《TearFire》Side Story 5 : Truth They Can't See.
Truth They Can't See
Leone is now 14 and she has risen to rank 50 by now.It was really an amazing thing she was the fastest evolving hero nobody had became so powerful at that small time in the entire kingdom .Just 3 years that was the time taken by her to become so much powerful.Regardless of the rank she could have won a fight against a level 80 hero .Cause levels were not the stats of strength they were to show how much respect and skills they have earned by completing missions and killing evil guys like different species which threaten different time zones .Heroes were like ultra dimensional peacekeepers .Leone was known all around the kingdom by now not just as the fastest growing hero but also as a great leader for her team while the real leader was not available.Members of her team included her teacher Lera ,Second was a level 90 hero called Gon. Gon was the leader of the team on the terms of strength Lera and Gon were about of the same strength. But leadership and decision making abilities of Gon was way more better than Lera. Leone challenged Gon many times to fight but never won against him.And in the team they had a level 60 hero called Finn .He was a real hard worker he was there for years before Leone came to the kingdom but he was surpassed by her in just a matter of time .Leone won against him in a fight when she was at level 48. And one more member of her team was a girl called Petra .Petra was a real beauty.Also a fierce fighter she was a dragon .And she was as prideful as the entire dragon race .She was currently at the same level as Leone .She was also recruited about the same time as her .She was the only one who was able to keep up with Leone in her evolution.She was trained by the legend called Thor .She always looked upto her hero TearFire. She one day wanted to meet him. She considered Leone to be her rival.They have fought many times in the training room.Most of them were evenly fought.But some times when she got on rage Petra have beaten the hell out of Leone .But level wise she was lower than Leone .Whatever happened she was proud to have a rival like Leone. Some body would say that if Petra got on her devil dragon form she could have already surpassed the powers of King Solomon.But she knew she was still far from as strong as the King.
Leone was living a happy life .She would always come back from school and just go to the lost world.From there she used to go to her missions.Sometimes when she didn"t have missions she liked to hangout with Cain.She told everybody she knew about Cain and how she feels about him.At first it was Lera who asked her about that .But when she told her about Cain her teacher said she couldn't trace an existence of a boy called Cain in anywhere in her town.Even the King asked her about Cain once King seemed to have interest in him .King couldn't read her memories like he could do with others and he couldn't access anything about Cain from his archiv either. He used to tell her that maybe he isn't a part of the world which god created.She couldn't sometimes understand the King"s word sometimes.And everybody else of her team began to think Cain simply didn't exist. They said to her that maybe Cain is just an image made by her mind because of her lonely childhood.But she knew Cain existed for.The only one in her team who believed in her was Petra.
That day was not good for Leone .She came back from a mission a day ago .After a mission her teacher and comrades made fun of her saying her to ignore Cain because he didn"t existed.She then teleported herself to the gates and came back to her world.She felt like crying, but she was taught to be strong by Cain.It was just about 5.30 pm.and she hopped on to her bed staring at the roof.Then Petra came out of the portal like the same as when King came to her room a few years ago. Leone got up from her bed and looked at the dragon she was wearing a battle suit from the lost world but she didn't had sword or armor. She came down to her room.
"Petra..."Leo asked surprised seeing Petra like that.Petra was rather shy and clumsy.She didn't like to go places she was not familiar with.It was first time Petra had gone to an other world alone.
"Yes... I....uh...."Petra tried to say stuttering but couldn't bring herself upto the task.
"Why are you here?"Leo asked.She knew if she didn't asked her that she would be standing like that forever.
"I am sorry."Petra apologized bowing to Leo.
"What for?"Leo asked with with a tired expression still sitting on the bed.
"I know how you felt when they told you are crazy and stuff like that."Petra said trying to comfort Leo.
"They never said I am crazy."Leo corrected.
"...Well ....My bad .When they said Cain didn't exist."Petra said correcting herself.
"They can't see Cain doesn't mean he doesn't exist."Leo stated with a sad face.She was actually a little frustrated about why the people of lost world couldn't trace Cain.
"You are right.I too have heard that when I was searching for my parents in the depths of a dungeon from other dragons.So I know how you are feeling right now."Petra said remembering about her childhood in a dungeon.
"Sorry but I think dragons have a ritual of abandoning their child in a dungeon.So they were kind of right actually."Leo said making Petra realize her stupidity.
"I know that.But still I can understand your feeling."Petra said trying to earn sympathy from Leo.
"Whatever."Leo said.That was a habit she picked up from Cain because of their long friendship.
