The Hereafter Chapter 1
I grabbed the child's neck, pushing my force onto him. Applying pressure, I squished his adam's apple, causing a crunching noise.
Letting go after a minute, I rubbed my eyes, shaking my head. "Go to sleep..." Standing up, I turned my head, looking around at the many masked individuals. The individuals grabbed the bars that held them back, trying to break them, but failing to do so, many began yelling and throwing objects at me.
Even Mr. Hedwer ran into the stadium, grabbing my hair, pulling me to the side. We exited the stadium, entering one of the many rooms of this accursed place. He clenched his teeth, growing a sadistic frown. "Look at what you did! Look at what you did!" Rubbing his temple with one hand, he slapped me with the other. "All you had to do was put on a show! Was that too much to ask for?!"
Grabbing my face, I remained silent, staring at the deranged man. His actions represented dread, and if I were him. Well, I would do the same.
He began crying, turning his head around. "What have you done! We could have..." He sporadically began scratching his hair. "NO, NO, PLEASE GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE."
Taking in a deep breath, I sat down and leaned against the wall. Ignoring my surroundings, I took deep breaths. '12 years...' Smiling, I stood up, grabbing the bag in my pocket. 'It all started 12 years ago.'
I tried moving my head towards it, but I couldn't manage. "No, I can't die, not like this!"
"Please, not like this," I mustered with all my strength.
My eyes quivered as I tried to stand back up. The pain fluctuated throughout my body, causing me to tremble.
I rolled in misery, biting my finger in a cry of relief.
Attempting to scream, I opened my mouth. The distress in my body made it impossible to function.
I rested on the floor, staring at the blurry surroundings, gasping for air.
I always believed in the phrase, your life flashes before you die as a myth. But as I was on the verge of death, I couldn't help but recollect my past. It made me realize how chained down I was to those around me.
I wanted to live... Live for me...
After a certain point, the pain became incomprehensible. I wasn't sure if it was minutes or hours, but I became numb. All I could do was gaze at blurred images, my body becoming motionless.
I tried laughing. "At least I have something to look forward to." I always believed in Heaven and Hell. So, I presumed that Heaven awaited me.
Did I need to be sad? I had lived a life of satisfaction, but I'd be lying to myself if I fully believed that. Living my life for others yet-
My thoughts were interpolated as my body gave in. The whole world around me started turning black.
Darkness ensued for a long-lasting period until I glimpsed something peculiar. 'Is that light,' I questioned, witnessing bright light breach my eyelids.
The darkness that ensued had turned colorful once I opened my eyes. I tilted my head from left to right, observing where I was. Two individuals stood, a female to my left and a male to my right
I lowered my head, noticing a stomach as I attempted to walk, but to no avail. 'Why was I so high up in the air?'
It appeared as if some giant female held me as she laid down. The laid-down woman holding me moved her arms to the right, handing me to the other woman.
The woman grabbed me and turned me around, facing me to the floor. I fluttered in her hands, trying to reposition myself but unable to do so.
While I tried to move around in her hand, I noticed her arm extended upwards, nearing me. She slapped me on my ass!
"Fuuuucccc!" I began whaling like a baby goat. I cursed out the damn hag who hit me, but only shrieks came out.
The lady holding me turned me around, smiling. "Your baby boy here is relatively healthy. However, he's quite underweight and rather small for babies."
The lady wiped my face with a towel, proceeding to clean the rest of my body.
'There was no way. No, I refused to believe it,' I blinked, staring at the lady cleaning me. 'Am I a baby?!'
The lady cleaning me handed me to the male figure. She made her way to the female who laid down. "Close your eyes, and all will be well," she said.
Before I could examine the male, an astonishing sight occurred.
Diverting my attention to the females, the lady who had held me extended her hands, nearing the laid down female. She used some sort of device, flashing a ray of light at who I presumed was my mother. That device was indescribable, mostly because I had no idea where she held it!
All I witnessed was a wave of light hitting at who I assumed was my mother. I wasn't sure what occurred, but the once exhausted female was now fully refreshed and lively.
'Did the device heal my mother,' I questioned, staring at her. 'Was it even acceptable to call her mother?' It was weird to believe, so I didn't mind much about that fact.
It occurred to me that I could somewhat understand the individuals. It felt like I knew what the others were saying, but it was like a second language. No, it was more like a fourth language.
I caught a glance at my mother, offering the lady some type of coins. I assumed the coins were the currency used in the world.
I tilted my head, peeking at my mother and the other woman — I assumed she was a doctor. But before I could fully observe them, the male began walking, heading into another room.
I was put onto a small bed as the male left — I assumed he was my father.
