《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Prologue - The Beginning of the End


It's cold...

"Heart rate stable, brain waves stable, subject is waking up..."

It's dark...

"Look, it's opening it's eyes!"

Bright...TOO bright...

"Success! The experiment is a success!"

Hmmm...what are those...noisy...

"Congratulations doctor! You have accomplished your lifetime goal of creating a fully artificial life form!"

Noisy...annoying...why are they making noise...I don't understand...why are they so noisy...

"Hello, do you understand me? Can you speak? How do you feel?"

It's directing the noise towards me...it's annoying...so annoying...it's extending something towards me...

"Careful doctor, we don't know it's mental state yet!"


"Don't worry, I am just going to check on it."

It's moving towards me again...leave me alone...stop...go away...DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!!

"Are you alright? Let me che-GAAAAAAHHH!!!!"

Annoying...TOO ANNOYING!!!!


"Are you alright!"

"MY HAND!!!!"

Noisy...so noisy...SHUT UP!!!!


"Huh? What happened? Why is everyone...dead? Why?"

That one is still making noise...annoying...DIE!!!


Shut up...annoying...noisy...kill...kill...kill...KILL!!!

"What's going-*CRACK*"

Disappear...leave me alone...GO AWAY!!!!


~On that day, an underground research facility vanished from the face of the earth along with countless staff and researchers, and a monster was released upon the poor, unsuspecting world. The monster known as...B.L.I.T.Z.!"

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