《Path of Evolution》Prologue - Evil gathers everywhere


Year 2050, Number of citizens: 12M, sun is shining on the vast clear sky.

Early morning, under sunrays there is a modern city where a lot of people live. They are working, sleeping, buying, learning. A lot of decisions are waiting for them: "What to buy", "So much to remember, maybe try tomorrow", "Today only salad". Maybe this is trivial, but not all of it is so simple. Decisions of men in the government gamble with a few milion of citizens. Decision leads to action. Gambling with lifes where influence take the best part of it. They are responsible but not always their actions are based on devoution to citizens. Greed, posessions, wealth - there are many names for this, human's greed don't know the end. Gambler is greedy, his thoughts not only look on what he has but think about many items which he can get. Covering his actions in governmental decision and harvesting wealth. In the end many will die, but without influence what can they do. But there are only my thoughts.

Evil actions covered in goodwill, nothing changes even if mountain falls. Conclusion leads to the point - good or evil, which is better? Good people are like kings, they are loved by kingdom's citizens. Respect and wealth are with them, but is it only this? Of course not. With influence evil grows like weeds on drugs. If it won't consume the king, there are many people around him who can be corrupted. Corrupted Prince, Advisors, Generals waiting to backstab or poison when you at least expect. You won't know when it will happen but it always comes for a good king. The gentle king won't know who did it because he trust his inner cycle of people. But thirst for power is a drug, evil and addictive. You won't be able to run from it, seed of evil is only the beginning. Positive thoughts about the king corrupted by evil, next actions everyone knows where they are leading. Evil people are different, their gentleness, goodwill is only a cover. It's needed for staying on the same level of respect all the time. In the shadow people influenced with evil who are against a Evil King are silently dying. So who is living and who is dying? Evil King will leave and all around him will be dying. Like I said, Evil people rule. Rule by fear and grasping throats.

This is my usual contemplation when I'm laying on the desk during lessons in the Highschool. Hmm... that's right maybe you don't know me, my name is Jeremy Green, 18 years old high school guy. Nothing special in this futuristic society, maybe it's technologically evolved but still school is always here. Maybe it's not like several years ago but the spirit of education never perishes. Crawling through subjects absorbing knowledge like sponge. You can say "it's worthless", yeah it's because you know it now. Something like basics are basic. There are another thing existing in school, something created by people themself. Apart from education there are friendships, love, brotherhood They are boring though not far apart from more interesting interactions. Threating, bullying and other type of dark side. Weak students are targets and a lot of students just ignore evil people who kick or take money from their dolls. Targets are degraded from human to cockroach. If you don't want to become one, just ignore this, no helping for victims. Better him than me, I always try to blend with the background to live my life and move on. Like a shadow no friends, if you like to ask me about girlfriend I would tell: "No, who will talk with a shadow". It's not like I won't take an oportunity if it happened, I'm not that dense though not actively approaching more likely passive in engaging at this. To be honest I'm not too good at starting conversations.


Returning to evil people, in this school victims are left alone to crawl and sink in their despair. It's not like this institute is without laws, but not everything can be under perfect control moreover if you can't see it yourself. In this situation nothing can be done. Even if teacher will see typical bullying behavior what he can do with other than tell them some worthless words resulting in dispersing an atmosphere temporarily. Evil often gather in groups. It's easier to torture weak people. They control targets by fear, grasping by heart and hold until nothing is left.

In my class are examples of this type of humans, three teenagers in the group starting to extort money from their target. Let's name them: Idiot 1, Idiot 2, Idiot 3 and Victim. Atmosphere in the classroom is normal, it's early in the morning so classes are yet to begin. Almost all in the class of 30 students are gathered talking among themself. In the particular last and near the window I'm laying on the desk, I didn't know why they are even desks. More like panels with a bit of manipulative control. So mood is good until something happens.

[Hey, you didn't forget about my money, did you?] [Idiot 1]

Gathered around sitting target pushes him little in the back with hand. Others in the classroom try to ignore their actions turning to other side and continue talks.

[N-nno, I...I have it here] [Victim]

[Hurry up or you will lose some teeth!] [Idiot 1]

[Did you hear? Give it maggot] [Idiot 2]

[Tsk...Hurry up!] [Idiot 3]

There is a smack in the back of the head, some struggling until money is taken and pride satisfied. Target try to hold his tears from this constant bullying.

In that moment there is a sound of electronic doors sliding open and what can be seen is posture of young girl. A part of the class couldn't hide their curiosity to turn the head who was it. Who they see is beautiful girl with silvery hair. If you are curious about why it's possible to have silver color the answer is human DNA modifications. The world now known 20 years ago ended with researching human genome and uploaded it on world network. This research revolution created possibility to strengthen your body and change it to your liking. It's not like everything is cheap more rather demanded by rich cycle of people. Immortality, high speed regeneration, custom hair color there are just a few of many services of huge medical corporations. Out of reach to average man. Girl is walking into the class and guide herself to her place in the classroom. But before that she turn to three idiots tormenting a guy and speak arogantly:


[Stop this right now or you will be sent to disciplinary office] [Girl]

[Oh, is it not our class president why do you care what we are doing?] [Idiot 1]

Answered one of them, supposedly a leader, with a little iritated tone.

[I see your mouth still doesn't care about your teeth] [Girl]

On this sentence stubborn guy shivered remembering what happened when he ignored hers threat. Even though he has big background, traumatic events still linger in his mind. Last time people she sent left him in the hospital for 2 weeks. He can't retaliate even if he wanted. Who with sane mind would like to sentence his death. He was forced to disperse with his gang. She is not anyone, her name is Samantha Frost, daughter of Frost Medical Corporation CEO, the biggest company in the world and my childhood friend. Scientists at the company are working on human DNA modifications so anyone could say they are godlike existences. Not like I care, I'm part of it too. My parents work as leader researchers in this corporation. I've got a lot of access to laboratories when my mother took me with her here and I listened with curiosity. So from when I was 6, my interest in this direction was horrendously high. Genetic modification, chemistry, quantum physics it was interesting me for a long time. Maybe because she knew how to cleverly talk to me to burn up my interest.

When I started learning it from my mother fascinated me how complex world is. My parents were proud of me that I will continue their legacy. Though in the school my grades were average because i didn't like attention. So by being often with my mother in the work I've met Samantha. Being daughter of CEO was hard for her, she didn't have friends even if she was interested almost everywhere where she went security guards was with her. Only in buildings of corporation or school she could meet some people, and she met me when I was trying to continue my secret research. I had access to room which wasn't currently used because it was too small to contain anything meeting current standards. When I asked mother about the place where I can make some experiments she let me to this room, it was perfect for me because i didn't wanted bigger room. Till now it's my room of joy where i can't freely express my scientistic mind. She was walking through a main corridor and I was going to my room from my mother because if I didn't understand something she always helped me to solve this problem. I didn't look straight because I was thinking how to improve my researches and bumped into her. Though I ran to hide in my room. I didn't want anything unnecessary.

A few days later she found me, maybe she asked her father or my parents. I was thinking deeply and didn't think anyone would come inside. So someone being here apart from me surprised me, she stood behind me and was asking me what I was doing. I thought that she wanted me to apologize or kick me from here but I was mistaken. She was like me alone and searching for something to kill boring time. I have my lab, she has nothing. She asked me a lot about what I'm doing and I showed her some interesting experiments. We became friends that day and sometimes I or she visited each other in our houses.

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