《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 10 Part 1 - New World, New Rules


Inside the cave resides a black-haired boy who appears to be about 16 years old. He is wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt and has green eyes and tanned skin, the exact opposite of Johnny. This, of course, is Phantom.

Phantom then holds out a tanned hand towards Blitz.

(Phantom) So, are you ready to go?

(Blitz) Sure...but why do we need to go to another world?

(Phantom) Cause it's interesting!

(Blitz) Seriously? Stop taking advantage of the fact that I can't disobey you! You're even making me call you big brother!!

(Phantom) Don't worry about the small things! Let's go! TO THE NEW WORLD!!

(Blitz) *sigh*

---In the Kingdom of Celtranzia---

Inside a massive castle, there are 20 summoning circles in 20 different rooms. Each one is currently surrounded by 20 chanting mages per circle. Each circle glows with a green light, almost ready to activate. Suddenly, the 13th circle changes color and turns red. A blinding flash of red light illuminates the 13th room.

(Mage 1) AAH!

(Mage 2) So bright!

Suddenly, before the mages regain their vision, they all hear an annoying voice chatting incessantly: it seems to be coming from the summoning circle!

(Phantom) WOOOAAAAHHH!!! Is this a REAL summoning circle?! Was that REAL magic? Where are we? Wait, are those REAL mages? Awesome!

The black haired boy boy suddenly vanishes and reappears in front of one of the mages, almost giving the poor old man a heart attack! The boy then leans uncomfortably close to the mage and...

(Phantom) Hey, were we summoned to fight the Demon King?

(Mage) ...How did you know?

(Phantom) HA-HAH!! I was right! I win the bet! Yay! Remember, Blitz! I won so I get to make the decisions while we're here!

(Mage) Pardon me, Lord Hero, but who are you talking to?


(Phantom) ...Huh?

Phantom looks around panicked, and then noticing that Blitz isn't there...

(Phantom) DAMN IT!!! I LOST HIM!!!

Suddenly, the wall caves in with a loud *BOOOOOMMM!!*

(Blitz) Lost who? Me?


What do you guys think? I will try to release Part 2 today as well, but I am not sure when. Also, Blitz WILL return to his previous world...eventually. This is going to be an RPG like world with stats, skills, levels, etc. I hope you have enjoyed reading so far! Also, please comment! I want to know if people actually read this! (I know people do, but I just want people to ACKNOWLEDGE that they read this.) Lastly, if you spot any grammar or spelling errors, please let me know in the comments and I will do my best to correct them. Thanks again!

- MultiBlitz15

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