I guessed the small bed would have to do. I so far could deem that my parents were either poor or were really humble. The observation stemmed from the small house and that there was little to no decoration. Or perhaps those were the only aspects that I had yet seen.
Rolling onto my shoulder, I tried to sleep on the petit bed that my father placed me on. Though sleep didn't seem like a viable option, I squinted my eyes in pain, tears running down them.
My emotions were out of place, causing my head to ache in pain. Maybe it was because that lady slapped me on my ass, but damn!
I didn't know how to feel. One second I was dying and facing the most significant defeat life had ever presented me. Now, I was here, somewhat excited about what a new life could offer. Was I even allowed to be happy?
The world wasn't Heaven for sure. Everything I had read about Heaven was nothing similar.
I guess it was safe to assume that I had been reincarnated.
'Maybe I was reincarnated for-' I tried to continue thinking, but my tiny body couldn't keep up as I fell into a deep slumber.
"Good Morning, Wryn!" My mother shouted, obnoxiously shaking me awake.
What the hell! I should be waking my mother up, not the other way around.
'Hold up. My name is Wryn!?' I gaped at my mother, tugging my lips to the left.
Not a bad name! Honestly, the name was way more original than my old one, so no complaints from me. I would later learn that my full name was Wryn Ruhtra Radcliffe.
After the frightening wake-up, I was fed by my mother, which I do have to say wasn't the most comfortable situation.
Shivers were sent down my spine whenever I thought about it... It's not like I was at fault since I didn't choose a new life. How could I possibly be in the wrong for fulfilling my hunger?
Additionally, my young body wasn't ideal. I always got tired, which led me to sleep way more. The sleep didn't help my desire to learn more about the new world. For the time being, I had to just deal with my mother's obnoxious wake-up routines.
My mother's long blond hair was rather annoying to choke on whenever she tried kissing me on the forehead or shaking me awake. She was lean and short, and I'd estimate around five feet and two inches. I prayed that my genetics wouldn't screw me over, but only the future would reveal that...
My father was slim and had a small mass of muscles. I didn't know how to put it. He had muscles, yet it seemed like they couldn't get any bigger. I think he reached his genetic limit. I assumed he was five foot six inches. Damn it, my genetics weren't looking too good...
Worst case scenario, I'd end up looking like my father when I grew up. It wasn't that big of a deal because he looked average, and it wasn't the end of the world.
Speaking about my father, he was no better at holding back.
Whenever he'd come home, the first thing he'd do was hug me, tossing me high up into the air. I got nauseous every single time, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't totally enjoy it.
My early life was mundane, almost like playing a video on repeat. Every day was tedious: a gruesome wake-up call, a hug by my father, the occasional shower, and of course, my daily meals.
It wasn't all that bad, though; there were some instances of excitement.
When I was around two, I had the brilliant idea that maybe I was an Isekai protagonist. It wasn't my brightest idea, but maybe I was?
From the manga I read in my previous world, the reincarnated protagonist always had a hidden voice within them. That voice helped them in their new world, so like any sane baby with the IQ of an adult, I tried to conjure the hidden power within me by concentrating on my breathing.
I sat crisscrossed on my bed, breathing in and out. "What the hell! It's working," I whispered, closing my eyes and tightening them.
I felt my whole body shaking, finally hearing the voice! "Wryn, did you do an oopsie?" My mother said in an embarrassed tone, picking me up.
Damn it! I shat my pants... I was two and couldn't even control my bowel.
Regardless, most of the so-called exciting moments were just me embarrassing myself. My life ultimately started to get less bland when I became three.
I was given a book regarding language, as a birthday present. I studied the book rigorously, trying to understand the subtle differences of my old language. Plus, it may have been suspicious that I was barely speaking to my parents. I wasn't sure if it was acceptable for a three-year-old to even talk, but there was no harm in learning.
Over three years, I had learned a few details. One, my mothers' name was Aria Radcliffe. Two, my fathers' name was Winton Radcliffe. Three, we were dirt poor...
It was pretty obvious to tell that we were poor. My first gift was a damn book! Though, I didn't trouble much over it. Since in my previous life, I had also been poor.
I was hoping my reincarnation was a gift bestowed onto me for all the hardships of my previous life. If that wasn't the reason, then why was I reincarnated?
I found myself recalling all the bland memories of my past while sitting on our handmade couch. I glanced out of our window, detecting myself lost in thoughts.
"Go to sleep, Wryn!" My mother exclaimed.
'Oh, how I long to get older,' I thought, standing up and slumping to my room.
With a tired tone, I whispered. "Goodnight, mother. Goodnight, father."
