《The Hereafter》A Rat's Den
*POV: Wryn Radcliffe*
My mother shook me awake, splashing water from a cup onto my face.
Sitting up, I opened my eyes. "Enough..." I pressed my lips, closing my eyes. "Enough, I'm awake."
My mother placed clothes onto the bed, closing the door on her way out. "Hurry up. He's almost here."
Standing up, I put the clothes on, opening my bedroom door. Sitting down on the sofa, I gazed out the window, looking at the massive forest that lay ahead.
I wanted to explore the world, but what good would it do? Being reborn wasn't an accident, as there had to be a reason. But I couldn't help but just go with the flow...
After a decent breakfast, my father left for work. An hour later, Uncle Hedwer arrived. I waved at my mother as I walked towards the street towards the closest carriage.
Uncle Hedwer and I walked on the sidewalk, and I could help but gaze at the surroundings. The houses near were similar to mine, there were also quite a lot of people walking.
Plenty of walking later, Uncle Hedwer looked around, then at me. "Hey, kiddo, are you nervous?"
Bringing my attention to him, I looked up, shrugging. "Not really?" Continuing to walk, I whispered. "I'm kind of excited."
Raising his eyebrow, Uncle Hedwer smiled, showing his teeth. He stopped, grabbing my shoulder. "That's great, but I think..." He lowered his head, becoming face to face with me. "You should be."
I took a step back, squinting my eyes. "What?"
"You wouldn't understand," he smiled, smacking me in the face with some type of bag.
A powdery substance hit my face, causing me to fall. I clenched my eyes, trying to rub the substance off my face, but I couldn't. I felt dizzy, almost like I was about to sleep.
"Shoo-Shoo Shrooms really excel at their job," he said as I saw thousands of him. Something in the powdery substance caused me to become deranged. Everything became murky... And not long after, so did my thoughts as I plunged asleep.
Bright lights concentrated on my face, causing me to be agitated. "Stop," I covered my eyes with my hands. Gripping my fists, I stood up, opening my eyes. "I said stop!"
"It seems the rat has woken up!" A voice yelled.
I turned my head, viewing hundreds of individuals covered with masks behind bars. There were multiple layers, almost like a barbaric stadium, but that's when it hit me. I faced forward, noticing another boy.
No, I refused to believe it. It couldn't be.
"The rats may scurry!" The ominous voice yelled.
'Was I actually in a demented colosseum?' I thought, gaping at the other boy as he ran towards me in worn-down clothing.
I also only had worn-down shorts on, but that didn't matter. Why the fuck was this happening? The boy, a little younger than me, jumped onto me. Biting my arm and causing me to bleed, he forced me to grip the wound.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked the kid, pushing him off me. He didn't reply, but he sporadically bounced his head in a deranged manner,
The ominous voice exclaimed. "It seems the pup has taken damage! This sure doesn't look good to all those who betted on the older pup." Another ominous voice laughed. "Experience is the best way to bet, but no one ever listens."
The original voice chuckled. "Are you referring to me?" He added. "Whatever, we'll see."
"What the fuck is happening," I whispered as the boy ran towards me, trying to scratch me. His nails were long, cut in a pointy manner.
Running back, I yelled. "Stop, we don't-"
The boy propelled his hand into my neck, but I grabbed his wrist, using my other hand to slam his head against the wall. "Listen to me, damn it."
"OHHHHH! I told you he'd win." Ominous voice number one said. "Always bet on the older ones."
I tried looking for the voice, but couldn't find it. I instead noticed many masked individuals shake the chains that held them. Ignoring them, I took the child down to the floor, pinning my knee against his chest.
The boy tried to attack me with his hand, but I punched him in the face, holding his neck. "Please just listen to me!"
The second ominous voice snickered. "You were right."
"I'm always right," the other voice laughed. "Kill, kill, kill!"
The masked individuals began chanting, causing a ruckus. It felt as if the building was shaking. But perhaps it was just the sheer amount of individuals present.
The boy's face turned blue, so I quickly let go, standing up. But by doing so, the crowd went wild. "KILL THE RAT!"
"Well, would you look at that!" The second ominous voice angrily said.
The crowd began throwing objects at me: glass, food, and other trivial things. I rubbed my hair, yelling at the top of my lungs. "Where the hell am I!?"
