《Crimson Moon》Vol. 3- Chapter 5: Death Match; Uriel Di Fiore vs. Ian Constantin
The clouds cover the sky... Rain slowly falls to the ground...Outside the Gymnasium...two figures stand facing each other releasing manna that creates heavy air pressure...
Uriel, feeling enraged, glares at Ian. Ian looks at Uriel with excitement; “Did I hit a nerve? So it’s true...you’re the one who attacked and almost killed Duke Baltazar almost two year ago...am I right?”
Upon hearing the names Baltazar and Serena, Uriel’s rage grows stronger, their mana aura is so strong that it shatters all the glass around them.
“Their mana is so suffocating, it’s even visible…” Jairo says to Shion, Shion looks petrified thinking; “This Level of mana, it’s almost as if two Elite Roots are fighting or perhaps stronger…”
Uriel walks towards Ian; “It’s true...I was the one who almost killed that bastard…”
“Hahaha...Excellent, you know back in Romania, you are quite popular...the famous Charro Negro who seduced and stole the heart of the Dutchess of Moldova, and nearly killed it’s Duke...I recommened that you never go there because you are the number one in the wanted list....”
“You Bastard...did they send you?”
“No, no, I don’t work for them, I work for someone else and he is much stronger than that pitiful Duke, in fact, I know I am stronger than him...but the question is...are you that strong?”
Uriel, with great speed, kicks Ian with great force and sends him flying towards a building located several blocks away.
Uriel turns around and looks at Shion and Jairo; “Hey...I am going to take on that idiot myself...take care of the rest…”
“Uriel wait….”
Uriel disappears from their sight. Uriel with the help of his divine wind as an impulse, heads with great speed towards Ian’s direction. Ian is located in a twenty floor building, Ian is waiting for him at the building:
“Excellent, I am waiting for an exciting fight Uriel…”
Ian gathers mana in his left fist, Uriel also gathers mana in his fist. Ian smiles and chants; “mâna stângă a fiarei” (Left hand of the beast)
Uriel and Ian clash their fist creating a large crater in the floor. The floor collapses, Uriel with his right arm, punches Ian slamming three floors down. Ian lands on his feet and gathers impulse to jump. Ian jumps towards Uriel's direction.
“That’s not enough...Charro…”
Ian punches Uriel’s stomach. Uriel coughs up blood and forces him to go up floor by floor towards the sky. Uriel floats for a fracture of a second. Ian passes him and heads towards Uriel, kicking him down once again.
Uriel falls five floors down. He lands on the 15th floor. “Hahaha, here I come…” Ian is about to attack Uriel. Uriel dodges his attack, the attack smashes the lights on the floor.
“Excellent...Excellent...I hope you are not getting tired already Uriel…”
“No...I’m not...tell me...why are you here?”
“You know what...I will...because I am having so much fun...the truth is...I came here to take Aleister Lucifugus with me…”
“Aleister? Why?”
“My master has picked interest in him...he is Darius' son after all…”
“I see...who is your master?”
“I’m sorry...but I won’t tell you...now let’s get to business…”
Uriel and Ian charge once again to continue their fight…
As Uriel and Ian continue their fight...the problem in the school hasn’t ended yet…Heading from a few blocks from the school...a boy with red hair and a girl in a nun’s attire run towards it…
“Ha...ha...ha...Daniel, wait up…” The girl with the nun’s attire says as she tries to catch up. Daniel stops:
“Fabiola...you’re too slow…”
Suddenly, both of them feel the tremendous amount of mana coming from the school. Fabiola, who is scared, asks:
“Daniel, what is that?”
“I don’t know...but one of them must be my brother…” Daniel replies as he thinks; “Who is the other guy? The mana that he is releasing is as powerful as….” Daniel turns and sees Fabiola:
“Hey...I will pick up the pace, try to catch up okay…”
“Hey wait…”
Daniel runs faster disappearing from sight. Fabiola puffs her cheeks as she screams:
“The power of their fist can be felt here…” Jairo says to Shion. Shion looks back at the building; “At least the school and students are safe…”
“You think so?” Jairo and Shion hear the voice of someone who walks towards them. El Muerto with his green striped mask slowly walks towards them; “You haven’t forgotten about me right?”
“El Muerto...Shion, get into position…” Jairo orders Shion. Shion nods in agreement; "Right...let's finish this…"
El Muerto sighs; "You know...I'm tired of Fighting...and I already accomplished my boss' order...so I will leave you with a present…"
Shion and Jairo look around and see Sombras coming closer. "There are still more?"
