《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 9 Part 1 - School Tournament


After the little conversation Johnny, Blitz, and Drake had, Johnny started time again. When he did, there was someone standing in front of him...a very angry someone...Instructor Nicholas!

(Nicholas) Brat! I hope you have the strength to back up that arrogance of yours! I won't be holding back!

(Johnny) No problem...this won't last 5 seconds!

(Nicholas) You got that right, brat! Follow me!

After Johnny got up, he followed the intructor to the battle area. The battle area is a large square area that, once 2 people enter, creates an indestructible cube. The cube will only fade once one of the fighters is unable to battle or forfeits. Standing on opposite ends of the square, a cube suddenly forms around the battle zone.

(Nicholas) There's no backing out now, brat! Are you sure you don't want to forfeit?

(Blitz) *snort* I should be the one asking that!


Then, as Nicholas was contemplating this, Blitz smiled creepily.

(Blitz) Well, if you're not going to me, I'll come to you!

Stamping his foot on the ground, Blitz propels himself forward at a shocking speed towards Nicholas. Panicked, Nicholas uses his speed to dodge the punch from the boy. Blitz then followed up with a flurry of punches. However, something was wrong.


Glancing up at Blitz, Nicholas sees the boy's eyes.



Blitz's eyes had lost their color and turned completely black, his face was expressionless, but slowly a maniacal grin spead across his face. He was ENJOYING this!


Nicholas finally counter attacked with a punch that collided with Blitz's punch, generating a massive shockwave!

As the 2 of them were flung away from each other, Nicholas noticed something.


(Blitz) Time to end this.

(Nicholas) ...?!

Suddenly, Nicholas found himself out side the cube. The indestructible walls had shattered!? Then the pain hit him: ubearable pain!!



Screaming and writhing on the ground, Blitz switches with Johnny and walks over to the instructor.

Leaning over the heavily injured Nicholas, Johnny leans down towards his instructor's ear.

(Johnny) A weakling like you could never teach the likes of ME...didn't you see? The darkness that is me...

As Johnny was walking away, a feminine voice suddenly calls out to him.

(???) Hey! You! Want to join my team for the school tournament?

(Johnny) Hmm?

Hearing this voice, the students begin to whisper eagerly to each other.

*Hey, isn't that the Ice Queen?*

*She never talks to anyone!*

*Who is that guy? He's more of a monster than the instructor!*

(Lily) Well? Do you want to join me team or not?

(Johnny) Heh...


I decided to split this chapter into 3 large parts. The second part and third parts will be released later today.

- MultiBlitz15

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