《TearFire》Side Story 4: Legend of TearFire
"Tear..Fire.."Leo said as she was amazed looking at the statue of the ancient hero in front of her.She wiped her tears."'I wonder why am i crying".
"It is not your problem everyone who looks at this statue with respect can find tears in their eyes .It is just made that way."Lera answered what Leo just wondered.
"Oh.. is that it.By seeing this statue it makes me want to hear more about him."Leo said as she wiped her tears.
"I will tell you about him but lets just go to a bar first and sit and then we can talk. kay"Lera said.
Lera accompanied her to an inn right near the statue they went inside to the bar area .They sat on a table and Lera ordered the bar maid to bring her some booze.
"You know i am still a minor so I can't ...." Leo tried to tell to her teacher but was interrupted.
"Don't mind that .In this city age is do not even considered .Afterall time doesn't even flow here."Lera said cutting off Leo.
"Then how are we moving ."Leo asked with a curious face.
"If time isn't flowing it doesn't mean you can't move.Even if the time of this city is still.The only thing it affects on mortal in there is their growth."Lera answered like a superior who knew everything this.
"Then how did everything stopped when the king came to earth."Leo still had a curious face.
"That was darkness magic it doesn't just stops time it freezes all dimensions around that time."
"That's how it is huh." By this time a bar maid came near with two mugs with full of a white liquid.
"Now drink up "She said giving a mug of ale to her student.Leo reluctantly extended her hands forward. Lera placed that mug in her hands and said "Hey don't be such a pussy now.Drink it.You will like it. Leone reluctantly drank some of it.
"Delish.." That was her response.She drank whole mug of that ale."What is this it is the best drink I ever drank and it is so refreshing it doesn't feel like alcoholic at all."Leo asked finishing her mug of ale.
"Isn't it .This is the most famous drink in this entire world .It is the milk of the dragons living in the deepest part of this world and since they drink the holy water only their milk is this much delicious and refreshing"Lera answered with a smile.
"Then why would you call it as booze "Leo asked because of the illogical fact and her curiosity.
"Cause its so rare.That you can't drink it everyday "She smiled thinking something and said"and I have heard that someone really got drunk after drinking this."
"Really.I don't understand that logic.But .. whatever"Leo said with a I don't care anymore face.
"You wanted to hear the story of TearFire right "Lera asked finishing her drink.
"Yes .Tell me "Leo said while grabbing an other mug of the dragon milk.
Lera began to explain to her the story of a hero who raised above everyone became respected by everyone and he was yet called as a demon at the end of the story .
"Once before even this universe existed .There was just one universe with many of the stars having their own planets and planets having their moons .Their was life on many of those planets while some others were just empty.Struggle some times arose among those species but still peace could be said was maintained .But among them there was a few species which was still fighting within themselves or with each other and the most well known fighters in that universe were Elves.Elves females were said to be kind and caring while the males used to fight within themselves or small matters .And we could say there was no peace on that kingdom or it was the peace in their own world .The Elf king was getting older .He had to give his throne to his successor .He had 3 sons and a daughter.Eldest one was the daughter named Tia and youngest one was called Fiur. Fiur was known for his good looks and kind nature throughout the planet .Yet being a prince he had known what was being below the royalty because of the bullying of his elder brothers Raim and Rias .He was always being saved by his Tia for that he was always thankful to him .While Tia was at the battle field she was known to be a fierce warrior .She was said to be so strong that she could have fought in par with the dragons from the planet inferns .Which was known to be the most strongest species in the whole universe .But once while tripping around the city Fiur gave away a toy which was brought to him by his father to a normal farmers boy .While that toy was wanted by Raim and Rias too.But they didn't got any gifts from their father .They became so furious that they decided to bring an end to their foolish little brothers royalty by absorbing all the magic he ha and turning him into an undead .And undeads were considered as the biggest enemies of Elves .So he would also be strayed away from his home planet. But their plan failed as Tia covered for her brother from a mana draining attack and was turned into an undead .After these incidents Fiur got angry sawing his beloved sister being turned into an undead. He almost killed Raim and Rias ran away from there.Rias brought his father to that place The Elf king somehow stopped Fiur from killing his own brothers.After that incident both Tia and Fiur were banished from the planet sending them to a desserted planet .While on that planet Tia's personality slowly began to change she fully became an undead and Fiur had to destroy her heart so that he could free his beloved sister from that curse .But after seeing his sisters death he found something inside him had been broken .The glass walls which was trapping the devil inside it was broken and the hell itself was brought to his heart .It was then that he awakened his sleeping powers .He became so strong that he defeated the entire planet of inferns and made the king of dragons Leviathan his slave .He then once came back to his planet where he was welcomed not as a prince but as a traitor by the kingdom .His father was dead and Raim was the new king .But in just one day he defeated Raim and his entire army and he became the king of the Elves .He had killed all the fairies present on that universe eating their wings which grant him immortality .But it was then he encountered a girl that girl said to have changed him from just a destroyer to a worthy emperor .He even protected his kingdom from being destroyed .Thus becoming a hero.She married him and got a child .But Rias who ran away while Fiur came back .He played a trick killing his wife and his child .And Rias also turned the whole elf kingdom against him .This was the greatest mistake of all the elves history Even the whole kingdom of elves with the help of many other species within that universe couldn't slay that one man ,one hero ,who raised above all and everything to be a legend .TearFire as they said. When tears rolled out from his eyes and his heart was burning like a forge .Connecting with unlimited emotions most of them in which he never believed in or he never wanted to believe anymore .Trust ,Love,Hope he Had nothing left as he was betrayed and was his heart burning in revenge .He had became undefeatable that time .But when the war was over he was standing in the middle of the battlefield He saw something he never wanted to all he felt was broken hearts and false hope of people all over that world making him weep to his death .And that hero would reincarnate again to become the legend who is said to have slayed the god himself."Lera told the story while Leo was hearing the story carefully.When Lera was finished Leo let out a sigh.
