《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 9 Part 2 - School Tournament



As the students watch on in horror at the spectacle before their eyes, Johnny continues to laugh maniacally, leaning backwards with his head thrown back. Lily, while watching, looks indifferent but on the inside she is rattled to her very core.

(Johnny) HAAHAHhaha...hah...ha...

(Lily) Are you done? And what was so funny?

(Johnny) Yeah, I'm done. As for what was funny, I just found it hilarious that you had the guts to ask ME to join your team for a school tournament, especially after seeing my...darker side...

(Lily) Personality doesn't matter, what truly matters is strength, and you happen to have that in abundance.

Seeing the serious/worried expression on Lily's face, Johnnh can't help but laugh.

(Johnny) Pppfffffftttt-HAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!


(Johnny) Haaaaaa...well, anyway, I accept your invitation.

(Lily) Really?! Great-

(Johnny) HOWEVER!! I have a condition!

(Lily) What is it?

(Johnny) I will only join you if you know just what and who I am! Do you accept?

On Lily's normally emotionless face, a slight frown can be seen.

(Lily) If I accept, how will I accomplish this?

(Johnny) I will use one of my abilities to show you my inner mind. Do you accept?

(Lily) Fine! I accept!

(Johnny) Alrighty then! Here I go!

Johnny raises his hand and points at Lily. His finger begins to glow bright yellow, and...

(Johnny) Mind Dive: Import!

Lily suddenly finds herself inside an huge, white space. Looking around, she sees Johnny's memories. Mesmerized, she walks over and touches one of them. The second her hand makes contact with the memory, she feels terrified, overwhelmed, angry, miserable...she watches as Johnny suffers and she is forced to watch his memories that contain scenes so horrible and secrets so dangerous that she begins to be overwhelmed. When she finalky reaches the end of the memories, the emotions she's feeling from Johnny stagnate...darkness...true darkness...



Her classmates jump, shocked by Lily's sudden screams. Once she stops screaming, she collapses on her knees staring up at Johnny.


Suddenly, Johnny speaks, but what come out is the voice of 273 beings!


Turning around, Johnny faces away from his terrified classmates.

(Johnny) It may have been short...but it was fun.

A tear trickles down Johnny's face...

(Johnny) Eh...? What is this...? What is the water...? Am I...crying? Why...?

(Leafa) It's because you don't want to leave.

(Johnny) Huh...?

Still in shock, Johnny turns around again and sees the headmaster standing there with Nicole at her side.

(Nicole) Good luck in the school tournament!

(Johnny) *sniff* Thank you...

Standing straight up, Johnny then directs his voice towards Lily.

(Johnny) Let's do our best!

(Lily) *shocked* Yeah...


I may add a part 4...maybe...

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