A glass bottle hit me on the head, causing me to fall, but I quickly stood back up. I grabbed my head, noticing another man enter the area from a side door.
He picked up a glass bottle, slamming it against the wall. He neared the fallen boy, bashing the bottle into the boy's neck, but I avoided looking by gaping at the man's face.
"Please calm down, our dear members." The ominous voice one hesitated. "We will have all under control, and all bets will be refunded, so please calm down."
The man left the area, exiting the area through one of the doors. I stood still, trying to fathom what happened, but I couldn't get my mind around it.
Someone grabbed my shoulder, causing me to turn around, a man with an orange mask. He dragged me to the side, taking me into a door. We resided in a hallway of some sort, but that didn't matter.
The man laughed. "You're a crazy kid!" He grabbed my shoulder. "It looks like he was right! He was right!"
I ground my teeth, extending a punch toward him, but he grabbed it, squishing my wrist. I fell to the floor as he held my hand.
"Don't ruin this for us," he said, letting go of my wrist. He took his mask off, revealing he was my father's so-called friend, but he promptly put it back on. "If he was telling the truth, now they'll ask for another match. This time, kill the opponent."
Standing up, I banged my fist against the wall. "Why am I here?" Looking around, I gaped at his orange mask. "Why would I follow your orders?"
Grunting, the man slammed his head against the wall, cracking his mask and showing his eye. "Just do as I say if you want to live, then do so."
Two black masked individuals came into view, grabbing me. "The audience requests another."
My father's friend nodded his head up and down. "Do as you please."
The two black-masked individuals dragged me into the arena-like area. One of the masked individuals lowered his body, whispering into my ear. "If you fail to end the next rat, then we will kill you."
Opening my mouth, I paused, staring at the individuals. Afraid to move, I stayed still until another child entered. He waited at one end as I waited on the other.
The first ominous voice shouted. "The rats have entered the den!"
The other voice professed, calmly speaking. "We apologize for the intrusions on our sacred acts! Again all bets will be restored, so worry not! As an apology, we have a gift for you all!"
The first voice cheerily exclaimed. "The damn rat who ruined our last event will be put against the one and only, Mr. Zeno's rat!"
The second voice added. "Mr. Zeno's pup is only seven, but he sure bites like a rat!" The voice became more stern. "Fight to the death, you accursed rats!"
The boy lowered his head, running towards me. His sheer speed caused me to pause, staring at him run.
Snapping out of it, I became puzzled. 'Should I stay still and wait for him or move?' It didn't matter what I was going to do because my slow actions left me with one choice.
The boy extended his arm, nearing my body, a sharp metal shined against the light. I stepped back, grabbing his hand, forcing him to drop the knife.
The boy headbutted me, forcing me to let go, allowing him to lean down to the knife. I tried stopping him, kicking the hand he grabbed the knife with, but instead, my kick caused his hand to push the knife through his own neck.
"Shit," I whispered, closing my eyes and turning my body. I heard the body thud onto the floor, generating ferocious noise from the masked crowd.
The first ominous voice began yelling. "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!"
"I'll be damned. The pup actually killed Mr. Zeno's rat," the second voice muttered. "What a turn of events!"
The ominous voices kept talking, but I ignored them, turning my head and witnessing the masked crowd throwing various items at the dead boy. In seconds the boy was pulverized with glassed items and heavy objects. I swear, I saw a pen coming out of the boy's eyes, but maybe I was hallucinating.
Everything felt like a bad dream. For fuck sake, I was just at home, now I'm in a damn fight enclosure that these masked lunatics called a den.
Someone touched me, grabbing me. Looking back, I saw the orange masked man, but I allowed him to drag me out of the area. We both stood still facing each other, and not a word was said.
"Sit," he enthusiastically jumped up and down, almost like a child. Once I sat down, he continued. "The MIST will allow you the honor to keep scurrying! We'll even get five percent payback from the bets!"
"Why would I accept?" I gripped my fist, standing up. "I'll just tell my parents and the authorities!"
Grabbing my neck, he slammed me against the wall. He held my head back with his other hand, squishing it against the wall. "You don't have a choice, by the way, show some respect and call me Mister." He slammed my head, letting go, allowing me to fall to the floor.
My nose began bleeding, so I held it closed, fixing my gaze on the man. I stood up, unable to move.
"I'll kill your family," the man said, taking off his broken mask. "And for you, I'll make it that you wish you had died."