El Muerto points up saying; "Look up…"
Shion and Jairo lookup, a projectile flies down, Shion and Jairo evade the projectile.
The projectile explodes but it isn't an enormous explosion but green gas that spreads into the air.
"What was that?" Jairo asks El Muerto. El Muerto creates a green platform, he begins to float away.
Suddenly, Shion and Jairo, who inhaled the gas, fall to their knees; "What's going on...my mana, it's disappearing…"
El Muerto analyzes them with a monitor in his wrist thinking; "So it only drains 50% of their mana...their esper suits are still intact, I guess the experiment wasn't a total failure…"
El Muerto floats away thinking; "I wonder if he went too far hitting the school, oh well, that’s Ian’s problem, not mine…"
Shion and Jairo are surrounded by Sombras; "Jairo-san, what do we do?"
Jairo smiles and says; " I'm afraid this is the end...so please don't look at me…"
Jairo grabs Shion and throws her away from the Shadows. "GGYYYAAHHHH"
Jairo looks like she is okay and smiles; "Bring it on...you beast…"
Shion regains her senses and sees Jairo being attacked by the Sombras. "JAIRO NOOOO!!!!!"
Shion tries to move but feels weak and can't stand up; " What happened? We inhaled that gas and suddenly our mana…"
"AAAAHHHH" Jairo screams as he is being devoured by the Sombras. "JAIRO, URIEL, SENPAI, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP HIM SOMEONE!!!!"
Shion punches the ground crying;"Why...can't I do anything…"
Without warning, dozens of red beams fall from the sky, instantly eliminating the Sombras that were attacking Jairo. Shion is in shock:
“What happened here? Who did this?”
The red beams stop, leaving no trace of the Sombras, only a smoke screen. Shion runs towards Jairo:
Shion hurries and checks his pulse. -BADUMP BADUMP- She feels a pulse and checks his heart. -BADUMP BADUMP- Shion begins to cry:
“Thank goodness, he’s still alive...but who…”
As the smoke screen clear, Shion looks at a young boy approaching them. The boy with red hair smiles:
“Looks like I made it in time, sorry, the bus was slower today…”
Shion is surprised as she thinks; “Who is that boy, his mana level is high...he looks like…”
“Shion…Jairo ” Kasumi runs with Carlos and Chelsea. They see them in really bad shape. She notices the boy; “Who’s he?”
Carlos and Chelsea run faster with the intend to attack him:
“Are you the one who did this?”
The boy sighs with his eyes closed; “Don’t jump into conclusion please…”
The boy snaps his fingers and two red beams fall from the sky.
Carlos and Chelsea evade the attack, Kasumi jumps and takes out her katana thinking; “He looks suspicious and strong…”
Kasumi is about to attack the boy, Shion steps forward with her hands extended:
Kasumi stops the attack and lands in front of Shion, Shion explains; “”This boy saved our lives. If he didn’t show up, Jairo would already be…”
“Daniel...Daniel…” Fabiola arrives breathing heavily, Daniel looks at her and says; “Oh there you are, what took so long?”
“You’re the one who left me behind...aren’t you a gentleman like Uriel? I hate you…” Fabiola exclaims as she catches her breath.
“She said Uriel? That girl, she’s from the Ministry…” Kasumi puts her katana away; “Excuse me, did you really help my nakama?”
“He did…” Shion answers to Kasumi. “I see…” Kasumi bows her head and says:
“Thank you...so much...sorry, if we misjudged you…”
Daniel sighs and replies; “Don’t get me wrong...I didn’t help anyone, I just happened to arrive where the Sombras were located and I just eliminated them before she came out...that’s all…”
“She? Who are you Talking about?”
“DANIEL, HEY DANIEL!” Valerie shouts with a smile as she and Alejandro run towards them.
Daniel smiles at her; “Valerie...did you have fun?”
Valerie runs to his side as she nods in agreement. Kasumi looks at Alejandro and says:
"I thought I told you to stay inside…"
Alejandro laughs nervously apologizing; "Hehe...Sorry, but Valerie wanted to come and I couldn't say no to her…"
Valerie talks to Daniel, Kasumi then asks Valerie:
"Valerie, who is he?"
"This is my little brother…Daniel Di Fiore…"
"Your brother….that means your Uriel's brother as well?"
"Technically yes…" Daniel replies as he avoids looking at her. Kasumi blushes as she thinks:
"Now that I take a closer look, he does look like him…"
"Uriel's brother ehh...I guess all of the siblings are super cute huh…" Chelsea says as she looks at Daniel with a luxurious look.
