《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 9 Part 3 - School Tournament


It had been quite some time since Johnny's breakdown, and the day of the school tournament has arrived. Despite the fact that the sun hasn't even fully risen yet, if one looked inside Superbia Academy, they would see students and teachers alike running around performing various tasks. This is due to one reason: it is the year 2147, and it is Superbia Academy's turn to host the tournament among the 7 Schools of the 7 Deadly Sins: Gula, Superbia, Luxuria, Ira, Avaritia, Acedia, and Invidia. Each school is allowed to send up to 6 pairs of students as representatives, but the home academy which changes each year can send up to 12 pairs of students. This adds up to 48 pairs of students, and each round is fought 2 on 2. The winners proceed to the next rounds until there is only 1 pair left, and then the pair fight each other for first place. Johnny paired up with Lily and is currently in the training room with her in the process of, well, training!

On the other hand, it's more like a one-sided boot camp from hell...


Johnny was looming over Lily, who was sprawled over the ground, exhausted and heavily injured. On top of this, he was screaming at her!

(Johnny) Oh, well...I guess I'll let you off for today. After all, first day of the tournament in going to be today!

(Lily) ...

(Johnny) Oh, I forgot!

Raising his hand over the poor Lily, a green light shines from Johnny's hand, and Lily is instantly restored to her peak condition of health. Standing up, Lily glares at Johnny, but doesn't dare to say anything. She learned this the hard way.

(Johnny) Well, let's go! To the tournment!


---Some time later---

(Announcer) Welcome to the annual 7 Deadly Sins Student Tournament! I am your commentator today...

(Johnny) They FINALLY started the opening ceremony! Damn it! HOW LONG WILL THEY TAKE?!?!?

(Lily) Calm down, Johnny! Save it for the battles!

As Lily was holding down Johnny (or at least trying to), another male and female duo walked over to them. The boy appeared to be about 17 or 18 years old while the girl seemed to be a little younger than him, perhaps 15 or 16. The 2 of them had lustrous silver hair and golden eyes with green pupils. They were both wearing school uniforms of the same kind that all the schools wore, but the color of their uniform was blood red, clearly identifying them as being from Ira Academy, the arch-rival of Superbia Academy. (By the way, Superbia Academy's uniforms are purple)

The 2 of them also had the badge of otherworlders, and judging from the pointed ears and dark purple skin, they were dark elves. Dark elves are similar to elves except they are far, far stronger physically.

(Dark Elf Boy) Oh, so you 2 are from Superbia Academy, huh? You don't look like much. Right, Luna?

(Luna) I agree, Luminos, they look quite weak. Especially the boy. Has Superbia Academy sunk so low as to enter children into the tournament? They must really hate you both!

(Lily) Contrary to what those from the low intelligence Ira Academy believe, we are both quite capable. We have every right to--

Cutting off Lily with a wave of his hand, Johnny turns around and looks at the duo for the first time. He then looks at Lily.

(Johnny) Lily, there's no point in talking to them. They are just simpletons. And also, the chatter of weaklings simple doesn't reach my ears.


(Luminos) How dare you insult the royal sibling of the dark elves!

(Johnny) Oh, that explains the arrogance.

While the 2 were arguing, Lily noticed the time.

(Lily) Johnny! We need to go to our fight, NOW!!

(Johnny) Oh, okay. *snaps fingers*

Vanishing, the 2 of them reappear in the arena.



I'm just gonna add a part 4 and if I need to, I will add a part 5 or maybe even 6! BTW what do you guys think about the story so far? Please answer in the comments! - MultiBlitz15

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