《TearFire》Side Story 3 : Training in the Lost world
Training in the Lost world
Leone was being pushed back in that fight after all she was fighting her teacher.She knew that this was not going to be so easy.She was being trained in various type of arts by her teacher she was named Lera. Lera was a master in the arts of magic.She was famous all over the kingdom for her magic.She was known to be the only student of the LEGEND who slayed the god.Her magic was on the level of the King Solomon one of the greatest mages ever alive thanks to his archiv der schöpfung or the archive of creation .It is said to be a power to have access to all the wisdom in the world the god has created but it could know what could have happened what is happening now or what will happen in future .This wisdom can truly be called the god's wisdom.And in some legends it is also called that this power was given by the god himself to a child .But later that child betrayed the god himself .Now that is an another story an another legend which will be told some other day .
Lera lowered her hands she spread them away from her legs slightly backwards.She focused all her energy to her hands.They began to glow in light blue energy it was shining like it was a blue hyper giant right before its explosion has been shrinked to a fer cms of diameter .It was shining so much that it lit around the whole place it was also attracting all the air around its .
"Let me show you something I learned from my master right before he went away."Lera said to her student.
She brought her hands to the front as the to star began to revolve around each other as one of them sucked out the energy of others and became more brighter until the small one disappeared into the bigger one and she released it towards Leone as she screamed"Spica Supernova"
"Are you serious Teach.It could blow up the entire solar system?"Leo said with a smile as she took her fighting stance.
"I know you won't let that happen.And if it really does blow up a planet or two we are on the training chamber it won't affect the real world."Lera said while charging towards Leo.
"You are right Teach.You are always right."Leo said bringing her hands in front trying to stop that attack.
Leone caught that huge star with her hand stopping it from going beyond her .She tried to stop it right there by absorbing all the energy from it but it was still really far for her her to absorb energy from an attack of that caliber.The recoil from that attack was already so strong that it almost send her flying away. She blocked it with her most powerful defense technique which she learned a few months earlier she still didn't perfected it though but it was the only way. She activated a barrier which looked so dark that you could see your self in it she was taught its name as "inferns de meravello" .She didn't knew what it meant though .The barrier was mean't to absorb any type of attack and transform it into mana no matter it was a made of pure energy or if it had a physical nature or even physical attack like punches could have been absorbed by that barrier which other magical barriers couldn't do .She could have used it any time and it was like an advantage for her .She knew if she had to be the hero which she wanted to be this one skill is going to help her a lot.She still hadn't perfected it .She could easily absorb any attack made of pure energy perfectly which had made her a center of attraction for those guys who are already heroes of level 1 and she was well know as a prodigy on the kingdom for her speed of learning and defeating a level 8 hero on her level 1 was an amazing feat.She could also absorb any magic attack with a physical nature.
Magic had primarily 7 types of nature Fire,Water,Void,Electric,Sound,Light and Darkness. In this most common form of magic was fire,lightning and water everybody in the kingdom has to learn it.It was a rule for their kingdom so nobody needed .But they cost only small mana so damage from those attacks would be very less.Unless you combine it with the other type of magic which is sound and void magic .They used more mana than the primary types of magic but anybody who wanted to learn that could learn it .But you had to work for it.Sound magic is used to amplify anything around them it could make even small candle bright like a sun if used correctly and Void magic is something people call telekinesis it could be used to do things like moving huge things with mana or reading someones mind or hypnotizing someone.If used with sound magic it could be also used in controlling a magical attack. So a hero of level 8 or above could use at least 5 types of magic with 3 being elemental magic one sound magic and one magic with combination of sound plus one elemental magics.Light and Dark magic were so limited in the city but they were so powerful and they were very hard to achieve even some heroes above level 40 couldn't do an attack of those types.Light magic was primarily creating things using magic energy without any presence of users mana on it.These types of magic required high amount of mana which normal humans or even other beings like orcs or elfs couldn't afford .Lera was a mistress of these types of attacks thanks to all those years she spend with TearFire. Darkness type of magic was even rarer than the Light magic.No one ever has achieved it unless he has lived more than an eon .The only man in the kingdom who could use dark magic was the King.Dark magic was primarily controlling of time and creating time itself .Lera had once tried to do the dark magic but it left her almost dead not being able to actually do it.
Leone still couldn't block a physical attack completely using her inferns de meravello it was supposed to but she was doing something wrong at that till now.So since the attack from Lera was a Light natured attack it dragged her to about 100 meters ahead from where she was standing.But she knew something that this was not supposed to be like this .If this was the same as she was 2 years back then she wouldn't be alive right now .She had become so much stronger than that but she still wasn't satisfied why was she still so weak in front of the one she wants to show her strength.As her mind wavered into an event from the past .
