《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 9 Part 5 - School Tournament


The announcer was the first to recover. He realized that there were still other matches going on so he began commentating the other matches.

(Announcer) The arena 13 contestants are the first to conclude their match! The winners are Lily and Johnny from Superbia Academy!!

Turning around, the announcer begins to talk about the other matches. Meanwhile, Johnny and Lily are walking off the elevated arena where they fought and went to the locker rooms, Johnny with the boys and Lily with the girls.

---Lily's POV---

I am exhausted. Despite being healed, my body just didn't want to move! I miss Johnny's healing...he fixes everything, and even gives me energy. Well, time to go clean up in the locker room!

The second I entered the locker room, all the girls inside went silent. Suddenly, they all shot towards me and began to speak non-stop! Gah! So many! It makes the previous silence seem like a lie!

(Girl 1) How did you get so much stronger since last year!

(Girl 2) Do you have more than 1 ability?

(Girl 3) How old are you?

(Girl 4) Where are you from?

(Girl 5) What rank are you?

Gaah!! I'm being swarmed by girls from all the different academies! The only one's missing are girls from Ira Academy!

I then did my best to answer their questions, but they never stopped coming even when I answered them, so I used my ability to mute all of their voices.

I then told them that I would be going to take a shower and rest, so they should leave me alone. They weren't very happy about it, but I forced them to agree to leave me alone.

*siiiggghh* What a long day!

I look up at the ceiling as I was taking my shower and wonder how Johnny's doing.


I involuntarily shiver when I think about him. People think he's turned a new leaf, but I know better: we haven't even put a crack in the darkness surrounding his heart. I looked into his mind again without his permission with the help of my friend, but I was nearly driven to madness.

What do I do? What CAN I do?

---Third Person POV---

(Johnny) He's nearby...Phantom...

(Blitz) We must leave NOW to fight him.

(Johnny) Yeah...let's go.

With a snap of his fingers, Johnny vanishes.


It's been 3 weeks since Johnny went missing. Lily had to withdraw from the tournament since she didn't have a partner anymore. The government has been mobilized the find him, but he left behind no traces or trails.

Meanwhile, in a distant cave...

(???) Finally here, huh?

Bowing down before the mysterious figure is a young boy by the name of Blitz.

(Blitz) I have arrived...Phantom...

Then, standing straight up again, he adds...

(Blitz) Or should I say...big brother?


Hey guys, thanks for reading so far, this is the conclusion of the school arc. I might have another one in the future that involves school, but for now something different will occur. BTW, I no longer plan on the MC having a harem, so I will remove the tag. Sorry if I disappointed you guys, but thanks for reading anyways!

- MultiBlitz15

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