"Oh shut up…you Shotacon..." Carlos says annoyed. "Oh my...jealous?" Chelsea teases Carlos, Carlos blushes as he replies; "N-N-No...stop it…"
Jairo begins to cough up blood. "Oh no, Jairo-san…" Shion looks at him, Jairo is pretty badly injured, Daniel looks at Fabiola and says:
"Hey, you're on...heal him…"
"Ehh...why are you giving me orders like that…"
"I'm not, it's a favor, besides...that's why I brought you with me…I trust in your abilities..."
"Sheesh…." Fabiola says as she blushes. Fabiola gets close to Jairo and puts her hands on his chest; "Oh Dios, cura a tu siervo...alejalo del mal y déjalo estar a tu lado...Curación de Angeles…" (Oh God, cure your lamb...keep him from evil and let him stay by your side...Angel Healing…)
Jairo shines a bright golden color, his injuries disappear and his mana returns to normal. Fabiola stands up and says; "He is now safe…"
Shion bows to her saying; “Thank you for saving Jairo-san, you are indeed a skillful nun…”
Fabiola blushes, she scratches her cheek and says; “Well, I am a member of the Order of the Holy Maiden, it is my duty to save those in need…”
“Did you memorize that speech or do you have it written on your sleeve?” Daniel makes fun of Fabiola who aggressively replies; “SHUT UP!”
Everyone laughs, Alejandro looks around and asks; “By the way, where is Uriel?”
Everybody covers from a sudden explosion that happened just in front of them. A dust cloud covers the area.
“What happened?” Alejandro asks as he cleans his eyes, the dust begins to clear. Everyone opens their eyes wider as they see with shock.
The dust cloud reveals two figures, Ian grabbing Uriel by his neck, Uriel is covered in blood, Ian as well, however Ian begins to laugh:
“Well, well, is that all the power El Charro Negro has? Well then...Good bye...”
Alejandro screams; “UUURRRRIIIEELLL!”
5 Minutes Earlier…
The fight continues, on the 15th floor, an exchange of fists beginning to slowly destroy the building. Ian has the upper hand, punching Uriel in the face, sending him flying to a pillar.
“Hahaha, what’s the matter, is that all you can do?” Ian sits down on the floor and yawns; “Come on Charro Negro, I came here all the way from Romania to see your strengh and yet, you have dissapointed me…”
Uriel breathes heavily, he has blood coming out of his mouth and his forehead, he looks at the floor thinking; “This guy, he is faster than he appears, I can read his movements with my Rhythm sense, and yet, I can’t avoid them…”
Ian smiles; “I’m sure you're wondering about my technique, it’s very simple really...I use a technique called; arta fiarei de sânge” ( Blood Beast Art)
“Blood beast?”
“That’s right, it’s an ability in which I focus my blood circulation and concentrate in a certain area, making it heavier and more powerful, and combining with mana, you get that powerful attack.”
Uriel stands up and continues to breathe; “Come down...analyze the situation, this guy is only trying to provoke me...I guess it’s time to test “that” movement out…”
“Oh, so are you going to take this seriously? Why not use your sword? I am sure it will make this an equal match…”
Uriel chuckles; “No...I don’t need it...I want to crush you with my own bare hands...I am about to show a unique fighting style, used by the Mariachi and the original Charro Negro…”
“Oh...well then show me, before I go to sleep…” Ian provokes Uriel, Uriel releases mana, he closes his eyes and concentrates; “Focus, the Rhythm of the earth…”
Uriel makes a step, suddenly, the vibrations of the air become visible. Soon, musical notes begin to appear around him; “-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-”
Ian looks confused and asks; “Are those musical notes? What are you going to do? Sing?”
Uriel opens his eyes, he releases a slow flow of mana that has a bluish color. Uriel looks at Ian and says; “ I will show you a unique technique...you won’t be able to keep up with me…”
“Is that so? Well bring it…”
Uriel moves a leg back to take impulse, the manna flow more faster, and wind picks up fast; “Arte del Mariachi, Concierto del Charro; Popurri” (Mariachi Art, Charro Concert; Popurri)
Note; Popurri is a combination of multiple songs in one...famous in modern mexican tradition…
Uriel charges towards Ian, he makes a fist with his left hand. Ian laughs; “Haha...attacking me straight? Are you an idiot?”