'This has to be fake,' I grew a fake smile as my expression began quaking.
"These impudent fools that associate with the MIST believe in pitting unskilled rats against one another. But my friend, you gave them something they haven't tasted before!" He smiled, dragging me up a set of stairs. "You gave them a taste of a skilled rat."
It wasn't until later that I understood what Hedwer meant. The children — rats — were untrained, so someone like me with a more mature mind could easily defeat them. That fact pissed me off as these masked individuals pitted children with no training against each other, and now I was one of the many damned rats.
Hedwer placed me into a carriage, throwing the white powder onto my face, causing me to sleep.
I rubbed my head, opening my eyes. Jumping up and looking around, I saw my bed and room. It was almost like I had a feverish dream, as even the bite on my arm was gone. But only if it was a dream...
My mother entered the room, smiling. "Uncle Hedwer is here to pick you up!" She came closer, hugging me. "You had so much fun! You had to be carried into the house!"
Twitching my eye, I awkwardly smiled. "Fun..."
After eating a quick breakfast, I left with him. He remained smiling as we walked to the same secluded area where he drugged me.
Grabbing my shoulder, he rubbed it. "This time, I'll wake you up when we get to your house. It will get quite suspicious if I take you in every time!" Right when he closed his mouth, he threw the same white powder on my face, causing me to sleep.
This routine repeated for many years, and needless to say, there were many times when I wanted to tell my parents, but I couldn't as they might get affected. There were even times when I wished my parents knew about my injuries, but whenever I got home, they were gone. Somehow the damn lunatic would make my injuries disappear whenever I was asleep.
I wish there was something that I learned from killing random children labeled as rats, but there wasn't. All I learned was a simple fact, I fought for the MIST, whoever they were.
So I kept doing as the lunatic — Hedwer — wanted. In the first few years, I hated what I did. Still, I didn't stop as I continued the lunatic's methods, passing my time with his nonsense. After all, my family profited from Mr. Hedwer's earnings. He wrote off the earnings from me helping him find some new plants. It was a bullshit excuse, but so was my life.
Many more years passed until something in me had enough. My boiling point was when Mr. Hedwer took me on a so-called field trip for a couple of years. My parents thought I was learning about plants, but little did they know... I was living in the MIST's chambers. During my time at the MIST chambers, I discovered the various routes and how areas were guarded. I also formed a couple of friends, slaves of the MIST.
I had enough with Hedwer and his ways, but who was I to stop? Maybe the only sanity left in me was senseless. The only reason I wanted to stop was that a voice in me told me enough was enough. Perhaps Hedwer's lunacy influenced me, but it gave me the strength to do something.
When I was around eleven, I came up with a way to escape. Most of the plan materialized during my time with the other rats. Additionally, I stole one of Mr. Hedwer's earnings. I always kept it in a bag, which I held with me at all times. Mr. Hedwer gave me a severe beating after he lost a prized gem. But, who cared, as I was the one who earned the gem...
The only problem was I needed a chance. A chance to catch Mr. Hedwer lacking. I realized the MIST wanted more from me since they desired me to be the main event. Which meant I had to toy with my prey, so I obliged, and after all, I had no choice. Even If I did, what could I do? Though it gave me an idea, what If I didn't abide?
Mr. Hedwer massaged my shoulders, hesitatingly speaking. "Hey, kiddo, you got this. Just put on a show, and MIST will give us all we want! Everything we ever desired!"
"Yeah," I whispered, closing my eyes entering the stage.
The announcer enthusiastically shouted, breathing heavily. "Ladies and gentlemen of the esteemed MIST. I am proud to announce the final event. All sacred offerings will be doubled, so please contribute to this holy time!"
"Mrs. Jackson's rat, better known as the KING of the den!" The second announcer declared, causing light to shine on the dark area, revealing the child. The announcer added, pessimistically speaking. "And on the other side, Mr. Hedwer's rat, the shadow."
The first announcer happily rambled. "May the clouds bless your givings! The holy offering shall now commence!"
'Why did it have to be him,' I stepped forward, lowering my facial expressions.
The other child walked forward until we both were face to face. The announcers and crowd went silent, waiting for us to move.
The child's solemn expression grew into a smile. "Ten more days..." He lifted his hands in the air, expanding a wide smile. "I'd rather you..."