"So what are you going to do now .Search for Cain?"Petra asked.She was also curious about Cain.Petra was hoping that she could meet Cain.For Petra Cain seemed like a really nice guy.
"Why do I search for Cain ? I know where he lives I just have to go there."Leo said.Leo had an expression that she was getting tired of Petra's little stupid questions.
"Sorry."Petra apologized again bowing down.This made Leo laugh a little.Seeing her like that made it seem like she was her little sister.
"You are so stupid Petra."Leo said while laughing.
"I know but........Sorry"Petra apologized again.
"So are you coming with me maybe I can show you 'my TearFire' ."Leo said as she meant her hero by TearFire. That was commonly used in the lost world for calling their unrequited love.But Petra didn't knew about that.
"Eh!.....You know TearFire. Where did you meet him ?"Petra asked with a surprised expression.Petra looked so much innocent to Leo that she wanted to pet her head.
"I mean my hero duffer."Leo said suppressing her laughter.
"Oh .....Sorry"Petra again apologized.
"You are so cute when you apologize like that."Lera said looking at Petra.That made Petra blush a little which made her even more cute.They then decided to go to the orphanage to meet Cain.They were walking on the road to orphanage.While they were walking Petra asked "Hey Leone why can't we just teleport to the orphanage.You have mastered teleportation magic right."
"You can't use magic in this world.Cause if someone saw us teleport it will cause trouble."Leo replied as she remembered about the time she used teleport to go to her school class and the whole class was shocked as she appeared out of nowhere.
"Okay"Petra said.As they almost reached the orphanage the communicator watch on Petra's hand rings up.She answers the call.It was a call from Gon .
"Where are you Petra?"Gon asked from the other side.
"I am at Leone's world right now."Petra said with a straight face.
"What are you doing there ?"Gon asked with a surprised look.
"I came here to do ......uh....... I forgot."Petra said with a smile.
"Well....working with you is so tiring you are probably the dumbest dragon I ever met."Gon said referring to his experience.He had met many dragons in all those years he lived in the lost world.He had worked with many and had fought with many.
"Why did you called me leader?"Petra asked.
"You know Thor is coming back right now .You have to go and welcome her don't you ?"Gon said making Petra remember about the arrival of teacher.Thor was barely in the Kingdom.And she only came to kingdom for a few time and leaves quickly.Petra was in the charge of taking care of Thor while she was on the kingdom as the student of Thor.
"Sorry I forgot about that."Petra said.
"Well just come back soon.Okay"Gon ordered her as he turned the communicator off.
"Yes sir"Petra said as she turned off the communicator. She turned to Leo with a teary eyes"Leone what to do now ?"She asked.
"Just go back fast "Leo advised.
"We have to go back to your room."Petra said with a confused look.Leo got the fact that she needed the portal to go back to her world.
"There is nobody here so I can teleport you back to my room. When you are over with your job just come back to that orphanage if you want."Leo told Petra pointing towards the tower which was visible..Leo went ahead and touched her on her shoulder.
"Teleport"Leone used her teleportation magic on Petra .She then walked towards the orphanage.She reached the gate of the orphanage.She walked to inside the orphanage she saw children of different ages from toddlers to 18 year old children orphanage was filled with them.Cain was on the side on the table .Sitting on his lap was 12 year old Rio.Cain was spoon feeding. She called Cain her brother but Leone saw that she was clearly aiming to make Cain her own. Leone was angry just by the sight of that .She will not allow a girl 2 year younger than her steal her Cain.She walked down to Cain with angry face.She was clearly jealous of Rio and Rio knew that too.But the truth was Rio never thought of Cain as anything more than her brother.She always wanted to be with him though.That was something Rio knew will never happen .She knew she can't rely on Cain for ever.Also all other girls who were in that orphanage who called Cain their brother.But they knew that in some part of his heart Cain loved that girl who was walking straight to them.Rio thought of making her more jealous.She just kissed Cain on the cheek in front of Leo .And she grinned on Leo trying to tease her.But that made something inside her snap .She lost it .She caught Rio by her collar pulling her up to her face.
"Why you little....?"Leo said as she throwed Rio down to floor.She mounted on her chest.Rio was scared like hell after seeing Leo like that.She had no idea what was going on.Why was Leo behaving like this .She used to tease Leo like that all the time but this was the first time she reacted like this.Leone tried to punch her on the face.But Cain caught her hands on the middle .