Ian feels strange; “What the…” -PUUM- Uriel punches Ian’s face with force, sending him to the pillar. Ian looks surprised as he thinks; “What was that? My perception failed…”
Uriel charges once again as he chants; “Popurri; DO RE MI”
Uriel unleashes multiple attacks, Ian tries to block but Uriel is faster. Uriel hits Ian with a jaw-hook sending him flying up to the upper floor.
Ian notices blood coming out of his mouth. He smiles with excitement; “HAHA EXCELLENT, IT’S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I BLEEDED…”
Uriel jumps to the next floor, the musical notes appear on the floor as well. Ian looks at the notes and notices; “I understand..the vibrations of the musical notes are the ones messing with my perception right...in that case…”
Ian pokes his ears, destroying his eardrums. Uriel notices and continues to charge. Ian gathers purple manna on his fists. Uriel and Ian continue to fight; Uriel tries to punch Ian, Ian dodges thinking; “Too slow…”
Ian feels a clean hit, Uriel tries to punch again, Ian dodges again.-PUUM- Once again, Ian gets a clean hit without Uriel punching him. Ian is off balance, Uriel punches him multiple times and sends him flying to another pillar.
Ian tries to figure out what is happening; “I don’t understand, how is he connecting?” Ian puts closer attention and sees a small breeze in his fists. “Wait, he’s using wind…”
Uriel smiles thinking; “That’s right Ian, it’s just what you are thinking...I am using holy wind...although it hurts me as well, your damage is higher…”
Uriel and Ian charge once again; -PUM PUM PUM- Uriel punches Ian, Ian punches back, Ian punches Uriel, Uriel punches back. The battle is intense and causes the floor to collapse, they continue to exchange blows as they fall.
The building slowly crumbles, Ian punches Uriel multiple times, he then kicks Uriel, breaking his ribs. Uriel tries to counter that but Ian is superior.
Ian unleashes a barrage of punches towards Uriel, the attack very intense, Ian gathers mana in one of his fists and punches Uriel once again in the stomach.
Uriel flies in the sky towards the school, the building collapses completely leaving no trace. Ian with great impulse jumps and heads towards Uriel. He pairs up with Uriel in midair, Ian with an enthusiastic attitude says; “Try to survive this...Charro Negro…”
Ian prepares to attack Uriel once again in midair. Uriel looks at him and thinks; “Damn it, at this speed, I can’t react...damn it…”
“By the way, where is Uriel?”
An explosion at the entrance causes everyone to cover themselves. Everyone is in shock, Kasumi prepares her katana, Carlos and Chelsea also prepare for battle.
The dust cloud reveals two figures, Ian grabbing Uriel by his neck, Uriel is covered in blood, Ian as well, however Ian begins to laugh:
“Well, well, is that all the power El Charro Negro has? Well then...Good bye...”
Alejandro screams; “UUURRRRIIIEELLL!”
Ian looks at them and says; “I see they survive huh...they are strong and persistent...I wonder how they will react when they see me do this…”
Everyone opens their eyes wider, they are terrified by what they are seeing.
Valerie falls into her knees with her hands on her mouth and tears come out as she says with a trembling voice; “N-N-Nooo...way...Big brother…”
Kasumi’s hands tremble; “Uriel...no…”
Alejandro takes two steps and thinks; “No, you can’t lose...no…” -TCH- Alejandro screams; “UUUURRIIIEELLL”
The moon shines on both of them, Ian’s arm running through Uriel’s chest; “I destroyed one of your lungs...Uriel you’re about to die…” Ian takes out his arm and a large amount of blood comes out of Uriel. He lets go of Uriel, Uriel falls to the ground losing consciousness.
Ian sighs with his eyes closed; “What a disappointment, I expected more from you...it seems your predecessor is right...he often tells everyone that he made a mistake in naming you his successor…”
Ian begins to mock him; “No wonder, that beauty, Serena decided to be with the Duke...such a shame…”
Rain slowly falls once again, Uriel is slowly losing consciousness, he closes his eyes and words come to his mind; the words of a maiden pass down to his mind; “Goodbye...Uriel…”
Juan appears in his mind, he looks disappointed as he says; “I can’t believe you’re that weak..maybe I made a mistake…”
“Damn it...damn it…”
Ian walks towards Kasumi’s group as he says; “Maybe I should play with your friends...I hope they can withstand longer than you…”
Uriel opens his eyes. Kasumi looks at Ian with rage and with great speed charges towards him, however, a red barrier appears surrounding her group.
