《Path of Evolution》Chapter 1 - Exploited moments of weakness


We became familiar with each other, I would say she became attached to me, it's not like I didn't want to. She helped me to solidify my view about people, precisely her lifestyle.

As daughter of influential existence, she was caged by invisible chains as I saw it in her eyes when we've met first time. Eyes of longing for some change of pace, loneliness. Almost every person outside of Frost family, when she was a little girl wanted to get her favour that she would choose one of suitors from greedy families, crawing for join in cycle of Frosts. They would gain a huge boost in their reputation. To them she was just a tool which later they would throw away. I would describe this people as rich fuckers. They just wait to rip prey with claws and satiate their greed and pride.

So when I accidentaly met her, it was like a fate pointed to two lonely kids. Until today I like her presence and curiosity. She was cold for anyone who she recognize as greedy or prideful bastards. Maybe my point of view influenced her state of mind. Not like I care for rats. Our parents became aware of our friendship. Parents of Samantha where positively suprised that their daughter wasn't gloomy like caged bird. After little investigation they knew who was responsible for it. When she was 15 they decided I was engaged with her. If you saw how happy she was, it was maybe the most cheerfull day for her. I didn't knew anything about it as I was almost all my free time at my lab conducting experiments. So when she went inside the lab almost like hurricane and informed me about this it came to me from nowhere and I almost ruined currently executed research slipping my hand from projection. It wasn't anything bad for me as it will only deepen our bond. Our time together only increased for this day. She was more aware about relationships then me, as I only was interested in science.


(POV Samantha)


I always wanted to meet with someone who can releave me from this curse, my family is rich and I'm almost under constant protection whenever I go. As a result I didn't have friends who can talk with me without any worries. I've thought that this endless cycle will continue until I die, but something unexpected happened. I've met him, he showed me a new view of the world something which can sometimes suprised you or scare. When we've met the first time I didn't expect that this difficult to other people subject can gather an interest of a few years old boy, later I knew that he is a son of lead scientists so it was to be expected that he would be smart. I was asking about many things when he was doing some cool stuff. He showed me how DNA spiral reacts to genetic manipulation, how bacteries die when in really bad environment for them or how I could get my hair change color. I remember this days until today. When we've got engaged I was very happy because I will be meeting him more often. Not only we can meet at Corporation's building but at home. I think I've started to love him as he can only make me happy. It's like someone tied our strings of fate. Hope this days continue forever...


Today I've arrived to school like always in the morning, walking to the classroom I saw as usual this same acts, opressing the weak. I hate this type of human, who only stink of greed and scorn for others thinking they are kings of the world. Hmm, let's use my cold act once again, it's not like they will do something to me. In this type of situations my status matters something, they can't do anything to me and just wait for the beating.

I see in the corner of the classroom is sitting he, my salvation to this cruel and stupid world. Just seeing him, gazing through the window, sometimes gazing over the class like a predator waiting for it's prey. Jeremy taught me how to survive in this environment. Greedy people always saw me as easy prey, simple to manipulate. He told me why, because I was indifferent to them. Ruthless to enemies is a point. I should be cold and hearthless to them so they won't be able to use me in their machinations. As a result people pestering me dissapeared. I keep my facade of cold for stupid greedy bastards and cheerfull smile to close family.

Lets stop thinking about depresing things and get some reward from my beloved.


As I was gazing out of the window chill ran over my spine, then I think about it only in one situation this can be happening - something dangerous. Thinking about the reason I feel something wrapping around me from behind. I see arms and smell of really delightfull perfume tickle my nose. This person is the one I think about it. Till the time we got engaged she has been very assertive with me and almost always clinging to me. No, no it's not like this actions are pleasant to me. I'm quite delightfull knowing that even only one person I'm important to her. She starts the conversation whispering to my ear, people around don't care about it as is almost every day act.

[Hello my dear, why do you spacing out?] (Samantha)

[I'm having this kind of bad feeling as if something bad will happen soon] (Jeremy)

[Lighten up a little silly] (Samantha)

She leaned to give me a kiss on the cheek while hugging me from behind. I'm not so much passive as not to take action by myself. Don't care about atmosphere in the class, I turn my head to her and give a one on her lips. Samantha's reaction is surprise. After the realization what happened, took on shy expression with a little pinkish color on cheeks. I feel envy gazes around, fuck them all. Trashes, burn down. I smile to her a little as my mood lighten up at some way. Almost classes are starting but there is one thing which I need to talk to Samantha as it is executed soon.

[Samy did you get an invitation for this new antimatter energy source start-up event in the Institute of Energy? They will be turning it on after years of improvement] (Jeremy)

This question hit her off from shy pace.