2 years ago
A 11 year old Leone was staring into the skies above she was looking at the stars .As she laid in the cold but still some what warm lap of mother earth covered in the green grass she looked at the star Spica .Cain was laying right besides her .He seemed to think something .She looked at Cain .To her Cain looked like he was looking at the stars but still he was wandering in his own world .It seemed that even though he was near her he still was somewhere really far away from her .She got up as the evening breeze of spring gently went past her blonde hair as it raised a little bit with the air.She still remembered how they first met .She thought it was her who saved him from some bullies back then . Now she thinks that she was a little tomboyish back then .And it was Cain who changed her after meeting with him she became more girly every day her room which was painted in black changed to gentle pink color and her room was full of stuffed animals with first one being a gift from Cain .But for Cain he didn't even think of it as a gift.He just won a lottery for his so called little sister from the orphanage but she didn't liked that bear so he gave it to Leo to get rid of that.She started wearing more girly clothes because she wanted Cain to notice her .She began to fall for him when she was about she was 7 .Until that almost every time she met him she would find him getting bullied by the same guys and taking punches from them .All the time she would scare those bullies away .But one day they had enough of a girl coming to rescue of a boy every time So that time a bully lost his mind and went to punch her but at that time was the first time Cain reacted to them .He caught his wrist right before a point where his fist was going to hit Leone making her fall backwards.Bully was surprised by this .Same his friends.Cain said this as he twisted the bullies hand right across his face and he threw that hands down making bully cries in pain.
"If you are going to hit a girl in her face make sure it kills her and if you are too weak to do that then......"He brought his face right to the bully and stared right into his soul through his eyes "......how about i kill you?"
What bully saw then was not a kid right their .It was not a guy saving up money to buy food they can really enjoy for his brothers and sisters in the orphanage .What he saw was a demon who was so filled with blood lust that if he stayed right their he would be eaten up as an evil grin appeared on the face of Cain.He ran for their life screaming "mommy" and his friends followed him as they saw a guy who was never afraid to do anything run away like a kid who got his candy taken away by a bully.But what Leone saw there was something different she saw a perfect version of herself in front of her.A hero was in front of her.A hero who she thought saved her life and as she looked at him sun was setting and and the light from shining sun was decorating his ripped shirt and dust was flying up from the ground as he turned to Leone and asked' "You okay Leo"
"Yes don't worry.You were always this strong then why didn't you...."Leo tried to ask him but he covered her mouth with his hands.
"You better forget this or just don't think about it with your brain. Afterall human brain can comprehend only a little part of the entire data it gets all day".Cain told her with his hands on her mouth.She removed his hands.
"At least my brain is not strong enough to comprehend what you are saying.I know that. "She said with a smile.
Cain then sighed and shook his head in dissatisfaction and went to the roadside to pickup his bag and started walking towards the orphanage and he stopped for a moment.
"And one thing stop being a hero if you can't be strong enough to be one."Cain said with his head straight towards the tower.
She came back from her flash back.She called Cain by her name a he got up and looked at her.
"What"Cain asked.
"Its actually...."She just wanted to call his name right then.She needed an excuse and she began to think one.She looked up at the sky.She saw a star she knew about.She asked"...have you heard about Spica.'
"Yes I know about it .It is one of the brightest stars in our universe right."Cain said laying down again.
"Yes but did you know that it isn't actually one star .My dad used to say that there are 2 stars in the sky which always keeps dancing together and appears as one one of them can't live without the other they are like most beautiful couples."Cain began laughing.First it was small but soon it became a huge laugh."What.....?"Leo asked hearing his laugh.
"Are you calling it romantic .It is not romance at all. It is the story of revenge One of the stars Spica a female vampire who is always sucking energy from the other star to the point that the poor male would become a zombie and it would take revenge on the vampire and his former lover by exploding and taking her down with him."Cain said as he tried to calm down his laugh.
"What !! I didn't knew it will happen"Leo said with a shocked expression
"You are still just a kid Leo.Don't mind about it ."Cain said comforting Leo.
"You too are a kid.Cain."Leo said with a teasing look on her face.
"Well I am older than how I look "Cain told her.
"How old are you right now ,huh?"
"I am 13 "
"You are 2 years older than me."Leo said with a surprised look on her face.
"Yes"Cain answered after getting up.
"Then can you teach me things more like the Spica "Leo asked getting up from there.
"I wouldn't mind.What do you want to know ?"Cain asked with a carefree face as he always have.
"Teach me how to fight off some one twice your size like you did with those bullies."Leo asked with a happy face.
"Sorry Leo.I can't teach you that.Its impossible."Cain refused
"Why.."She asked stepping near Cain.
"Cause a girl shouldn't fight with someone twice their size"Cain said pushing her back .
"That's cruel"Leo said with a disappointed face.
"Anything else"Cain asked.