Jumping onto my fairly new bed, I tucked myself into the blanket. 'I desired a better day,' I thought, relaxing my legs and arms. Closing my eyes, I blanked out, sleeping.
It was at five when my dull life had ultimately changed. For better or worse, it changed. My parents invited my father's colleague over for dinner, or more correctly, a former colleague.
I helped my mother clean the house, and we finished quickly. Partially because there wasn't much to clean, it was rewarding nonetheless. After a few hours, my father and a man came into the house. My mother and I remained seated on the sofa, quickly getting up, nearing them.
My father smiled, hands around the man's shoulder. They both seemed a little tipsy but managed to walk to the sofa, sitting on it.
The man pointed at me, tilting his head. "What's his name?"
My father flicked the man's head. "That's my son, Wryn." My father stood up, approached me, giving me a hug. "Wryn, let me introduce you to my old colleague, Gemane Hedwer."
"You can call me Uncle Hedwer," the man smiled, yawning.
My father gave a thumbs up, laughing. "Good idea!"
I didn't want to refer to a random person with Uncle, but I'd abide by such an insignificant detail.
My mother rolled her eyes, holding two plates of food. "Dinner is ready." She handed the plates to my father and Uncle Hedwer... She signaled me to come to grab my own plate, so I did.
Everyone finished eating, allowing a conversation to arise. The once playful environment died into a serious one.
My father's smile grew into a solemn expression. "Gemane, what possibly could be so important that my family also had to know?" My father placed his plate on the table, staring at Uncle Hedwer.
Uncle Hedwer stood up, blushing. "Mr. Radcliffe and Mrs. Radcliffe, not only did you folk help me when I basically had nothing, but you allowed me to mentor under your work. Winton, I know I didn't last long in your work since us r-'' Shaking his head, he continued. "I became a botanist, and it truly wouldn't be possible without you."
My father coughed, standing up. "Boy, get to the point."
"I came all the way to Darka the moment I heard your child. I knew I had to help," he turned his head to me, insisting. "Allow Wryn to shadow under my wing. I would like to repay the debt that I owe you..."
Remaining seated, I stared at my mother and father, who appeared shocked more than happy. My mother shook her head. "My husband didn't help you to be repaid."
Uncle Hedwer glared at the floor. "I know, but at times like these..." He looked up, "This could really help you folk."
My father placed his hand on Uncle Hedwer's shoulder. "Fine, but as long as Wryn agrees."
Everyone looked at me, awaiting a response. Should I say yes or no... Apparently, it will help my family if I comply, but what had my family done for me? What had they done for me to make me say yes?
"Sure," I muttered, taking a sip of water.
"How will he mentor you?" My father asked.
Uncle Hedwer smiled, sitting back down. "We actually have a laboratory at Darka, so it's no problem! No problem at all."
My mother tugged her lips to the right, creating eye contact with my father. "It's too soon."
'Too soon for what?' Reaming seated, I gaped at them.
"Perhaps, but it's for the best." My father ignored my mother. "Gemane, when does Wryn start?"
Standing up, Uncle Hedwer answered. "Tomorrow." He neared my house's exit. "It's getting dark, so I should leave now. Anyways, Wryn and I have to wake up early for work!"
My father followed the man out of the house, leaving my mother and me alone. She grabbed my shoulder, smiling. "Go to sleep. It's getting late."
Nodding my head up and down, I entered my room, getting on my bed. 'Listen and obey,' I placed a pillow on my head, slowly falling to sleep.
*POV: Winton Radcliffe*
"Are things getting any better," my wife asked, sitting down on our bed. She began crying, veering her head downwards. "Please say they are."
I let out a sigh, approaching her and sitting down. I grasped her from the shoulder. "What can we non-mages do compared to those who possess capabilities that are far beyond our imagination?"
She moved her head, looking up at me. "So nothing has changed..."
"Nothing, but I'll find a way," I gulped, trying not to cry. "I'll find a way. I swear that I'll find a way."
My wife stood up, forcing me to let go of her. "So having Wryn mentor him was your best option?!"
"You know I'm trying," I rubbed my temples. "I can't just magically create a better life. Especially in these times!"
My wife lowered his lips, tearing up. "Can't we ask the Goode's for help?"
"You know we can't just do that." I sniffed, looking away from her.
"Foolishness," my wife said, crossing her arms. "You idiot..."
I went onto the bed, covering myself with the blanket. "We'll talk about this later."
"Fine," she said, getting onto the bed. "I'll make sure we talk about this! For now, good night." She kicked me on the leg, closing in, and hugging me.
"Good night," I replied, rubbing the tears off my cheeks.
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