《Path of Evolution》Chapter 3 - The Oblivion


Before the deed I've though that this goddess is slutty but I was so damn wrong. I agree she can overwhealm me by pure force but suprisingly has little to none experience in this field. So when we did it second and a few times more I took the lead. As a result I was exhausted and she didn't break a sweat! Gods have it easy. So I lay with her, doesn't she have some duties? You know, like listen to prayers or punish a bad soul. But it isn't so bad because we did it. She is clingy like Samantha was, maybe they are relatives? It doesn't matter now, I will live in a new world where strength is more important than wealth. If you are the strongest your rules are respected. I like that idea. Hope that this two items I won aren't that bad. I need to focus.

So after getting up I think that it's time to go live my life to the fullest]

[It's almost time for you to go, before that I will tell you that there are other gods and goddesses with their religions so you need to be carefull about offending them]

[Oh, I get it so send me and get over it]

I really want to go now, if it's fantasy world that I can use my knowledge with book I read in my previous live. You know I like reading for inspirations. If you work in this complex world of science there are times when break need to be done once in a while. Books are justice! As I was contemplating about my own interests my surrounding started to flash and blinding light covered me, from some far away I heard known for me voice.


Hearing the whisper my entity was pulled somewhere and I lost my vision with many unanswered questions.


When I woke up from a daze, surrounded me was a forest which flourished splendidly. I looked around and what I saw left me rather suprised. The forest looked like a jungle which was full of trees and many grasses, herb and something which only you could find in the jungles - hard to come places from my previous world. Humans tend to destroy everything which they touch, even if that undying existence feed them. That the ultimate true. They will backstab how much it takes to take it down even it could be impossible. I despise human nature for that.

I focused my mind on my own body started to feel and look at my hands and touch with them to check something unusual about me, and I'm suprised that I don't feel any different or discomforts. Damn, I almost forgot that this world is fucking dangerous, nothing can save me here only me. Checking my surrounding I tried to silently hide thinking that I'm save. But my expections betrayed me that the forest is a what it was from my previous life knowledge. Faster than I could to get a comfortable on the safespot I could hear howls and squeaks. Looking at the source of sound as I expected it was a wolf. Its fur was gray and eyes which could pierce through. Despite this fact that he was majestic but something wasn't as it supposed to be. The wolf was running from something as it had some fresh cuts and is spilling from the back. What was chasing it was more dangerous. It's length almost ten meters and snake like features and fast moving. When the giant snake came behind not so much moving wolf it, wolf literally lost will to run. Snake's fangs cut deeply in wolf's flesh, few seconds later snake was moving deeper in the forest with something to digest at the stomach.


I woke up from the daze and noticed that some cold sweat was running on my hands. I wasn't prepared to literally after getting here to see some big predators up and running near me. Fuck, there really are some damn huge monsters and if I still don't do anything I can end crushed at some big worm's stomach.

I sat and took a huge breath, calmed down and now need to think something fast. I've got gifts, but I don't see anything or feel them.

She told me about fantasy and magic, but what about the rest? Damn, what now? No guide, nothing. I'm now alone versus the world.

I need to use my knowledge. Usually at fantasy there was some kind of system governing the laws of universe, some kind of world code that can identify and catalogize everything clearly including effect, rarity, power and requirements. Ridiculous I would think. So I have to somehow trigger my character informations.

Unknowingly thinking what to do next, behind me some small figure is slowly moving at my direction. Green and ugly creature if I would look back, goblin would be seen. There wasn't any warning and only what I knew was burning pain on my back. My blood is spilled and my back is bleeding.

Damn, I almost died from low level monster. Creature growl angrily unsuccessfully finishing its prey. Goblin as I saw with my eyes run to me and slash me with dulled sword. I try to dodge, and roll from the monster. From the panic I suffered from burning pain I didn't know what to do.

My weakness overwhelmed my mind, fear of death after only arriving at this strange place turn my state of mind to survive. One thought stuck in my mind. Kill, kill, slaughter the enemy to survive.

With standing dashed to the enemy and dodged goblin's clumsy strike, forgetting about my own wound I slamed with my kick on its chest. Goblin without protection got heavy damage and green blood burst from mouth. Stunned and dazed by damage goblin dropped a rusty weapon from the hand. I didn't waste a chance, grabbing it and thrusting and the chest, goblin didn't have even moment to counterattack. Shriek was heard and looking at me with fear it died.

After an action exhaustion and pain in my back woke me up. Catching breath something suddenly showed before my eyes.

[System initializing...]

[Statistic calculation...]

[Welcome to the Caldaria!]

[Level up! Your level increased to 1. You've got 5 statistic points to distribute]

[To show statistics with thought or speach say "STATUS"]

What!? It really is a system. She didn't lie to me as I thought. I need to see it.

Name: Jeremmy Green

Race: Human

Age: 18

Class: none

Affinity: Neutral, Neutral

Soul: Weak Stage 3

Titles: Reincarnated, Beloved of Goddess, Master of science

Level: 1

Health: 120/140

Mana: 400/400

Experience: 0/100

Strength: 12

Vitality: 14

Agility: 11

Dexterity: 10

Inteligence: 40

Wisdom: 60

Points to distrubute: 5

Status: Bleeding

[Skills - Empty]


Statistics are written like at some game, my name is the same, affinity I think is neutral because I didn't do anything bad for inhabitants. The next is soul what mean my soul strength is not the worst, but I can't compare it to anyone.

