《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 1 - Bone Slicer


It was a stereotypical morning for me, David Johnson: wake up, brush my teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, pack up for school, etc. As David was walking to school...

(David) The weather is fantastic today! Sunshine, a nice breeze, a good temperature...ah, what a perfect day! It's really a pity that I have to GO TO SCHOOL!!!

Yelling this, David suddenly stopped walking with an irritated look on his face.

(David) Grrr...this is so annoying...I don't wanna go to school, I wanna stay at home and go swimming in the pool...

As he was muttering, he suddenly felt something...strange. As if water was trickling down his neck, freezing the skin as it goes.

(David) What is this feeling...it's as if...all hell's gonna break loose...*shiver*

(???) You...noticed...me? Not...good...need...to...work harder...

David trembles, not because he was cold, but out of pure fear.

(David) Who's there?! {What are horrifying voice! It sounds just like a...a...}

(???) Who's there? Me...just...me...who is "me"...who am I?

A young boy with sickly white hair and blood red eyes suddenly steps out of the shadows. He is wearing ragged shorts filled with rips and tears. He is covered in dirt, obscuring his true appearance, and isn't even wearing a shirt. The strange youth suddenly does something that scares the hell out of David: he smiles. Not a normal smile, a smile that makes David feel like the boy is looking at an appetizing dessert.

(???) You noticed me...so can I...kill you?

(David) {Not good, this guy is totally crazy! Gotta call the cops!}

Whipping out his phone, David immediately dials 911 and begins to run away while holding the phone to his ear.

(David) Yes, hello? There is this crazy person who is threatening to kill me...yep...I am currently on Pearl Stree-



Screaming, David arches his back against his will, and a look of intense pain appears on his face.


David, now a lifeless corpse, falls to the ground with his back bent in an unnatural fashion. The boy walks over to the corpse and stares at it with an emotionless expression.

(???) Need to...work harder...can't...let...them...see me...

The boy then takes on a confused look.

(???) ...only this...one...sensed me...but why? How?

*Sirens screaming*


A police car comes to a screeching halt in front of the boy and a police officer steps out of the car, a fearful look in his eyes.

(Policeman) Put both hands in the air and hold them behind your head! You are under arrest for murder!

He yelled as he pointed his gun at the boy.

(???) ...noisy...

(Policeman) Did you not hear me?! Put both hands in the air and-*gasp*

(???) Too noisy...shut up.

The boy then raises his hand, and points at the policeman.

(Policeman) {Can't...breath...what did he do? Oh no...everything's going...dark...}

The policeman's lifeless corpse falls to the ground, and the boy turns away from it and begins to shake violently.

(???) Not enough...need more...more...more...MORE!!!


(News Reporter) Just 2 hours, the police found the dead body of a young man along with a policeman who were found at the site of the explosion that occurred yesterday...

(???) Woah, that's scary! I'm glad I wasn't there! Right, Alyssa?

(Alyssa) I agree, that's pretty scary, especially since I almost went that way to walk to school yesterday! Gosh, good thing I didn't. Think about it: you might have lost your best friend Elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) How many times do I have to tell you!? CALL ME LIZZY!! *pinches Alyssa's cheeks*


(Alyssa) Ouch, dat huwts, stobp id!

(Elizabeth) Grrrrr...fine. I'll stop...

(Alyssa) *Sighs and rubs cheeks* Geez...huh?

Standing near the curb is a young boy about 4 feet tall. He has messy white hair and ghostly pale skin. He is looking around anxiously as if waiting for something. Noticing this, Alyssa begins to walk over to him with a frown on her face, but is stopped by Elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) What's wrong?

(Alyssa) There's someone there! He looks lost. I'm gonna go help him!

(Elizabeth) Hey! Wait up!

Alyssa runs off towards the boy with Elizabeth in tow. As they approach the boy, he looks up at them quizzically.

(Alyssa) Hey little guy, what's wrong? What's your name? Are you lost? Are you looking for your parents? How old are you?

(Elizabeth) Hey, Alyssa, calm down! You're overwhelming him! Don't ask so many-

(Young Boy) Nothing is wrong. My name is Johnny. I am not looking for my parents as I don't have any. I was created 6 years ago so I am 6 years old. Also, I am not lost: I am merely searching for something kill. Any other questions?

(Alyssa and Elizabeth) ...Huh?

(Johnny) Anyway, since you don't appear to have anything else to ask me...can you please die?


2 more corpses fall to the ground with their backs arched in an unnatural posture, almost as if they were folded in half.

(Johnny?) Why did you answer their questions? They were annoying.

(Johnny) I was bored, Blitz.

(Blitz) I see. Well, anyway, you seem to be getting much better at using my powers now. You split the perfectly in half. Good job.

(Johnny) Thanks, and of course I am getting better! We are one and the same after all!

(Blitz) True, but not quite; remember, you are simply a personality I created for interacting with humans, you must still obey my orders.

(Johnny) Of course...Master.

(News Reporter) 2 school girls have been found dead on the street with their spines split. It appears that the "Bone Slicer" has struck again! Now, onto the weather...

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