[Yes, I've got it few days ago, I presume you got it either and we can come together. Perhaps it's one of the biggest inventions the past 5 years as genetics branch is known and used since tens years. Our parents should be there so I need to try my new dress, don't you think?] (Samantha)


[Will do, hope it won't be too boring or I will go out of there, if you can keep me not bored I'll stay there] (Jeremy)

A moment of silence between us and I feel her mood brighten as to follow words.

[There will be afterparty after the showdown. Dear, I want you to be constantly with me to protect me from evil eyes of people and dance with me tomorrow to relieve your stress as you just hiding and do something in your labroom, you know I'm alone if you are there as you tell me it's dangerous to go there] (Samantha)

Hmm, I see from what this came, she figured out to use my loner behaviour to her advantage as an excuse me leaving her to herself. Smart move, I approve of her idea as I hear in the voice that she really don't like when I'm in my labroom if I can't show her what I do there. She can't see this as my test are done on animals, they die often but give great results.

[Okey, we can talk it out later at home] (Jeremy)

Exchanging a few pleasantaries with her hugging me almost all the time as the bell rang and the lecture began so she departed to her seat unwillingly.

Time passed as always, bored almost to death day passed and everyone gone home. Me and her either, we live together as she pressed her parents, my parents didn't have anything to oppose it as they looked rather happy. They just muttered something about like I need someone to take care of me and weeding. They know we are learning and not working so not yet, too soon.

After boring day we came home and ate dinner, as today was Friday so tomorrow is weekend so I can sleep longer. Evenings are always peacefull, I like checking some new science technologies on the TV special programs and with me on the sofa as always lay almost on me my fiancee. She clings as if needs to keep warm while on the frozen planet.

Nothing interesting as main subjects in the news is antimatter generator. This subject wasn't highly developed after inventing deuter reactors. All energy was suddenly so cheap as cup of water, seriously, you drink it and you can use it to create energy. I know some of this technology branch for myself, not like I focused on it. If I would evaluate my wisdom I could be professor.

After not so interesting informations on television I went to take a bath. It's on of a few places where someone isn't grasping me in a full hug. Sometimes I realize as it resembles sort of martial art grasping technique. I could name it 'Wife's grasp'. If death will grasp you it feels certainly like this.

In the bed grasping is stronger than ever, coiling around you with snake movements never letting to leave it's territory. Did you think we sleep in separate beds? Every night she sneaked to mine. So I determined that it doesn't matter anymore and let her do whatever she liked. It's my destiny nothing to worry about, she likes it that is important.

Tomorrow after the noon is the event so try to get some sleep.


Today is the event so we need to prepare. Showing me various hair styles Samantha asked me which is the most gorgeous. I picked for her some style which I like to looking at and started to dress up my tuxedo. I have only 2 of them because I don't go on this type of occasions alone, Samantha always drags me here and there. Showing her future husband, how envying to others.

I try my clothes on the event, looks great as I would say. Trying stretching a little, it wasn't so great. My tuxedo was ripped on seams on the back. Great, need to fix it later. Another one I think is more durable but didn't last long as I drunk some juice at the kitchen and suddenly tripped with glass of juice, I've tried hold my balance but liquid was all over my tuxedo. Damn, what the hell with this? I don't think I'm so unlucky enough. I need some help. Great I have a lady good at those things. She can fix in some time my first ripped suit.

It wasn't fast and we will be late but good we will at least come.

As we were ready I looked at her dress, damn she looks like a goddess. Glued with eyes at her and she was glue at me we departed.

Would be good if not sudden bright light flashing from the direction of the antimatter generator. Waves of heat and destruction of antimattery reaction with matter through chain reaction destroying everyting. Created energy dissipated with length from the center but indepleted energy created from collisions enchanced gravity waves and crushed and bended on it road.

I was sitting at the car watching at this scene and realized that if we will die that I need to protect what is important to me even if I will die. I reacted fast and layed her on car backseat and huged on top of her. As gravity wave crossed our place car started to contract and bend. Front sit crushed altogether with the driver. Backseat was reinforced so it took longer but not everything was crushed. Opening my eyes I was looking at my object of protection. She is safe. Then I felt my chest started to get wet. Yeah, I'm bleeding as some long and sharp metal cut me through the back and to my heart.

At least she is safe. Looking at me she knew that I don't have much time. Her eyes are red and wet as she hugged me and kissed saying that I need to stay with her and she would be alone.

Losing strenght I didn't have more force to move I slowly closed my eyes waiting for eternal sleep.

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