Now I'm looking at my titles. Reincarnated, standard like in these novels with some stupid kids summoned that are sent to kill some demon kings or other shit. After exterminating some kind of OP boss, the hero will be praised and live with rich and many women by side. But only in the good one endings. Isn't it enough pathetic? There are the bad ones. Pretty much the same during the quest for purge the evil, oh so fucking good guys. After you get summoned the team usually some big tits ladies who can fight or throw spells with magic. The bad end is generally like this - if the boss is weak, you will get backstab before the kill, otherwise your team will kill you after the fight with an enemy when you are the most vulnerable. So conclusion to the story is if you're summoned you're fucked or you'll rot in the future because of some greedy bastard. I've read a lot of this type of crap in my free time, just to remember to won't become stupid hero. About this second title I don't care because I won't be limited by some deity who can't even give me a name. Just hope she's not a jealous killer type. And the last is my knowledge from previous life. I can't wait to use it to create some fearsome creatures. Hahaha, I need to stop this and focus on something.


Right, Inventory. I think there is an answer to my almost dying question where to the fucking sake is my prize!? Here it is.

Before my eyes appeared rectangle with icons, focusing on it I could see what exactly is each item in there.

Divine Soul Rank G

Chaotic Evolution

Bottle of water x10

Jerky x20

Nice, that I won't die from hunger too soon. I focused on my prizes because won't be here sitting forever.

[Divine Soul Rank G, Rarity: Rare]

As a benevolent and powerful beings, Gods are entities with immortal soul which passively emit spiritual pressure on any weaker entity. The power of soul is used to perform skills and travel through dimensions. Can gain divine power from believers. Bounded to Jeremmy Green. [Chaotic Evolution, Rarity: Divine]

Unique and powerful item which lets the user wield power of Chaos. Created from pure chaos element in the deepest part of an Abyss realm provides a chance to increase potential. Bounded to Jeremmy Green.

I want to use it. I focused on thought first strengthening my soul as I saw from description I will be able reach the status of god. There is that thing about my powerless about the assault on me even though wasn't it nothing scary but what if an assaulter wasn't a yandere type but sadistic bitch. Yeah, yeah it would be my doom.

Taking divine soul from the inventory in my hand appeared a sphere suspended in the air with shiny white color, anyone would be mesmerized by this view. I took my hand to my chest because if i need to strengten myself so slam it down. I slammed the sphere into my chest.

I lost my strength and only felt something within me expanding. I couldn't move but the power filled me. It was pleasant by itself, no pain or any discomfort feeling could be expressed. I was waiting for power surging my soul few minutes. I'm right now in the really bad situation because no control over my body, but nothing dangerous appeared. Notifications appear.

[Your soul gained Divine Stage 1, you've gained Divinity, God System unlocked,

Inteligence increased by 1500, Wisdom increased by 2000, Level increased by 20]

Now I feel powerful like never before, I just imagine myself crush mountains. I've got knowledge about souls and levels.

Strength of soul is categorized as:












Low God

Mid God

High God

[+] (Many more)

Why so many? I don't care. It's clearly everything about how much energy is contained. Qi, Chakra, Mana or any type of energy which can be used and dominant is measured to rank.

Likewise there are levels describing your tyranical might, by looking on statistics there is a general idea how overpowered you are or shitty character. Levels in this world can be described from average levels of beings:

0-9 Commoner

10-19 Low Knight

20-39 Knight

40-49 High Knight

50-59 Lieutant

60-89 Commander, General, High General

90-149 King, Queen, Demon King, Demon Lord

[+] (Many more)

But with levels you can only do this much. Potential, like spiritual power or mana take a main role with strengtening. So talent and your potential are important.

Now with strong soul I can use the second prize. When I took it, what appeared resemble a black seal, there was ominious atmosphere surrounding it. Worthy it's nature. I pushed quickly the seal to my chest. ...Nothing happened. What the fuck?! I have no clue, i subconsiously clenched my hand on the item.


Looking at the source of sound the seal have cracks across all of the surface. From the created lines a dark fog was flowing and circling around me and message appeared.

Chaotic Evolution initialization... Seal of Chaos chose for you destined 3 paths of evolution, one of them will take you to glory of death: Vampire of Chaos - One of Ancient Bloodlines, on the beginning of time this clan ruled in the Eternal Darkness and was feared by Gods and Demons but betrayed by own kins they were slaughtered in one night by legions of enemies.


Blood Magic, Chaos Magic, Abyss Magic, Racial Skills Werewolf of Chaos - Primoidal Bloodline which can get strength in the rays of the Moon, perished in the War of Gods.


Tyrannical Strength, Chaos Magic, Abyss Magic, Divine Regeneration, Racial Skills Hollow of Chaos - mutation of evil soul, unknown [NEW SPECIES]


Chaos Magic, Abyss Magic, Hollow Transformation, Racial Skills

Looking at 3 path which can decide my life and death there is something from it that can get you to think about all this fantasy staff. Bloodline for Vampires and werewolfs within my opinion are bad choice because their coexistence is based on clans and packs. I'm alone and in the unknown world so it's bad start. It would sucked hard die from some random clan of lycans or got by overpowered stupid noble vampire. More preferable would be third path. Hollow is not known but scraps of informations. Hint here is evil soul. So something badass, cruel and vicious. This is the way. No more stupid cockblocking protagonists, I will condemn this world and in the meantime slap some gods and push down that goddess... or more of them.

I made a decision.

I choose path of hollow

Pain engulfed me and something started to crushing my body and soul.

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