Leone was amazed by hearing a story like that .She never heard anything like that .They were now walking out side through the city. She knew something from that story was not right.Questions was raising on her mind like waves on a sea .How could an immortal guy weep to death. She had no idea what her teacher was talking anymore .And why did he reincarnated if he had nothing to do with this world anymore.She knew that some thing was missing from that story.But still she said to her teacher
"That was amazing.It was so amazing that my little brain couldn't comprehend what you were saying."
"I know my story telling is kinda cliche.But that was the same story king told me ."Lera told her student trying to make her believe in her story.
"King told you.Are you sure you didn't cut anything out from it"Lera asked due to suspicion
"He just told me that story.I don't know what the truth is maybe many things happened between all these events."Lera said admitting that she knew about her master from past was just that.
'Who may know the whole story huh?"
"Who knows? maybe only master knows his real story "She didn't realized that Leo didn't knew her master was TearFire.
"Wait..! Your master does it mean you learned from TearFire."Leo asked.She was surprised as hell. Lera knew that from her face.
"Yeah...He picked me up from the desserted planet raised me an trained me in the magic arts ."Lera told remembering about her sad past.
"So thats why you are going to teach me right."
"Yeah.."Lera said ."You remember I told you that once I fell in love with someone.My Master is the only guy ever loved I told him so many times but he would never accept me."
"Yes ,Of course a legend who lost all his trust and love would never trust anyone again would he."Leo said with a face which looked like I don't believe you.
"It is not like he didn't trusted anyone.For me I guess He was just thinking of me as a student and a child .He told me he will come back when he went away after the great war.By that time I have to be strong enough to travel with him as a comrade not as a student.What do you want to do .Do you have any one whom you want to catch up to"Lera asked after she told her student about her master.
"I has a guy I want to catch up to .He acts like a weak in front o everybody.But when he really gets serious people say even devil can't roam near him.But still he is so kind at heart .Always helping people and earning their respect.I want to catch up to him and also win his heart."Leo said as she thought about Cain.
"He seems to be a nice guy"Lera said after hearing what Leo said.
"Yeah he kind of saved my life once ."Leo said nodding her head in agreement.
"You will surpass him in no time in all aspects even if it is physical strength or mental toughness."Lera said to her student with brimming confidence.
"I think he would surely be a better hero than I ever could be "Leo said as she knew more about Cain than anyone and she respected and believed in him more than anyone.
"Being a hero isn't decided by how strong you really are .That is decided by how much you can change yourselves and to evolve yourself into something superior.And King saw that in you .Your potential is incredible.He told me that your mana almost rivals himself in the quality ."Lera said giving Leo more confidence in herself.
"What is this mana,huh?"She asked.Although she knew about mana from different fiction she have read or from animes she didn't actually knew what actually mana is or how magic works due to different opinions people say in their works.
"Mana is a primary type of energy flowing out from all living beings .All living beings are separated by the quality of that mana. Mana is also called as life force ,ki ,qi ,chi,chakras and many other names .you create magic by manipulating mana which is either around you or mana inside you .How much mana a person can contain is varied by his physical toughness ,mental concentration and how much training he does with his magic .By harsh training one can achieve even the light magic which can create anything using your mana but it will have a different mana of its own .But no matter how much hard you train you can't achieve dark magic if it isn't in your potential.but i think you can learn dark magic too .That is why king brought you here."Lera explained.Leo was shocked to hear some familiar names in the list of what mana really is.She was also surprised to know that she can do something only people can rarely do.
"I can learn dark magic"Leo asked with a happy expression.