"What are you doing to my little sister?Leo."Cain had an angry expression for a second on his face.Leo had never seen Cain get angry like that.He calmed down fast.Moreover she was surprised by the fact that he caught her punch.She thought that normal humans can't even see her punches.She looked at Rio and seeing her face made her get even more angrier.Cain pulled Leo up and hold her both hands to her body which made Leo not able to move as she wanted.
"Unhand me.I am going to beat that brat to death."Leo said with her anger rising through the anger.Leo was pissed off by the fact that she couldn't move by just a human's lock.
"Calm down .She is just a kid."Cain said trying to calm Leo down.He said letting Leo go.Leo turned towards Cain.
"She can kiss you cause she is a kid .Why can"t I kiss you I am a kid too I am just 14 year old KID"Leo yelled.Rio was now up and had tears on her eyes.She was regretting what she just did.It was clear from her face how much she loved Cain.Leo had never said to Cain about her feelings but she knew Cain already knew that fact.But still he never showed any interest on her.
"I don't see you as a kid "Cain said with a nice voice.
"But NO ONE ,NO ONE can kiss you other than ME."Leo yelled.All that made Leo sigh.It even made her cough due to dry throat.
"Hey calm down Leo.Look I can't kiss you cause you are just a friend right now.You have never even told me your feelings properly.But she is different.She have clearly said to me how much she needs me.Its not just her everybody here is the same.She can kiss me she is my lil sister.A part of my family.Everybody here is my family."Cain said showing how much he cared about his friends on that orphanage.
"Orphanage is not your family" Leo said screaming.She was crying by now. Everybody in that orphanage was stunned by that. They had been together for so many years .They really are like a family and no one was ready to hear someone insult their family.
"They may not be related to blood with me we may look different and be different but everyone of them believes in me And they all cares for me .And they expect me to take care of them .That is what a family is."Cain explained.Leo never had love from family due to her background.
"Family don't kick their children out when they become adult."Leo stated that.She knew that everybody had to leave the orphanage while they turned 18.
"They all have to leave the house someday."Cain said the obvious thing.
"You don't understand .I AM YOUR FAMILY and I LOVE YOU"Leo finally said her feelings to Cain.But Cain didn't had a change of expression.
"I will not say I don't love you.Maybe I love you even I don't know about that.But you will always be my friend till I.........."Cain tried to say but Leo got angry by that.Leo caught Cain's hand and screamed "teleport" forgetting the fact that she was doing it in front of people.They were now in the banks of a near by river which usually had no people around.She unhanded Cain.
"You think you are strong aren't you Cain.That"s what you think when you saved me from those bullies or When you saved Rio right now."Leo asked with tears all over her face.Cain still had the same blank face he usually had.
"What are you talking about that all of a sudden."Cain asked.
"Answer me .Wait! Why aren't you surprised to see my magic?."Leo asked as she realized she did teleport in front of people and Cain didn't seemed surprised by it.Leo was suspecting some thing by now.She had heard about a legendary hero who came from earth and became as strong as Solomon in a few months.She began to think it was Cain.
"Anybody can do that.Its just a trick right like the one from the bunny in the box."Cain answered.
"What??"Leo was shocked by his answer.Leo forgot that he was master playing with human mind.
"You asked me if I am strong .I am strong enough to defeat a zombie dragon in the least"Cain said with a laugh.It looked to Leo like he was making fun of her and joking about dragons.
"Don't joke about that .Do you even know how powerful dragons are they can make you fly away with a breath you fool."Leo said as she had fought dragons and she knew very well how powerful they can be.
"Like you have seen a real one ."Cain said teasing Leo.
"What if I have.If you are so confident in fighting.Then fight me"Leo challenged Cain stepping back and getting into her usual fighting stance.
"Why ? But still you got a nice stance.It is your original right.It don't have any openings if you look from human eyes.You have gotten quite strong I give you that."Cain said after analyzing her stance.It seemed like he was a master in martial arts.
"If I win you have to leave the orphanage come and live with me."Leo said her prize.This made Cain's expression change from his usual expression to a serious expression.
"Oh you think you can beat me then just bring it."Cain said as he stepped on to his own stance.Leo seen that stance before it looked like her teacher's stance.But it looked more perfected.Leo rushed forward with her fist storing a small amount of power as she knew her one punch could kill a human. Leo throwed her fist towards him but Cain dodged it with ease.
"Tell me how do you know that stance."Leo asked as she stepped forward and turned back after her punch.