“What is this? A barrier?” Chelsea makes a question, Carlos touches it, it electrifies his hand as he comments; “This is a strong barrier…”
Alejandro holds Valerie; “Valerie, stay by my side okay…”
“Don’t worry, this is his barrier”
Kasumi slashes the barrier as she screams; “WHO DID THIS?”
“It was me…” Daniel walks outside the barrier, Kasumi who looks surprised exclaims; “Why are you doing this? Can’t you see that your brother is in danger…”
“I know, however, we can’t interfere…” Daniel replies in a calm manner. Kasumi gets furious; “Don’t be a traitor...let me out…”
“Sheesh you’re annoying...just try to stay calm and observe…” Daniel scratches his ear, Fabiola looks at Daniel worried as she thinks; “Daniel, what are you thinking…” Ian gets closer; “You sure are dumb, are you trying to get yourself killed…”
“Believe me, I am not planning to die tonight…”
“Oh...and why not? I mean look in front of you...I am the strongest one here…”
“You may be the strongest but you are also the dumbest…”
“What did you say?” Ian gets furious, Daniel in a calm manner chuckles; “ What you just heard, I said that you are the dumbest here…”
Ian releases mana, Kasumi begins to scream; “ Hey kid stop, you’re going to be killed...please run away…”
Ian charges at him and prepares to punch him, Daniel stands still and he is very calm. He smiles and says; “You’re dumb...you know why?”
Uriel appears in front of Daniel and blocks Ian’s punch, he proceeds to kick Ian away. Daniel finishes his sentence; “Because I was buying time...for Uriel to stand up…”
“Ha...ha...ha…thank you Daniel” Uriel says as he breathes heavily, Daniel enters the barrier replying; “No problem, just finish him off…”
“Uriel…” Kasumi says as she looks at Daniel and asks; “You knew he would appear…”
“Of course...this is his fight, I knew that he wouldn’t be taken down so easily…” Daniel replies, Valerie punches him; “Daniel you idiot...don’t do things like that…”
Ian gets excited; “Hahaha, so you’re still alive huh...this is great, we can continue fighting…”
“Of course I am alive...I don’t want to look bad in front of them…” Uriel coughs up blood thinking; “I guess I don’t have much time…”
“It looks like you’re at your limit huh…” Ian mocks him. “You’re wrong...I am just getting started…” Uriel replies with a confident smile. Ian notices Uriel’s arm; “You sure act tough, you can’t even use one arm anymore…”
“I just need one arm...don’t worry, it will all be over soon…” Uriel puts his palm on the ground, suddenly a wall rises separating him from the others.
“UURRIIEELL WAAAIIITTT” Kasumi screams, the others look worried. Daniel opens his eyes wider as he says; “Uriel...what are you going to do?”
“What are you doing?” Ian asks Uriel, Uriel who is breathing heavily replies; “I don’t want them to see me in this state…”
“You mean how bad are you beaten up?”
“No...I am about to show you something special…” Uriel takes his gloves off, in his right arm, the one he is able to use there is a crest that has a flame seal. “This is a seal...placed to me by my Predecessor...it prevents me from using all of my power...I will show you all of my power…”
“Did he say all of his power?” Ian says as he looks surprised, Uriel continues to speak; “This seal only lets me use 30% of my power...unfortunately, I can only unleash my power for only one minute...but that is enough…”
Ian continues to think; “You mean..everything that showed me was only 30% percent...he will unleash his power for one minute…” Ian gets angry; “Are you mocking me? Take this seriously…”
“I will show you how serious I am…” Uriel’s seal begins to spread as red veins, he begins to unleash a pillar of crimson mana as he chants; “liberationis bellum” (War Liberation)
Kasumi looks at the sky, everyone does the same; “This power, what is it?”
“I don’t know, but it’s very evil…” Shion replies as she trembles. Daniel makes a little smile thinking; “It’s the same as that time...in Jalisco...Uriel, this is your doing right?”
“What’s going on?” Alejandro asks as he holds Valerie, who are both looking at the pillar. “Everything will be fine...Uriel will win…” Valerie says to Alejandro with confidence.
“Oh...what power...El Charro Negro sure is frightening…” Darius says as he smiles looking at the pillar from his office.
Uriel’s right arm is covered by red veins, the right side of his hair turns crimson, his nails grow longer turning his hand into claws. The right side of his mouth grows fangs. The right eye turns red with black corneas.
“This is my true power,” Uriel says in a low tone. Ian looks at his arm; “Am I shaking? This sensation...it’s the same when I am with Master...Uriel Di Fiore...what are you?”
