《Path of Evolution》Chapter 2 - The new path


Under a roof of metalic building there is a human male sitting surrounded by lights. Behind him is turned on huge screen showing latest informations from gathered sources. The man calmly analizing with hologram on the table today plan of program. Pointed at him are cameras and he can see number which decrease with each second.

Someone started counting loudly from 10 and when countdown got to 0 then music which every who watch News will know that it's that time. The man focused after brief analize of new data which will be told.

"Good morning, this is Michael Fox and your fresh News"

"Today, we begin with bad information, Few hours ago an explosion occured at the city where HQ Frost Medical is. It's speculated that during turning on antimatter generator some part of magnetic field isolation barrier was damaged. In the actions are a lot of experts and rescue unit looking for survivors. 10 km radius from epicentrum of explosion is destroyed to dust, from 10 km to 15 km there are sign of pulling everything to the center. Physics think that theory of that phenomenon is reaction of two opposite states of matter and energy from result in sending gravitational waves almost 2 times more than gravity of our planet.

A government send a lot of units in hope of searching survivors and important scientist HQ Frost Med. Corp. Scientist estimate that this catastrophy will make chaos in the Frost Corporation if no survivors are found and all data from experimental generator was erased with the explosion. This will make a huge step of regression in scientific world, estimated 10 to 20 years of work would be needed for creating new reactor without notes from the Institute. Estimated number of dead or lost subjects - 7'000'000. Searching for survivors will continue. Now, let's look on international news..."

"From the last moment we get a message that a daughter of Frost Med. Corp. CEO was found on the road from one of Frost Residences. Her status is mentally unstable. She was found with her fiancee, son of leading scientists in the Corporation. Doctors confirmed his death and taken Miss Frost to stabilize her at the hospital. We will continue to inform about her state."



"We've got a message from our reporter from the hospital where currently is hold Miss Frost that she attempted to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills from the container. She is in coma and her health state is in danger. Doctors try to stabilize her state but don't know if it will be possible without a will to live of a pacient. The Corporation is currently in dire state without anyone leading who can point correct directions. As shares on a stock exchange are falling almost to the bottom, only Miss Frost waking up can change drastic state of company."


"We've got bad news about the state being of Miss Frost, after several minutes of reanimating it was confirmed that Samantha Frost, only living person of Frost family passed today, she will be laying in the same crypt as her fiance Jeremy Green as she wanted with a last will found written on paper after inspecting personal belongings. Frost Corporation is in a state of bankruptcy and it will negitively influence the world. As always your fresh news, Michael Fox"


(Jeremy POV)


I'm trying to come to my senses. I don't feel anything under me as if floating in the water or freefalling. Really weird experience. I thought that dying was something different. Not floating aimlessly. My memory is intact, my researches, my past, everything is there. Hope it will be. Let's take a look what the hell is going on there. I try to unblock my view as it feels as I have closed eyes. What welcomes me is white color as if in the milk container. Everywhere, almost everywhere as at one site there is desk and behind sits a woman who I can describe as the most beautiful being in the world. Damn, now I remember that I left my wife-to-be alone. I didn't taste her. Now, I have regrets that I thought that I have time for this. Fuck, stupid me. I was doing too much at the same time and didn't realize important cases. I can only vow to myself no more wasting. This explosion was horrible I felt so much pain on the impact but I saved her and don't care that result was obvious and costed me my life, I hope she will find happiness somewhere if she survived. Nodding, I try to clear my mind and realize that my form is like my old myself even though when standing I don't feel any weight. Looking at the woman she looks at me.


"Welcome into my domain, I'm a goddess as you I hope already know that" (Goddess)

She gestured to me to sit. I was hestitating, but I need to know what's going on. I don't have anything to be afraid, yet. As I'm dead I think I will get salvation or damnation. The most probably damnation as I was experimenting on animals and didn't care. Sitting on a chair prepared for me I presume, I look at her, like she said goddess. Worth title with her beauty. I would with pleasure tained her so that won't regret again.

She reacted a little, don't say that she can read my mind. I'm screwed then. Maybe she is shy. Oh, I think she is from her reaction. But now clear my thoughts, chill...uff.

"Your thinking about your fate is wrong as you will be reincarnated in the new world, world different as before. You can think of you destination as medieval world of sword and magic, described at books where you came from as fantasy worlds." (Goddess)

"So basically I will live in a new world?" (Jeremy)

"Yes, unlike before you died in a world where universe is build from dark matter, this universe is created from mana. And in this world there are many races there trying to survive and reign wars among themselves. Human, Elf, Dwarf, Dragon, Demon and many more. Strong preys on the weak here." (Goddess)

"So when can you send me there?" (Jeremy)

"Why so fast, firstly you need to make a draw from the wheel of fortune, as I'm in a good mood you can do it 2 times" (Goddess)

I see behind a goddess appeared a wheel where on each small part of it was letter and I don't know what does it mean. I came to to the handle and started moving the wheel. It started spinning a lot of time.

After spinning a lot it slowly dropped in speed. Result came with a message before my eyes.

Congratulations, you've got a Rank G prize from wheel of fortune Your prize name is: Divine Soul - The Lowest Power

So I need to spin it once more, I will make it quickly.

Spin, spin...It almost stopped on Rank S, damn what could it be.

Congratulations, you've got a Rank A prize from wheel of fortune Your prize name is: Chaotic Evolution

Nice, nice but what does it mean?

"Explanations will be after you get your prizes" (Goddess)

"And when will it be? After I get taste of your body?" (Jeremy)

I joked a little and smiled to her, but I didn't realized that I screwed up so hard, literally.

She grinned at me and the next I knew was being without anything to cover and appeared on the bed.

"You want me so badly that I couldn't refuse." (Goddess)

The last thing that I remembered was being "devoured".

Damn, my first experience stolen forcefully by the goddess. And I don't even know her name, I feel like one usage product...

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