"I made it .Have you seen it before."Cain asked.Leo again rushed forward increasing her power going for his gut looking for a knockout.But it was caught by Cain in the middle.
"Yes the one who taught me to fight used almost same stance."Leo said as she struggled to puller her hands back.But it was vain.Cain pulled her and threw her backwards.
"But it looks like she was weaker than me.You should have asked me else."Cain said looking at Leo.She almost fell down but somehow she kept herself on feet.She couldn't believe that she was being overpowered by Cain.Leo rushed forward to Cain with a combo of fists and kicks.She couldn't hit Cain at all.Cain was dodging them all with ease.It looked like his body was dodging all the attacks without him really reacting to them.She thought he had unlocked what was known between heroes as the mind of null.It was really hard fighting heroes with that. Lera knew how to use that but she never used that while training with her.There were only a few heroes in the kingdom who unlocked mind of null.
"I asked you but you refused remember?"Leo asked Cain.Leo went forward with a straight kick.Cain fell back to ground before that hit and kipped back up and he back flipped and got a few steps back.
"Yeah I remember.I still think you don't need to fight."Cain said dropping his stance.Leo charged forwards looking to take advantage of the opening.Before she knew she was fighting with Cain in the speed even faster than light.Leo didn't knew it but the space between the field was splitting due to incredible energy being released due to their motion.But somehow it was being returned to normal.Cain was still just dodging all the attacks she was doing.She was even using magic unconsciously.Leo stepped back and charged for her attack.Her entire leg got burning with flames of black color which was enveloped by lighting.Its brightness got bigger as she screamed"suntsipenaren jaurtiketa."She then attacked Cain with that attack.Leo then realized what she was doing.It was her most powerful attack she was unleashing on Cain.It was the attack that even destroyed an undead king.She thought it was all over.Her feets were almost about to touch Cain's head.She knew if it connected it could have blown an entire planet.Cain was just a human she thought.She wanted to stop but it was way too late.Leo closed her eyes.
"arsini"Cain said as he caught the kick.Leo opened her eyes.Cain's head was down and had a look on his face she had never seen.Cain threw her legs forwards.It bend back braking it from the thighs blood rushed out as Leo was screaming out due to pain.Leo used float to fall backwards.
"Recovery" Leo healed her legs and looked towards Cain.What she was not Cain.She felt like it was devil in front of her.He was walking step by step towards her.Fear stroke her entire body.She tried to get up but her body won't move because of her fear.
"L :Skip"Cain said.An other Cain which looked like a ghost appeared from the body of Cain.It next second Leo was being her neck wrenched by that Cain.And being hanged above from the ground.
"I :Skip"Cain said and many his body began to glow with a dark aura.Leo could barely see but she could clearly feel the sinister mana being emitted by Cain.Those mana covering began to take humanoid form and attacked her with speed she couldn't even see.It left her with scratches blood began to flow all over her body.Her flesh was teared apart by those images.All she was left with was just a pile of meat over her body.The Cain who was holding her in the air disappeared. And an image rushed towards her ripping her heart apart from her body.She was somehow still alive.She looked back at that image with blurry eyes.That image pressed her heart in his hand making it burst into pieces.Seeing this made her fall to her knees.She was completely out after seeing that.Her body which was just in pieces returned to normal.She looked above towards Cain.He was walking towards her with the same look in his face.What she could do was just smile at her bad luck.she waited like that for him to finish her.
"You okay Leo.You looked so scared."Cain said kneeling down placing.his hands on her shoulder.He had a gentle smile on his face.It was the face of caring Cain whom she fell in love with.
"Eh...."Leo was not excepting to see him again after that.She hugged him with all the power she had.Cain hugged her back.Tears were flowing out of her eyes.Cain had a smile on his face.
"I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry ."Leo kept apologizing to Cain.She was relived to see him back.Those few seconds where like she came face to face with the devil were the worst time of her life.This made one thing sure for her that no one can win against no matter what people say about him.
"Stop crying Leo.Tear on a woman's face is like a peanut inside a chocolate cake."Cain said with a smile.
"What......"Leo said with laugh wiping off her tears.
"I hate peanuts you know that.And chocolate cakes are one of my favorites."Cain said to cheer Leo up.
"Yes"Leo said with a smile as she placed her head on Cain's chest and he warped his hands around her.Leo thought that if that time could last forever.If she could be in the hands of her hero forever.She knew that even if they can't see it.Th truth is the one she loved was right near her and will always be protecting her.Even if he may become devil it would be for her.
to be continued
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