Uriel disappears from Ian’s sight and appears in front of him. -BBBOOOOMMM- Uriel punches Ian with force. Ian tries to respond, however Uriel punches him again.
“AAAHHHH” A giant crater forms, Ian opens his eyes and punches Uriel.
The fight continues with an equal exchange of blows, however Uriel is only using his right arm. As they fight, Ian thinks; “He’s overpowering me, and yet he’s using one arm...damn it…”
Uriel kicks Ian, and sends him to the sky. Ian laughs; “Damn you...you’re so strong...if we continue to fight, I will die...so let’s finish this…”
Ian releases mana with a fierce aura creating a cloud, everyone looks at that scared. Uriel gathers mana in his right arm. The amount of mana shakes the whole area.
Rosa who is in the secret hideout looks at her monitor as she thinks; “My God...is the city going to be destroyed...this amount is higher than an Elite Root...Alejandro….everyone...please be safe…”
Ian faces down and puts his arm in front with his fist as he screams:
Ian’s mana takes the shape of a purple beast with horns, Uriel takes a stance, his mana turns into a combination of black and red color. Ian charges at Uriel as he chants; “Urla ghoul” (Ghoul’s howl)
Uriel prepares to punch him; “Popurri Finito” (Popurri Finished)
Uriel and Ian clash their fist, creating a giant explosion. Blowing the buildings surrounding them away, and the rock wall disintegrates. Daniel’s barrier trembles. Soon a pillar of mana rises clearing the sky in an instant.
“What’s going on?” Alejandro says as he tries to protect Valerie, everyone takes cover. Daniel makes his barrier grow large enough to protect the Gymnasium.
Uriel and Ian both scream; “AAAHHHHHHH” and both of them disappear in the explosion.
The shaking is felt all over the borderland. In the Ministry, everyone goes outside. Father Clemente begins to exclaim; “What’s that power, it’s coming from Sun City”
Maria looks at the pillar of mana thinking; “That is where my children are…”
The explosion stops, the mana pillar disappears. Daniel breathes heavily as he undoes the barrier. The dust cloud slowly disappears, and there is silence.
Alejandro runs towards Uriel’s direction; “What the hell was that?”
“URIEL URIEL” Alejandro stops, everyone catches up to him. The dust cloud reveals Uriel standing looking at the sky. Ian is nowhere to be seen. Alejandro smiles and walks towards him:
“Hey buddy...you did it… you beat him...man I knew that you would…”
Uriel interrupts him; “You idiot...I...lost…” -SSPPPLLLAATTT- Blood comes out of Uriel’s body, Uriel slowly falls to the ground. Everyone is in shock as Uriel falls unconscious.
February 17th; Mayor’s Office
The next day...news spread around the Borderland over a “gas-leak” that caused the explosion on Sun City International Highschool. That was the official story that Darius Lucifugus, the Mayor of Sun City said to the press...Using his power and wealth, Darius managed to repair the school in just 48 hours...Yggdrasil disappeared from sight just in time...
In the Mayor’s office...Darius, Aleister and Ian have a conversation…
“Are the preparations for your departure ready my son?” Darius asks Aleister, Aleister nods in agreement as he replies; “Yes father, I am ready to depart today at 12 pm towards Romania.”
“Excellent, remember to have your best behavior… “The Third Hour” must be treated with respect…”
“I understand…”
Darius looks at Ian and comments; “By the way...Ian, how was your fight with Uriel? You’ve been asleep for two since you returned on that night…”
Ian chuckles as he walks to the window. Ian has a suit with his loose jacket covering his missing arm; “I must say that El Charro Negro is strong, he is the first man since Aleister who managed to injured me to the point of losing an arm…”
“I see...how much will it take you to recover?”
“About two weeks, it will grow back when I consume blood...I must say it was worth waiting to fight him...Darius, be careful with him…”
Darius laughs and replies; “Not to worry, I am a man who is very cautious…” Darius looks at Aleister; “Aleister, did you break up with Marjorie and have you chosen a successor for the Student Council President?”
“I’m on my way to school father...to finish those tasks right now…”
“Then have a nice trip son...I will see you soon…”
“Goodbye father…” Aleister and Ian abandon the office.
Darius stands looking at the window, he laughs as he sees his building being repaired as well; “So that old man really stole one of the 16 treasures huh...I guess it’s time to get a professional to hunt them…those Shadow Tamers”
Rio Grande City
In a large house located on the wealthy side of Rio Grande City; Victoria eats breakfast with her father…
“Hija...are you sure it’s okay for you to return to school?” Officer Rodriguez asks Victoria. Victoria smiles and replies:
“Yes Papa...don’t worry...everything is fine…”
“I see...and what happened to your date...Uriel?”