"Then.............I wanna know ......"She says with in a long tone.She thinks something and smiles ".....how ..."She looked at Cain for a moment and then looked away she had a red face for a moment.
"What"Cain asked with a smile.It seemed like he knew what she was gonna ask.
"how a kiss fells ?"She asked with a fast tone.And she suddenly turned back and closed her mouth with her hands.She couldn't believe that she just asked Cain for a kiss.
"well then ......."He turned her back and he removed her hands from the mouth and looked into her eyes"...just close your eyes"Cain says.Hearing that made Leo's heart race fast like a bike.She hadn't even proposed to him yet.But she was gonna get kissed by the guy she loved.Or that was what she thought.
She felt slightly embarrassed and happy at the same time but she didn't even knew why she was doing this. But she slowly closed her eyes and waited for sometime .She waited for sometime and opened her eyes to see Cain was gone.She was disappointed .Even after she returned home she was still disappointed Even while she was going to sleep she was still disappointed .She even dreamed about that but in the dream when they were really going to kiss the alarm rang and she woke up slamming the alarm to the wall breaking it to pieces
"He was just about to kiss me you know "she said with that disappointed face
This was the time when she met the king for the first time .At first she was scared to a guy in flashy clothes in her room .She was scared so much that she went down the stairs screaming there's a weirdo in her room .When she reached her father she found out that the time was frozen all around .she even looked outside to find the birds were hanging still in the air .She was amazed when she found out that the guy in front of her was a man from the legend of Solomon and she had always been wondered about how a man could contain so much wisdom.She became a fan of him .She was brought onto the Lost world by the King .
She was introduced to her teacher .She was taken to a walk on the kingdom as Lera explained to her about magic and heroes.They reached a huge shopping mall with lots of shops like fruits shops and clothes shops also there were many shops like Armor shop and tools shop .To Leone it felt like those RPGs she used to play .She was simply amazed by all that .She asked her teacher about heroes.She answered "In this lost world almost everyone you see here are heroes,they used to live normal lives like you before they were brought here ."
"Wait you said normal lives...."Leo asked with a surprised expression.
"Yes"She answered with a straight face.
"You said normal lives......"she said with a sigh.then she screamed at the top of her voice"..... most of them are monsters"This made everyone on that place look at them and they began to discuss about what Lera was doing with a human girl.Humans were rare on the kingdom.
"no tho......"Lera tried to say but was interrupted by Leo.
"How can these monsters live normal lives"She said pointing towards those people.
"They... are .... not monsters they are more like aliens."Lera said trying to calm Leo down.
"Aliens but how ?.."Leo asked with a curious face.
"Well they come from different planets from different verses."
"Different verses .What does that mean?"Leo asked with curiosity.
"There are a many universes out there with different types of life on them and different time flow"
"Are you a human?"
"I am actually a fairy."Lera said.Leo was shocked by that fact.The fairies she knew was supposed to be small and cute.
"Then why are so big .Fairies are small right"Leo asked.
"My wings were ripped of from me while I was small and my parents left me on a jungle alone on an unknown planet "Lera said with a sigh.
"They were so cruel"Leo said with a sympathetic face.
"No they did that to save me .we fairies are small and dwarfs are our enemies and if you cut fairies wings out they will turn into a human and we will lose our magical potential but still we would be able to fight with dwarfs cause our magic doesn't work on them."Lera said clearing the misunderstanding Leo had.
"And how did you survive on that planet "Leo asked out of her curiosity.
"Somebody saved me"Lera answered.
'"I will show you but before that have you heard about 3 great legends"Lera asked.
"Yes the king told me about them ."Leo said.
"Did he told you about his best friend?"Lera asked.
"TearFire ...Yes I liked how mysterious he is he reminds me of someone."She said but her cheeks got a slight red.
Lera knew what was going on she caught it immediately that her student was on love.
"So you are in love huh."Lera asked
"What..no"She said trying to hide her embarrassment.
"You can't hide it.I too fell in love once.I will tell about that later but now we will talk about TearFire. You still haven't heard his legend yet have you"Lera asked.
"No but I want to hear It"Leo said.
"I will tell you about it But for now look at your front that is the hero everyone calls TearFire and this is the center of our kingdom" Lera said showing the giant statue on front of her.
Leone looked up to see a huge statue of an ancient legend build in front of her she was looking at it it had 2 swords each in one hand and right one was black and the other was white they were shining in the evening sun and blood was flowing from the blades drop by drop as she looked further up he was wearing a traditional brown combat suit from about a few eons before with a shining red scarf around his neck it was flowing by the wind and his eyes were literally burning in a blue fire and also she could see tears rolling out from his eyes and they were turning into vapor before they could come down from his eyes .She was amazed by the sight of the hero in front of her eyes .That was really unbelievable for her but she also felt a nostalgia that almost made some tears come out from her eyes.
to be continued
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