Gaping at the boy, I clenched my teeth, extending my hand forward. I grabbed the child's neck, pushing my force onto him and applying pressure. I squished his adam's apple, causing a crunching noise.
Letting go after a minute, I rubbed my eyes, shaking my head. "Go to sleep, my friend." Standing up, I turned my head, looking around at the many masked individuals. The individuals grabbed the bars that held them back, trying to break them, but failing to do so, many began yelling and throwing objects at me.
Even Mr. Hedwer ran into the stadium, grabbing my hair, pulling me to the side. We exited the stadium, entering one of the many rooms of this accursed place. He clenched his teeth, growing a sadistic frown. "Look at what you did! Look at what you did!" Rubbing his temple with one hand, he slapped me with the other. "All you had to do was put on a show! Was that too much to ask for?!"
I grabbed my face, blood dripped down, but I remained silent, staring at the deranged man. His actions represented dread, and if I were him. Well, I would do the same.
He began crying, turning his head around. "What have you done! We could have..." He sporadically scratched his hair. "NO, NO, PLEASE GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE." Sprawling on the floor, he wailed like a baby. "But he promised!"
Taking in a deep breath, I sat down and leaned against the wall. Ignoring my surroundings, I took deep breaths. '12 years...' Smiling, I stood up, grabbing the bag in my pocket. 'It all started 12 years ago.'
"And today, it finally ends," I walked up a hallway with no guards. Wiping my face, I tried not to frown. "Thank you, Elji."
Looking back, I noticed a plethora of black-masked men attacking Hedwer, but Hedwer was far too mentally unstable to respond. Turning my head, I full-throttled, running up the hallway. Reaching a door, I opened it, inhaling the fresh air. In front of me resided a carriage with a man next to it.
"It seems like you kept your part of the deal. All the guards were gone." I whispered, handing him the bag.
The black-masked man with three orange jewels around his eyes nodded. "Get into the carriage." He hopped onto the horse while I entered the shabby wooden carriage. The masked man ordered his horse, causing the carriage to move. "In the bag, there's a change of clothes, a note, and some shroom powder. When you're done changing, apply some powder to yourself."
Taking off my old clothing, I changed into new ones. Holding the shroom powder bag, I opened it, placing some into my hand. I brought the shrooms closer to my face, but I stopped, asking. "How did you know Hedwer was going to act like that?"
"Human behavior is nothing but a pattern." He said in a deep voice. "The law of this world is that there is none."
Not thinking much of his message, I splashed the drug onto my face, forcing me to fall asleep.
"WAKE UP!" A voice echoed in my ear, causing me to jolt up.
I opened my eyes — already standing on my feet — seeing my house's door. I knocked on the door, realizing I was also holding a letter, but before I could examine it, the door opened.
My mother's face brightened up as she reached for a hug, tightening her grip around me. Standing still, I let her grip me, trying not to let my emotions show.
I closed my eyes, letting out a deep exhale. "Enough, let me go." Freeing myself from her grasp, I entered my house. I felt calm, almost like I was freed from shackles, but it wasn't over. I still had to explain Hedwer's departure.
"Is father sleeping?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "Un... Uncle Hedwer left a note for you guys. It was fairly important."
My mother extended her hand towards me, reaching for the note. Extending the letter towards her hand, I let her take it. Nearing my bedroom, I waved. "I'll be going to sleep."
"Goodnight," my mother whispered, ripping the letter open.
I jumped onto my bed, covering myself with my blanket. I knew that I had succeeded. Hedwer was definitely slaughtered by now, and for me, the damn MIST doesn't care enough to find one missing rat. After all, they're the ones who kill children when they're thirteen.
All that was left was for my parents to read the note. The note contained why Hedwer left on his bullshit expedition. Little do they know, he would never come back...
'But now what?' I thought, staring at the darkness. 'Now what...'
I couldn’t justify my actions over the years. I thought once I stopped, the past would be history. But I guess those actions I committed would have to live on with me, but for now, I'd store them far away until I was ready to confront them...
So that was what I did. I kept the past behind and instead looked forward to a better future. It helped that my parents stopped talking about Hedwer after reading the note. Though, just letting time pass and enjoying small acts like learning language, math, and other bullshit helped.
And just like that, a few months of my time easily passed, until one random day. Unfortunately, it all drastically changed from that day. My peace became uncertain...
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