Victoria changes her expression and replies; “When the explosion occurred, Uriel pushed me away and got hit by rubble. I asked Ms. Miyazono through mail and she replied that he was fine but he will be resting for two weeks…”
“That’s too bad...I want to thank him for rescuing my daughter...do you know where he lives?”
Victoria shakes her head; “No...I don’t...only Alejandro knows…”
“Oh Alejandro...I haven’t heard that name in a while...are you still friends”
“Oh heck no...he is a loser...I don’t speak with losers…”
“I see…” Officer Rodriguez chuckles; “You know, back in Highschool I was a loser as well…”
“Sorry...I didn’t mean…”
“Don’t worry about it, hija...but you should talk to him, if you want to know where Uriel lives…”
“I guess you’re right…” Victoria stands up and kisses her father’s forehead; “Well, I’m off...see you daddy…”
“Bye bye hija…”
Victoria walks to the door, before she walks out, she talks out the amulet that Tiwa dropped, she smiles and thinks; I don’t know what this is...but this belongs to Uriel...I promise I will give this to him…”
Sun City
Alejandro walks slowly towards the school, he looks down because of what happened the other night…
“I lost...now everyone will be expelled...and what’s worse, I was useless yet again and couldn’t help my friend…”
“Alejandro...Alejandro…” Marjorie runs to Alejandro’s side. “Oh hey Marjorie...what’s going on?”
“Is it true that Uriel was badly injured on the night of the dance?”
“Yes he did, and he will be out for 2 weeks…”
“I see...that’s too bad…”
“So did you have fun at the dance?”
Marjorie looks down as she replies; “To be honest...there are some parts I don’t remember...I guess I felt sick that night…”
Alejandro looks at her suspiciously, he sighs and says; “Yeah, but we lost…”
“Oh don’t worry, you did your best against us, and I am proud of you…” Marjorie smiles, Alejandro blushes and scratches his cheek; “Thank you…Marjorire, I…”
“So how is Uriel doing?” Marjorie asks with a shy tone, Alejandro feels a little jealous and replies; “He’s doing well, he was granted a leave of absence for two weeks due to his injuries.”
“Oh, that’s too bad...hey can I come with you to visit him sometime?” Marjorie asks Alejandro, Alejandro who is feeling jealous, avoids looking at her; “Well...right now I am too busy, plus I don’t think he likes visitors…”
“Oh...I see…” Marjorie looks disappointed, Alejandro begins to walk towards the school; “Anyway, I have things to do so…”
“Alejandro, wait up…” Aleister walks towards them, Alejandro and Marjorie feel a chill down their spines. Alejandro turns around and asks; “What do you want?”
Marjorie, feeling nervous, begins to walk backwards; “Aleister I need to go to class…”
“Marjorie you say here, I want both of you to hear this…”
“Are you going to expel us?” Alejandro asks nervously, Aleister smiles and replies;
“No...no...my friend...actually I am here to talk to you about the future of the Student Council…”
Principal’s office
“Well, you did a great job protecting the school, Kasumi...except for what happened to Uriel, but I will let it slide because it was Ian’s fault…” Olivia says to Kasumi, Barbara is standing next to her, along with Shion.
“Barbara explained the situation and I am pleased...therefore, I won’t kill the students this time…” Olivia chuckles, Kasumi gets mad:
“Olivia, why did you send Ian? I thought you had nothing to do with this?”
“I didn’t, Ian Constantin acted under his own free will...besides Shion knows how strong he is...I couldn’t stop him I wanted to, neither did Barbara…”
-TCH- “So then, are we done?”
Olivia shakes her head; “Not yet, you see, my son is going to Europe, he was chosen for a special program and that’s the Student Council will be left without a president.”
“And what do I have to do with this?”
“Well, I thought you would be intrigued by the new President...my son recommended him and I approved it…” Olivia puts a folder in the desk, Kasumi opens the folder, Shion walks to her side and sees the next president; “It can’t be...why him?”
“Isn’t it ironic? Well Kasumi, I hope you liked my surprise…” Olivia laughs as Kasumi and Shion look nervous.