"Yes but I can't do any dark magic .So king will teach it to you by himself"Lera said with a smile.Although she was smiling she was frustrated by the fact that Leo could learn dark magic which she couldn't.
"Wow ! I will be taught by the king Solomon"Leo said hopping in joy as she was happy by the fact that she will be taught by one of those heroes she have admired while she was a child.
"Yeah it is awesome .But master is even more better teacher I think"Lera said praising her master.As they were talking these they reached an open ground with only grass on the ground before they knew it. Lera stopped walking and Leo who was following her also stopped.Leo looked around her there was only a few trees on that place. Lera now turned back towards Leo who was enjoying the scenery and asked "So Leo can we start your magic training ."
"Yes so what do I need to do first will you show me some things about how to do magic"Leo looked at the teacher and answered with excitement.
"No magic comes later .First you need to make our body stronger"Lera said to Leo.This made her face go down with disappointment.She didn't get to watch magic.She was curious why she needed to train her body in order to do magic.
"What do you mean?"Leo asked Lera out of curiosity.
"First give me a 1000 push ups."Lera said with a completely natural face.Leo couldn't believe it.
"1000 push ups are impossible."She stated.
"That's not all .After that you have to take 1000 crunches,1000 squats,1000 rolls ,1000 sidesteps and 10000 jumps and 100 km running"Lera elaborated.Leo was becoming more and more confused.Leo just got tired of it.
"Isn't it supposed to be magic training ."She screamed.
"Forgot what I told you earlier amount of mana in a person depends on......"Lera said to Leo.She was hoping Leo to complete her sentence.
"Their physical strength, mental toughness and training with magic"Leo answered.
"So for that you first have to make your body fit enough to make mana come out from your body. Then make your concentration towards the mana and control it .and by training that mana you can use magic"Lera explained to her student.Leo looked like she understood what Lera was trying to say.
"I will try to do it"Lera said as she fell down and began taking push ups counting"1........2.......3........"
2 years have passed
Leone started slowly absorbing energy from the star using her inferns de meravello .As the energy from the star was almost gone .Lera suddenly disappeared .It made Leone flinch for a second but she knew what was going to be her next move.She turned back as her teacher appeared behind her with an other Spica supernova .Leone jumped back a step ejecting the star she just absorbed using her barriers back right into her teachers attack.Both the attacks collided causing a huge explosion which send both Lera and Leo to two sides Leone was blown back to the ground from which she got up some how but her entire body was bathed with blood and dust from ground while Lera somehow kept herself from falling to ground using the same attack she was using before she landed on her feets.
"Looks like I am almost out of mana .Maybe I can do 2 More Spicas."Lera said to herself realizing her man is limited in the training chamber giving Leo a handicap.But looking at her student she realized that this match could easily be won by her now."You look really cool right now .But this battle.... its mine"She said to her student.
"hehe"Leo laughed with a grin on her face.As if everything was going as she planned.Leo taunted her teacher to come at her.This made Lera somewhat angry.She decided to end that match right there.
Lera charged an attack on her right hand and combined it with her void magic to make the star even bigger she throwed it right to Leone. While Leone was just standing there and smiling as the star reached near Leone Lara got anxiety that Leone may not be able to dodge that attack.But as the attack closed near her Leone extended her right arm towards the star and activated an inferns and she lifted her left hand showed it to the sky which made her teleport right behind Lera and she threw the star using the attraction of inferns right at her.
"Never underestimate strength of a girl.That was what you taught me Teach"Leo screamed as she threw that towards that star to Lera .Lera created an other Spica to stop that attack from her student.Both the attacks hit each other.The destructive powers from that attack made the entire planet they were and everything in the radius of about a billion kilometer blow up to dust.But they were both the safe as they protected them using thick layer of void magic.Both were exhausted they were floating in the space using float. Lera charged towards Leo with a fist but she caught it easily.Leo grabbed her other hand and attacked her with a standing side kick on her chin. Lera was blown back to a distance. Lera charged with a series of another fists Leo was dodging them all.Leo started counter attacking and Lera was dodging her attacks now.Both the girls were almost exhausted of their mana. Leo decided to use her last bit of mana to Do an other attack."suntsipenaren jaurtiketa"Leo screamed as she attacked Lera on her head with a fierce roundhouse kick powered with void magic.That attack made Lera faint and she fell down to the depths of the universe.Leo was happy by the fact that she won but she was completely out of her mana and fell backwards.Both were out cold.
When they opened their eyes both of the girls were lying on the floor of the training chamber.As both of them came out of the room Lera congratulated her student.She gave Leone the badge of Level 15 Hero.and She was ready to take the world. Atlast she could do what she wanted to be she could now be a hero who will protect the world and the one whom matters to her the most.And maybe she was happy that she is now above the one hero she admired. Or so she thought.
to be continued
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