. The girl smiles and responds:
“A-A-Ahhh” Alejandro sees her with his mouth open as he thinks; “She’s gorgeous…”
The girl gets closer to him and asks; “Are you alright? It seems that you were crying…”
Alejandro panics, he jumps back, turns around and wipes his tears and turns around smiling:
“No, everything is fine, I wasn’t crying at all...hahaha” Alejandro laughs nervously, the girl smiles and replies; “That’s good to hear…”
“I-I-I’m Alejandro and you?”
“My name is Valerie...nice to meet you…” Valerie says with a pose causing Alejandro to blush.
“S-S-So, what brings you to our club?”
“Well, I was told I could find someone here…”
“Someone, who are you looking for?”
“Someone named Uriel…”
“Uriel?” Alejandro looks surprised and thinks; “Is she someone Uriel knows? Uriel mentioned he had family but he didn’t have any contact with…” Alejandro is lost in thought, Valerie gets closer asking:
“Are you okay?”
“YES I’M ALRIGHT?” Alejandro steps back panicking; “He is not here at the moment...but if you want I can take you to him…”
“You would do that? That’s great, thank you very much…”
“No problem...are you going to enroll here?”
“Yes I am...tomorrow will be my first day…”
“Well I can show you around school as we look for him…”
“That sounds lovely...thank you…”
Alejandro and Valerie head towards the school in search of Uriel…
At the same time…After informing Uriel, Shion headed to Kasumi’s classroom where she saw her acting strange:
"Senpai, are you alright?" Shion asks Kasumi with a worried expression.
"....." Kasumi doesn't respond as she looks at the window with "hearts" floating around her.
Johanna, the nurse, enters her classroom located on the second floor.
"Hey Kasumi…" Johanna looks at Shion with a worried expression.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were busy...maybe I'll return later..."
"No...wait Johanna, can you help me please…"
"What's the matter, Shion?"
"Well, I'm worried that Senpai is under some kind of spell…"
"Spell?" Johanna looks at Kasumi, she waves at Kasumi's face but she doesn't notice. Johanna chuckles:
"Fufufu, my dear, there is nothing to worry about, I assure that what she has is normal"
"Huh…" Shion looks confused. Johanna smiles and says:
"I'll show you...look it's Uriel…"
Johanna points at the window, Kasumi quickly stands and looks at the window:
"Where, where…"
Shion is surprised, Johanna chuckles once more; "Fufu, see, it's normal, Kasumi is in love…"
"Love?" Shion says with a red face.
"That's right…"
Kasimi returns to her senses and sees Johanna and Shion:
"Oh Johanna, Shion, when did you get here?"
Shion gets mad and with a fake smile says; "Senpai, I've been here all the time…"
Kasumi feels embarrassed and bows; "I'm sorry…"
"Kasumi, it seems you had a great date the other night…"
"Ehh" Kasumi blushes and begins to explain:
"Well, it was fine at first but it was later interrupted by the Chupacabras…"
Shion continues to explain; " The Chupacabras was defeated successfully with the help of Uriel however…"
Shion changes her expression, Johanna looks suspicious and asks:
"What happened?”
“We saw El Charro Negro’s power and it was frightening…”
“Fufufu, well, he is assigned as a Catastrophe threat level by my agency...it’s better to keep him as an ally…”
Kasumi looks at Shion; “Shion, don’t say that, he is my master’s son...and I like that aggressive attitude of his…”
Johanna and Shion stare at Kasumi; “Senpai, are you a masochist?”
“Look, there he is..” Johanna points at the window, they look at Uriel heading to the front gate. Suddenly, Kasumi gets angry with a red aura of jealousy.
“Uriel, you cheater…” Kasumi sees Uriel with a group of girls talking to him.
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