The environment was a desert; there were cacti and many hills in a dry ground that it appeared that it never rained before. The sky was red, and the only person standing on a hill, Uriel…
“So...where am I exactly?” Uriel asks himself as he looks around, suddenly his shadow extends and begins to form a figure. The figure turns into a man in a charro suit, he is completely dark and has red eyes; “You’re in a special place muchacho...it’s been a while…”
Uriel gets angry and says; “So it’s you...viejo…”
“Hey watch your tone idiota...I told you to call me Tio (uncle)...man, I even dragged you here to speak with you…”
“About what?”
“You undid your seal right? At least ¼ of it right?”
Uriel doesn’t answer, Juan de la Trinidad shakes his head and explains; “Look, your body doesn’t withstand using “that” power, you’ll only shorten your life muchacho…”
“And who’s fault do you think it is?”
“It’s your punishment for destroying half of Guadalajara and what’s worse, seducing someone from royalty...you know that a war could have been unleashed and the world would have been destroyed...you left me no choice muchacho…”
Uriel avoids looking at him, Juan makes a sigh, and grabs Uriel’s shoulder; “Listen Muchacho, try to not get yourself killed, you only have like a month in the Borderland and you already fought the Chupacabras, and a Ghoul...you will make a huge noise that “they” will come and get you…”
“Shut up viejo, that’s my problem…”
“Hahaha, you’re always like that...man you are an idiot...you know that, just like your father…”
Uriel tries to attack him, but Juan is just a shadow; “Hey viejo, why did you destroy a village in central America?”
“A village...agh yes, to get the Golden Key…”
“Golden key?”
“Listen muchacho, the key that your friend has is not the only one and eventually he will be a target...hear my warning...protect him or he will die…”
“He won’t die, I will protect him…”
“Haha, you don’t change, even if you aren’t Uriel Vazquez, you still act like him…”
Juan begins to disappear as he says; “Muchacho, beware, he will come to the Borderland...be careful and don’t go dying on me…”
“Who are you talking about?” Uriel asked, confused; “The one who is called, The Greatest Bounty Hunter…”
Uriel slowly begins to turn into sand and disappears. Uriel slowly opens his eyes, he has a machine that helps him breathe, he looks around the room. He sees Daniel standing next to him, Daniel smiles:
“So, You’re finally awake...Big Brother…”
- In Serial48 Chapters
Madness, with a pinch of salt
The kingdom of Triciella lies in a picture-perfect fantasy world, complete with sparkling magic and loyal knights and a sunny-haired, kind hearted heroine. Like all good fictional settings, she must save the kingdom from the evil powers that be, very conveniently falling in love with a lost prince in the process, and invoking the wrath of an unjust villainess. And like all proper villainesses, the infamous Lady Joanna has to find new, creative ways to ruin the life of the aforementioned heroine. But alas! Like all things bound by predestined rules, the story never goes as planned.
8 64 - In Serial18 Chapters
Old: The Dark Inheritor
A princess who lived her entire life in nobility wants to explore the world. Oppressed by her father and living a sheltered life, she wants to escape her fate of being a caged princess. One day, a mysterious girl gives her the perk " Defeat Inherit". After meeting this woman, Aisha begins to start a new life of freedom and danger. Corrupted by a madwoman, praised by geniuses, Aisha travels to make her own destiny. Aisha walks down the becoming of age. Watch this young ignorant princess bloom into a dignified and fearsome queen. As the story progresses, she gains insight on the world she was kept away from. Watch her tackle the hardships and situations that tries to halt her advance. Not knowing how to love, she starts to make own harem (unexpectedly). This story is influenced by The Coiling Dragon and Re:Monster. I added some mix into this, revealing some other components that blends fantasy with a numerous amount of things. Rating: M 18+ Strong language, graphic content, sexual content, and blood and gore Note: There will be a lot of lesbian sex. And the cover picture is my own work. I created it.
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World fusion: Chaos
An event of immesureable proportions took place. Our world fused with another one. The laws of the world, the geography, the living beings... Everything changed. And it was just the beginning. Nothing serious, 1 release per week at best.
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Flower Girl
When Poire wakes up, she is in an unknown forest, and her head has been replaced by that of a flower’s. A talking lemur is convinced Poire has written a list that doesn’t belong to her. Poire must prove him wrong, or she might never find her way back home again.
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That One Girl // Sam Pottorff
Ally is just a teenage girl who has to live by herself and she doesn't have any friends. She gets bullied everyday and it sucks. But what happens when she meets the famous Sam Pottorff?
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The Newest World Order
New World Order Sequel. The kids are older and a threat has posed itself to them. What will happen to their parents and what will happen to them? Find out!
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